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08-19 投稿


diverging 发音

英:[da??v??d???]  美:[da??v??rd???]

英:  美:

diverging 中文意思翻译



diverging 词性/词形变化,diverging变形

动词现在分词: diverging |动词第三人称单数: diverges |动词过去分词: diverged |动词过去式: diverged |

diverging 同义词

swerve | radiate | move away | stray | digress |differ | deviate | ramble | disagree | wander | depart | conflict | vary | deflect

diverging 短语词组

1、diverging tree ─── [计] 发散树

2、diverging fault ─── 树枝状断层

3、diverging tube ─── 扩散管,锥形管

4、diverging lane ─── 分流车道

5、diverging light ─── 发散光

6、diverging series ─── 发散系列

7、diverging cone ─── 扩张锥, ─── 扩张锥体

8、diverging from ─── 背道而驰; ─── 背离

9、diverging ray ─── 分歧射线

10、diverging lenses ─── 发散透镜

11、converging-diverging nozzle ─── [化] 缩-扩喷嘴

12、diverging wave ─── 发散波,散射波

13、diverging pipe ─── 分流管, ─── 分流管

14、diverging meniscus ─── [医] 分散透镜, 负透镜

15、diverging nozzle ─── 发散喷嘴,扩张型喷管,喇叭形喷嘴

16、diverging lens ─── [医] 分散透镜

17、diverging duct ─── 喇叭形管道

18、diverging row ─── 分流排

19、diverging flow ─── 分流流, ─── 分流流

diverging 反义词


diverging 相似词语短语

1、divorcing ─── n.离婚;分离;离婚判决;离婚的男子;v.与(某人)离婚;分离,脱离;彻底分割

2、diverting ─── adj.有趣的;令人快乐的;v.使转移;使得到消遣(divert的现在分词)

3、divesting ─── 剥夺

4、divergent ─── adj.相异的,分歧的;求异的,发散的;散开的

5、divergingly ─── 发散地

6、-verging ─── n.边缘;绿地;极限;山墙突瓦;权杖(作为职位标志);v.濒临,接近;趋向;处在边缘;n.(Verge)(英、美、法、加、西)贝尔赫(人名)

7、divulging ─── 泄露

8、demerging ─── vt.使分解;使…分离;vi.分为若干子公司

9、deterging ─── vt.使清洁

diverging 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the figure formed by two lines diverging from a common point ─── 从一个共同点出发的两条直线形成的图形

2、In the latter perspective, the economic development will lead to increasing polarization, and therefore must find a reasonable way to curb or reverse this diverging situation. ─── 在后一种观点下,经济的发展会导致两极分化不断加重,因此,必须寻找一种合理的途径来抑制或反转这种趋异的局面。

3、Off-ramp and diverging area are important segments of interchange systems. ─── 出口匝道及分流区是互通式立体交叉的重要组成部分。

4、diverging light ─── 发散光

5、The split reflected diverging views over the U. S. dollar's fate in the long term. ─── 这种分歧反应了对于美元长远未来的观点分化。

6、diverging from another or from a standard. ─── 与别者有分歧的或与标准不同的。

7、diverging oscillation ─── 发散振荡

8、Test Method for Evaluation of Resistance to Electrical Breakdown by Treeing in Solid Dielectric Materials Using Diverging Fields ─── 使用分散电场法对固体介电材料抗树枝状电击穿性的试验方法

9、A form that is an altered version of a given theme,diverging from it by melodic ornamentation and by changes in harmony,rhythm,or key. ─── 变奏曲,一种给定主旋律的改编版,通过旋律的修饰和节奏或琴键的变化而从中分离出来。

10、diverging points ─── 分歧道岔

11、Branching or spreading widely from a point or axis,as branches or on an insect's wings; diverging. ─── 分叉从一点或一轴线叉开的,如树枝或昆虫的翅膀;展开

12、The dominating accidental signs are diverging from the runway, over-running, dangerous approaching, tail, wingtip and engine scratching, and hitting the ground barrier. ─── 主要征候类型为偏出、冲出跑道,危险接近,擦机尾、翼尖、发动机以及地面撞障碍物;

13、diverging tracks ─── 分歧线路

14、This ensures less stress on the soft tissue and also leads to diverging directions of the screws, affording increased resistance of the osteosynthesis to detachment. ─── 因为这保证软组织更小应力,也致使螺钉改变方向而提供更大阻力对抗结构体分离。

15、But why are the international prototype and its copies diverging in mass?There must be some explanation. ─── 但为什麽国际原型和它的拷贝分流在大量?那里必须是一些解释。

16、the figure formed by two planes diverging from a common line ─── 从一条公共直线出发的两个平面形成的图形

17、"This celebration of opulence and wealth and power undercuts the character of the Statue of Liberty" (Jesse Jackson)"The partnership between the United States and Western Europe is undercut by diverging economic interests" (Scott Sullivan) ─── “这种对丰裕、财富和权力的颂扬破坏了自由女神像的特质”(杰西·杰克逊)“美国和西欧之间的合作关系正被经济利益上的分歧所破坏”(斯科特·沙利文)

18、Diverging code (merging conflicts). ─── 分叉代码(合并冲突)。

19、Your reasons for diverging from guidelines may ultimately not prove to be good enough and your product may suffer, but you and other designers will learn from the mistake. ─── 你违背指导准则的理由可能最终证明不够好,并且你的产品可能会因此付出代价。

20、a relative descended from a common ancestor,such as a grandparent,by two or more steps in a diverging line ─── 具有同一长辈如(祖父或祖母)的亲戚,有家庭分支上与这个长辈相隔两辈或多辈

21、Drawing apart from a common point; diverging. ─── 分叉的,叉开的从同一个点分开的;叉开的

22、We do diverging thinking. ─── 我们鼓励发散性思维。

23、Diverging mode ─── 发散模态

24、Check the current worksheet values to see how the solution is diverging , check the constraints , and then run the problem again . ─── 请检查工作表中的当前值,确定数值发散的原因,并且检查约束条件,然后再次求解。

25、A Calculation of the Base Diverging Resistance of Triode Magnifying Circuits ─── 三极管放大电路基极偏置电阻的估算

26、For Sami adolescents, factors diverging from the traditional cultural norms were associated with suicide attempts, such as alcohol intoxication, single-parent home and paternal overprotection (pp.05). ─── 对于萨米族的青少年来说,与传统文化模式不同的因素就与自杀倾向有关联,比如酗酒,单亲家庭和父母过度保护。

27、diverging opinions ─── 分歧的意见

28、diverging angle ─── 发散角

29、The shift is one of the clearest demonstrations of the diverging fates of the U. S. and emerging market economies. ─── 这种转变十分清楚地展示了美国和新兴经济体命运的分化。

30、But 2011 could also be a year of diverging performances for sportswear companies. ─── 但2011年同样也将是运动服装公司业绩出现差异化的一年。

31、diverging tree ─── 发散树

32、diverging traffic flows ─── 交通分流

33、She was diverging increasingly from the right path. ─── 她越来越偏离正道。

34、A form that is an altered version of a given theme, diverging from it by melodic ornamentation and by changes in harmony, rhythm, or key. ─── 变奏曲一种给定主旋律的改编版,通过旋律的修饰和节奏或琴键的变化而从中分离出来

35、diverging duct ─── 喇叭形管道

36、diverging fire ─── 分火射击

37、The question about converging and diverging of optical system ─── 光具组的会聚与发散问题

38、Drawing apart from a common point;diverging. ─── 分叉的,叉开的从同一个点分开的;

39、The property or manner of diverging; failure to approach a limit. ─── 发散性;不能达到极限。

40、"a relative descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line." ─── "具有同一长辈如(祖父或祖母)的亲戚,有家庭分支上与这个长辈相隔两辈或多辈."

41、diverging meniscus lens ─── 发散弯月形透镜负弯月透镜

42、Divergent;diverging wave ─── 发散波

43、These concepts are up to date, because custom demands are changing and diverging in the presence. ─── 上述这些优点都是比较领先的,因为客房需求是多变的、发散的。

44、Well, the answer is divergence measures how much things are diverging. ─── 答案是,散度是用来度量物体的发散程度。

45、diverging channel ─── 发散形通道

46、diverging meniscus ─── 发散弯月透镜分散透镜

47、Flowers not campanulate, tepals spreading, recurved, or revolute; stamens diverging. ─── 不钟状的花,花被开展,下弯,外卷的或;雄蕊分歧。(4

48、diverging spherical wave field ─── 发散球面波场

49、If you start diverging and arguing several tangential points in the same post, you risk confusing the reader. ─── 如果你开始跑题,在同一文中讨论几个不相关的论点,你在冒使读者混淆的风险。

50、It is possible to use widely diverging hardnesses and structure with different tooling setups and obain satisfactory result both as to finish and parts per hour. ─── 但是蓝色部分实在有点难了,试译为:每小时以不同的工具、较大差距的硬度和结构来设置并获得在成品和零件两方面都的令人满意的结果是可能的。

51、You are diverging into a new subject. ─── 你扯到另一个题目上去了。

52、2) The dominating type of flight incidents is diverging of runway, overrunning, near-miss, tail/wingtip/engine strike and ground obstacle impacting. ─── 事故征候的主要类型为偏出、冲出跑道,危险接近,擦机尾或翼尖、发动机以及地面撞障碍物。

53、The diverging growth makes the hard-to-argue case for investing in Europe even harder. ─── 增长形势的显著差别使得投资者更不愿意投资欧洲。

54、diverging series ─── 发散级数

55、diverging operation ─── 分叉运营

56、But he must possess the charismatic and the capacity to drive different people, who have diverging opinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed togother to the same organizational goal. ─── 准备好所有证书材料,譬如与专业能力相关的资格证书,或参加培训的资料,最好和应征职务有直接关联,不但可证明自己在这一方面所做的努力,也表示具有这个潜能。

57、Comments still under pressure while below 1.2860/80, but s/t mom showing potential for bounce, m/t mom diverging, but dips ahead of 1.2750 1. ─── 2860/80以下仍有下跌压力,但短线振荡显示反弹迹象,中线产生背离,1.2750下价格偏低。

58、The act of diverging. ─── 分叉使分叉(叉开)的行为

59、” In the context of a well-developed market, asset price changes in the capital market show a diverging “scissors gap” that is not constrained by the real economy. ─── 从成熟市场的情况看,资本市场资产价格的变动表现出一种不受实体经济约束的发散的“剪刀差”态势。

60、In the bearings-only passive locating system with single station,the Extended Kalman Filtering(EKF) algorithm is used to diverging when the initial state estimation of the target is of low precision. ─── 只测角单站无源定位跟踪系统中,目标初始状态估计精度较低时,采用扩展卡尔曼滤波算法经常出现滤波发散的情况。

61、beam diverging ─── 射束发散的

62、In usability studies, users complain bitterly whenever they are exposed to sites with too diverging ways of doing things. ─── 在可用性研究中,使用者怨恨地,每当他们用也分歧遭受位置做事物的方法。

63、diverging yaw ─── 增幅偏航

64、diverging electron lens ─── 发散电子透镜

65、So now we have diverging code. ─── 现在我们就有了分叉代码。

66、Leaf gap (lacuna) A region of parenchyma differentiated in the stem vascular cylinder immediately above a diverging LEAF TRACE. Lateral connections insure no break in the vascular system. ─── 叶隙:叶迹从中柱分出的上方,初生维管柱上方出现的一些薄壁组织细胞,与茎的维管柱结构不同,它的侧向连接保证了茎叶维管系统的连续。

67、downside remains in play while below 1.8700/10, sell bounces while this holds, stop and reverse above as s/t mom diverging 1. ─── 8700/10下仍呈跌势,宜在反弹点做空,但短线动量指标产生背离,意味跌势即将结束,市场将马上反转。

68、diverging spoke width ─── 发散幅宽度

69、diverging ray ─── 发散射线

70、Diverging and merging influence areas ─── 分、合流影响区

71、Diverging and collecting valve ─── 分流集流阀

72、The goal is to craft a number of diverging stories by extrapolating uncertain and heavily influencing driving forces. ─── 其目的是要根据推论的不确定因素和有重要影响的驱动力来杜撰不同的故事情境;

73、diverging thinking ─── 发散性思维

74、diverging lens ─── 分散透镜发散透镜

75、diverging out belt grader ─── 带式分级机

76、Within Wikibooks, there are two diverging links which point to Wikijunior, a wiki resource for children and Simple English, a wiki with simplified English books. ─── 在维基教科书里,还有两个不同的链接指向维基儿童,一个儿童维基资源和维基简单英语,一个简化英语图书维基。

77、diverging route aspect ─── 岔路示象

78、In the diagram below you can see that the continental crust is beginning to separate creating a diverging plate boundary. ─── 你现在看到的这个图解中,大陆的地壳已经开始分离,从而创造了一个板块边界的分野。

79、diverging band ─── 分叉带

80、In parapatric speciation, the zones of two diverging populations are separate but do overlap. ─── 在领域性物种形成中,两个正在分歧化的群体的地域是分开的,但有重叠。

81、diverging system ─── 发散系统

82、Widely diverging or spreading apart. ─── 宽角度地分叉或展开。

83、diverging from a common point. ─── 从共同的点上分散开。

84、If the diverging interests of US and Asian leaders are ignored on this visit, they will come back at some other time, and probably in even more troubling ways. ─── 如果美国和亚洲领导人的分歧在此次行程中被忽略,以后也许他们还会付出更大的代价。

85、And the paper holds that the diverging thinking patterns of China and Western Countries is the main cause of them. ─── 中国传统文化中的情话对白多采用自由直接引语和心理性直接引语的形式,体现了男性话语权中女性的传统角色;

86、diverging rays ─── 发散线

87、One would imagine that on such transnational issues as disease, poverty, and climate change the great powers ought to be able to work together despite their diverging interests and worldviews. ─── 可能有些人认为,在对待诸如疾病、贫困及气候变化这些国际化的事务时,大国之间或许能够抛开利益和世界观上的冲突,彼此协作。

88、But when the authors compared the two groups, they found they were diverging. ─── 但是当研究者比较这两组国家时,他们发现差异正在扩大。

89、Above consequences are usefull to design a collimating system with micro-cylindrical lens that can considerably decrease the diverging angle of laser diode in fast axis and improve beam quality. ─── 为正确认识和使用微圆柱透镜改善半导体激光快轴方向光束的发散,提高光束质量提供了理论依据。

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