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08-19 投稿


Leyden 发音

英:  美:

Leyden 中文意思翻译



Leyden 短语词组

1、leyden ma ─── 没有

2、Leyden-Moebius type ─── [医] 莱-莫二氏型(遗传性肌营养不良症的一型,主要侵犯骨盆、下肢肌肉)

3、Charcot-Leyden crystals ─── [医] 夏-莱二氏晶体(气喘晶体)

4、Leyden's duct ─── [医] 莱登氏管(中肾管)

5、Leyden-Moebius dystrophy ─── [医] 进行性肌营养不良

6、Leyden's crytals ─── [医] 莱登氏晶体(气喘晶体)

7、leyden high school ─── 莱顿高中

8、Leyden's sera ─── [医] 莱登氏血清(猩红热恢复期血清)

9、leyden cheese ─── 莱顿奶酪

10、Leyden's neuritis ─── [医] 莱登氏神经炎, 脂瘤性神经炎

11、Leyden jar ─── [化] 莱顿瓶 ─── [医] 莱登瓶

12、leyden farm vineyard ─── 莱顿农场葡萄园

13、Leyden's ataxia ─── [医] 莱登氏共济失调(假脊髓痨)

14、Leyden's disease ─── [医] 莱登氏病(周期性呕吐)

15、Lucas Van Leyden ( ─── 小名 Lucas Jacobsz)路加斯范莱登(1494~1533,荷兰画家、版画家)

16、Leyden-Mobius ─── [医] 进行性肌营养不良

17、leyden home access ─── 莱顿家庭通道

Leyden 相似词语短语

1、Dryden ─── n.屈莱顿(英国诗人)

2、ledden ─── 宽度

3、Teyde ─── 泰德

4、Leiden ─── n.莱顿市(荷兰西部城市);莱顿(大学名称)

5、Weyden ─── n.威登

6、Selden ─── n.塞尔登(姓氏)

7、Leyden ─── n.莱顿(荷兰都市名)

8、deaden ─── vt.使减弱;使麻木;隔阻;vi.变得如死一般;失去活力

9、leaden ─── adj.铅灰色的;铅制的;沉闷的;铅一般重的;vt.使沉重;使懒散;使呆滞

Leyden 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Leyden jar ─── n. 〈电〉莱顿瓶

2、Leyden's neuritis ─── [医] 莱登氏神经炎, 脂瘤性神经炎

3、Leyden disease ─── 莱登病, 周期性呕吐症

4、Leyden's serum ─── 莱登(氏)血清:猩红热恢复期血清

5、Leyden's crytals ─── [医] 莱登氏晶体(气喘晶体)

6、Leyden temperature scale ─── 莱顿温标

7、That electricity from a Leyden jar or an electric machine would cause the legs of a dead frog to move. ─── 莱顿瓶或电器发出来的电竟使死蛙的腿动起来。

8、Leyden dystrophy ─── 莱登营养不良, 进行性肌营养不良

9、This was unlike the leyden jar, which merely gave a sudden rush of current. ─── 这与莱顿瓶不一样,莱顿瓶只能骤然发出一股电流。

10、The next step was the invention of the Leyden jar. ─── 下一步,是莱顿瓶的发明。

11、Soon after my return from Leyden, I was recommended by my good master, Mr.Bates, to be surgeon to the Swallow, Captain Abrahan Panned, commander; ─── 从来顿回来后不久,恩师贝茨先生推荐我到亚伯拉罕.潘耐尔船长统率下的"燕子"号商船上去当外科医生;

12、Muskhelishvili N I. .Some Basic Problems of the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity.Noordhoff International Publishing,Leyden,1975 ─── 徐芝纶.弹性力学(下册),第三版.高等教育出版社,北京,1982

13、The use of the Leyden jar was that it enables electricity to be stored. ─── 莱顿瓶的用途是能蓄电。

14、Leyden sees an emergent American "republic of innovation," in which growing numbers of people influence what innovations are made and when. ─── 荣誉勋认为,一个新兴的美洲共和国"创新",在越来越多的人对什么是创新,并取得当。

15、This device became known as the Leyden jar. ─── 这个设备后来著名的莱顿瓶。

16、Leyden's sera ─── [医] 莱登氏血清(猩红热恢复期血清)

17、Leyden's disease ─── [医] 莱登氏病(周期性呕吐)

18、Leyden's duct ─── [医] 莱登氏管(中肾管)

19、Leyden bottle ─── 莱顿瓶

20、Leyden ataxia ─── 假脊髓痨

21、Every day she says she fears becoming a crime statistic. "I'm waiting for it to happen someday, " Leyden says. ─── 她说她每一天都担心自己成为下一个犯罪统计数字,她说,“我一直在等待着它在将来某一天发生。”

22、By the time she caught sight of the Leyden house, she was beginning to pant, for her stays were tightly laced, but she did not slow her gait. ─── 等到她看见莱顿家的房子,因为她的胸衣箍得太紧了,就已经开始气喘,不过她并没有放慢脚步。

23、Leyden's aesthesiometer ─── 莱登(氏)触觉计, 圆规式触觉计

24、When a storm cloud passed over Franklin's kite the negative charges in the cloud leaked onto his kite, his kite string, his key, and a Leyden jar attached to the key by a thin metal wire. ─── 当风暴云掠过富兰克林的风筝时,云中的负电荷转移到他的风筝上,他的风筝的线,他的钥匙,还有一个莱顿瓶通过一个细金属丝连接到钥匙上。

25、Mattie Leyden, 40, was born a man but legally changed her documents to reflect a female identity two years ago. ─── 40岁的马蒂·莱登(Mattie Leyden)以前是男性,但是两年前她已合法地办理了性别变更文件。

26、Before we left Atlanta I was dickering for that big lot on Peachtree, the one near the Leyden house. You know the one I mean? ─── 咱们离开亚特兰大之前,我就在跟他们讨价还价,准备买下桃树街那一大片空地,就是莱顿家旁边那块空地,你一定知道我说的地方。

27、That electricity from a Leyden jar or an electric machine would cause the legs of a dead frog to move. ─── 莱顿瓶或电器发出来的电竟使死蛙的腿动起来。

28、Leyden's jar ─── 莱登(氏)瓶:一种玻璃瓶, 其内外均部分地覆盖一层锡箔或其他金属层, 用作电容器或集成电路

29、from a Leyden jar or an electric machine would cause the legs of a dead frog to move. ─── 或电器发出来的电竟使死蛙的腿动起来。

30、Leyden rs crystals ─── 莱登氏晶体

31、Leyden's sign ─── 莱登(氏)征:用在压力计测定脓气胸的胸腔压力时, 出现吸气时上升呼气时压力下降现象

32、The main part of this collection was sold in 1828 by the collector to the Netherlands government and was deposited in the University of Leyden. ─── 这个收藏的主要部分被收藏家于1828年卖给荷兰政府,而存放在荷兰都市大学。

33、Lucas van Leyden ─── 卢卡斯(约1494-1533,荷兰画家、蚀刻家)

34、Leyden's syndrome ─── 莱登(氏)综合征, 韦伯(氏)综合征, 动眼神经交叉性偏瘫

35、Demonstration of Charcot-Leyden crystals by acid-fast stains applied on tissues ─── 抗酸染色显示组织中夏科-雷登结晶

36、Antihemophilic factor B Leyden variant ─── 抗坏血病因子B Leyden变异体

37、We travelled to Leyden from The Hague by the steam-tram, through cheerful domestic surroundings, past little Englishy cottages and gardens. ─── 我们从海牙乘坐蒸汽火车,沿途一派赏心悦目的乡野风光,还有英国式的小屋和花园,来到莱顿。

38、Leyden syndrome ─── 莱登综合征

39、Before we left Atlanta I was dickering for that big lot on Peachtree, the one near the Leyden house. You know the one I mean?" ─── 咱们离开亚特兰大之前,我就在跟他们讨价还价,准备买下桃树街那一大片空地,就是莱顿家旁边那块空地,你一定知道我说的地方。

40、Leyden blue ─── 莱顿蓝

41、Elites have a lot of leverage but less than they used to," says Peter Leyden, director of the New Politics Institute in San Francisco. ─── 精英产生出巨大的杠杆效应,但低于用他们表示,"彼得荣誉勋位主任新政治学会在旧金山举行。

42、Subsequently, search was made in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, Frankfurt, Marburg, Munich, Zurich, Berne, Brussels, Leyden, and The Hague. ─── 此外,还有取自伦敦、牛津、剑桥、巴黎、法兰克福、马尔堡、慕尼黑、苏黎世、伯尔尼、比利时、莱顿、以及海牙的资料。

43、Leyden sees an emergent American "republic of innovation, " in which growing numbers of people influence what innovations are made and when. ─── 荣誉勋认为,一个新兴的美洲共和国“创新”,在越来越多的人对什么是创新,并取得当。

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