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08-19 投稿


Dorian 发音


英:  美:

Dorian 中文意思翻译



Dorian 短语词组

1、dorian electra krak dorian electra krak

2、dorian electra my agenda dorian electra ─── 我的议程

3、dorian finney ─── 挪威Finey

4、picture of dorian gray ─── 道林·格雷的照片

5、dorian smiles ─── 道林笑了

6、dorian electra ─── 多里安伊莱克特拉

7、dorian electra flamboyant dorian electra ─── 华丽

8、dorian electra positions dorian electra ─── 位置

9、dorian mode ─── 多利安调式

10、Dorian order ─── [网络] 多利安秩序

11、dorian electra twitter dorian electra ─── 推特

12、dorian murray death ─── 道林·默里之死

13、dorian electra cd dorian electra cd

14、dorian electra gender dorian electra ─── 性别

15、Dorian invasion ─── 多利安人入侵

16、dorian electra now dorian electra ─── 现在

17、the picture of dorian gray ─── 道林·格雷的画像

18、dorian electra merch dorian electra merch ─── 公司

19、dorian missick ─── 多里安·米西克

Dorian 相似词语短语

1、Ivorian ─── n.象牙海岸人;adj.与象牙海岸有关的;与象牙海岸人有关的

2、Locrian ─── adj.洛克里斯的;洛克里斯人的;n.洛克里斯人

3、Dorian ─── n.多利安人;adj.多利安人的;多利斯地区的

4、-arian ─── adj.信奉阿里乌斯教的;阿里乌斯派的;n.阿里乌斯派信徒

5、Carian ─── n.(Carian)人名;(法)卡里安

6、diarian ─── 每日的

7、Adrian ─── n.艾德里安(男子名);艾德里安市(美国密歇根州东南部城市)

8、Lokrian ─── 位置

9、durian ─── n.榴莲果(马来群岛产的);榴莲树

Dorian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He's a real Dorian Gray, apparently untouched by the ageing process. ─── 他像是不受衰老过程的影响,青春永驻。

2、Dorian Gray was burying his face in the great cool lilac-blossoms and feverishly drinking in their perfume ─── 道林?格雷正把脸埋在大而清凉的丁香花丛里,如醉如痴地摄入花儿的芬芳。

3、To him ( Dorian Gray) Life itself was the first, the greatest, of the arts. And for it all the other arts seemed to be but a preparation. ─── 不言而喻,在他看来,生命本身是最重要的、最光采夺目的艺术,而其他形形色色的艺术都不过是准备好献给它的。

4、--- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray. ─── 所谓“酒肉穿肠过”,正是比禁欲更高深的修为方法。

5、Dorian, "I think she will always love animals. ─── 阿拉贝尔太太说。"

6、The fact was, as she explained to dorian, behind a very shabby fan, one of her married daughters had COME up quite suddenly to stay with her ─── 她用一把颇为寒怆的扇子掩着脸,对道林说那是因为有个出嫁的女儿突然回家来住。

7、The canons of good society are the same as the canons of art. Such was Dorian Gray's opinion. ─── 上流社会的准则也就是艺术的准则,道林·格雷的看法就是如此。

8、Dorian Gray was reclining in a luxurious arm-chair, in the little library of Lord Henry's house ─── 在亨利勋爵的公馆里,道林?格雷靠在图书室里一张豪华的扶手椅中。

9、Dorian Invasions ─── 多里安人的侵略(约公元前1120-前950)

10、The four modes that we meet up with both in Anglo-American folk song and fiddle tunes are the Ionian (major scale), Mixolydian, Dorian, and Aeolian (natural minor scale). ─── 我们在盎格鲁美国民歌和提琴曲中都会遇到四种调式,它们分别是艾奥利安调式(大音阶)、米索利地安调式、多里安调式和伊奥尼安调式(自然小音阶)。

11、In the first chapter, I endeavor to analyze the duality of London, and how it exerts influenceon the development of the duality of Dorian. ─── 因此本书第一章是对伦敦双重性的分析,并着重分析它是如何对主人公约里安双重性的释放产生影响的。

12、Dorian Gray's soul had turned to this white girl and bowed in worship before her. ─── 道林·格雷倾心于这个白皙的姑娘,并且向她顶礼膜拜。

13、Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.I've heard what they say, but I'm not here for trouble. ─── 7岁时住校学习,其间他在数学和自然科学两门科目上表现优秀,无怪乎之后他的父亲将其推上从军的道路。

14、The fact was, as she explained to dorian, behind a very shabby fan, one of her married daughters had come up quite suddenly to stay with her ─── 她用一把颇为寒怆的扇子掩着脸,对道林说那是因为有个出嫁的女儿突然回家来住。

15、"Mr. Dorian Gray? Who is he?" asked Lord Fermor, knitting his bushy white eyebrows. ─── “道林·格雷先生?他是什么人?”佛摩勋爵紧皱起浓密的白眉毛问。

16、Dorian Gray ─── 道连·格雷

17、I do not want to see dorian tied to some vile creature, who might degrade his nature and ruin his intellect ─── 我不想看到道林跟一个恶毒的东西拴在一起,这会使他的天性退化,还会毁了他的理智。

18、Special guest DJ Wayne G joined the residents Jo-Public, Marc Andrews &Dorian. ─── 特邀嘉宾的DJ韦恩G加入了居民若公众,马克安德鲁斯与多利安。

19、Maybe the bishop is the Dorian Gray of sleep," I suggested. ─── 也许主教是睡眠的道林-格雷,”我建议道。

20、The two men's eyes met. In Dorian's there was infinite pity. ─── 两个人的眼光相遇了。道林的眼光里流露了无限的恻怆。

21、The fact was, as she explained to Dorian, behind a very shabby fan, one of her married daughters had come up quite suddenly to stay with her. ─── 她用一把颇为寒怆的扇子掩着脸,对道林说那是因为有个出嫁的女儿突然回家来

22、Try to understand me, Dorian. You've been the one person in my life who has really influenced my art. ─── 尽量理解我,多里安,你是我一生中唯一真正影响我的艺术的人。

23、When she finally realized the defensive capabilities of weaponry as a Dorian, I saw some hope for her. ─── 而且如果所有武器都被销毁,世界不就会被忍者的存在所威胁?

24、In the third chapter, I focus on the relationship between Dorian and the painter, BasilHallward. ─── 第三章着眼于分析约里安和巴塞尔的关系,我试图解释巴塞尔也在偷偷的通过画像来影响着约里安,借此来实现着自己心中的唯美主义。

25、But archaeologist have not discovered any distinctive remains attesting Dorian incursions, and many scholars do not believe these invasions occurred. ─── 但是考古学家并未发现明显能证明多里安侵略的证据,由此很多学者并不相信这些侵袭发生过。

26、I hope that Dorian Gray will make this girl his wife, passionately adore her for six months, and then suddenly become fascinated by some one else. ─── 我希望道林·格雷会娶这个姑娘,热情洋溢地钟爱她六个月,接着突然迷上另一个人。

27、Dorian: Dont you think we should at least try to make a difference? ─── 难道你不认为我们至少都应当试着往转变一些什么?

28、4. As Dorian hurried up its three rickety steps, the heavy odour of opium met him. ─── 道林快步走上那三级不住晃动的梯级时,闻到了浓重的鸦片烟味。

29、Dorian Gray frowned and turned his head away . ─── 多里安·格雷皱一下眉把头转开了。

30、The Tragedy of Dorian Gray ─── 道林·格雷的悲剧

31、Brewster .... Doris Michael Culkin .... Lord Cromer s secretary Dorian Ford .... Christian Rosalind Halstead... ─── 风格的支配权。维维安提出建议,全天上演歌舞杂耍,这是英国剧院从未有过的尝试...

32、2. Thus, I conclude that Dorian Gray is the creation of the combining powers:the dual city, the painter Basil, the hedonist Henry, the picture and Dorian himself. ─── 可以说约里安这个人物是多重因素共同作用的结果:具有双面性的都市,画家巴塞尔和享乐主义者亨利,画像和约里安自己。收藏指正

33、Adolescence is proving a pain for the always-thinking Dorian. ─── 青春期给善于思考的多里安带来的是痛苦。

34、Dorian Gray was reclining in a luxurious arm-chair, in the little library of Lord Henry's house. ─── 在亨利勋爵的公馆里,道林·格雷靠在图书室里一张豪华的扶手椅中。

35、People began to walk back towards the house. Lord Henry came over to tell Dorian that the man was dead. ─── 人们开始朝房子走去,亨利勋爵走来告诉多里安那个人死了。

36、"We've had a visitor, " Dorian said, pointing to a large paw print on the window of his small miner's cabin. ─── “有客人来过了,”多利安指着小屋窗台上的一个大脚印说。

37、The response rate for mass promotions through handouts, fliers, or cards is 2 in 1,000 or 0.2 percent. (Dorian Kracht ─── 用印刷品、传单或名片来做大宗促销,其反馈率为千分之二,也即百分之点二.(多里安-克拉克特

38、Seen from aspect of psychology symbol,the picture of Dorian Gray embody one effort to balance the era psychology that the material and science are the highest. ─── 从心理象征的层面看 ,王尔德的《道连·葛雷的画像》体现出了一种平衡当时物质至上、科学至上的时代心理的努力。

39、Lightstone, Thomas P.Nadeau, Richard E.Neapolitan, Dorian Pyle, Mamdouh Refaat, Markus Schneider, Toby J.Teorey, Ian H. ─── 作者: Soumen Chakrabarti, Earl Cox, Eibe Frank, Ralf Hartmut Gting, Jiawei Han, Xia Jiang, Micheline Kamber, Sam S.

40、The Picture of Dorian Grey ─── 道林格雷的画像

41、The second chapter is the analysis of therelationship between Henry Wotten and Dorian and how Henry regards Dorian as his double. ─── 第二章主要是分析约里安和亨利的关系以及约里安是如何变为亨利另一面的。

42、People die of common sense, Dorian,one lost moment at a time.Life is a moment.There is no hereafter.So make it burn always,with the hardest flame. ─── “人就是经常被困在常识里面,道林,机会转瞬即逝,人生苦短,没有来生,所以就让它以最旺的火焰,燃烧吧.

43、Paradox and Unity:Analysis of the Murder Cases in The Picture of Dorian Gray ─── 悖论与统一:《道连·格雷的画像》中的谋杀案分析

44、Thus, I conclude that Dorian Gray is the creation of the combining powers:the dual city, the painter Basil, the hedonist Henry, the picture and Dorian himself. ─── 可以说约里安这个人物是多重因素共同作用的结果:具有双面性的都市,画家巴塞尔和享乐主义者亨利,画像和约里安自己。

45、Aesthetic Art in The Picture of Dorian Gray ─── 《道连·格雷的画像》中的唯美主义艺术

46、The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde A corrupt young man somehow keeps his youthful beauty, but a special painting gradually reveals his inner ugliness to all. ─── 多利安人格雷的图画由腐化的年轻人以某种方式把他的年轻美丽作为的奥斯卡·怀尔德A,但是一张特殊的画逐渐地揭示他的内部丑陋到所有。

47、All these paradoxes make his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray profound and provoking. ─── 正是作家的这些矛盾让《道林·葛雷的画像》这部小说意义更加隽永。

48、The picture of Dorian Gray II. ─── 多里安·格雷的画像2。

49、Hallward was thunderstruck. He looked at Dorian Gray in absolute amazement. ─── 哈尔伍德变得目瞪口呆。他不知所措地瞧着道林·格雷。

50、Dorian Gray was burying his face in the great cool lilac-blossoms and feverishly drinking in their perfume. ─── 道林·格雷正把脸埋在大而清凉的丁香花丛里,如醉如痴地摄入花儿的芬芳。

51、find comfort in pain,All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray. ─── 牛方的网文依然是我关注的重点:不为什么,看了他以前疑幻似真的故事,我很迷茫!

52、The Picture of Dorian Gray is Wilde’s only novel. ─── 艺术家不应带有功利主义的目的,也不应受道德的约束;

53、Dorian's whims are laws to everybody, except himself. ─── 道林的怪念头对旁人来说都是法律,就他自己可以例外。

54、To him (Dorian Gray) Life itself was the first, the greatest, of the arts. And for it all the other arts seemed to be but a preparation. ─── 不言而喻,在他看来,生命本身是最重要的、最光采夺目的艺术,而其他形形色色的艺术都不过是准备好献给它的。

55、And the dual nature of the cityprovides a perfect environment for the development of the duality in Dorian Gray. ─── 而城市的这一双重性特点又进一步影响了居住于其中的人们的心态,在小说中为主人公约里安自身双重性的觉醒和释放提供了很好的环境。

56、Seen from aspect of psychology symbol, the picture of Dorian Gray embody one effort to balance the era psychology that the material and science are the highest. ─── 从心理象征的层面看,王尔德的《道连·雷的画像》体现出了一种平衡当时物质至上、学至上的时代心理的努力。

57、find comfort in pain,All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.I've heard what they say, but I'm not here for trouble. ─── 借着特有的愚笨去生活,不想累了自己的心,不想花费表情与心力在虚无飘渺的爱情上,更不想的是用无谓的言语去填补自己心灵的空白。

58、Hallward was thunderstruck. He looked at Dorian Gray in absolute amazement ─── 哈尔伍德变得目瞪口呆。他不知所措地瞧着道林?格雷。

59、For years, Dorian Gray could not free himself from the influence of this book. ─── 好多年来,道林·格雷没能摆脱那本书的影响。

60、"I am in Lady Agatha's black books at present," answered dorian with a funny look of penitence ─── “现在我得罪了亚加莎夫人啦,”道林带着有趣的忏悔神情说道。

61、When Dorian had finished the letter, he felt that he had been forgiven. ─── 当道连写完这封信后,他感觉自己已经被原谅了。

62、The Picture of Dorian Gray ─── 陶林·葛雷的画像

63、Dorian races with his team in the Dragon Boat Festival every year. ─── 多里安和他的队伍每年都参加龙舟节的竞赛。

64、The Dorian mode is one of the oldest diatonic scales. ─── 道林模式是最古老的全音阶之一。

65、Dorian mode ─── 多利安调式

66、Dorian murmured a graceful compliment and looked round the room. ─── 道林低声说了句得体的客套话,朝四周打量了一下。

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