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08-19 投稿


affiliation 发音

英:[??f?li?e??(?)n]  美:[??f?li?e??(?)n]

英:  美:

affiliation 中文意思翻译



affiliation 网络释义

n. 友好关系;加入;联盟;从属关系

affiliation 常用词组

political affiliation ─── 政治背景;政治立场;政治面貌

affiliation 词性/词形变化,affiliation变形


affiliation 短语词组

1、affiliation order ─── [法] 私生子女之父确认令

2、form an affiliation with ─── 与…联合起来

3、a middle school in affiliation ─── 附属中学

4、bilateral affiliation ─── 双系亲属关系

5、perception of affiliation ─── 归属感

6、criminality by political affiliation ─── 按政治派别划分的犯罪行为

7、have no affiliation with ─── 与…毫无联系

8、personnel with no party affiliation ─── 无党派人士

9、democrat without party affiliation ─── [法] 无党派民主人士

10、affiliation proceedings ─── [法] 对私生子女之父的鉴定程序

11、affiliation pubmed ─── 附属机构pubmed

affiliation 相似词语短语

1、afflation ─── n.灵感

2、filiation ─── n.父子关系;起源;私生子父亲之鉴定;分支

3、affiliating ─── v.使附属,使并入;加入,隶属;接纳……为成员(affiliate的现在分词)

4、affiliative ─── 有亲和力的

5、affixation ─── n.附加,附加法

6、defiliation ─── 污秽

7、affirmation ─── n.主张,肯定;断言

8、affliction ─── n.苦难;苦恼;折磨

9、affiliations ─── n.联盟;附属机构;加入(affiliation的复数)

affiliation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The affiliation with IBM led to dramatic growth for Bill Gates' small company. ─── 加人ibm使比尔·盖茨的小公司得到了极速的发展。

2、These users will need to configure their affiliation in their own preferences and then it's up to you to authenticate them. ─── 这些用户需要在自己的使用偏好中配置联属关系,之后由您来决定如何验证他们的身份。

3、The arrival of the affiliation of WTO and intellectual economy, make civilian battalion enterprise faces intense market competition. ─── WTO的加入和知识经济的到来,使民营企业面临激烈的市场竞争。

4、Moreover, affiliation the WTO is an important event of the economic living inside of current our country too is our country revenue from tax point that reform how to enter . ─── 另外,加入WTO是当前我国经济生活中的一件大事,也是我国税收改革的重点。

5、His affiliation with the ? nouveau realist ? art movement confirmed his skill as manufacturer of sounds to translate the abstractions in art into music. ─── 他加入新现实主义艺术运动证实了他的技能,把艺术的抽象转换为音乐和声音。

6、The four Assyrian communities, over time, begin defining themselves in terms of their church affiliation. ─── 四个亚述社团随着时间的过去,开始给以他们自己的教会来给自己定义。

7、His wife's affiliation to the best people brought him a good many of those patients. ─── 他妻子与上流社会的交往又给他带来了许多病人。

8、Certainly will has the affiliation of more person. ─── 势必有更多人的加入。

9、The provisions of the preceding five paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis when a solicitor rejoins his or her original company of affiliation after a period of resignation. ─── 前五项规定于离职后再任原所属公司之业务员,准用之。

10、Taken no affiliation, no leadership and the leadership, management and the management does not exist in the relationship between legally equal. ─── 两者无隶属关系,不存在领导和被领导的关系,也不存在管理和被管理的关系,在法律上是平等的。

11、Affiliation into cooperatives of limited liability or guaranteed liability requires the consent of the board of directors,and shall be reported to the member’s congress. ─── 一加入有限责任或保证责任合作社,应经理事会之同意,并报告社员大会。

12、The language of ancient Macedonia, of uncertain affiliation within Indo - European. ─── 古代马其顿语言,与印欧语系语言从属关系不明的

13、Since the affiliation in 1990, the date and name used in the FRG have become the official ones for the former GDR as well. ─── 从1990年合并以来,用于联邦德国的日期和名称成为官方性的,同样用于原民主德国。

14、It will complete, and systemize and standardize, the rules and procedures on soliciting for the opinions of the democratic parties and the personages without partisan affiliation. ─── 健全重大决策征求民主党派和无党派人士意见的规则与程序,使之制度化、规范化。

15、In 1999, Philip Johnson's DJ Pavilion celebrated the historic affiliation of PS1 and MoMA. ─── 1999年,菲利普约翰逊的DJ馆庆祝了历史性的联系PS1和现代艺术博物馆。

16、Founded in 1981, Chinese-American Chemical Society (CACS) is a nonprofit professional organization and does not have political affiliation of regional or national bias. ─── 华美化学学会创建于1981年,是由北美华侨中的化学专业及相关领域的学者、工程师和学生建立的非盈利,专业性团体。

17、But even among people with no religious affiliation(4), well more than half said angels are for real. ─── 即便是没有宗教信仰的人,也有一半以上相信天使是真实的。

18、Other sorts of social identities too are in flux, including class, political affiliation and religion. ─── 其他的社会身份也在逐渐消融,如阶层、政治派系和宗教。

19、Nothing in Article 12.3 Shall prevent Party A or any of its affiliation from continuing to carry on any of their present business. ─── 合同第12条第3款规定不得妨碍甲方或其分支机构持续经营现有业务。

20、The first question in any distributor affiliation is how much control the supplier should exercise over the relationship. ─── 在任何分销关系中,第一个问题就是供应商应该对该关系有多大程度的控制。

21、Public schools in China usually do not have a religious affiliation, except some political activities that are not required of international exchange students. ─── 中国的公立中学通常没有宗教联系,除了一些不需要国际交流学生参加的政治活动。

22、The map carvers in affiliation with the Spiritual School of Ascension have created a map to a particular level of evolution that we have called "Bodhisattva". ─── 加入提升之灵性学堂的地图绘制者,已经绘制出来一条前往到我们称之为“菩萨”级别特定进化水平的道路。

23、Allowed to work in their own tribes,IT folks feel less affiliation with the company than they do with their own projects. ─── 允许在他们自己的种族中工作,资讯科技人们用公司感觉较少的加入胜于他们以他们自己的计画做。

24、Nor are unaffiliated Americans any more likely to stay connected to their lack of affiliation than other Americans are to their attachments. ─── 不皈依派美国绝对脱离教派,其他新教者也没有绝对的皈依。

25、Benjy's eagerness to win Caddy's tenderness reflects Faulkner's affiliation to his mother Maud and his preference for little, innocent girl. ─── 其中,班吉渴望得到凯蒂的温柔体贴反映了福克纳对他母亲穆德的依恋,以及对天真单纯的小女孩的偏爱。

26、So by two Laoban, be equivalent to initiator, new affiliation company also wants to protect from.. ─── 原来两届的老班底,相当于发起人,新加入的企业也想保护自...

27、The extinct language of the Etruscans,of unknown linguistic affiliation. ─── 伊特鲁里亚语现已消失的伊特鲁里亚语,这种语言的语缘关系尚不明。

28、The attachment process occurring between a parent and offspring that usually begins at the time of birth, is the basis for further emotional affiliation, and influences the child's physical and psychological development. ─── 代际联系父母与后代之间亲密关系的形成过程,常常在孩子出生时就开始,是更深的感情联系的基础,影响着孩子的生理和心理发育

29、He set up a claim to jurisdiction over Byland on the ground of affiliation. ─── 他以从属关系为理由提出对半岛地区拥有管辖权。

30、The affiliation of WPP is based on this just about. ─── WPP的加入正是基于此。

31、We need to strengthen our solidarity with the democratic parties and personages without party affiliation. ─── 加强同民主党派和无党派人士的团结。

32、Individuals who did not indicate a Chinese school affiliation or age, or did not provide age validation at check-in are ineligible to receive any prizes. ─── 但是资格不符者,如未注明校名、年龄者,或报到时无法出具生日证明者,均无法获奖。

33、Prominent alliance networks emphasize benefits arising out of multiple access and affiliation to other prominent firms in the network. ─── 主导型联盟网络强调从与网络中的主导企业多渠道、多联系获益。

34、After affiliation, cannot be in QQ group li of hair message, sent can be kicked. ─── 加入后不能在QQ群里发消息,发了就会被踢。

35、All who stand for resistance to Japan and for democracy are entitled to share in this political power, regardless of their party affiliation. ─── 只要是赞成抗日又赞成民主的人们,不问属于何党何派,都有参加这个政权的资格。

36、Its important situation, may the affiliation obtain by its use gradual generalization situation some should prove. ─── 其重要性的情况,可以藉由其使用逐渐普遍化情形来获得一些应证。

37、Therefore, it's imminent for us to solve the problem of affiliation and metrology for microwave field strength. ─── 因此,解决微波场强的量值溯源和计量问题已迫在眉睫。

38、Jews in the Midwest were probably not keen about advertising their affiliation. ─── 在中西部的犹太人大概并不热心于宣传他们的身份。

39、A belief in totems or in kinship through common affiliation to a totem. ─── 图腾崇拜对图腾的信仰或因与某一图腾所共有的紧密联系对血亲关系的信仰

40、He maintained a spotless scientific reputation, yet he had no formal institutional affiliation, a rarity in the heavily funded world of science. ─── 他在科学界颇有清誉,却不隶属于任何正规的研究机构,在挥金如土的科学界里有如凤毛麟角。

41、Why shouldn’t our communications software allow multiple connections or make connections by organization or affiliation, or just hide the use of phone numbers altogether? ─── 为什么我们的通信软件不允许多次连接,或者通过组织或附属关系建立连接,或者隐藏电话号码的使用?

42、Affiliation with the Communist economic system must be a behavior of free will, without any administrative effect or enforcement. ─── 加入共产经济体系必须是自愿的行为,没有任何行政的作用和强制。

43、The fourth part of this dissertation discusses the affiliation between the Chaling school and the current affairs, and the moral-ethic. ─── 二是论述茶陵派成员在抗击理学过程中,与理学所形成的错综复杂的关系。

44、Therefore, realize theinhesion affiliation of Cubism andCrescent Genre, this study will help to lucubrate the literature in Wusi Time and the created process about Crescent Genre. ─── 因此 ,了解立体主义同新月派的内在联系 ,这对深入研究五四时代的文学以及新月派的生成发展将开辟一扇新的窗口。

45、But cyberspace is a far more meritocratic environment -- the free exchange of ideas can take place regardless of institutional affiliation. ─── 但是网络空间是一个靠实力说话的环境,自由的思想交流并不因体制性约定而停止。”

46、"Primarily for their expertise in relevant scientific fields" rather than for their institutional or group affiliation. ─── "首要的应以他们在相关科学领域的专长"而非他们与特定团体的制度性关联为基础。

47、A few burden are like walnut flesh, longan to wait, a large number of affiliation fill in creaming, fill inside the canister of equate bulk instead cream the quantity decreases. ─── 一些配料如胡桃肉、桂圆等,大量加入补膏中,反而使相等体积的罐内补膏量减少。

48、The identity and company affiliation of jvisitors,vendors, contractors etc. can be verified by calling their company. ─── 可以给公司致电来证实其身份及其与顾客、零售商、合同方的关系。

49、Session, leaders to new 9 affiliation committee members and communication committee member issued letter. ─── 会议期间,领导们向新加入的9名委员和通讯委员颁发了证书。

50、Why shouldn't our communications software allow multiple connections or make connections by organization or affiliation, or just hide the use of phone numbers altogether? ─── 为什么我们的通信软件不允许多次连接,或者通过组织或附属关系建立连接,或者隐藏电话号码的使用?

51、Ram Pacific Ltd.Shanghai Rep.Office is the affiliation of KOC group.Our major business is to purchase household appliance and electronic products from China. ─── 代表处的主营业务是在中国采购家电产品和电子产品,如洗衣机、空调、冰箱、手机、电视和音箱等。

52、BEA has issued a press release today to clarify that it has no affiliation with the fraudulent website. ─── 东亚银行已于今日发出新闻稿,澄清东亚银行与该欺诈网站没有关系。

53、His affiliation with the Jewish people was the strongest bond in his life, even though he did not adhere to the rituals of the religion. ─── 爱因斯坦同犹太民族在一生中有着最为强烈的情结,即便他没有遵照犹太教的宗教仪式。

54、Additional, collect the market to be able to form upsurge recently, a lot of new affiliation investor appears in succession, also created this kind of situation. ─── 另外,最近收藏市场会形成热潮,许多新加入的投资者纷纷出现,也造成了这种局面。

55、"The affiliation of 52PK will make the resource in side of game, entertainment mixes celestial pole medium to actual strength is abounded further and be strengthened. ─── “52PK的加入将使天极传媒在游戏、娱乐方面的资源和实力进一步丰富和加强。”李志高说。

56、When the seigneur swore fealty to gods on the feudal ceremony, the king had got a permanent affiliation with the seigneur except lineal consanguinity, which was supervised by gods every time. ─── 周公东征之后,盟誓成为构建西周国家政权的重要组织形式,使诸侯与天子建立了宗法血缘关系之外依靠神灵监督效忠的政治从属关系。

57、For example, the name tag shown here contains the name and affiliation for one conference attendee listed in your registered attendees data source. ─── 例如,此处显示的姓名标签包含了在已登记与会者数据源中列出的某位与会者的姓名和关系。

58、Taiwanese Hsiao Bi-khim who holds an American passport but also serves as an adviser to the Taiwanese President, is another example of someone whose sense of belonging and national affiliation are not identical. ─── 台湾的萧美琴持美国护照,又担任总统顾问一职,也可说是归属认同与国家认同不并轨的一个例证。

59、Whole 1994 country takes a sale, rent, contract, a variety of forms such as the affiliation, finished " 4 barren " the cession of resource access works. ─── 1994年全乡采取拍卖、租赁、承包、联营等多种形式,完成了“四荒”资源使用权的转让工作。

60、Traditional electric systems mostly introduced point-to-point communication mode, little affiliation with them. That made the connection system complex. ─── 传统的电器系统大多采用点对点的单一通信方式,相互之间很少有联系,这样必然造成庞大的布线系统,并且很大程度上影响了整车的性能。

61、Then the author points out the affiliation between Corporate Reorganization Plan and economy life. ─── 其次指出我国现实经济生活中有关现象与重整计划的联系,以进而说明重整计划的研究所具有的现实启发意义;

62、Since the founding of the People's Republic of China our co-operation with the democratic parties and democrats having no party affiliation has gone a step further. ─── 在中华人民共和国成立以后,我们同各个民主党派和无党派的民主人士的合作,得到了进一步的发展。

63、We analyzed the inherence affiliation beeween the tree mainstream theories, and found that the transaction cost theory was the most fundamental reason for our problem. ─── 剖析三者之间的内在联系 ,指出节约信贷交易中的交易成本是最根本原因。

64、was arrested because of his political affiliation. ─── 所属政党的关系而被捕。

65、It was basic of non-spot fountain investigate that we anatomized affiliation of ground usage method and contamination. ─── 剖析土地利用方式与污染物的内在联系是非点源污染研究基本出发点。

66、The Vampire Lord Giovanni, has been taming the lands around his kingdom, hoping to offer them as a consequential gift of affiliation to the chosen one. ─── 吸血伯爵乔瓦尼一直在安抚王国周边的属地,希望能把它们作为归降时的见面礼送给神选者。

67、TRANSLATED reserves the right to discontinue the affiliation program. ─── TRANSLATED保留中止联盟会员计划的权利。

68、Both sides signed development two countries affiliation and collaboration are enunciative wait for a file. ─── 双方签署了发展两国友好关系与合作宣言等文件。

69、You need the affiliation of investor. ─── 你需要投资者的加入。

70、Research on rodents that began in the late 1970s showed that these molecules, too, promoted affiliation with others. ─── 1970年代末期开始的齧齿动物研究指出,这些分子也会促进动物间的互动。

71、Prior to her affiliation with Jesus, the Magdalene may well have been associated with such a cult. ─── 这在她与耶稣的联系之前,抹大拉可能与这样一种祭礼有很好的连接。

72、BEA has issued a press release today to clarify that it has no affiliation with the fraudulent website. ─── 东亚银行已于今日发出新闻稿,澄清东亚银行与该欺诈网站没有关系。

73、In the preprint, along with his Steklov Institute affiliation, Perelman acknowledged support in the form of money he had saved from his U.S. postdoctoral positions. ─── 在这篇文章之中,他除了声明其工作单位为斯特克洛夫数学研究所,还说明他受益于之前从美国博士后研究员薪水所省下来的积蓄。

74、The language of ancient Macedonia,of uncertain affiliation within Indo-European. ─── 古代马其顿语言,与印欧语系语言从属关系不明的。

75、The prevailing infostructure privileges certain individuals by virtue of institutional affiliation. ─── 主流信息架构依靠体制性的约定使某些个体拥有了特权。

76、Low need for affiliation and moderate to high need for power are associated with managerial success for both higher-and lower-level managers. ─── 不管对高层管理者还是对低层管理者来说,低的归属需要和中到高的权力需要往往与成功的管理相联系。

77、On our Party's behalf, I wish to express sincere gratitude to all the democratic parties and to all our friends without party affiliation. ─── 在这里,我代表我们党,向各民主党派和无党派的朋友们,表示衷心的感谢。

78、The kidnappers had no affiliation with any militant group. ─── 这些绑架者与任何军事组织都没有紧密联系。

79、The employee groups are based on affiliation with traditionally under-represented groups, usually considering race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. ─── 员工团体是基于传统上未得到充分代表的群体,考虑因素往往涉及种族、族裔或性向等。

80、People are motivated by the need for achievement, power, or affiliation according to which theory? ─── 人们的动力主要来自对成就、权利和关系的渴求,这是下列哪个理论的观点?

81、Regulations on membership, affiliation, disaffiliation, and dismissal. ─── 八关于社员资格及入社、退社、除名之规定。

82、The KDE Project consists of a loose affiliation of developers, writers, translators, artists and other contributors from around the world. ─── KDE项目由开发人员,作者,翻译人员,美工人员和其他来自全世界的贡献者之间宽松的联系组成。

83、In May 2003, Arco opened its special affiliation office in Shanghai, China. ─── 公司在中国上海设有办事处。

84、While only subscribers can start one, anyone can join a guild. Special name colors and tags on characters show their affiliation. ─── 只有付费玩家可以创建公会,但是任何人都可以加入公会。公会成员会有特殊颜色的名字和标记来显示自己的阵营。

85、Standing alone, the term general manager infers no ownership affiliation other than that of an employee of the company. ─── 单独讲,从总经理这个术语上并不能推断出与所有权的联系,而他只是公司的一个雇员罢了。

86、mid-February 1917 a women's movement independent of political affiliation erupted in New York City, the stronghold of the Socialist party in the United states. ─── 中旬,一场独立于政治派别的妇女运动在纽约市爆发,纽约市是美国社会党的大本营。

87、Party affiliation has never been more casual. The stigmata of decay are everywhere. ─── 党派联合从来没有如此容易过。堕落的污点到处都是。

88、He had been detained without trial because of his political affiliation. ─── 因为所属政党的关系,他未经庭审即遭拘禁。

89、The extinct language of the Etruscans, of unknown linguistic affiliation. ─── 伊特鲁里亚语现已消失的伊特鲁里亚语,这种语言的语缘关系尚不明

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