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08-19 投稿


cisco 发音

英:['s?sk??]  美:['s?sko?]

英:  美:

cisco 中文意思翻译



cisco 词性/词形变化,cisco变形

名词复数: ciscoes |

cisco 短语词组

1、Cisco Discovery Protocol ─── 思科发现协议

2、cisco stock price ─── 思科股价

3、cisco webex teams cisco webex ─── 团队

4、Cisco IOS ─── 网际操作系统;思科 ─── 网络操作系统;软件版本

5、cisco netacadcomloginfailed cisco ─── 未登录

6、cisco stealthwatch cisco stealthwatch

7、cisco webex meetings cisco webex ─── 会议

8、arctic cisco ─── 秋白鲑

9、cisco webex meeting cisco webex ─── 会议

10、stealthwatch cisco ─── 思科隐形手表

11、cisco meraki ─── 思科梅拉基

12、cisco packet tracer cisco ─── 数据包跟踪器

13、cisco anyconnect secure mobility cisco anyconnect ─── 安全移动

14、european cisco ─── 欧洲思科

15、cisco jabber ─── 思科捷博

16、cisco anyconnect ─── 思科anyconnect

17、cisco stock yahoo ─── 思科股票雅虎

18、cisco ip phone bluetooth ─── 思科ip电话蓝牙

19、cisco umbrella ─── 思科伞

cisco 相似词语短语

1、disco ─── n.迪斯科舞厅;的士高;n.(Disco)人名;(意)迪斯科

2、discos ─── n.迪斯科

3、casco ─── n.(菲律宾的)平底驳船;(阿根廷的)家宅;n.(Casco)(阿)卡斯科(人名)

4、ciscoes ─── n.加拿大白鲑(一种青鱼);Cisco公司(是企业网络产品的全球领先供应商);n.(Cisco)人名;(英)西斯科;(意)奇斯科

5、disco- ─── n.迪斯科舞厅;的士高;n.(Disco)人名;(意)迪斯科

6、ciscos ─── n.加拿大白鲑(一种青鱼);Cisco公司(是企业网络产品的全球领先供应商)(cisco的变形)

7、pisco ─── n.皮斯科白兰地(秘鲁皮斯科城酿造的白兰地酒);n.(Pisco)人名;(葡)皮斯科

8、fiasco ─── n.惨败;n.(Fiasco)人名;(意)菲亚斯科

9、Frisco ─── n.弗里斯科(美国西部城市,等于SanFrancisco)

cisco 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Brand recognition obviously plays a big role in Cisco's mindshare dominance, but prospective buyers also see Cisco as setting the gold standard for service and support. ─── 品牌意识显然对于思科的意识优先地位起到了至关重要的作用,但潜在顾客也把思科作为恒量服务和支持的金本位。”

2、Cisco and 3Com Corp. gained entry by acquiring small start-up firms during the past year. ─── Cisco公司和3Com公司去年通过收购新成立的小公司获得进入此市场的入场券。

3、Even at the height of the dotcom boom, people had only the vaguest grasp of Cisco's business. ─── 即使在互联网繁荣的巅峰时期,人们对思科的业务也仅限于最模糊的认知。

4、Partner E-Learning Access. Partner shall have the right to register on Partner E-Learning Access, to the extent Cisco makes such service available to Partner within the Territory. ─── 合作伙伴在线学习接入。合作伙伴有权在思科在地域内向合作伙伴提供可行服务的范围内注册合作伙伴在线学习接入。

5、Cisco, one of the leading proponents of IP Multicast, claims that 50% of Fortune 500 companies are using the technology for some form of content distribution. ─── cisco是支持IP多播的领头公司,该公司称,《财富》500大公司中有50%都在使用此技术,用于某种形式的内容分发。

6、An excellent opportunity has arisen for a Cisco Certified System Instructor to work full time for CLSP.(Cisco Learning S...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海维音企业管理有限公司工作地点:上海市浦东新区发布时间:2009-7-25

7、As a Gold Partner awarded by CISCO in June, ADT is able to design more sophisticated network solutions to meet specific customer needs. ─── 先进数码在六月份获思科颁授金牌代理,反映其能针对客户特定需求,设计更完善的网络方案。

8、Instead of focusing on what the best opportunity might be now, he only wants his money back in Cisco. ─── 他不知道专注于最好的交易机会,他只是想着如何通过思科扳本。

9、For example, VDA might divide a packet into the following sections: .gif file, HTTP/1.1 header, XML, HTTP/1.1 header, TCP, IP and Cisco High-Level Data Link Control. ─── 例如,VDA可以把一个包分成下列几个部分:.gif文件、HTTP/1.1报头、XML、HTTP/1.1报头、TCP、IP和思科公司的高级数据链路控制。

10、Just sawa Cisco commercial on TV, a Chinese version of their international TV commercial campaign, edited to about 30 seconds. ─── 在电视上看到思高系统的广告,大概是三十秒的中文版吧。

11、At that time, said the woman, Cisco would request that all back by bus for home. ─── 在那个时候说,该名女子,思科将要求所有回来的公共汽车回家。

12、How do I sign the Cisco Career Certifications Agreement online? ─── 如何在线签署思科职业认证协议?

13、Suppose John lost money in Cisco. ─── 假如说约翰在思科上亏了钱。

14、What can an ERP implementation project manager learn from the Cisco case? ─── 一个ERP专案执行经理能从思科案例中学到什麽?

15、How do I update my personal contact information, change my password or sign up to receive notifications from Cisco? ─── 如何更新个人联系信息,更改密码或者登记接收思科的各种通告?

16、Responsibilities: 1. Be the recognized expert in and evangelist for Cisco Network product set. 2. Take the lead role in...... ... ─── 公司名称:日立信息系统(上海)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-7-11

17、Export Restriction. Without the express prior written consent of a Cisco Area Vice President, Partner will not export Products outside the Territory. ─── 出口限制。若无思科地区副总裁的事先书面同意,合作伙伴不得向地域外出口产品。

18、Q. What are the new prices of the Cisco CCNA and CCN... ─── 上海超市“金龙鱼”暂未涨价物价部门严打囤油-最新新闻2008-05-2910:00

19、"Not one of the CIOs at law firms expects to get a letter from Cisco explaining how much more our products will cost next year. ─── “没有一位律所的信息主管希望收到思科阐述其来年产品成本花费的信函。

20、Specify the clock divider (integer) based on the host clock. Alter the value to match the CISCO clock with the real time. ─── 基于主机时钟指定时钟分离器,于真实时间一起改成适合cisco的数值。

21、This is news for networking companies like Cisco, Lucent and Nortel, which are already heavily invested in the VoIP market. ─── (而因为有些场面镜头可能不适应某些读者,所以本文对所选择的电影不做详细的介绍评论。

22、Hospitals back off Cisco LEAP security for WLANs OCTOBER 17, 2003 ( COMPUTERWORLD ) - For some...... ─── 医院不满意思科公司的对于无线局域网的LEAP安全解决方案[2003-10-2008:54:42

23、Mr Chambers also said Cisco would relocate up to 10 members of its senior management staff to India over the next several months. ─── 钱伯斯还表示,未来几个月,思科将派遣至多10位高层管理人员前往印度。

24、Now that the economy has stabilized Cisco can 'see the straightaway and hit the gas,' he says. ─── 他说,现在既然经济已经企稳,思科可以看到前方笔直的大道,加大马力前进了。

25、Job Responsibilities: ? Responsible for Cisco WebEx Connect Platform development, by work independently and coll...... ... ─── 公司名称:网迅(中国)软件有限公司工作地点:浙江省杭州市发布时间:2009-4-26

26、Which of the following commands will display the name of the IOS image file being used in a Cisco router? ─── 哪个指令可以显示当前路由器使用的IOS映象文件的名字?

27、In the Cisco IOS, what is the definition of a global command? ─── 在思科IOS里面,全局指令的定义是什么?

28、Crypto map cisco client configuration address respond! ─── 响应客户端地址请求!

29、Example of using Cisco Call Manager AXL service complete source code, has been tested. ─── (译):例如使用思科呼叫管理器AXL服务完整的源代码,已经过测试。

30、Moreover, most of the technologic staff have acquired the related certificate from Microsoft or Cisco. ─── 同时技术人员中部分都获得过微软、思科等公司相关认证。

31、Candidates also get exposure to the Cisco Unified Communications architecture and design covering mobility, presence, and TelePresence applications. ─── 候选人也接触到思科统一通信体系结构和设计,包括流动性,存在和临场感的申请。

32、To ensure you receive your Cisco Certified Network Associate certificate with the correct spelling of your name and in a timely manner, we must confirm your name and address. ─── 为了确保你能够在正常的时间范围里收到印有你名字,并且拼写无误的证书,你必须确认你的姓名和地址。

33、The great mind behind Songdo is from the company Cisco. ─── 松岛背后的伟大思想来自思科公司。

34、At this point, the Cisco MDS switch is ready to accept iSCSI commands. ─── 此时,CiscoMDS交换机可随时接受iSCSI命令。

35、Cisco Systems, for example, runs two-year classes in high schools that certify graduates to become network administrators. ─── 例如CISCO系统在中学里举办为期两年的班,使中学毕业生具有资格成为网络管理员。

36、The company such as IBM, Cisco in succession sortie, begin to extend its CDN service in China. ─── IBM、思科等公司纷纷涉足,并开始在中国推广其CDN服务。

37、His Cisco stake is worth nearly $400 million. ─── 他在CISCO系统公司的投机股本价值为4亿美元。

38、B.Flash memory on Cisco routers can contain only a single IOS image. ─── 乙快闪记忆体,对思科路由器仅可包含一个单一的内部监督办公室的形象。

39、Just ask people who owned luxury condos in Tokyo after 1990, or investors in Cisco Systems (CSCO) after the tech-stock bubble popped. ─── 只要问问那些1990年后在东京拥有豪华公寓的人,或在科技类股泡沫破裂之后持有思科系统(CiscoSystems)股票的投资者就知道了。

40、A student in the Cisco network class has designed a small office network to enable hosts to access the Internet. ─── 一位学生在鱼曹白鱼之类网络班级中有设计一个小的办公室网络使主人能够存取英特网。

41、Cisco has added an HTTP server to its operating system for Cisco routers. ─── Cisco为其路由器的操作系统增加了HTTP服务器。

42、Kobuszewski said that despite more vendors looking to erode Cisco's market share, he hasn't noticed their products garnering higher margins just yet. ─── Kobuszewski称,尽管更多的供应商试图吞掉思科的市场份额,他还没看到他们的产品获得了更大的利润空间。

43、Having to cut costs, Cisco centralised the functions of each line. ─── 为减少成本,思科将每类业务的职能集中。

44、The Reference Architectures are part of an ongoing collaboration initiative between Rockwell Automation and Cisco. ─── 基准架构是罗克韦尔自化与思科之间正在协作创新的一部分。

45、They pay great attention to the technical training of staff and there are a number of engineers in CISCO, IBM, APTECH authentication. ─── 博通公司十分注重员工的技术培训,至今已有多位IBM、CISCO、北大青鸟认证的解决方案工程师。

46、Part of the general serviceability framework for Cisco Unified Communications applications includes support for sending alarms to a service. ─── 思科的统一通信应用程序的一般服务性框架的一部分,包括警报发送到服务支持。

47、According to Cisco best practice, which IP network addresses should be used? ─── 依照鱼曹白鱼之类最好地练习,哪一IP网络住址应该被用?

48、Interrelate as the network technical pioneer, cisco system company takes seriously very much build and run inside information system. ─── 作为网络互连技术的先锋,Cisco系统公司非常重视建立和运作内部信息系统。

49、Corporate goal: To make Cisco Systems' name synonymous with the Internet. ─── 公司目标:使cisco系统公司的名字与因特网一样响亮。

50、Cisco often neutralizes troublesome upstarts by buying them. ─── ”CISCO经常会通过购买将要倒闭的公司的方式谋得利益。

51、Named ACLs are not compatible with Cisco IOS releases prior to Release 11.2. ─── 在实作命名的ACL之前考虑下列问题。

52、CIM has become a rallying point for many key networking players,including BMC Software,Cisco,Compaq,Computer Associates,Dell Computer,Hewlett-Packard,NetIQ and Tivoli Systems. ─── CIM已成为主要网络公司,包括BMC软件、Cisco、Compaq、CA、Dell、HP、NetIQ和Tivoli等公司的团结基矗。

53、Cisco has already altered its organisational structure once, after the dotcom bubble burst. ─── 在互联网泡沫破裂后,思科已经改变过一次组织结构。

54、Cisco engineers, for example, have been developing technologies specifically for the company's legal department. ─── 例如,思科的工程师们已经为公司法律部专门开发出了技术。

55、Use the ip classless global configuration command to instruct the Cisco IOS software to forward these packets to the best supernet route. ─── 使用全域组态指令ipclassless来引导CiscoIOS软体转送这些封包到最佳的超网路路由。

56、Parts of IPsec-related services were jointly developed by Microsoft and Cisco Systems, Inc. ─── IPsec相关服务的几个部分是由Microsoft和Cisco Systems,Inc联合开发的。

57、The common telephone line is changed to the backup line of special line using the function of Cisco router Dail-on-demand routing (DDR). ─── 利用 CISCO路由器的按需拨号路由功能 ,我们将普通电话线制作成专线的备份线路。

58、Part B.Reseller Terms and Conditions.This Part B only applies if Partner is Reselling Products and/or Cisco Services. ─── B部分:经销商条款 B部分只适用于合作伙伴经销产品和/或思科服务的情况。

59、Like a growing number of young couples, Nathan Shaw and Maiko Sato met at the office, in a Cisco Systems training program for new recruits. ─── 和越来越多的年轻夫妇一样,内森?肖尔和佐藤麻衣子也是在办公室相识的,他们初次相遇在思科系统为新员工举行的培训项目中。

60、To get an even bigger slice of the video pie, Cisco developed TelePresence, the first unit of which was sold in December 2006. ─── 为了分得更大块视频蛋糕,思科开发了网真应用系统,首套于2006年售出。

61、What Cisco will likely announce this spring will be blade servers powered by virtualization. ─── 思科有可能在今年春季宣布采用虚拟化技术的刀锋服务器。

62、The company sells the old Cisco original label SFP module. ─── 公司有思科原标签二手光纤模块.外形为Finisar公司标准构架。

63、But that doesn't mean those rivals won't join Cisco's UCS ecosystem, particularly as it continues to branch out to more storage providers. ─── 不过,这并不意味着这些竞争对手不会加入思科的UCS生态系统中,特别是在思科不断招揽越来越多的存储提供商。

64、In Cisco IOS software, which command displays the backup configuration? ─── 下列命令中,哪一条可以显示配置文件的备份?

65、This document provides answers to some of the more frequently asked questions with regard to Cisco IOS Network Address Translation (NAT). ─── 今天帮助一个同事解决一些问题所以就看到了这个文章希望能够对大家有用。当然了还是英文的大家对付看吧实在是不好意思。

66、Why then has Cisco’s boss taken his company into unchartered organisational waters? ─── 原译:那么为什么思科老板要让他的公司采取一种前途未卜的组织结构?

67、Cisco wrote off inventory worth US $2.25 billion due to duplicate orders. ─── 思科公司注销了库存由于重复的订单价值22.5亿美元。

68、"Cisco is firmly entrenched in the minds of service provider buyers as the top wireline equipment vendor worldwide," the report states. ─── "在购买者的心里,思科作为全球第一高端电缆设备卖主的地位,[已经明确建立]已坚定地确立。"

69、So Cisco feeds putative projects through a series of filters.Is this something customers want Cisco to do? ─── 因此,思科通过一系列筛选来判断项目是否可行:这就是客户想让思科做的吗?

70、By default, Cisco routers are DTE devices but they can be configured as DCE devices. ─── 在预设,Cisco路由器是DTE设备,但是他们可被组态成DCE设备。

71、To even the odds, Chambers is capitalizing on Cisco's stock, which he's using to buy data-traffic companies. ─── 为了解决这个问题,查伯斯正努力将cisco用来购买数据通信公司的股票转换为资本。

72、An excellent opportunity has arisen for a Cisco Certified System Instructor to work full time for CLSP.(Cisco Le...... ... ─── 公司名称:维音数码(上海)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-4-28

73、You use multiple access lists when configuring it on an interface of a Cisco router. ─── 你在一个Cisco路由器的一个接口上配置并使用一个多个访问列表。

74、Spend any time in Silicon Valley and you may hear people complaining that Cisco Systems does so little research and yet makes so much money. ─── 你只要去过硅谷便会不断地听到人们愤愤不平地说,思科系统公司很少去搞科研发明,但却能挣这么多钱。

75、He is also a certified quality engineer (CQE) of American Society of Quality and Cisco certified academy instructor (CCAI). ─── 同时也是美国质量协会的质量认证工程师(CQE),思科认证学院的讲师(CCAI)。

76、Here too, Cisco can add a lot of value, says Ned Hooper, who heads the firm's consumer group. ─── 公司消费者小组的负责人NedHooper称,思科也可以从这块业务上挣些钱。

77、To help spur the deployment of multicast, Cisco helped author Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM), which is currently an IETF Internet Draft. ─── 为了推动多播的采用,cisco公司帮助编制了独立于协议的多播(PIM),目前它是IETF(因特网工程任务组)的因特网草案。

78、"Mark's approach is entrepreneurial and gutsy," says Jami Wintz McKeon, a litigator at Morgan, Lewis &Bockius and a close Cisco adviser. ─── Morgan,Lewis&Bockius律所律师兼思科资深顾问JamiWintzMcKeon说,“马克的改革很有创新性也很有胆识。”

79、If you've been at Cisco for 20 years, they don't want you. ─── 你在思科干了20年,他们也不会要你。

80、Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) is a Cisco proprietary protocol used between Cisco Call Manager and Cisco VOIP phones. ─── Skinny和SIP完全是不一样的东西。工作的地方不一样。这个是我的理解。

81、These days, says Fenwick's Davidson, Cisco's legal department is "virtually paperless" and boasts a robust internal system for sharing information. ─── Fenwick的Davidson说,这些年来,思科的法律部是“几乎无纸化的”,并且拥有健全的内部信息共享系统。

82、In China, recent raids have turned up everything from fake Sony (SNE ) PlayStation game controllers to Cisco Systems (CSCO ) router interface cards. ─── 在中国,最近的搜捕已经发现从假的索尼公司(SNE)的游戏控制器到西科系统公司(CSCO)的路由器接口卡的一切东西。

83、Cisco routers and other devices may use broadcasts to locate TFTP servers. ─── 像是思科路由器和其他的设备,都会采用广播的方式来找寻TFTP伺服器的位置。

84、I want to apply to deal with the files. I am a ccnp and had read many Cisco documents. ─── 共享联盟资料处理手册,希望大家监督和配合!

85、It is unclear whether Cisco's participation has been finalized, although one person familiar with the matter says it is close. ─── 目前还不清楚思科系统参与“平安重庆”项目一事是否已最终落实,一位知情人士说相关协议已接近达成。

86、A competing standard, Future I/O, is being backed by IBM, Compaq Computer Corp., Hewlett-Packard Co., 3Com Corp., Adaptec Inc. and Cisco Systems Inc.. ─── 另一个与之竞争的标准--未来I/O,得到了IBM、Compaq、hp、3Com、Adaptec和Cisco等公司的支持。

87、Alter the value to match the CISCO clock with the real time. ─── 修改时钟间隔值以实时匹配思科时钟。

88、Cisco is trying to demonstrate that point in Songdo City near Seoul, where the firm provides all the digital plumbing. ─── Cisco正试图在邻近首尔的Songdo证明这点,它在此地提供了全套数字水管装置。

89、Do you work for a Cisco Partner or reseller? ─── 你所在公司是不是思科合作伙伴或经销商?











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