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08-19 投稿


ebonite 发音


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ebonite 中文意思翻译



ebonite 网络释义

n. [橡胶] 硬橡胶;硬化橡皮;硬橡皮

ebonite 短语词组

1、ebonite compound ─── [化] 硬质胶胶料

2、ebonite driver ─── 胶柄螺丝起子, ─── 胶柄改锥

3、ebonite wax ─── [化] 乌木蜡

4、ebonite gb3 ─── 硬质橡胶gb3

5、ebonite captain midnight ─── 硬橡胶船长午夜

6、ebonite powder ─── 硬质橡胶粉末

7、ebonite accumulator box ─── [化] 硬质胶蓄电箱

8、ebonite dust ─── [化] 硬质胶粉

9、semi-ebonite hose ─── [化] 半硬质胶管

10、ebonite cyclone ─── 硬质橡胶旋风分离器

11、expanded ebonite ─── [化] 多孔硬质胶

12、ebonite game breaker ─── 硬质橡胶游戏断路器

13、ebonite endure ─── 硬橡胶

14、ebonite bowling ─── 硬质保龄球

15、flexible ebonite ─── 柔性硬橡胶

16、cellular ebonite ─── [化] 蜂窝硬质胶; 微孔硬胶

17、ebonite plate ─── 硬橡胶板

18、ebonite for electric industry ─── [化] 电气工业用硬质胶

19、ebonite rubber ─── 硬质橡胶

ebonite 词性/词形变化,ebonite变形

名词复数: ebonies |

ebonite 相似词语短语

1、ebonizes ─── vt.使成乌木色;使象乌木

2、ebonized ─── vt.使成乌木色;使象乌木

3、ebonises ─── 使成乌木色,使象乌木

4、ebonise ─── 使成乌木色,使象乌木

5、erionite ─── n.[矿物]毛沸石

6、ebonists ─── 埃博尼斯特

7、essonite ─── n.钙铝榴石,肉桂石

8、ebonize ─── vt.使成乌木色;使象乌木

9、ebonised ─── 使成乌木色,使象乌木

ebonite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ebonite driver ─── 胶柄螺丝起子胶柄改锥

2、Ebonite--Determination of hardness by means of a durometer ─── 硬质橡胶硬度的测定

3、Plastics and ebonite - Verification of Shore durometers ─── 塑料和硬质橡胶。肖氏硬度计的识别

4、Influence of curing time on structure and properties of SBR ebonite ─── 硫化时间对硬质SBR结构与性能的影响

5、ebonite accumulator box ─── 硬质胶蓄电池箱

6、graphite ebonite electrode ─── 石墨硬橡胶电极

7、The influence of the curing time on the structure and properties of SBR ebonite was investigated. ─── 研究硫化时间对硬质SBR结构与性能的影响。

8、ebonite earpiece ─── 胶质耳盖

9、Keywords Ebonite(hard rubber);Structure;Nanocomposites;Gradient material; ─── 硬质橡胶;结构;纳米复合;梯度材料;

10、ebonite earphone ─── 硬胶耳机

11、ebonite rod ─── 黑硬橡胶棒

12、Plastics and ebonite - Determination of indentation hardness by means of a durometer (Shore hardness) ─── 塑料和硬质橡胶.用硬度计测定压痕硬度(肖氏硬度)

13、Tolerances applicables to moulded and extruded products of rubber or ebonite. ─── 橡胶.合成橡胶和硬橡胶模制和压制品公差

14、Standard Test Method for Determining Temperature of deflection of Plastics and Ebonite Under Load ─── 负载情况下塑料和硬橡胶偏转温度测定的标准试验方法

15、Plastics. Determination of temperature of deflection under load. Part 2 : plastics and ebonite. ─── 塑料.载荷下偏转温度的测定.第2部分:塑料和橡木

16、ebonite clad battery ─── 硬胶包覆电池

17、ebonite hose ─── 硬橡皮软管

18、plastics - determination of temperature of deflection under load - plastics , ebonite and long - fibre - reinforced composites. ─── 塑料。载荷下挠曲温度的测定。塑料硬橡胶和长纤维增强合成物。

19、Ebonite is one kind of special rubber product with high strength, high modulus, high hardness and fine unnotched impact resistance. ─── 硬质橡胶是一种具有高强度、高硬度、高模量以及良好无缺口抗冲击强度的特种橡胶制品。

20、As a kind of special purpose rubber products, ebonite has been widely used as anticrrosive lining and insulative articles for its outstanding chemical and electrical properties. ─── 硬质橡胶作为特种橡胶制品的一种,因其优异的耐化性和绝缘性,目前仍广泛应用于防腐衬里等耐化学品材料以及绝缘材料中。

21、Hence, ebonite is in fact one kind of thermosets. ─── 因此,硬质橡胶实质上是一种热固性塑料。

22、ebonite wax ─── 乌木蜡

23、Ebonite fixed wide wheel industrial caster. ─── 硬橡胶固定肥仔轮。

24、Some properties were also discussed and the multi-functional ebonite would be promising in future development. ─── 还简述了硬质橡胶性能,指出通过改性使其高功能化是这类硬质橡胶材料的发展方向。

25、Study on adhesion of ebonite to steel substrate for anti-corrosion lining ─── 防腐衬里用硬质胶与钢基体粘合的研究

26、The domestic study was very lacking on ebonite.Basing on plenty of liteature abroad, the structure characteristic of ebonite, such as crosslinking, unsaturation and glass transformation were reviewed. ─── 国内研究较少且对其结构的认识还不完善,本文通过大量文献,系统地总结了硬质橡胶在交联结构、不饱和度以及聚集态结构上的特点,以期对国内的相关理论及应用研究有所帮助;

27、ebonite ring ─── 胶木活塞环

28、ebonite tube ─── 胶木管

29、the crosslink structure reduced,and the modification of rubber by polar sulfur ring was predominant resulting in plastics-like SBR ebonite at the middle and final stages of vulcanization; ─── 在硫化反应中后期,胶料中交联结构减少,极性的硫环分子对橡胶改性起主导作用,从而形成具有塑料性质的硬质SBR;

30、ebonite base ─── 橡皮座

31、Hence, ebonite is in fact one kind of thermosets. ─── 因此,硬质橡胶实质上是一种热固性塑料。

32、ebonite compound ─── 硬胶胶料

33、ebonite bush ─── 硬橡皮衬套

34、cellular ebonite ─── 蜂窝硬质胶

35、and as the curing time extended,the hardness,tensile strength and elastic modulus of SBR ebonite increas... ─── 随着硫化时间的延长,硬质SBR的硬度、拉伸强度及弹性模量增大,玻璃化温度显著提高。

36、ebonite cell ─── 胶木覆蔽电池

37、flexible ebonite ─── 挠性硬质橡胶

38、Ebonite swivel wide wheel industrial caster. ─── 硬橡胶活动肥仔轮。

39、micro-porous ebonite ─── 微孔硬质胶

40、ebonite board ─── 硬橡胶板

41、ebonite stud ─── 硬胶皮螺丝帽

42、ebonite monobloc ─── 正铸胶壳

43、ebonite for electric industry ─── [化] 电气工业用硬质胶

44、ebonite sheeting ─── 胶木板

45、ebonite washer ─── 硬橡皮垫圈

46、ebonite fittings ─── 胶木配件

47、2 ISO 75-2-2004 Plastics -- Determination of temperature of deflection under load -- Part 2: Plastics and ebonite ─── 塑料.载荷下偏转温度的测定.第1部分:一般试验方法(英文)

48、Ebonite--Method of test for resistance to heating ─── 硬质橡胶耐热试验方法

49、Emblema is available as fountain pen with 18K gold nib and ebonite feeder, rollerball pen and twist-action ballpoint pen. ─── 徽章系列有18K金笔尖墨水笔、走珠笔和旋式原子笔可供选择。

50、ebonite foam ─── 硬胶泡沫

51、Molded and fabricated products of ebonite and soft rubber as well as hand-made rubber products are shown along with vulcanization technology, testing and inspections, measurements and standards. ─── 模压和捏造硬橡胶和软橡胶以及手工制作的橡胶制品产品展示与硫化技术,检测和检查,测量和标准以及。

52、ebonite sleeve ─── 硬胶套管胶木套管

53、expanded ebonite ─── 多孔硬质胶

54、ebonite handle pliers with bend mouth ─── 弯嘴胶柄钳

55、Plastics -- Determination of temperature of deflection under load -- Part 2: Plastics and ebonite ─── 塑料制品。负载下偏离温度的测定。第2部分:塑料和硬橡胶

56、Ebonite fixed wide wheel industrial caster. ─── 硬橡胶固定肥仔轮。

57、ebonite knot ─── 硬橡皮扣

58、ebonite powder ─── 硬质胶粉

59、Structure and Properties of Ebonite ─── 硬质橡胶的结构与性能

60、Modification of determination for impact strength of ebonite ─── 硬质橡胶抗冲击强度测定方法的改进

61、The results showed that the crosslink structure in SBR ebonite compound was predominant at the early stage of vulcanization; ─── 结果表明,在硫化反应前期,硬质SBR胶料中交联结构起主导作用;

62、Keywords ebonite;crosslinking structure;glass transition; ─── 硬质橡胶;交联结构;玻璃化转变;

63、natural ebonite ─── 天然硬质胶

64、Ebonite--Determination of tensile strength and elongation at break ─── 硬质橡胶抗张强度和扯断伸长率的测定

65、Keywords SBR;ebonite;curing time; ─── 硬质橡胶;硫化时间;

66、ebonite insulated handle pliers ─── 硬橡皮绝缘柄夹钳

67、Ebonite swivel wide wheel industrial caster . ─── 硬橡胶活动肥仔轮。

68、ebonite dust ─── 硬质胶粉胶木粉

69、semi ebonite ─── n. 半硬橡胶

70、Ebonite--Method of test for shearing strength ─── 硬质橡胶抗剪切强度试验方法

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