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admiralty 发音

英:['?dm?r?lt?]  美:[??dm?r?lti]

英:  美:

admiralty 中文意思翻译



admiralty 词性/词形变化,admiralty变形

名词复数: admiralties |

admiralty 短语词组

1、admiralty gun-metal ─── [机] 海军炮铜

2、admiralty jurisdiction ─── [经] 海事审判权

3、admiralty action ─── [法] 海事诉讼, 海军行动

4、Admiralty Island ─── [网络] 洛伦高;司令岛;大帅岛

5、admiralty lien ─── [法] 船舶优先权

6、Admiralty Arch n. ─── 海军拱门

7、admiralty brass ─── [机] 海军黄铜

8、admiralty gun metal ─── [机] 海军炮铜

9、admiralty law ─── [经] 海商法

10、admiralty cause ─── [法] 海军军事诉讼

11、admiralty anchor ─── [机] 海军锚

12、admiralty fuel oil ─── [机] 船舶燃料油

13、admiralty dispute ─── [法] 海事纠纷

14、Admiralty Islands ─── 阿德米勒尔蒂群岛(俾斯麦群岛的一部分, 在巴布亚新几内亚北部)

15、admiralty droits ─── [法] 海军权利

16、admiralty court ─── [经] 海事法庭

17、Admiralty mile ─── 英制海里

18、admiralty jurisdictioin ─── [法] 海事管辖权, 海事审判权

19、admiralty fuel in kerosene range ─── [机] 船舶用灯油

admiralty 相似词语短语

1、admirance ─── 尊敬的

2、admiralty law ─── 海商法

3、admirability ─── 令人钦佩

4、admirable ─── adj.令人钦佩的;极好的;值得赞扬的

5、admiral ─── n.海军将军,海军上将;舰队司令;海军上将蛱蝶;n.(Admiral)(美、俄、加)阿德米拉尔(人名)

6、admiralties ─── n.海军部;海事法庭;海军上将的职位

7、Admiralty ─── n.海军部;海事法庭;海军上将的职位

8、admirals ─── n.[水运]商船队队长;提督技能

9、admirably ─── adv.美好地,极好地;令人钦佩地

admiralty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tubes can be provided in a variety of metallurgy, Titanium, Stainless Steel, Admiralty Brass, Aluminium Brass, Cupro-Nickel and other metallurgy's such as Duplex Stainless on request. ─── 冷却管材料可以是钛、不锈钢、海军铜、铝黄铜、铜镍合金或其它诸如不锈钢双层管等。

2、The Hydrographic Office has taken over provision to the shipping community of nautical services which were provided by the British Admiralty before the reversion of sovereignty on July 1,1997. ─── 为航运界提供航海服务,在七月一日回归前原本是英国海军的职责。回归后,这项工作已由海道测量部接手负责。

3、A summons or citation in civil or admiralty law. ─── 传票民法或海事法中的传唤文件或传唤

4、Once the responsibility for putting the Army across was definitely thrust upon the Navy, the German Admiralty became consistently pessimistic. ─── 当把运送陆军过海的责任明确地交给海军以后,德国海军部就一直表示悲观。

5、Also explores the aspects of shipping law, including the distinctive admiralty rules. ─── 本书还研究了运输法方面的问题,包括特殊的海事规则。

6、British Admiralty had few coercive powers over its officers. ─── 英国海军部对其官员有很小的强制权力。

7、Meanwhile Admiralty policy had again been most carefully scrutinised. ─── 在此期间,海军部的政策又经过一次极端缜密的研究。

8、The associated ship provisions is one of the most typical legal system in the South African Admiralty Jurisdiction. ─── 关联船制度是南非海事管辖中最有特色的制度。

9、a summons or citation in civil or admiralty law ─── 民法或海事法中的传唤文件或传唤

10、German Commodores also were permitted to wear greatcoat lapels and visor insignia of an Admiral but were not officially members of the German Admiralty. ─── 德国海军准将还被允许在身穿军大衣时露出蓝色翻领(注:只有将级军官可以如此穿着),并在大檐帽的帽舌上佩戴将级军官饰带。

11、However, you know the cla for office property between Wanchai and Central or Admiralty is totally different. ─── 但是你知道湾仔和中环或金钟的商业级数完全不同。

12、He was removed from the admiralty and effectively sidelined. ─── 他被从海军部调离且实则坐起了冷板凳。

13、The brash young First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill showed particular interest in naval aviation. ─── 年青而性情急躁的海军大臣温斯顿·丘吉尔对海军航空特别关心。

14、Once more everything seemed to be set for a morning climax, and once more the Admiralty hopes were dashed. ─── 我们的舰只为第二天早晨的决战再次作好了准备,而海军部的希望却是再次落空。

15、The written claims presented by a plaintiff in an action at admiralty law or to an ecclesiastical court. ─── 原告诉状在海事法或教会法中,由案件原告提出的书面声明

16、I was not able to induce the Admiralty to send the armoured brigade, or at least their vehicles, through the Mediterranean. ─── 我未能说服海军部取道地中海运送装甲旅或至少运送该旅的车辆。

17、Doctrine of Forum Non Convenience in South African Admiralty Suit ─── 南非海事诉讼中的不方便法院原则

18、A waterfall fed by glacial runoff tumbles over sheer cliffs and into the turquoise water of Admiralty Inlet on Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. ─── 意译:腐蚀和风化。位于加拿大的巴芬岛屿,有一条瀑布来自冰河流出的水翻越悬崖进入绿宝石巴芬岛。

19、My section at the Admiralty Research Laboratory was run superbly by Stephen Butterworth. ─── 我所在的海军部研究实验室的那个组由斯蒂芬?巴特沃思出色的领导着。

20、International Maritime and Admiralty Law ─── 国际海商法

21、I was assigned to teach Criminal Procedure and Admiralty in the spring term and had already done quite a bit of the preparation work. ─── 我被安排在春季学期讲授“刑事诉讼”和“海事法”,我已经做了不少的准备工作。

22、--to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction; ─── 一切有关海上裁判权及海事裁判权的案件 ;

23、Zhangxian Admiralty rural east; ─── 东接漳县金钟乡;

24、He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart. ─── 他记下经度和纬度,然后在海图上作了标记。

25、The judgment of a court of equity, admiralty, probate, or divorce. ─── 判决;裁定指衡平法庭,海事法庭,遗嘱检验法庭或离婚法庭的裁决

26、I was not able to induce the Admiralty to send the armoured brigade, or at least their vehicles, through the Mediterranean. ─── 我未能说服海军部取道地中海运送装甲旅或至少运送该旅的车辆。

27、This morning, is about to Admiralty from the prison sentence of AIDS inmates named Xiao Liu, Out of the wall before signing a solemn undertaking. ─── 今天上午,即将从金钟监狱刑满释放的艾滋病服刑人员小刘,在走出高墙之前郑重签下承诺书。

28、Regarded as a "white elephant" by the Admiralty, Magnificent was broken up for scrap shortly after the War ended. ─── 被海军部视为“白象”(只烧钱没用处的东西——译者),庄严号在战争结束后不久就解体了。

29、At the Admiralty there was growing opinion that the Bismarck was steering for Brest, but it was not until six o'clock that this hardened. ─── 海军部越来越相信“俾斯麦”号正驶往布雷斯特,但是直到六点钟,这个想法才肯定下来。

30、Admiralty court of the people's Republic of China ─── 中华人民共和国海事法庭

31、During the first few months of the war in 1939, the British Admiralty requested the ships of the Royal Australian Navy be despatched for war service in the European and Mediterranean waters. ─── 1939年在战争开始的几个月期间,英国的海军部要求澳大利亚皇家海军派遣船只为在欧洲和地中海水域中战时服役。

32、Several barracks buildings gained new life in the redevelopment of Admiralty. ─── 政府早年重建数幢英式兵房建筑,为金钟带来崭新的景象。

33、Chamberlain was not the man to lead his country in such a crisis, Winston Churchill , his first lord of admiralty took over as Prime Minster in 1940. ─── 张伯伦在危急关头不能领导国家,因此他的首相温斯顿。邱吉尔于1940年接替首相职位。

34、Once more everything seemed to be set for a morning climax, and once more the Admiralty hopes were dashed. ─── 我们的舰只为第二天早晨的决战再次作好了准备,而海军部的希望却是再次落空。

35、MTR to Admiralty station, exit at Queensway Plaza. Walk over the covered bridge to Pacific Place, then take the escalator up to the entrance of Hong Kong Park. ─── 地铁金钟站太古广场出口,沿人行天桥步行至太古广场,再乘电梯往香港公园。

36、Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty ─── [英]海军本部委员; 海军参议官

37、This Hornbook provides an overview of the history and traditions underlying today's admiralty and maritime law. ─── 本书是关于海事法历史与传统的初级读本。

38、The jurisdiction over admiralty administrative cases has been always an issue with different views both in theory and in practice. ─── 一直以来,海事行政审判权的行使主体问题无论在我国法学理论界还是在司法实践中都存在争议,没有一个明确而固定的答案。

39、The production of maritime injunction adapted itself to the special need of admiralty adjudication and it initiated a precedent of action preservation in China. ─── 海事强制令的产生适应了海事诉讼的特殊需要,它开创了我国诉讼程序法上行为保全的先河。

40、Admiralty, bankruptcy and company winding-up proceedings for the claim of arrears of wages and other employment related benefits are also undertaken. ─── 民事法律援助也适用于海事案件、破产案件和公司清盘案件中欠薪及其他有关雇佣利益的追讨。

41、From Admiralty Stunning view from The Peak ─── 从太平山顶俯瞰香港景色

42、This article first focuses on the definition of Forum Non Conveniens and the conditions of application in admiralty suit. ─── 在海事诉讼中,扣船法院因扣船取得审理实体案件的管辖权已成为确定海事管辖权一项公认的原则。

43、Judicial Impartiality and Proceedings of Admiralty Action ─── 司法公正与海事诉讼程序的独立

44、Section IV of Admiralty Notices to Mariners, Weekly Editions, contains selected urgent corrections to Sailing Directions that cannot wait until the next supplement. ─── 周版航海通告第IV部分包含有不能等待下一期补篇的对航路指南的紧急改正资料。

45、Admiralty Board of the Defense Council ─── 国防会议海军委员会

46、The judgment of a court of equity,admiralty,probate,or divorce. ─── 判决;裁定指衡平法庭,海事法庭,遗嘱检验法庭或离婚法庭的裁决

47、Coach departs for Civil Service College at Admiralty Arch ─── 出发往公务员学院

48、New Editions of Admiralty Charts ─── 新版海图

49、Finally, I have used the Admiralty files. ─── 最后,我使用了海军部档案。

50、It extends from Admiralty Arch, up around the Victoria Memorial to the palace forecourt. ─── 林荫道从海军部拱门出发,绕经维多利亚纪念碑延伸至宫殿前院。

51、the judgment of a court of equity,admiralty,probate,or divorce ─── 指衡平法庭,海事法庭,遗嘱检验法庭或离婚法庭的裁决

52、admiralty fuel in kerosene range ─── [机] 船舶用灯油

53、Handover in person is limited to Central, Sheung Wan, Admiralty, Wanchai, Causeway Bay, North Point, Fortress Hill, Quarry Bay and Tai Koo Shing, delivery date to be confirmed with buyers. ─── 当面交收只限于中上环,金钟,湾仔,铜锣湾,北角,炮台山,鲗鱼涌及太古城等地点,送货日期待定;

54、His conduct on this issue was highly approved by the admiralty ─── 他在这一战斗中的表现颇受海军部的嘉许。

55、Surely you can run to a new Admiralty flag. ─── 你当然能购买一面新的海军旗。

56、Photo Gallery: Erosion and Weathering A waterfall fed by glacial runoff tumbles over sheer cliffs and into the turquoise water of Admiralty Inlet on Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. ─── 意译:侵蚀和风化图片画廊。一个瀑布来自冰河的径流翻滚越过峻峭的悬崖进到清洁的水域庄严的入口在巴芬岛,Nunavut,加拿大。

57、He shall be articled against in the high court of admiralty ─── 他将在海事高等法院被控告。

58、Chamberlain was not the man to lead his country in such a crisis, Winston Churchill, his first lord of admiralty took over as Prime Minster in 1940. ─── 张伯伦在危急关头不能领导国家,因此他的首相温斯顿。邱吉尔于1940年接替首相职位。

59、During the afternoon, Winston left the Admiralty building through a side door. ─── 一天下午,温斯顿从侧门离开海军部大楼。

60、Admiralty Island Monarch Flycatcher ─── n. 阿德默勒岛王鹟

61、I do not, indeed I dare not, doubt the Admiralty have studied the dispositions with vigilance. ─── 我并不怀疑,的确也不敢怀疑,海军部对这种部署是否用心研究过。

62、As First Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill was involved in the Dardanelles campaign in 1915. ─── 作为英国海军大臣,丘吉尔卷入了1915年的达达尼尔战役。

63、These documents were designed to limit and eliminate the vicious Equity, Maritime or Admiralty Law which was what we revolted against as Our Revolution against the totalitarianism of England. ─── 上面提到的这些法律文件,旨在限制和淘汰我们极力反对的衡平法、商法或者海事法,正如我们的独立革命反抗英国的专制统治一样。

64、I wrote to Brundrett in the hope that there might be a space for me somewhere in the Admiralty. ─── 我给布伦德里特写信,希望他能在海军部的某个单位为我找个工作。

65、Admiralty, bankruptcy and company winding-up proceedings are also undertaken. Most of these cases relate to employees' wages and severance pay. ─── 民事法律援助也适用于海事、破产及公司清盘等案件,其中大部分为雇员追讨工资及遣散费案件。

66、Cornell Law School - Admiralty Law ─── 康奈尔法律学校-海事法

67、Admiralty in prison, he accepted the well-treatment and education. ─── 金钟监狱他接受了精心治疗和教育。

68、The Admiralty sweetened this pill by lending Russia four of our modern submarines. ─── 为了使俄国人容易接受这种安排,海军部从我们现代化的潜艇中拨去四艘借给他们使用。

69、Each Admiralty Chart carries a reference number. The reference numbers are allocated in a random manner and charts in a particular area frequently do not have numbers running in sequence. ─── 每张英版海图都有一个图号。图号是随机分配的,对某一特定水域图号不是连续的。

70、GTM Admiralty Car Park designs different tariff packages as well to suit diverse customer budgetary requirements. ─── GTM金钟停车场设有不同的收费套餐,迎合各类顾客的需要。

71、Admiralty in prison, he accepted the well-treatment and education. ─── 在金钟监狱他接受了精心治疗和教育。

72、Anti-signed B/L is a act of common admiralty swindle in navigate transport.It disturbed the normal ocean shipping economic order seriously. ─── 摘要倒签提单是航运贸易中常见的一种海事欺诈行为,它严重扰乱了正常的海运经济秩序。

73、The Admiralty court was declared by statute to be a sovereign court. ─── 法律规定海事法庭是最高管辖法庭。

74、Bus station:-, Admiralty, Central, Sheung Wan, Quarry Bay, Mei Foo, Tsuen Wan, Kowloon Tong (Somerset Rd.), Kowloon Tong(Kent Rd. ─── 乘坐巴士分站:金钟、中环、上环、鱼则鱼涌站、美孚、荃湾、九龙塘(森麻实道)、九龙塘(根德道)

75、The people gave way as an open car pushed its way out of the Admiralty. ─── 当一辆敞篷车从海军部出来时,人们让出一条道。

76、The Hydrographic Office has taken over provision to the shipping community of nautical services which were provided by the British Admiralty before the reversion of sovereignty on July 1, 1997. ─── 为航运界提供航海服务,在七月一日回归前原本是英国海军的职责。 回归后,这项工作已由海道测量部接手负责。

77、Law The judgment of a court of equity, admiralty, probate, or divorce. ─── 判决;裁定:指衡平法庭,海事法庭,遗嘱检验法庭或离婚法庭的裁决

78、for putting the Army across was definitely thrust upon the Navy, the German Admiralty became consistently pessimistic. ─── 当把运送陆军过海的责任明确地交给海军以后,德国海军部就一直表示悲观。

79、The Admiralty sweetened this pill by lending Russia four of our modern submarines . ─── “提尔古茨”号战列舰由于我们小型潜艇发动的大胆而英勇的袭击而丧失了战斗力。

80、I took my Admiralty exams in the car with me, grading them as we rode or at night when the campaign work was over. ─── 我把学生们的海事法考卷带到车上,一边行驶一边判卷,或是在竞选工作结束后,在晚上为考卷评分。

81、The Soviet Admiralty just doesn't know it yet. ─── 只是苏联海军部还没明白过来。

82、VINCI Park Admiralty Car Park situates at the very central part of Hong Kong and networks with Pacific Place and MTR station. ─── VINCI Park金钟停车场位处香港中区核心地带,直接贯通太古广场及地铁站。

83、How to identify the carriers under carriage of goods by sea is a theoretic and practical problem that should be solved urgently in the practice of admiralty trial. ─── 如何确定海上货物运输中的承运人,是海事审判实践中亟待解决的一个理论和实际问题。

84、The following year we take a look at the Admiralty with the leading man who is more potential with the advantage of momentum. ─── 下面我们就看看今年的金钟男主角谁更有优势跟潜质跟声势。

85、Yes Madam, I'll take you to the Admiralty MTR Station. ─── 小姐,我会送你去金钟地铁站。小姐,我会送你到金钟地铁站。

86、HK records : i know there is a store in Admiralty. ─── 另外,中环有的唱片店都有...

87、To maintain a complete set of effective weekly Editions, they should be retained until the next Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Maritime is received. ─── 为了保存一套完整有效的周版通告应保存到收到下一期航海通告年度摘要时为止。

88、His mind, atrophied by the stultifying work he did day in day out, was incapable of conceiving any hopes or dreams other than those connected with the Admiralty. ─── 他那副被各种令人愚蠢的日常工作而耗损的头脑,除了那些和他的部里相关事务之物,早已没有其他的思想、其他的希望及其他的梦想了。

89、Walden saw Churchill at the Admiralty at twelve noon. ─── 中午十二点沃尔登在海军部见到了邱吉尔。

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