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08-19 投稿


clinked 发音

英:[kl??kt]  美:[kl??kt]

英:  美:

clinked 中文意思翻译






clinked 词性/词形变化,clinked变形

动词现在分词: clinking |动词第三人称单数: clinks |动词过去式: clinked |动词过去分词: clinked |

clinked 短语词组

1、clinked glasses ─── 碰杯

2、clinked means ─── 碰触方式

3、clinked synonym ─── 同义词

4、clinked portal ─── 咬合门

5、clinked meaning ─── 叮当作响的意思

6、clinked define ─── 碰撞定义

7、clinked pricing ─── 成交价

clinked 相似词语短语

1、clicked ─── v.单击,点击(click的过去式);发出咔哒声(滴嗒声)

2、linked ─── v.把……连接起来;相关联;说明(两者间)有联系;挽住,勾住;(使)挂钩(link的过去式及过去分词);adj.连接的;显示连环遗传的

3、clunked ─── 发出沉闷声(clunk的过去式和过去分词)

4、clanked ─── v.(使)发出叮当声;(金属)发出当啷声(clank的过去式及过去分词);n.(尤指金属块相击的)当啷声

5、clonked ─── 叮当作响

6、chinked ─── n.裂缝;叮当声;裂口;vi.叮当响;vt.使叮当响

7、blinked ─── vt.眨眼;使…闪烁;vi.眨眼;闪烁;n.眨眼;瞬间;闪光;n.(Blink)人名;(德)布林克

8、clinker ─── n.渣块;炼砖;vi.炼成渣;vt.使炼成渣

9、plinked ─── n.叮铃声;vi.发出叮铃声;vt.使作叮铃声

clinked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the hallway outside,a scuffle of feet.A clink of metal. ─── 在走廊外面,有扭打的痕迹和金属发出的声音。

2、She knows you were in the clink . ─── 她知道你们进了监狱。

3、Their glasses clinked, their eyes met. ─── 他们碰杯庆祝,四目相接。

4、When a guest trusted his host, he would then just touch or clink the host's glass with his own. ─── 当宾客信认主人时,两人就只是碰一下杯子。

5、Yet another claim asserts that the "clink" served as a symbolic acknowledgment of trust among imbibers who did not feel the need to sample each others' drinks to prove them unadulterated. ─── 然而还有另一种则认为:碰杯是一种象征性的相信酒是干净的,不需证明有没有放毒。

6、The "clink" was a sign of trust and honesty. ─── 所以"碰杯"代表信任与诚实。

7、Joe clinked his spoon against his glass as everyone took their seats. ─── 当大家就座时,乔用调羹敲了敲玻璃杯。

8、I will throw him in the clink! ─── 我要把他关进监狱!

9、Clink the small pictures to see more detail ─── 点击小图片可以查看大图和有关文字资料

10、clink glasses and drink a toast ─── 碰杯祝酒

11、Don't clink the keys in your pocket. ─── 别让你口袋中的钥匙丁当乱响。

12、A bit like life itself, perhaps? No matter how dark our problems,there's always a clink of light to encourage us to keep on . ─── 或许有点像生活本身?无论路途有多么艰险,总会有一道光芒激励我们继续前进!

13、Madeleine and I clinked our wineglasses full of sparkling apple cider, made resolutions and went to bed. ─── Madeleine和我互相碰杯,盛满苹果汁的酒杯闪着波光,我们互表决心,然后睡觉。

14、A bit like lift itself?No matter how dark our problems, there’s always a clink of light to encourage us to keep on. ─── 或许有点像生活本身,无论我们的困难有多艰辛,总会有一道光芒激励着我们前进。

15、A bit like life itself, perhaps? No matter how dark our problems, there's always a clink of light to encourage us to keep on. ─── 或许有点像生活本身?无论路途有多么艰辛,总有一道光芒激励我们继续前行。

16、Nancy: Spencer! How can you do this? We'll all be thrown in the clink! ─── 南西:史宾塞!你怎麽可以这麽做?我们都会被抓去关的!

17、They clinked glasses and drank each other's health. ─── 他们碰杯互祝健康.

18、Audio: Why clink in drinking? ─── 百科:喝酒为什么碰杯?

19、His walk was unsteady, and the gold in his baggy overalls pockets clinked with every step he took ─── 他步子不稳,每趟一步,那条鼓鼓囊囊的裤子兜里的金币便叮当作响。

20、Henry clinked off angrily and got drunk in a clip joint . ─── 亨利生气地跑开之后在酒吧间里喝得烂醉。

21、The king cursed the courtiers and clapped them quickly into clink for taking prescriptions from a quack doctor. ─── 国王责骂廷臣们从一个江湖那里开药方,并且立即把他们关进了监狱。

22、The European guests all cheered his comments and clinked glasses loudly, forgetting their manners. ─── 当时这些贵族听完哈哈大笑,还互相碰杯,先前的优雅完全不见了。

23、He opened up the champagne and we clinked glasses, gazing into each other's eyes. ─── 他打开了香槟,我们深情地凝视着对方的眼睛,举杯相碰。

24、He clinked off angrily. ─── 他生气地猛然跑开。

25、to cause to make a soft,sharp,metallic sound; clink ─── 使发出轻的、尖锐的金属质的声音;使叮当作响

26、You clinked glasses with me in a smile, and a melancholy flickered across your eyes, but it was noticed by me unluckily.I smiled, too, really, lowered my head and smiled lightly... ─── 我们的表演是那么的出色,没人能猜出我和你有任何情感的牵连。

27、He's also a loyal friend and we first see him starting a jail break to bust pals out of the clink. ─── 他还是一位顶级朋友,我们第一次看到他是从破坏监狱从中救出伙伴的开始。

28、You clinked glasses with me in a smile, and a melancholy flickered across your eyes, but it was noticed by me unluckily. ─── 你笑着跟我碰了杯,眼里的忧郁一掠而过,不小心地让我看到了,我也笑了,真的,低下头,轻轻地笑了&

29、26 The king cursed the courtiers and clapped them quickly into clink for taking prescriptions from a quack doctor. ─── 国王责骂廷臣们从一个江湖那里开药方,并且立即把他们关进了监狱。

30、He gave her the drink and they clinked glasses. ─── 他把酒递给她,他们碰了碰杯。

31、clink down [ off ] ─── [英方]急忙走开

32、Throw her in the clink! ─── 把她关进监狱!

33、Henry clinked off angrily and got drunk in a clip joint. ─── 亨利生气地跑开之后在酒吧间里喝得烂醉。

34、From i ide a wooden building come the sounds of laughter and the clink of gla es.Cla ing begi as people in Bavarian costumes dance to the music of an oompah band. ─── 从一栋木造建筑物里面传来了阵阵的笑声和玻璃的叮当声,当身着巴伐利亚传统服饰的人们,随着一个德国传统民俗乐团的音乐起舞时,四周响起了掌声。

35、Keywords clink;solution of sodium aluminate;dicalcium silicate;precipitation;additive mechanism; ─── 熟料;铝酸钠溶液;硅酸二钙;分解;添加剂;机理;

36、Complaints apart, I still took some photos as remembrance and if you're interested please clink on the link to visit my photo album. ─── 尽管如此,照片还是拍了不少,就当作这次猎牛记的纪念,有兴趣的人可以利用连结到相本去观赏照片。

37、He's in the clink. ─── 他在坐班房。

38、He gave her the drink and they clinked glasses. ─── 他把酒递给她,他们碰了碰杯。

39、As he played he would listen not only to the sound of his own strings, but also for the clink of coins into his tin bowl. ─── 他拉琴时,不仅是在侧耳倾听自己的琴声,也在等待丢到锡碗里丁当作响的钱币。

40、won't you?'They clinked their glasses again; ─── 伦敦皇家交易所就在近旁;

41、I heard the clink of coins in his pockets ─── 我听到了他口袋里叮当碰撞的硬币声。

42、They clinked glasses, still laughing. ─── 他们碰了杯,依旧大笑不止。

43、Mayday as the opening concert singer debut, released two albums clink of the current popularity of tepid, but it is worthy of an album, I recommend you here small. ─── 作为五月天的演唱会开场歌手出道,发行了两张专辑的丁当目前的人 气不温不火,不过专辑倒是值得一听,我这里小推荐一下。

44、We clinked glasses and began eating. ─── 我们碰了杯,开始吃东西。

45、Why do people clink glasses when they drink? ─── 为什么人们喝酒时要碰杯?

46、clink down ─── 急忙走开

47、Parts of it were too prickly to be stones and too hard to be thorns, and there seemed to be a great many round, flat things, and it all clinked when he moved. ─── 有些地方既象荆棘(而非石头)一样尖锐,又象石头(而非荆棘)一样坚硬。似乎很不错的是那里有许多圆圆的,平滑的东西。当尤斯达斯移动身体时,就会听到叮叮当当地响声。

48、As the fool think, so the bell clink. ─── 傻子只消想,钟声自会响。

49、clink glasses ─── 碰杯

50、On Monday, gather a bunch of people together, clink your fork against your glass and make a little speech. ─── 星期一,当聚集了一堆的人们在一起时,拿起妳的叉子敲一下,发表一个简短的演说吧。

51、in clink ─── adj. 坐牢

52、be in the clink ─── 在坐班房

53、They clink glasses and drink. ─── 他们碰杯喝酒。

54、Glasses clinked beneath crystal chandeliers at a lavish launch for China's new newspaper. ─── 在中国一份新报纸创刊的庆祝会上,灯红酒绿迷人醉,火树银花不夜天。

55、Day 125: You'd better start behaving yourself or you'll end up in the clink young man! ─── 你最好老实点,不然就要进监狱了,年轻人!

56、Occasionally, a stray workman putting his coat on, traversed the hall, or a stranger peered about there, or a distant clink was heard across the court-yard, or a thump from the golden giant. ─── 有时一个游荡的工人会一面披着衣服一面从大厅穿过。 有时一个陌生人会在附近张望。 有时从小天井那头也会传来辽远的叮当之声,或是从那金胳膊的巨人那里传来的砰的一声。

57、A Clink of Light in Life ─── 生活中的光芒

58、Etiquette mavens say one need not clink glasses with everyone present when participating in toasts among large assemblies. ─── 礼节上在现在当一个人参加一个大聚会时不需要和每个人碰杯。

59、Three coins vanish one at a time from the magician's hand and reappear with a loud clink inside of a coffee cup. ─── 三个银币从魔术师手中逐一消失了,然后响亮地重现于咖啡杯。

60、You'd better start behaving yourself or you'll end up in the clink young man! ─── 你最好老实点,不然就要进监狱,年轻人!

61、You clinked glasses with me in a smile , and a melancholy flickered across your eyes , but it was noticed by me unluckily . ─── 我们的表演是那么出色,没人能猜出我和你有任何感情的牵连。

62、She clinked her glass against his. ─── 她和他碰杯,发出叮当的响声。

63、We heard clink come from that room ─── 我们听到那个屋子传来叮当声。

64、be in clink ─── 在坐牢

65、They clink glasses. ─── 他们碰杯。

66、You briefly touch the coin on the table and apparently push it through the table, landing with a loud clink in the glass! ─── 你在桌在玻璃简单地接触硬币和显然地穿它通过桌,登陆与大声的叮当声!

67、And let me the canakin clink, clink;And let me the canakin clink A soldier's a man;A life's but a span;Why, then, let a soldier drink. ─── 一瓶一瓶复一瓶,饮酒击瓶玎珰鸣.我为军人岂无情,人命倏忽如烟云,聊持杯酒遣浮生。

68、They clinked glasses and drank the toast. ─── 两人碰杯,一饮而

69、clinked ingot ─── 开裂钢锭

70、At this point his train of thought was interrupted by his concubine's voice as she sipped the bird's-nest porridge and clinked the silver spoon against the bowl: ─── 在这里,冯云卿的思想被姨太太的声音打断。 姨太太啜着燕窝粥,用银汤匙敲着碗边说道:

71、They clinked glasses and drank each other's health. ─── 他们碰杯互祝健康。

72、They clinked glasses. ─── 他们共同碰杯,叮当作响。

73、They clink their glasses together to toast the bride and groom. ─── 他们碰杯向新郎、新娘致贺。

74、The King cursed the courtiers and clapped them quickly into clink for taking pres criptions from a quack doctor. ─── 国王咒骂大臣们竟然从一个江湖郎中那里开药方,并且立即把他们关进了监狱。

75、The telltale clink of tracks heralds the advance of a brigade combat team. ─── 履带发出的声响暴露出了正在前进的是一支旅级战斗队规模的部队。

76、If the guest trusted his host, however, he would merely clink his goblet against his host's when his host offered his cup for the sample. ─── 如果客人信任主人,便会在主人举杯时只碰一下杯肚。

77、Spent the night in the clink ─── 在监牢里呆了一夜

78、the clink of coins, keys, glasses ─── 硬币、 钥匙、 玻璃杯相碰的叮当声.

79、Baba gestured with his glass. The ice clinked. "I mean all of them. Piss on the beards of all those self-righteous monkeys. " ─── 爸爸拿起酒杯,冰块叮咚作响。“我是说他们全部,那些自以为是的猴子,应该在他们的胡子上撒尿。”

80、Listening to people laugh, clink with each other, completely missing the previous elegance. ─── 众人听了哈哈大笑,还互相碰杯,先前的优雅完全不见了.

81、Why people clink glasses? ─── 喝酒时为什么要碰杯?

82、He sat, gazing downward, and gradually thought he heard the old voices and the clink of glasses. ─── 他坐在那里,低着头,渐渐地以为自己听到了往日的人声和碰杯声。

83、To cause to make a soft, sharp, metallic sound; clink. ─── 使发出叮铃声使发出轻的、尖锐的金属质的声音;使叮当作响

84、His hand shook too, as he clinked his glass against his nephew's. ─── 当他和外甥碰杯时,他的手也哆嗦了。

85、"You're a bitch!" he said. Change clinked. ─── “你这个婊子!”他说。零钱叮叮当当掉落下来。

86、She clinked down on the floor. ─── 她啪地一声倒在地板上。

87、"You're a bitch! " he said. Change clinked. ─── “你这个婊子!”他说。零钱叮叮当当掉落下来。

88、In one section of the parlour floor was the dining-room, and from the clink of dishes one could tell that supper was being prepared. ─── 大接待室的一区就是餐室,听那里盘碟琳琅,分明正在预备晚餐。

89、From inside a wooden building come the sounds of laughter and the clink of glasses.Clapping begins as people in Bavarian costumes dance to the music of an oompah band. ─── 从一栋木造建筑物里面传来了阵阵的笑声和玻璃的玎珰声,当身著巴伐利亚传统服饰的人们,随著一个德国传统民俗乐团的音乐起舞时,四周响起了掌声。

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