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conceiving 发音

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英:  美:

conceiving 中文意思翻译





conceiving 常用词组

conceive of ─── 设想;想象

conceiving 短语词组

1、conceiving baby ─── 怀孕婴儿

2、conceiving over 40 ─── 怀孕超过40岁

3、conceiving pregnancy ─── 怀孕

4、conceiving a child ─── 怀孕

5、conceiving a boy ─── 怀男孩

6、conceiving ada movie ─── 构思ada电影

7、conceiving after methotrexate ─── 甲氨蝶呤后受孕

8、conceiving meaning ─── 构思意义

conceiving 词性/词形变化,conceiving变形

动词第三人称单数: conceives |动词过去式: conceived |形容词: conceivable |副词: conceivably |动词现在分词: conceiving |名词: conceivability |动词过去分词: conceived |

conceiving 同义词

believable | credible | likely | thinkable |imaginable | plausible | accessible | possible | achievable | potential | feasible

conceiving 反义词


conceiving 相似词语短语

1、conniving ─── adj.纵容的;默许的;v.纵容;默许;假装不见;共谋(connive的ing形式)

2、reconceiving ─── 再认识

3、concealing ─── v.隐藏(conceal的ing形式);掩饰;n.隐藏;掩饰;adj.隐藏的;遮掩的

4、concerting ─── n.音乐会;一致;和谐;vt.使协调;协同安排;vi.协调;协力;adj.音乐会用的;在音乐会上演出的

5、concaving ─── adj.凹的,凹面的;n.凹面;v.使变凹形

6、conceiting ─── n.自负;狂妄;幻想;vt.幻想

7、conserving ─── v.节省;保护,保藏;将……制成蜜饯(conserve的现在分词)

8、concerning ─── prep.关于;就…而言;v.涉及;使关心(concern的ing形式);忧虑

9、conceding ─── v.弃权让步(concede的ing形式)

conceiving 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、A source said: "Angelina's doctors told her she has a strong chance of conceiving twins if she does it within two years after having her first pair. ─── 一位消息人士称:“安吉丽娜的医生告诉她,如果她在生完第一对双胞胎后的两年内再怀孕,那么怀上双胞胎的几率会很大。

3、In conceiving, she took the initiative to do relevant research work, and tried to fully understand the work into which she integrated her ideas. ─── 她在方案构思阶段积极展开调研工作,将自己的疑惑与问题融入问卷调查中,充分理解设计意图。

4、And conceiving the world in mind, and willing and uttering the Word, he made it; ─── 祂想到要造世界,祂也愿意,祂一出命,世界就造成了。

5、At 21, when a woman is at peak fertility and 90% of her eggs are normal, her chance of conceiving in any given cycle is 24%. ─── 21岁是女人的最佳受孕期,其90%的卵细胞是正常的,她在任何特定周期的受孕机会是24%。

6、While Liu's work is aimed at helping those having difficulty conceiving, Kuwabara's is designed to help women who suffer miscarriages or very premature births. ─── 刘博士的研究是为了帮助不孕妇女,而桑原的研究是为了帮助容易流产或早产的妇女。

7、Traffic Sociology: Conceiving on the New Applied Sociology ─── 交通社会学:对一门新生应用社会学的构想

8、Your very best time for conceiving a baby will be at one of the new moons this spring, especially any time after March 15, April 14, and May 13. ─── 你怀孕的最好时机实在这个春天的某个新月,尤其是三月15号、四月14号还有五月13号之后的任何时候。

9、Thinking is more than just conceiving ideas and drawing inferences; ─── 思维不只是构思出新的概念和推断结论。

10、To ensure a healthier pregnancy, the report also urges doctors to counsel women to lose weight before conceiving. ─── 为确保一次更健康的怀孕,该报告还敦促医生要劝告女性在受孕之前减肥。

11、Thirdly, the conceiving of constructing TPIS is put forward, and it"s general structure and main functions are designed primarily. ─── 提出了构建旅游规划信息系统平台的设想,对该系统的总体结构和主要功能进行了初步设计。

12、A friend of the couple tells the mag: "Angie's doctors told her that she has a strong chance of conceiving twins if she does it within two years after having her first pair. ─── “她最近经常去看妇产科医生,安吉丽娜和皮特他们俩也很关注这个事情。当然,他们在房事方面也非常努力!””

13、The following essay discusses the process of conceiving a story and developing it into a perfect work of art. ─── 以下的短文将讨论小说的酝酿过程,以及作家是如何将这小说雕琢成一件精致完美的艺术品 。

14、Or is there something about the individual that is lost when the mystical act of conceiving a person becomes standardized into a mere act of photocopying one? ─── 或者当孕育个体的神秘行为标准化为简单的个体复制时,个体的一些特性是否会遗失呢?

15、If you were thinking of having a baby, this would be a superb month to try for a pregnancy, to fill out adoption papers, or if you have had difficulty conceiving, to see a fertility specialist. ─── 如果你考虑要一个孩子,这个月非常适合尝试怀孕,签署收养协议,或如果你难以受孕,去看看专科大夫。

16、For years, doctors have warned men having trouble conceiving to stay away from hot baths and whirlpool tubs. Is the concern warranted? ─── 好几年,医师已经警告男性在构思从热浴和漩涡浴盆离开方面有麻烦。担心被保证吗?

17、Many up-to-date design techniques like the concurrent design, three dimensions modeling, integrated method are adopted in the process of collectivity scheme conceiving. ─── 并采用并行设计、三维造型、集成设计等方法进行了关节总体方案的设计。

18、"Conceiving, perhaps, that the wearer of this brilliantly embroidered badge must needs be a personage of high dignity among her people." ─── 他们或许以为佩戴这个光彩动人的丝绣徽记的人准是她那一伙人中德高望重的人士。

19、He was apparently better at conceiving things than explaining them (unheard of in a mathematician, eh?) and suggested that Ada expand the article with her own notes. ─── 与解释事物相比,他显然更善于构思(在数学家中前所未闻,是吗?),他建议艾达用她自己的笔记扩充文章。

20、Thou does make us Marble with too much conceiving," Milton had told Shakespeare in that poem. ─── 你把我们变成了一个有太多设想的石头“,弥尔顿在这首诗中这样告诉莎士比亚。

21、his work during the opposition to the Japanese invasion of China, and most enthusiastically he talked about his work in conceiving and then building the movement that he called Gong Ho. ─── 他还充满激情的谈他构思和建立工合运动的历程。

22、In transgressing and lying against the LORD, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood. ─── 就是悖逆不认识耶和华,转去不跟从我们的神,说欺压和叛逆的话,心怀谎言,随即说出。

23、in a manner or to a degree possible of conceiving. ─── 以可以想象的方式;或达到可以想象的程度。

24、She said she's worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby. ─── 她说她是有关得到烦恼脂肪,但是在她身上脸构思有无法隐藏的快乐一宝贝。

25、Conceiving on adopting matrix management in an upgraded merger university ─── 合并升本院校实行矩阵管理的构想

26、They Rely On Empty Pleas, They Speak Lies, Conceiving Mischief And Begetting Iniquity. ─── 他们仗著无知的主张,他们说谎,蓄意迷惑众人,而招致不正当的行为.

27、Total Conceiving for State Capital Management in Investment on Fixed Assets Project ─── 固定资产投资项目国家资本金管理的总体构想

28、It is entirely normal to try for up to 12 months before conceiving. ─── 怀孕之前尝试12个月也是完全正常的。

29、eight conceiving periods ─── 八位胎藏

30、Conceiving of Chinese School of Violin and Thinking on Nationalisation Issues ─── 中国小提琴学派构想与民族化问题思考

31、His mind, atrophied by the stultifying work he did day in day out, was incapable of conceiving any hopes or dreams other than those connected with the Admiralty. ─── 他那副被各种令人愚蠢的日常工作而耗损的头脑,除了那些和他的部里相关事务之物,早已没有其他的思想、其他的希望及其他的梦想了。

32、She said she's worrying about getting fat, but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby. ─── 她说她是有关得到烦恼脂肪,但是在她身上脸构思有无法隐藏的快乐一宝贝。

33、13 In transgressing and lying against the LORD, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood. ─── 13就是悖逆不认识耶和华、转去不跟从我们的神、说欺压和叛逆的话、心怀谎言、随即说出。

34、It was certainly very innovative, a new way of conceiving of the Opening Ceremony. ─── 整个演出铁定是很有创意的,演绎开幕式的全新思路。

35、Therefore, we think about conceiving new evaluation system, including skill test, written test, method and aptitude test and performance evaluation. ─── 对此,就构建高中物理新课程毕业评价体系作出了比较全面的思考,包括技能考核、纸笔测验、方法与能力考核、表现评价等。

36、Respecting Natural Economy Regulations and Conceiving Hilly Area Agriculture in Southern Gansu ─── 尊重自然经济规律圈层构建陇南山地农业

37、The Conceiving of Perfection of the People's Juror System Our Country ─── 关于完善我国人民陪审员制度的思考

38、But with a more remote event, we see its inevitable consequences, which prevent our conceiving of anything else as possible. ─── 如果我回忆更远的十年或更多的时间以前的那一次行动,那么,我就觉得我现在这次行动产生的后果更为明显;

39、Return to Nature: Create an Ecological Community Environment--Presentation of Design Conceiving for Zhuhaishuiyun in JiangNan Chuncheng ─── 回归自然:缔造生态的社区环境--浅析江南春城·竹海水韵规划设计构思

40、Abstract: Technological innovation is a value system of originally social activities from conceiving new conceptions to producing new artifacts, it takes place among human , nature and technology. ─── 文章摘要: 技术创新是一种在人与自然、人与人、自然与自然之间展开的由新技术构思到新技术物品生产的创新性社会活动价值系统。

41、layout conceiving ─── 布局构思

42、Conceiving of Taking "Mathematical Experiment" as a Elective Course in Polytechnic ─── 在高职院校开设"数学实验"选修课的设想

43、Some conceiving is given onhow to use the insurance capital in the future, and suggestion on risk control ofinvestrnent is raised in the article. ─── 并对未来保险资金的运用提出了构想和对保险资金的投资风险控制提出了一些建议。

44、relationships sexually transmitted diseases and the inadvisability of conceiving in one's teens are relegated to the optional “personal social and health education”. ─── 两性关系、性传播疾病、未成年人怀孕的不明智做法被降级为一门”个人、社会及健康教育”的选修课。

45、A conceiving method of the series of products based on profile form was presented.The product design process named Cluster Control System for Area Lighting was introduced as an example. ─── 摘要提出了一种基于产品形态的系列产品的构思方法,并以区域照明控制系统为例,详细介绍了系列产品进行构思设计的过程。

46、A discussion on design conceiving of Von Neumann model computer ─── 关于冯·诺依曼型计算机设计思想的探讨

47、Primary conceiving on setting up quality control system of autopsy in medical tangle ─── 医疗纠纷中尸体检验鉴定质量控制体系的初步设想

48、Transgressing and denying Jehovah, And turning away from our God; Speaking oppression and revolt, Conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood. ─── 13就是悖逆不认耶和华,转去不跟从我们的神;说欺压和叛逆的话,心怀谎言并且说出。

49、The paper deepens planning opinion into three conceiving level: planning conception, planning intention, and planning artistic conception. ─── 摘要将规划意深化为规划立意,规划意图、意旨、规划意境意趣三类构思层次。

50、There are usually a multitude of things in the architectural conceiving and design. ─── 导致其建筑物的构思和设计常常是千头万绪。

51、Men of perfect practice don't care the seriousness, the right and wrong of worldly affairs. They resign themselves to adversity, not requiring, not refusing, not conceiving and not chasing. ─── 世俗的事对他们而言没有大小、轻重、是非之分。他们都是逆来顺受,不迎不拒,不谋不求。何谓真人?古之真人,不逆寡,不雄成,不谟士。

52、We take our great pains on network producing to provide thoughtful service for artiste.We refine on every step from network conceiving, designing, producing to finish. ─── 在网站制作方面可谓费尽心思,只为能为艺人做出最完美体贴的服务,从网站构思,设计,制作到完成,每一步都力求精益求精。

53、It is particularly gratifying to learn that her gloss on my idea "tizhi " took on new shades of meaning readily accessible to the general readership: "Thinking is more than just conceiving ideas and drawing inferences; ─── 令我欣慰的,是她对我“体知”思维方式的诠释,使之有了全新意义,让广大读者能够体会到这种思维方式:“思维不只是构思出新的概念和推断结论。

54、Women in this range also have less difficulty conceiving. ─── 在这个区间内的女性受孕也较容易。

55、He is conceiving a new novel. ─── 他正在构思一部新的小说。

56、Analysis and conceiving of year-round air conditioning with a closed cooling water system ─── 封闭式水系统全年空调的构思与分析

57、Conceiving Procedures During Architectural Creation ─── 建筑创作中的构想过程

58、From conceiving the design to fulfilling the work, the frame, mould and color of fresco are restricted by their surroundings, aesthetic taste and objective condition. ─── 壁画的构图、造型、色彩及材料从构思设计到制作完成都应考虑到它所依托的环境的审美趣味和客观条件的制约。

59、Conceiving and actualizing of self-exploration mode in physics experiment teaching under new course criterion ─── 新课程下高中物理实验教学自主探究模式的构想与实施

60、On Conceiving the Trusteeship System of Community Correction ─── 关于社区矫正托管制度的设想

61、On Conceiving of Promoting "China Creative Talented People Project" ─── 关于推进"国家创新人才工程"的设想

62、The rural area is the main field of the national education and the implement of the strategic conceiving of rejuvenating the nation through science and technology. ─── 农村是我国教育和落实科教兴国战略的主战场,农村学校体育是农村教育的重要组成部分,是学校教育的重要内容之一。

63、Sub-fertility was defined as failure to conceive for at least a year after initiating unprotected sex with the goal of conceiving. ─── 低生育能力的定义为:以生育为目的的无防护性生活超过一年,仍没有怀孕。

64、To avoid this grueling, scary road, many geniuses think themselves into paralysis, finding reasons to abort their ideas almost before conceiving them. ─── 为了回避这一条劳苦、令人恐惧的道路,许多天才们“想”入了行为瘫痪中--几乎在孕育想法之前就找理由将它们流产。

65、Conceiving of the Design on the People's Square in Ningde City ─── 宁德市人民广场设计构思

66、It's important to recognize that even the most humble and quiet and simple people have extraordinary ways of 11) conceiving and 12) perceiving things from which we can learn . ─── 所以说,这个词生动地描述了你所要面对的问题,就好像让一个日本人横向书写一样困难。

67、Conceiving on creation of new-styled schools'architectural image ─── 新型中小学校园建筑形象创作构想

68、Conceiving of the construction of seed tuber multiplication system for winter grown potato in Dehong prefecture ─── 德宏州冬种马铃薯种薯扩繁体系建设的构想

69、By means of effectively visually interaction, the designer can devote his mind to creative conceiving. ─── 通过有效的直观交互手段让设计者专注于设计的创造性构思。

70、The digital informations build conceiving ideas of Hanzhong's tour sources are put forward to offer a basis of decision-making process for reasonable and scientific use of the tour sources. ─── 在论述汉中旅游资源特色的基础上,分析了汉中旅游资源管理的现状和存在的问题,提出了建设汉中旅游资源数字化的构想,为合理、科学利用旅游资源提供一定的决策支持。

71、With the examples, this paper illustrated the ways in designing good architectural form from the aspects of designing logic such as conceiving, details and environment. ─── 文章结合中外建筑实例,从构思、细部和环境等的设计逻辑几方面分析如何设计出好的建筑形式。

72、2, applies conceiving of go along composing the quarrel writing. ─── 2、运用想像进行说和写。

73、3.For years, doctors have warned men having trouble conceiving to stay away from hot baths and whirlpool tubs. ─── 好几年,医师已经警告男性在构思从热浴和漩涡浴盆离开方面有麻烦。

74、One woman I know had given up hope of conceiving her own child and was researching adoption. ─── 我知道的一个妇女已经放弃了怀孕的希望,正研究收养的事情呢。

75、Women who are exposed to mercury, cadmium, or vinyl chloride before conceiving seem to be especially likely to have autistic kids. ─── 女性在怀孕期间接触汞、镉或氯乙烯很有可能会生出自闭症患儿。

76、In the process of exploring, in the conceiving and reproducing of the work, the audiences have already got their own answers. ─── 在探寻的过程中,在对作品的构思和再现中,观众已经得到自己的答案。

77、Conceiving of Campus Information Platform Based on UMS ─── 基于UMS的校园信息平台的构想

78、Theoretical Thoughts on Conceiving Nucleus Competitive Power of Economics and Management Course in GUT ─── 对构建我校经济与管理学科竞争力的理论思考

79、Thinking is more than just conceiving ideas and drawing inferences; thinking is also reflection and contemplation. ─── 思维不只是构思出新的概念和推断结论,思维也是思考和沉思。

80、Conceiving and masterplanning a 100 square kilometer art park and reforestation project at Mentougou District site near Beijing China which have had huge environmental problems. ─── 北京市门头沟区艺术园以及造林工程的总体构思和规划,面积约100平方公里。该区当前正面临严重的环境问题。

81、in a manner or to a degree possible of conceiving ─── 以可以想象的方式;或达到可以想象的程度

82、Niu Kesi was conceiving a 700 pounds weight chicken blood stone , the biggest raw material ever mined from Changhua, Zhejiang province. ─── 2000年牛克思开始创作重达650斤的昌化鸡血石,这是中国有史以来开采到的最大的鸡血石。

83、To improve your chances of conceiving a baby boy, you should have intercourse a day before ovulation, on the day of ovulation, and a day after it. ─── 所以为了增加怀男孩的机会,最好是在排卵的当日,或在排卵的前后一天内做爱。

84、If they reported that it took them longer than 12 months to get pregnant or if they used drugs designed to increase their chances of conceiving, they were considered to have infertility. ─── 如果她们报告说,他们花了超过12个月的时间才怀孕或者如果她们使用了旨在增加受孕的机会的药物,她们被认为是患了不育症。

85、Conceiving then, that, agreeably to the advice of Pythagoras in his Golden Verses, daily examination would be necessary. ─── 又想起,依照着毕达哥拉所著的黄金诗中,平时勤于检视是必须的。

86、At age 30, for example, a woman has less than a 1 in 1,000 chance of conceiving a child with DS. ─── 例如,一个三岁的妇女怀孕,孩子罹患唐氏症的机率是千分之一。

87、My mind is incapable of conceiving such a thing as a soul. ─── 我的意识不能想像灵魂这麽一个东西。

88、If you know you have endometriosis and you are having problems conceiving then you should seek help sooner rather than later. ─── 如果你知道你有子宫内膜异位症,你有问题的构想,那么你应该寻求帮助,早通比晚通好。

89、For couples who have trouble conceiving, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is often the last resort. ─── 对于受孕困难的夫妇,体外受精(试管婴儿)经常是最后的希望。

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