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08-19 投稿


puffin 发音

英:['p?f?n]  美:['p?f?n]

英:  美:

puffin 中文意思翻译



puffin 网络释义

n. 善知鸟;海鹦;海鸭之类

puffin 短语词组

1、tufted puffin ─── 簇羽善知鸟

2、Atlantic puffin ─── 大西洋角嘴海雀

3、horned puffin ─── 角海鹦

puffin 词性/词形变化,puffin变形

动词过去式: puffed |动词现在分词: puffing |动词第三人称单数: puffs |形容词: puffy |副词: puffily |名词: puffiness |动词过去分词: puffed |

puffin 相似词语短语

1、duffing ─── 未击中(某物);弄糟(某事)(duff的现在分词)

2、puffins ─── n.善知鸟;海鹦;海鸭之类

3、pluffing ─── 毛绒

4、cuffing ─── n.成套(如血管周围白细胞聚集如套状)

5、buffing ─── n.[机]磨光,[机]抛光

6、puffing ─── n.夸奖;噗噗吹;v.使膨胀(puff的ing形式);吹起

7、cuffin ─── 库宾

8、cuffins ─── 耳机

9、muffin ─── n.(涂牛油趁热吃的)英格兰松饼,(常含小块水果等)杯状小松糕;玛芬

puffin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The puffin community on the island is the largest in the southern part of the island. ─── 小岛上的海鹦群落是大不列颠岛南部地区最大的。

2、the puffin you saw must be this kind. ─── 北极海鹦,“角嘴海雀”非规范名称。

3、Gisli Oskarsson is a biology teacher and cameraman, known as "the puffin man. " ─── 纪斯里·奥斯卡森是一位生物教师兼摄影师,以“海雀人”著称。

4、You can see some pictures of the seaside (my favourite bit), the flowers in my parent's garden (and the gnome), the puffin (a funny sea bird) and me watching Bath Rugby at the rugby cup final. ─── 你可以看到一些的海边(我非常喜欢的地方)照片,还有我父母花园里的花,海燕(一种有意思的海鸟)和我在看沙滩橄榄球决赛的照片。

5、common puffin of the North Atlantic. ─── 北大西洋普通的海鹦。

6、The evicted puffin either has to dig a new hole, or go the year without nesting. ─── 来自世界各地的鸟类观察家和游客蜂拥而至,只为看到在野外生活的海雀。

7、Tufted Puffin ─── 簇羽善知鸟, n. 花魁鸟(海雀科)

8、In rabbit-rich areas, about 10% of the puffin holes were physically occupied by rabbits, and 64% of the holes were "inactive" -- meaning they had neither puffins nor rabbits in them. ─── 但最近几年,这种国宝级海鸟面临来自兔子的生存威胁。

9、They follow strict traditions.For example, if the puffin has fish in its beak, it's going home to feed its -young, so you don't kill it. ─── 他们遵循严格的传统,比如,如果海雀嘴里衔着鱼,那么它是准备回家喂幼鸟去,因此,你不要捕杀它;

10、The Hatfield Puffin is a modern aeroplane, but its designer, Mr. John Wimpenny, is finding it difficult to get it off the ground. ─── 哈特费尔德·普芬是一架时髦的飞机,但设计这架飞机的人约翰·温佩尼先生感到很难使它飞离地面。

11、Gisli Oskarsson is a biology teacher and cameraman, known as "the puffin man." He studied and filmed the birds for years. ─── 帕韦尔斯基纪斯里·奥斯卡森是一位生物教师兼摄影师,以"海雀人"著称。多年来他一直研究和拍摄海雀。

12、If the puffin looks you in the eye, you don't kill it. ─── 如果它看着你的眼睛,你也不要杀它;

13、Puffin parents dig nesting burrows into the cliffs, and spend their days fishing for their families. ─── 帕韦尔斯基海雀父母们在悬崖峭壁上筑巢嵌穴,日复一日地捕鱼养家。

14、And if the puffin cries -- and yes, they tell me puffins really can cry -- you don't kill it. ─── 如果海雀哭了,是的,猎人们告诉我海雀确实会哭的,你就不要杀它了。

15、N Pacific puffin having a large yellow plume over each eye. ─── 北太平洋的海鹦,每只眼睛上方有一簇黄色的羽毛。

16、Although I was not a bird watcher, my first glimpse of the adorable puffin won me over. ─── 尽 管 我 不 是 一 名 观 察 研 究 野 鸟 的 学 者 , 但 是 当 我 第 一 眼 看 到 那 可 爱 的 海 鹦 , 就 被 它 迷 住 了 。

17、One of Britain's best-known seabirds, the puffin, is being wiped out by invading fast-growing alien plant species because of global warming. ─── 英国最为人所只的海鸟海雀,由于全球暖化,而被快速生长的外来入侵树种所消灭。

18、Something mysterious is happening to one of the Island's best loved inhabitants - the Atlantic puffin. ─── 大西洋海雀是冰岛上最喜爱的居民之一,一些神秘的事情正在它们之间发生。

19、"Oh, Puffin is a good girl and she is doing very well today. ─── " 一到医院就听到护士这麽说,那表示她应该还活著,还好松了一口气.

20、Pacific puffin having a large yellow plume over each eye. ─── 北太平洋的海鹦,每只眼睛上方有一簇黄色的羽毛。

21、This puffin was collecting twigs for his nest.Taken in Skomer Island in Wales. ─── 这只海雀(又译为:角嘴海雀,海鹦,善知鸟等)在收集筑巢用的枝条。

22、Although I was not a bird watcher, my first glimpse of the adorable puffin won me over ─── 尽管我不是一名观察研究野鸟的学者,但是当我第一眼看到那可爱的海鹦,就被它迷住了。

23、This group includes seabirds like the Atlantic puffin (pictured), the tufted puffin in the North Pacific, and the rhinoceros auklet. ─── 这些动物中就包括大西洋海雀(如图所示)、北太平洋善知鸟和犀角海雀等海鸟。

24、The Hatfield Puffin is a modern aeroplane, but its designer, Mr. John Wimpenny, is finding it difficult to get it off the ground ─── 哈特费尔德?普芬是一架时髦的飞机,但设计这架飞机的人约翰?温佩尼先生感到很难使它飞离地面。

25、The Hatheld Puffin is a modern aeroplane, But its designer, Mr. John Wimpenny, is finding it difficult to get it off the ground. ─── Hatfieldpuffin是一架新式飞机,但它的设计人JohnWimpenny先生发现,要使它从地面起飞很困难。

26、And in Iceland's Westman Islands, one of the biggest puffin colonies in the world, locals love these colorful, chubby2 birds -- on the wing or on the menu. ─── 在冰岛的威斯特曼岛栖息着世界最大的海雀群落之一,当地人很喜爱这些色泽鲜艳。圆圆胖胖的海雀,无论是天空飞翔的,还是做成美味菜肴的。

27、Twenty-five percent of the Atlantic puffin is here, on these tiny islands you see here around you. ─── 25%的大西洋海雀生活在这里,栖息在举目所及的周边小岛上。

28、Atlantic Puffin ─── n. 北极海鹦(海雀科)

29、In just a few years, they almost wiped out5 the entire puffin population. ─── 短短的几年内,他们几乎将那里的海雀捕杀殆尽。

30、Puffin place a huge role in the culture of this society. It has a place in the heart of everybody. ─── 在这个区域的文化中,海雀扮演着非常重要的角色。它在每个人心中都有很重要的地位。

31、Many of us saw the puffin for the first time and it impressed us. ─── 我们中有许多人是第一次看见海鹦,它给我们留下深刻的印象。

32、Puffin couples often reunite at the same burrow site each year. ─── 海鹦夫妇每年都会回到同一处洞穴会面。

33、puffin noun zool. ─── 找批扭我抗;

34、Since then, puffin hunters go after individual birds, with sort of overgrown lacrosse6 stick. ─── 从那时起,猎人们就用一种加长的曲棍球棒追逐海雀。

35、She fears this is evidence that the rabbit is causing the puffin to breed less, threatening the bird's very existence. ─── 兔子和海雀都习惯在地洞里生活,海雀每年有四个月的时间要在洞里产卵,而兔子则全年都是在洞里生活和繁殖的。

36、The Atlantic puffin, Fratercula arctica, has a black back and white underparts, a flattened, brightly-coloured bill, and red and black eye-markings with bright orange legs. ─── 大西洋海雀Fraterculaarctica,有黑色的背和白色的下身,平扁亮彩的鸟喙,橘色的脚和红黑的眼睛。

37、Maybe the Puffin can't fly yet, but other inventors are still trying. ─── 也许海雀还不能飞,但其他的发明家仍在努力。

38、Researchers aren't entirely sure what happens when a puffin directly confronts a rabbit in its burrow. ─── 对于很多冰岛人来说,海雀在文化上占有特殊的位置。

39、Scientists have discovered the tree mallow is choking puffin breeding sites on Scottish islands and have warned that the plant could soon start killing off other seabirds, such as herring gulls and cormorants. ─── 科学家发现花葵正在扼杀海雀在苏格兰离岛上的繁殖地,并警告这种植物很快就会开始杀害其他的海鸟,如银鸥和鸬鶅。

40、Vigfusdottir concluded that about 64% of puffin holes in rabbit-free areas were "active" -- meaning they had puffins nesting in them. ─── 冰岛是世界上最大的海雀栖息地,有超过1000万只海雀在这里生活。

41、In just a few years, they almost wiped out the entire puffin population. ─── 短短的几年内,他们几乎将那里的海雀捕杀殆尽。

42、Since then, puffin hunters go after individual birds, with sort of overgrown lacrosse stick. ─── 从那时起,猎人们就用一种加长的曲棍球棒追逐海雀。

43、This puffin was collecting twigs for his nest. ─── 这只海鹦正在为筑巢而收集枝条。

44、Nomination “ Birds: Atlantic Puffin, Scotland. ─── 提名“鸟:大西洋海雀,苏格兰。

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