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08-19 投稿


murre 发音


英:  美:

murre 中文意思翻译



murre 短语词组

1、thick-billed murre ─── [网络] 厚嘴海鸥

2、common murre ─── [网络] 普通海鸦;崖海鸦;崖海鸠

murre 词性/词形变化,murre变形

名词复数: murre |

murre 相似词语短语

1、murr ─── 默尔;穆尔河

2、murrs ─── 默尔;穆尔河

3、murrey ─── n.黑紫色;深紫红色;adj.深紫红色的

4、-murred ─── 阴沉的

5、murra ─── 默勒石(如玛瑙或瓷等,=murrha);n.(Murra)人名;(英)默拉;(意、葡、阿尔巴)穆拉

6、murri ─── n.穆利

7、mure ─── v.蛰居;禁闭;幽禁(等于immure);n.(Mure)(法、美)缪尔(人名)

8、murres ─── n.海鸦;n.(Murre)人名;(法)米尔

9、murree ─── n.穆里

murre 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Trametes robiniphila Murr ─── 槐耳菌

2、Water-bath method,ultrasonic,microwave and ultrasonic-microwave extraction techniques were applied in extraction of polysaccharide from Lycium rethenicum Murr. ─── 方法采用常规水浴法、超声法、微波法、超声-微波协同萃取法提取多糖,用蒽酮-硫酸比色法测定其含量。

3、The Impact of Trametes Robiniophila Murr Granulated Powder on Postoperative Immunity in Patients with Thoracic Malignancies ─── 槐耳颗粒对胸部恶性肿瘤病人术后免疫功能的影响

4、Keywords Leaf of Lycium ruthenicum Murr;Free radical;Antioxidation; ─── 黑果枸杞叶片;自由基;抗氧化作用;

5、Lycium rethenicum Murr ─── 黑果枸杞

6、) O.K.Miller Gomphidius tomentosus Murr. ─── 绒红铆钉菇(绒盖铆钉菇 Chroogomphis tomentosus (Murr.

7、: Fr.) Sing.Flammula lenta (Fr.) KummerGymnopilus lentus Murr. ─── 粘环锈伞(粘环鳞伞 Pholiota lenta (Pers.

8、) Kuhner Lentinus ursinus Fr.Panellus ursinus (Fr.) Murr. ─── 北方小香菇(绒毛扇菇 Lentinellus ursinus (Fr.

9、Keywords Lycium rethenicum Murr;polysaccharides;ultrasonic extraction;microwave extraction;ultrasonic-microwave extraction; ─── 黑果枸杞;多糖;超声提取;微波提取;超声-微波协同萃取;

10、Keywords Lycium ruthenicum Murr;Pigment;DPPH free radical;Antioxidant Activity; ─── 黑果枸杞;色素;二苯代苦味酰基自由基(DPPH.);抗氧化活性;

11、Axtractum trametes robiniphila murr ─── 槐耳清膏

12、Keywords Kjeldahl method;protein;caput-medusa of Ganoderma tsugae Murr; ─── 凯氏定氮法;蛋白质;松杉灵芝子实体;

13、[Schinus indicus Burm.;Rhus semialata Murr.; ─── 拉丁植物动物矿物名Rhus chinensis Mill.

14、Keywords Durio zibethinus Murr;trace element; ─── 榴莲果;微量元素;

15、The most extreme death, however, was caused by blood loss after a swarm of mosquitoes attacked a thick-billed murre. ─── 死。然而最极端的例子则是一只厚嘴默被一群蚊子叮咬后失血而死。

16、Keywords Trametes Robiniophila Murr;T-cell subgroup;cell immune;lung neoplasms;oesophagus neoplasms;cardia neoplasms; ─── 槐耳颗粒;T细胞亚群;细胞免疫;肺肿瘤;食管肿瘤;贲门肿瘤;

17、Keywords :Tibetan medicine; resources; Lycium ruthenicum Murr. ─── 作者单位:甘青梅(青海省药品检验所,青海西宁810000)

18、The extracting and refining technology of pigment of Lycium ruthenicum Murr. ─── 本文采用正交实验法对黑果枸杞色素的提取和精制工艺进行了研究。

19、Objective:This paper reported the microscopic characters of Spilanthes acmella(Linn.)Murr. ─── 对金纽扣的显微结构进行了研究。

20、Trametes mbimiophila Murr. ─── 槐耳

21、Lyceum ruthenium Murr Pigment ─── 黑果枸杞色素

22、Determination of protein content in a water soluble polysaccharide of Caput-medusae of Ganoderma tsugae Murr by kjeldahl method ─── 凯氏定氮法测定松杉灵芝子实体水溶性多糖中蛋白质含量

23、Common Murre ─── n. 普通海鸦

24、Keywords Durio zibethinus Murr;Restraint stress;Liver injury;Protection; ─── 榴莲壳醇提物;拘束负荷;肝损伤;保护作用;

25、The content of this page is from the MURR port or MURR customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自MURR港口或MURR海关的进出口公司目录;

26、The adsorption and desorption of the pigment of Lycium ruthenicum Murr. ─── 本文对大孔树脂吸附分离黑果枸杞色素的条件与方法进行了研究。

27、[Schinus indicus Burm.;Semialata Murr.; ─── 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Rhus chinensis Mill.

28、Agaricus Blazei Murr. ─── 姬松茸

29、Leaf of Lycium ruthenicum Murr ─── 黑果枸杞叶片

30、Keywords Durio zibethinus Murr;tropical fruit;nutritional composition; ─── 榴莲;热带水果;营养成分;

31、Taishan Trametes robiniophila Murr ─── 泰山槐栓菌多糖

32、Factors Influencing the Assay of Condensed Tannin in Lycium Ruthenicum Murr. ─── 影响黑果枸杞缩合单宁测定的因素分析。

33、Keywords pancreatic cancer;gemcitabine;trametes robiniphila murr;treatment;prognosis; ─── 胰腺肿瘤;吉西他滨;槐耳;治疗;预后;

34、Polysaccharide was extracted from Lycium rethenicum Murr and the content was determined. ─── 目的比较不同提取方法对黑果枸杞多糖的提取效果。

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