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08-19 投稿


collie 发音


英:  美:

collie 中文意思翻译



collie 网络释义

n. 柯利牧羊狗(原产苏格兰)n. (Collie)人名;(英)科利

collie 短语词组

1、border collie puppies ─── 边境牧羊犬

2、Scotch collie ─── 苏格兰牧羊犬

3、bearded collie ─── 古代长须牧羊犬

4、collie breeders ─── 牧羊犬饲养者

5、border collie cross ─── 边境牧羊犬十字

6、Border collie ─── 博德牧羊犬

7、border collie mix ─── 边境牧羊犬混血

8、border collie dog ─── 边境牧羊犬

9、Collie phenomenon ─── [医] 科利氏现象(关于氖的现象)

10、collie dog ─── 牧羊犬

11、collie images ─── 牧羊犬图片

12、collie rescue ─── 牧羊犬救援

13、boarder collie for free ─── 免费寄宿牧羊犬

14、collie pups ─── 牧羊犬幼崽

15、Collie's squirrel ─── 科莉的松鼠

16、border collie rescue ─── 边境牧羊犬救援

17、collie eye anomaly ─── 柯里犬巩膜肿胀综合征

18、collie puppy ─── 牧羊犬。

collie 相似词语短语

1、collies ─── n.柯利牧羊犬(collie的复数);v.(用煤烟、烟灰)把…弄黑(colly的第三人称单数)

2、Dollie ─── n.小系缆桩

3、collide ─── vi.碰撞;抵触,冲突;vt.使碰撞;使相撞

4、mollie ─── n.帆鳍鳉(等于mollienisia)

5、collided ─── v.(偶然)碰撞;冲突;(不同的观念、想法等)碰撞(而产生有趣结果)(collide的过去式及过去分词)

6、collider ─── n.对撞机;碰撞机

7、tollie ─── n.公牛犊

8、collier ─── n.矿工;运煤船;n.(Collier)人名;(西、葡)科列尔;(英、德)科利尔;(法)科利耶

9、collied ─── v.把……弄脏;n.锅灰;煤灰;n.(Colly)(法、美、英)科利(人名)

collie 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords cervicothoracic spine;longus colli muscle;sympathetic trunk;anatomy; ─── 关键词颈胸段;脊柱;颈长肌;颈交感干;解剖学;

2、i monti e i colli daranno in gridi di gioia dinanzi a voi, e tutti gli alberi della campagna batteranno le mani. ─── 大山小山都必在你们面前发声欢呼,田野所有的树木也都拍掌。

3、Joe Collie sums it up like this: "You've got to be able to get up and move around. ─── 先前进行过癌症治疗的柯里这样总结说:“关键问题是,我们必须能站起来,四处走动。”

4、There should be a slight fringe on the inside of the forelegs and hind legs but nothing approaching the "feather" of a Collie. ─── 在前腿、后腿内侧有刘海,但不能形成象柯利犬那样的"羽毛"。

5、fascia colli superficialis ─── [医] 颈筋膜浅层, 浅层

6、Nietzsche Werke, Kritische Gesamtausgabe (KGW), Herausgegeben von Giorgio Colli und Mazzino Montinari. ─── 尼采全集,历史考证版(缩写KGW),出版人科利,蒙梯那利。

7、In every episode, Lassie, a white and brown collie, saves the day. ─── 在该节目的每个插曲中,“少女”,一只长着棕白皮毛的的牧羊狗,拯救了时代。

8、Collie's squirrel ─── n. 考里松鼠

9、splenius colli ─── [医] 颈夹肌

10、German researchers have found a border collie (medium-sized, long-hair dog) named Rico who understands more than 200 words and can learn new ones as quickly as many children. ─── 德国科学家发现了一条叫力克的牧羊狗(中等个头,长毛狗),它能够理解200多个单词,还能够象小孩一样快的学习新词。

11、nervi cutaneus colli ─── [医] 颈皮神经

12、superfieialis colli ─── [医] 颈浅神经

13、Smooth collie ─── 光滑柯利牧羊犬

14、Josie: I think it's a cross between a collie and a retriever. ─── 卓喜:我想,应该是牧羊犬和衔回猎犬的混种。

15、No wool was on or around his person, no dead collie by his feet, no crook in his hand. ─── 他身上没有羊毛衣物,尸体附近也没有;他脚边没有牧羊犬,手上也没有手杖。

16、fascia colli ─── [医] 颈筋膜

17、They were greeted in the hall by a black-and-white collie--a small broad-headed dog who wagged his tail but did not bark ─── 一条黑白毛的苏格兰宽脑门牧兰犬在门厅里迎接他们,它摇了摇尾巴,没有吠叫。

18、venae mediana colli ─── [医] 颈正中静脉

19、Compared to the long period of time shepherds use dogs for working at the farm, the Border Collie as we know him is quite young. ─── 与放牧人利用牧羊犬看管农场的悠久历史相比,我们对边境牧羊犬的认知还是相当晚的。

20、Just before he went out, he squatted down to pet the collie, who acknowledged the attention with several sloppy licks along his arms. ─── 他走出去前蹲下拍拍那小狗,小狗舐了几下他胳膊表示对这一关注领情。

21、colli leplkoderma ─── [医] 颈部白斑病

22、pseudoatrophoderma colli ─── [医] 颈部假性皮萎缩

23、ligamenta transversalis colli ─── [医] 颈横韧带

24、Collie phenomenon ─── [医] 科利氏现象(关于氖的现象)

25、Even the family's collie was bitten. ─── 甚至咬家里的牧羊犬。

26、glandula colli ─── 咽扁桃体, 增殖体

27、regiones colli lateralis ─── [医] 颈外侧区

28、No wool was on or around his person, no dead collie by his feet, no crook in his hand. ─── 他身上没有羊毛衣物,尸体附近也没有;他脚边没有牧羊犬,手上也没有手杖。

29、On the left is a profile of a collie. ─── 作品的左边是一只苏格兰长毛牧羊犬。

30、regiones colli ─── [医] 颈诸区

31、ligamentum transversalis colli ─── 宫颈横韧带

32、Gayle shows the classical markings of the Border Collie: two colored patches around the ears and eyes, white blaze and neck, colored body, white feet and a white end of the tail. ─── Gayle显示出边境牧羊犬的典型斑纹:耳朵和眼睛周围有两块带色的斑纹,脸上有白斑,白色的脖子,身体有颜色,白色的脚和白色的尾尖。

33、They say an average Collie eats 164kg of meat and 95kg of cereals a year, giving it a high impact on the planet. ─── 他们说,平均一只牧羊犬每年要吃194公斤肉和95公斤谷类食品,对地球环境产生巨大影响。

34、The well-fitting, proper-textured coat is the crowning glory of the rough variety of Collie. ─── 合身、且质地正确的被毛,对粗毛苏格兰牧羊犬而言,是无比的光荣。

35、regiones colli media ─── [医] 颈中区

36、rami colli ─── [医] 颈支

37、glandulae colli ─── [医] 咽扁桃体

38、Border collie ─── 博德牧羊犬

39、Papa," I said, "I don't want an old collie dog." ─── 爸爸,”我说,“我不想要一只老牧羊犬。”

40、She got us a Border collie Hugo when our son was about six. ─── 儿子6岁时,她给我们弄了一只博德牧羊犬,叫雨果。

41、MONICA: Honey, uh, this is a picture of the frame guy posing in front of a bright blue screen with a collie. ─── 嗯,这是个相框模特儿跟一只牧羊犬在浅蓝背景前的照片。

42、They were greeted in the hall by a black - and - white collie - a small broad -headed dog who wagged his tail but did not bark. ─── 一条黑白毛的苏格兰宽脑门牧兰犬在门厅里迎接他们,它摇了摇尾巴,没有吠叫。

43、Of course not every Border Collie has to work with sheep. ─── 当然,并非每一只边境牧羊犬都有机会和条件去放牧。

44、colli hydrocele ─── [医] 颈导管水囊肿, 颈导管积水

45、It was the size of a collie dog with jet-black head and tail. He leapt away and made off into the fields. ─── 它的大小跟牧羊犬差不多,从头到尾黑漆漆的,后来它跳起来,消失在荒野里。

46、About a century ago, in the hilly landscape on the border between Scotland and England, a type of dog was developed that is known today as the Border Collie. ─── 大约100年前,在英格兰和苏格兰交界的山坡地带,一种狗被发展为今天大家所熟知的边境牧羊犬。

47、trigonum colli ─── [医] 颈三角(尤指颈动脉上三角)

48、The children seemed to tumble about and amuse themselves like a litter of rough, good-natured collie puppies. ─── 孩子们好像在打滚,像一窝乱蓬蓬、脾气好的柯利牧羊犬幼犬一样自娱自乐。

49、If you want to visit web-site of Russian Collie Club, welcome to here - www.collie.ru ─── 呵呵,真不错,一次给了这么多网址,以后想看漂亮的苏牧不用再满世界的搜了.

50、carcinoma colli uteri ─── 子宫颈癌

51、Two dogs are removed from a pound, only to be returned costumed as “purebreds,” a Collie and a Dalmatian. ─── 从流浪狗之家收养的两只狗,穿著戏服假装成纯种狗:一只大麦町及一只灵犬莱西,这次再次回家造访。

52、To enable the Collie to fulfil a natural bent for sheepdog work, its physical structure should be on the lines of strength and activity, free from cloddiness and without any trace of coarseness. ─── 为了满足牧羊工作的自然倾向,柯利犬必须有结实和活泼的物理体格。没有任何土里土气或粗糙。

53、The main interaction of the film is a barking match between a caged dog and the costumed Collie. ─── 影片的重心是一只笼内的狗与灵犬莱西隔著铁笼开始互吠。

54、cystitis colli ─── [医] 膀胱颈炎

55、I monti produrranno pace al popolo, e i colli pure, mediante la giustizia! ─── 因着公义,愿大山和小山都给人民带来和平。

56、Why a Pug is Not Collie? ─── 哈巴狗是怎么“炼”成的?

57、Download Video; Share Video; Author: myeddy2099; Tags: Frisbee dog,Dish dog,Fly collie ─── 二个可爱的小坏蛋,现在愈来愈皮了呢!!看牠们抢飞盘的画面,让我在旁都觉得好笑...

58、latissimus colli ─── [医] [颈]阔肌

59、carrier-sense multiple-access with colli ─── 冲突检测的载频敏感多址存取

60、His ability to herd cattle, the way he herds and his will to work actually determine that he is a Border Collie. ─── 它放牧的能力、驱赶羊群的方式和喜欢工作的特点,才真正决定了它是一只边境牧羊犬。

61、But would-be collie owners be warned, Krzeslowski said ─── 但是,克热绍夫斯基说他想提醒那些想成为牧羊犬主人的人们。

62、They were greeted in the hall by a black-and-white collie--a small broad-headed dog who wagged his tail but did not bark. ─── 一条黑白毛的苏格兰宽脑门牧兰犬在门厅里迎接他们,它摇了摇尾巴,没有吠叫。

63、regiones colli anterior ─── [医] 颈前区

64、fascia colli profunda ─── [医] 颈筋膜深层(椎前层)

65、Border collie Rico, who can fetch at least 200 objects by name retrieves a pokemon cuddly in Berlin June 10, 2004. ─── 6月10日,在德国首都柏林,牧羊犬里科正叼取一件玩具,这只聪明的狗知晓至少200个词汇。

66、arteriae transversa colli ─── [医] 颈横动脉

67、longus colli ─── [医] 颈长肌

68、regiones colli posterior ─── [医] 颈后区

69、retrofixatio colli ─── [医] 子宫颈后定术

70、Including Beagle, American Boxer, Bulldog, Bloodhound, Collie, Dalmatian, Siberian Husky, Labrador, Chihuahua, Pug, Sharpie and Rottweiler. ─── App Store 的英文介绍: A variety of sound effects from a number of canines.

71、fascia colli media ─── [医] 颈筋膜中层

72、She knew that would appeal to me because the Border collie is the smartest species on the planet. ─── 她知道我会喜欢它,因为博德牧羊犬是这个星球上最聪明的狗。

73、The collie came across the yard, sniffing around the truck. ─── 小狗穿过场院跑过来围着卡车嗅来嗅去。

74、fistula colli congenita ─── [医] 先天性颈瘘

75、The Test and Study on Dynamic Perf ormance of Wrist Force Transducer Under Environment Colli sion ─── 与环境碰撞时腕力传感器动态性能的试验研究

76、apparatus ligamentosus colli ─── [医] 项韧带

77、If you are not in Shanghai, you may contact us to watch the video of border collie babies. ─── 外地的朋友:可以联系我看宝贝的视频,如果有飞机,空运当天就到,接机时请带瓶纯净水给狗狗喝。

78、The real Border Collie -- in my opinion however -- is not determined by his looks, but by what's inside his head. ─── 然而,在我眼中,真正的边境牧羊犬并不是取决于它的外貌,而是取决于它的头脑。

79、sulci colli mandibulae ─── [医] 下颌颈沟

80、A poodle and a collie are walking together when the poodle suddenly unloads on his friend. ─── 一只卷毛狗和一只牧羊犬在一起散步,突然卷毛狗向它的朋友诉起苦来。

81、sulcus colli mandibulae ─── 下颌颈沟

82、ligamenta colli costae ─── [医] 肋颈韧带

83、.. Umbria’s wine-producing areas are: Colli Altotiberini, Colli del Trasimeno, Colli Perugini, Torgiano, Montefalco, Colli Martani, Orvieto, Colli Amerini. ─── 乌布里亚产酒区有:科利-阿厄托提百芮尼,科利-德尔-特拉西梅诺,科利-...

84、Keywords Fibromatosis colli Muscles Fibrosis muscular Torticollis Ultrasonography; ─── 关键词瘤样增生;肌肉;纤维化;肌性斜颈;超声影像;

85、A man went to the movies and was surprised to find a woman with a big collie sitting in front of him. ─── 一位男士去看电影,让他惊奇的是发现一位女士带了一只高大的牧羊犬坐在他的前面。

86、Ke is a Border Collie ─── 小柯是一只边境牧羊犬

87、The agouti colour does not occur in the Border Collie as far as I know. ─── 就我所知,这种基因颜色不存在于边境犬中。

88、She got us a Border collie Hugo when our son was about 6. ─── 当我们的儿子6岁多时,她给我们买了一只博得牧羊犬,名叫雨果。

89、small sheepdog developed in the Shetland Islands and resembling a collie. ─── 在设得兰群岛培育的小型牧羊犬,与柯利牧羊犬形似。

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