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08-19 投稿


fructiferous 发音

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英:  美:

fructiferous 中文意思翻译



fructiferous 短语词组

1、fructiferous synonyms ─── 果实同义词

2、fructiferous meaning ─── 果义

3、fructiferous in spanish ─── 西班牙语中的果实

fructiferous 相似词语短语

1、cruciferous ─── adj.十字花科的

2、fructivorous ─── adj.吃果实为生的,食果的

3、fructifiers ─── 使结果实的人或事物

4、furciferous ─── adj.具分叉附肢的

5、frugiferous ─── 吝啬的

6、lactiferous ─── adj.造乳的;生乳液的;输送乳汁的

7、fructiferously ─── 结果实的

8、guttiferous ─── adj.产藤黄的;带液滴的

9、frondiferous ─── 含苞待放的

fructiferous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Result showed that in whole generational period Dioscorea zingibereasis have two water consuming fastigiums, one is in bloom vegetal period and another is anthesis and fructiferous phases. ─── 结果表明,黄姜在生育期有2个需水高峰,一个在旺盛生长期,即7月下旬至8月上旬,另一个在开花结果期,即8月下旬至9月上旬;

2、fructiferous stipes ca. 2 cm, with very short setae. ─── 具果的柄约2厘米,带有非常短刚毛。

3、fructiferous stipe and fruit stipe glabrous, often with elliptic lenticels. ─── 具果的柄和果柄无毛,经常有椭圆形的皮孔。

4、fructiferous stipes ca. 2 cm, with very short setae. ─── 具果的柄约2厘米,带有非常短刚毛。

5、fructiferous stipe and fruit stipe glabrous, often with elliptic lenticels. ─── 具果的柄和果柄无毛,经常有椭圆形的皮孔。

6、pedicel 3-5 mm, slightly elongate when fructiferous. ─── 花梗3-5毫米,具果时稍微地拉长。

7、Vigorous growth tendency, relatively resistant to disease. The management of water and fertilizer strengthened, the plant can be fructiferous again after the first fruit picking. ─── 植株生长强健,抗病性较强,第一次瓜采收后,加强肥水管理和病虫害防治,还可结二次瓜。

8、fructiferous cymes ca. 4 cm; ─── 大约4厘米的具果的聚伞花序;

9、Effects of New Long-effect Urea on Productivity and Quality of Cauline and Fructiferous Vegetables ─── 施用新型长效尿素对茎果类蔬菜产量及品质的影响

10、The main reasons of yield lossing were the obvious reduction in weight of thousand gains and the fructiferous rate. ─── 导致减产的主要原因是结实率和千粒重显著降低。

11、pedicel 3-5 mm, slightly elongate when fructiferous. ─── 花梗3-5毫米,具果时稍微地拉长。

12、Effects of New Long-effect Urea on Productivity and Quality of Cauline and Fructiferous Vegetables ─── 施用新型长效尿素对茎果类蔬菜产量及品质的影响

13、Preliminary Study on Flowering and Fructiferous Habits of Apricot ─── 杏开花结果习性研究初报

14、Preliminary Study on Flowering and Fructiferous Habits of Apricot ─── 杏开花结果习性研究初报

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