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08-19 投稿


broadsides 发音

英:[?br??dsa?dz]  美:[?br??dsa?dz]

英:  美:

broadsides 中文意思翻译



broadsides 词性/词形变化,broadsides变形

动词过去分词: broadsided |动词过去式: broadsided |动词第三人称单数: broadsides |动词现在分词: broadsiding |

broadsides 短语词组

1、broadsides history ─── 侧面历史

2、broadsides poetry ─── 宽边诗

broadsides 相似词语短语

1、roadsides ─── n.路边;路旁;adj.路边的;路旁的

2、broadminded ─── adj.宽宏大量的;心胸开阔的;无偏见的

3、broadlines ─── 粗线条

4、broadsided ─── n.舷侧;较宽的一面;adv.侧面地;胡乱地;vt.言语攻击

5、roadside ─── n.路边;路旁;adj.路边的;路旁的

6、board sides ─── 板面

7、broadpieces ─── 大件

8、broadside ─── n.舷侧;较宽的一面;adv.侧面地;胡乱地;vt.言语攻击

9、broadsheets ─── n.(尤指严肃的)大幅报纸;单面全版大幅信息,仅印一面的大幅纸张;大开本报纸

broadsides 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A supremely powerful warship. Sporting heavy cannon broadsides and a thick hull. Can travel across the ocean. ─── 卡拉克巨舰是庞大的精锐战舰,配备大口径舷炮和坚固舰身,能进行远洋作战。

2、While some foreign artist before him used broadside pencils for sketches, no one before Kuang treated pencil broadsides as a formal means of artistic creation. ─── 三、宽笔铅笔画是一种新画种。

3、Along with these pro-labour gestures came a series of broadsides against Wall Street. ─── 伴随这些保护劳工的姿态,出现了一系列针对华尔街的抨击。

4、His popular books "Fooled by Randomness" and "the Black Swan" were broadsides at the risk-management models used in the financial world and beyond. ─── 他的畅销书《无心的愚蠢》和《黑天鹅》抨击了在金融和其他领域的风险管理模型。

5、These sorts of electronic broadsides typically involve scores of machines that have been hacked into and turned into unwitting[3] launching pads for attacks on the targeted company. ─── 这种电子攻击的典型手段是:让某些被“黑掉”的机器在不知情的情况下变成黑客攻击目标公司的工具。

6、Hatred of Mr.Bush went well beyond the partisan broadsides typical of democratic politics. ─── 但是,对布什的恨已经远远地超出了民主政治的政党范畴。

7、Moussavi began answering the president's rhetorical broadsides with some strong language of his own. ─── 随着竞选运动接近尾声,穆萨维开始用自己那一套强硬的话来回应现任总统对他词藻华丽的谩骂。

8、The act placed a tax upon newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets and broadsides, legal documents of all types, insurance policies, ship's papers, licenses, and even dice and playing cards. ─── 该税法征税的对象有报纸,历书,宣传册和大幅单面印刷品,各种法律文书,保险单,船运票据,许可证,甚至骰子和扑克牌。

9、One of its attractions was a printing press that was placed on the ice and used to knock up souvenir broadsides to mark the occasion. ─── 集市上吸引人的一个地方之一就是放在冰上的一台印刷机,人们用这台机器来印出纪念性报纸,描述集市上的情形。

10、As you match groups of the correct color tiles,you make pirate ships cross the ocean, fire broadsides, fence against buccaneers, walk through tropical jungles or forbidding castle dungeons. ─── 当你正确组成的颜色匹配的图块,就会使海盗的船只穿过海洋,开火进行侧面攻击,防御对方的海盗,步行穿过热带丛林或者令人生畏的城堡地牢。

11、Hatred of Mr. Bush went well beyond the partisan broadsides typical of democratic politics. ─── 但是,对布什的恨已经远远地超出了民主政治的政党范畴。

12、Devastating broadsides are fired with a deafening roar and cannon balls tear through enemy ships and their crew. ─── 伴着震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,毁灭性的炮弹齐射撕裂了敌人的船舰和船员。

13、But it was a marked shift from the rhetorical broadsides over the past two months. ─── 但和过去两个月的言语攻击比起来,却是一个明显的转变。

14、Until now, fleets tended to have fairly straightforward fights, exchanging broadsides of round shot in an attempt to sink each other. ─── 直到现在,舰队才可能公平的战斗,交换船身,齐射试图把对方打沉。

15、The missiles are located along the ship broadsides, look very impressive and make it easy to differentiate between Varyag and other ships. ─── 导弹沿着舷侧布置,看起来很壮观,可以很容易区分瓦良格和其他船舶。

16、Ships play very differently from land units: they have to be manoeuvred with the wind in mind, they fire massive broadsides at right angles to their direction of movement. ─── 另一个重大的改变是,地区城镇和其他资源建筑的分部,看上去风景已经不再像以往的全面战争了,所有地区的建筑都有单独的属性。

17、Galleys were swift and carried many men, but were not designed to stand up to the broadsides of modern warships. ─── 狭长船快而敏捷并能承载很多人,但是并不是设计用来能抵挡现代战船的舷侧的。

18、A painter by training, Kuang brought with him, in addition to his camera, his painting kit and he sketched the scenes as well, firstly in water colors, and later in pencil broadsides. ─── 他本是学画的,除了相机,还带着画笔去实地写生,一开始是画水彩,后来是用宽铅笔画。

19、Under a relentless bombardment by scores of guns, battleship broadsides and thousands of fighter-bombers, German combat power was being steadily eroded. ─── 德军不断遭受盟军的大炮,战列舰和几千架战斗轰炸机的无情轰炸,德军的战斗力不断减少。

20、It could not be a worse time for a politician to launch broadsides at a central bank. ─── 当政客们对央行群起而攻之时,情况坏得不能再坏了。

21、Ever since, the academic nutrition community, steeped in the rhetoric of obesity epidemics, has lobbed broadsides at those blasphemous results. ─── 自此,沉浸在肥胖流行病学修辞中的营养学界,便对这些不敬的结论展开猛烈抨击。

22、Devastating broadsides are fired with a deafening roar and cannon balls tear through enemy ships and their crew. ─── 伴着震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,毁灭性的炮弹齐射撕裂了敌人的船舰和船员。

23、Or I can position my ship across their bows from where I can fire murderous broadsides of round shot through the timbers and along the length of the gundeck within, turning it into a slaughterhouse. ─── 或者把我的船横放在敌船的船首,从那里我船侧致命的轮射将沿着敌船的轴线射入炮仓,立即把那里变成屠宰场。

24、could not be a worse time for a politician to launch broadsides at a central bank. ─── 当政客们对央行群起而攻之时,情况坏得不能再坏了。

25、It is obvious pencil broadsides burn much energy. ─── 况晗是个壮汉,连续画画,七天下来,竟大病一场,可见耗精力之大。

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