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08-19 投稿


rational 发音

英:[?r??(?)n?l]  美:[?r??(?)n?l]

英:  美:

rational 中文意思翻译




rational 词性/词形变化,rational变形

复数--rationals;比较级--more rational;最高级--most rational。

rational 同义词

dialectic | normal | sane | wise | reasonable |sensible | rational number | lucid | enlightened | intelligent | judicious | advisable | logical | noetic | thinking | cogent | intellectual | coherent | realistic | level-headed | sound | mental | balanced

rational 反义词

irrational | absurd

rational 常用词组

rational design ─── 合理的设计

rational choice ─── 理性选择;理性抉择

rational analysis ─── 示构分析;示性分析

rational 短语词组

1、rational differential system ─── [计] 有理微分组

2、rational design ─── [经] 合理的设计

3、rational doubt ─── [法] 合理的怀疑

4、rational function ─── [计] 有理函数

5、rational synthesis ─── [化] 示构合成; 有理合成

6、rational approximation ─── [计] 有理逼近

7、rational analysis ─── [化] 示构分析

8、law of rational indices ─── [计] 有理指定律 ─── [化] 有理指数定律

9、rational motive ─── [网络] 理性动机;理性考量

10、rational medicine ─── [医] 合理医学

11、rational expression ─── [计] 有理表达式

12、rational interval function ─── [计] 有理区间函数

13、rational mechanics ─── [计] 理论力学

14、rational exploitation ─── [经] 合理开采

15、rational rose UML ─── 可视化建模工具

16、rational formula ─── [化] 示性式 ─── [医] 示性式, 示构式

17、rational act ─── [法] 合理的行为

18、rational number ─── [计] 有理数 ─── [经] 有理数

19、rational symptom ─── [医] 自觉症状, 主观症状

rational 相似词语短语

1、rationals ─── adj.合理的;理性的;n.有理数

2、rationale ─── n.基本原理;根本原因

3、rationales ─── n.基本原理;根本原因

4、irrational ─── adj.不合理的;无理性的;荒谬的;n.[数]无理数

5、durational ─── 持续时间的;时长的

6、gyrational ─── 旋回的

7、fractional ─── adj.部分的;[数]分数的,小数的

8、National ─── n.(印、巴)耐提奥纳乐(人名);adj.(national)国家的;国民的;民族的;国立的;n.(national)(某国的)公民

9、creational ─── adj.创造型;创建型

rational 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ration is widely used in manufacturing industry. ─── 定额是制造业中广泛使用的一个概念。

2、All that is real is rational,and all that is rational is real . ─── 凡是合乎理性的东西都是现实的,凡是现实的东西都是合乎理性的。

3、When people are very angry, they seldom act in a rational way. ─── 人们在盛怒之下,很少理智地行动。

4、Rational drug use is the key to lower ADR. ─── 合理用药是降低ADR发生的关键;

5、Rational use of drugs (RUD) is an eternal subject. ─── 合理用药是永恒的话题。

6、The real outcome will always be very different from the rational construction. ─── 实际的结局总是与理性构想十分不同的。

7、She was too sad to be rational. ─── 她伤心过度,失去理智。

8、Whatever others think, do what you think rational. ─── 做你认为是合理的,不要管别人怎么想。

9、Its findings provide the scientific foundation for rational utilization of land. ─── 它的调查结果为合理使用土地提供了科学根据。

10、Rational Number Concepts.In R.Lesh &M. ─── 主要研究方向:基础教育数学课程改革。

11、Principle 3 rational people think at the margin. ─── 原则的3,人们在差额上的合理思考。

12、It is vital that rational arrangements be made. ─── 合理安排很重要。

13、As he became rational, he ought to have roused himself. ─── 他既然通情达理,他就应该使自己振作起来。

14、Is the rational behind back-up frequency documented? ─── 合理的后台备份频度是否有备案?

15、Then we introduce UML, Rational Rose and RUP. ─── 并介绍了统一建模语言UML、建模工具Rational Rose以及RUP统一过程。

16、has dawned among the most fervent advocates of financial analysis and collective investor wisdom: markets are not always rational. ─── 金融分析和投资者集体智慧的最热心倡导者如今有了新的认识:市场并不总是理性的。

17、Ration tells me there is no way to think about it. ─── 其实我也想,但是我没有兴致

18、no rational explanation for his actions. ─── 对他的所作所为无法作出合理的解释。

19、Can an irrational number to an irrational power be rational? ─── 一个无理数的无理数次方是否有可能是有理数?

20、Rational Utilization of Shrubby Grassland in Kasite. ─── 喀斯特灌丛草场的合理放牧利用。

21、Settle down. You aren't being rational. ─── 冷静点,你现在太不理智了。

22、Rational use of water resources ? ─── 合理利用水资源。

23、His actions were not rational at first blush. ─── 乍一看,他的行为并不理性。

24、It is rational, but scientifically unanswerable and hence uninteresting. ─── 它是理性的,但是无法通过科学予以回答,因而让人提不起兴趣。

25、A former European finance minister reminded me that, from a political perspective, there is nothing in it for a rational politician. ─── 一位前欧洲国家财长提醒我,从政治角度看,理性的政治人士认为银行纾困毫无可取之处。

26、There must be a perfectly rational explanation for what happened. ─── 对所发生的事一定有一个非常合理的解释。

27、Have you used your ration of petrol for this week? ─── 你用了这星期给你定量的汽油了吗?

28、"My husband is a perfectly rational being," she said. ─── “我丈夫是个非常讲求理性的人,”她说。

29、Comstituting the rational scheme of hybridize breeding;4. ─── 制定合理的杂交育种方案;

30、To dispense in fixed quantities; ration. ─── 定量,配给供应以固定量分配;配给

31、Act On Impulse But In A Rational Way - On Entrepreneurship? ─── 以理性的方式作冲动的事情?

32、Some habits are rational to acquire. ─── 一些习惯的养成是符合理性的。

33、Do you know who defined man as a rational animal? ─── 你知道是谁将人说成是有理智的动物的?

34、Both brothers were mandarin scholars,learned and rational gentlemen. ─── 两位舅爷都是身列黉门,读书明理的君子。

35、Yet rational herds can quickly change their minds. ─── 但理性羊群可以很快改变它们的主意。

36、The decision was based on emotion rather than rational thought. ─── 这个决定不是基于理性的思考而是基于感情作出的。

37、They say man is a rational being, but I don't always agree. ─── 别人说人是有理性的,但我有时不这么认为。

38、Despite her recent stroke, she is quite rational. ─── 她尽管最近曾患中风, 但头脑仍很清醒.

39、Elinor agreed to it all, for she did not think he deserved the compliment of rational opposition. ─── 埃莉诺对此表示赞同,因为她认为这位先生值不得享受据理反驳这种恭维。

40、Despite her recent stroke,she is quite rational. ─── 她尽管最近曾患中风,但头脑仍很清醒.

41、His first question to the student was to ask him to sketch a theory of rational crime and punishment. ─── 贝克尔对那位学生提的第一个问题,是让他简述一个理性犯罪及惩罚措施的理论。

42、No rational person will go to work in his pyjamas. ─── 任何神志正常的人都不会穿著睡衣去上班。

43、Wendy Boggs,Michael Boggs.Mastering UML with Rational Rose. ─── SYBEX Inc(中文版:邱仲潘等译.

44、As part of the diet, allow yourself a small daily ration of sugar. ─── 作为饮食的一部份,每天要摄入少量的糖。

45、He could not meet her in conversation, rational or playful. ─── 在谈话方面,不管是谈正经事或开玩笑,他都不能满足她的需要。

46、Image inpainting based on Thiele's rational interpolation[J]. ─── 引用该论文 霍星,檀结庆.

47、It is not necessary to enter into the rational numbers. ─── 已经没有必要去讨论有理数。

48、His death is very rational, at the same time very perceptual. ─── 张自忠的死是十分理性的,同时又是十分感性的。

49、The design of the task must be rational. ─── 任务设计要合理、科学。

50、China is lack of a rational system. ─── 中国缺少一种。

51、I speak of peace, therefore, as the necessary rational end of rational men. ─── 因此我把和平讲作是有理智的人应该致力以求的合理目标。

52、You'd better countrol your expenditure in a rational limit. ─── 你最好将你的开支控制在合理的限度之内。

53、The alphabet might be more rational if all the vowels came first. ─── 要是所有的元音都排在前面,字母表也许会更合理些。

54、There is no rational explanation for his actions. ─── 对他的所作所为无法作出合理的解释。

55、You think killing you is rational? ─── 你以为当时我杀了你就是理智吗?

56、Man is a rational being. ─── 人是有理性的生物。

57、Governments and peoples do not always take rational decisions. ─── 各国的政府与人民并不总是作出合乎理性的决定的。

58、Curvature monotony condition Tor the quadratic rational B spline curves. ─── 二次有理B样条曲线曲率单调条件

59、Rational ClearCase LT Installation Guide. ─── 中的安装指示信息。

60、It is feathered with rational structure and nice appearance. ─── 具有结构合理,外形美观。

61、Because they aren't rational, it makes them harder to catch. ─── 因为他们是没有理智的,所以要抓住他们就困难一些。

62、In my opinion, we must try to ration gas and electricity. ─── 依我看,我们必须实行煤气、电力的限量配给。

63、The standard ration pack had to be portioned out among fourteen men . ─── 一箱标准的配给食物必须分给14个人。

64、A Rational Design Process: How and Why to Fake It. ─── 一种理性的设计过程:如何以及为何去仿制它。

65、The allotment of ration coupons. ─── 定额配给券的分配

66、The left brain's approach to understanding the world is logical and rational. ─── 左脑了解世界的方式有逻辑且理性化。

67、People's ration of meat limited to a pound of meat per week. ─── 人们的定量供应被限制为一星期一磅肉。

68、Therefore, the author believes that this issue needs systematical research and rational argument, so as to improve the company legislation. ─── 因此,作者认为应当对这一问题进行系统研究和综合论证,以完善公司立法。

69、The rational part of the individual human soul. ─── 单个人灵魂的理性部分

70、What is a Rational Price for Stainless Steel? ─── 不锈钢的合理价位在哪儿?

71、Do you consider it a rational explanation? ─── 你觉得这种解释合理吗?

72、Donna failed to give us a rational explanation for her mistake. ─── 唐娜没能就她的失误给我们一个合理的解释。

73、It is rational and scientifically unanswerable, but still interesting. ─── 它是理性的,也是科学无法回答的,但它仍是令人感兴趣的。

74、Here Hume assumes that to be rational is to be logical. ─── 在他看来,理性等同于逻辑。

75、Using Rational Team Concert may not be part of this, because the point is to show off working software, not the list of tasks. ─── 使用RationalTeamConcert也许并不是其中的一部分,因为重要的一点是展示软件的性能,而不是任务的列表。

76、Only a fool expects rational behavior from his fellow huma . ─── 只有傻瓜才会相信只要遵循别人所说就能得到想当然的结果。

77、Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software V6. ─── 0:下载这个开发环境的免费试用版。

78、The quality or condition of being rational. ─── 合理性合乎理性的性质或状态

79、They prize rational discourse. ─── 他们珍视理性的论述。

80、Persistency based on persistent facts and rational database. ─── 基于持久事实和关系数据库的数据持久性。

81、Your thinking may be crooked, or straight, or rational... ─── 你的思维也许是扭曲的,笔直的,或者理智的...

82、Family management of clan enterprises: humane binding or rational choosing? ─── 家族企业的"家族式治理":人文制约抑或理性选择?

83、You refuse to view things only from a sober, rational standpoint. ─── 你拒绝从清醒而理性的观点看事情。

84、But for Mr Yang, a rational and fair trial was all that mattered. ─── 不过在他来说,理性而公平的审讯十分重要。

85、The state ensures the rational use of natural resources and protects rare animals and plants. ─── 国家保障自然资源的合理利用,保护珍贵的动物和植物。

86、No rational person would go to work in his pyjamas. ─── 任何神智正常的人都不会穿着睡衣去上班。

87、For your health, be a rational and healthy winebibber! ─── 为了您的健康:做一位理智、健康的酒仙!

88、They felt it was becoming impossible to have rational conversation with her. ─── 他们觉得简直不能同她进行正常的谈话。

89、We should be rational and never over-exaggerate the function of market. ─── 对市场的作用不能过分夸大,应该有理性的认识。

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