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08-19 投稿


lightening 发音

英:[ 'la?tn??]  美:[?la?tn??]

英:  美:

lightening 中文意思翻译



lightening 词性/词形变化,lightening变形

名词复数形式:lightenings 现在分词:lightening 原型:lighten

lightening 短语词组

1、artificial lightening ─── 人工照明

2、lightening runner ─── 避雷器

3、lightening strike ─── 雷击

4、continuous lightening ─── 连续照明;终夜照明

5、anti wrinkle lightening mask ─── 抗皱美白面膜

6、lightening up ─── 放松,不要生气

7、a lot of lightening ─── 很多闪电

8、grounding for lightening ─── [化] 防雷接地

9、lightening mask ─── 照明面罩

10、cyclic lightening ─── 周期性闪电

11、lightening strikes ─── 雷击

lightening 相似词语短语

1、tightenings ─── 拧紧

2、rightening ─── vt.使恢复正常;整顿

3、lightning ─── n.闪电;突然;(非正式)突如其来的好运;adj.闪电般快的,飞快的;突然的;v.闪电

4、frightening ─── adj.令人恐惧的,突然惊恐的

5、tightening ─── v.(使)变紧;绷紧;(使)(身体的某一部位)变得僵硬;加强(规则、法律等);(比赛)变得激烈(tighten的现在分词);n.(身体的)绷紧,僵直;(规则、法律等的)加强

6、brightening ─── v.(使)变亮;(使)更亮丽多彩;(眼睛)变亮;改善;照亮;(使)高兴;(使)增添乐趣;(使)有希望;放晴(brighten的现在分词)

7、enlightening ─── adj.使人领悟的,有启发作用的;v.启蒙;通知;教育;解释;照耀,照亮(enlighten的现在分词)

8、heightening ─── v.加剧;增强;升高(heighten的现在分词)

9、lighting ─── n.照明设备,舞台灯光;v.照明;点燃(light的ing形式)

lightening 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She took one of the parcels from her father to lighten his load. ─── 她从父亲那儿拿过一个包以减轻他的负担。

2、It is used to lighten the parks, yards and bridges etc. ─── 公园、庭院、桥梁等装饰亮化用。

3、She be always trying to get her husband to lighten up . ─── 她总是尽力使丈夫心情轻松愉快。

4、And it was a close call in northern Texas where a pair of children nearly walked into a lightening bolt. ─── 在北德克萨斯州正上演千钧一发的一幕,两个小孩差点就被雷电击中了。

5、It's In my other trousers, OK? Jeez, guys, lighten up a little. ─── 在我另一条裤子里,可以吗?老天,老兄,弄后一点。

6、More lamps will lighten the gloomy room. ─── 多点几盏灯会照亮那间阴暗的房间。

7、The pendent lamps lighten the whole hall. ─── 吊灯照亮了整个大厅。

8、Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder rolled and boomed. ─── 你们几乎注意不到我,但是如果没有我,你们全都会变得肤浅。

9、In art, Ares was represented as a well-built war- rior11, carrying a bloodstained spear, and sometimes with lightening about his head. ─── 阿瑞斯的艺术形象是位体魄雄健的武士,手持一柄血污长矛,有时头部萦绕着闪电光环。

10、The European agreement appears to be an attempt to remove Greece as a lightening rod and build a firewall around Spain and Italy. ─── 欧债协议似乎试图将希腊作为一个避雷针,并建立给西班牙和意大利建立一面防火墙。

11、They decided to lighten taxes . ─── 他们决定减轻税收。

12、Measures have been taken to lighten the load of the hospital doctor. ─── 业已采取措施减轻医院医生的工作量。

13、He should lighten up a little. ─── 他应该放轻松一点。

14、What the lightening of happiness has told me. ─── 告诉他们我的幸福。

15、Around that time, his skin colour began subtly to lighten. ─── 大约从那时开始,他的肤色开始有所变浅。

16、Taking a vacation will lighten you from stress. ─── 休假能帮你缓解压力。

17、Hey Peter! Lighten up. I was only joking about your car being old! ─── 嘿,彼得!放轻松点嘛。我说你的车是老爷车只是开玩笑的啦!

18、My heart began lightening when hearing the good news. ─── 听到这个好消息我的心情开始轻松了。

19、A lightening splits the dark sky. ─── 一道闪电划破了黑暗的天空。

20、The sky began lightening up after the typhoon passed. ─── 台风过后,天空开始晴朗起来。

21、She told a joke to lighten the atmosphere. ─── 她讲了个笑话以缓和气氛。

22、He did his best to lighten things up. ─── 他尽力使局势生动起来。

23、And they threw the cargo into the sea to lighten the ship. ─── 他们将船上的货物抛在海中,为要使船轻些。

24、Since light travels faster than sound, we see lightening before we hear the peal of thunder. ─── 因为光速大于音速,所以我们是先看到闪电后再听到雷响。

25、She tried to lighten up her speech with a few jokes. ─── 她讲了几个笑话以使讲话轻松愉快些。

26、Is he incapable of doing household chores to lighten your load? ─── 他真的不能做家务以减轻你的负担吗?

27、To stay with family could lighten their loneliness. ─── 和家人呆在一起可以缓解这种孤单。

28、V: Oh! It's thunder. It will probably rain later. Are you afraid of thunder and lightening, Jason? ─── 噢!拜托!这是打雷嘛!等一下大概会下雨。哈哈,杰森!你是不是很怕打雷和闪电啊?

29、I wish there were some way in which we could lighten your burden of sorrow. ─── 但愿有什么方法能减轻你的痛苦。

30、Their start and end-result is to lighten the people's life level and quality. ─── 其出发点和落脚点,是提高全国人民的生活水平和质量。

31、To construct 5)arches and 6)vaults, the Romans also developed a lightening. ─── 为了建造拱门与拱顶结构,罗马人还发展了减压技术。

32、Lighten up, would you? She didn't mean to break the glass. ─── 别生气了,行吗?她不是有意打碎瓶子的。

33、Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin? ─── 为什么太阳照亮了我们的头发却晒黑了我们的皮肤?

34、The key to lightening your load is to take charge of your life. ─── 减轻压力的关键之一是会打理自己的生活。

35、He tries to lighten his lectures with an occasional witticism. ─── 他有时想用俏皮话使课堂活跃。

36、But later on, it led to the invention of lightening rod. ─── 但后来,它导致了避雷针的发明。

37、Only the mighty God has the power on this dark land to lighten it. ─── 只有万能的上帝才有能力在这个愚昧的国土上教化它。

38、Uh oh, sounds like you're not taking care of yourself. There are ways of lightening your load. ─── 哦噢,听起来你似乎没有把自己照顾好。总有办法能减轻负担吧。

39、He needs to lighten up a little. ─── 他需要放轻松点。

40、There was a flash from the indoor wires as if lightening had struck. ─── 当时一道闪光从室内的各处电线冒出来,就像房子遭遇了雷击一样。

41、After the breakup, she is no longer able to laugh or lighten up. ─── (失恋后,她笑不出来也轻松不起来。

42、Theater: waterproof floor lamps along the walls lighten the surfaces of walls. ─── 剧场:沿墙分布的防水地灯照亮墙面,光线由墙的根部向高处扩散,使其渐渐隐逝在黑暗中。

43、Measures have been taken to lighten the load of the hospital doctor . ─── 业已采取措施减轻医院医生的工作量

44、GrabUp - Lightening Fast Screen Grab Sharing! ─── 减轻快速屏幕抓斗共享!

45、On the image we just did the blur on, adjust the blending to Lighten. ─── 在我们做迷离的图像,调整照亮的混和。

46、Decide to lighten up on yourself and call yourself something else. ─── 下决心让自己放松,以别的方式介绍自己。”

47、Lighten up on the guy.He only stepped on your toe. ─── 不要对那个小伙子太厉害,他不过就是踩了你的脚。

48、The children lighten upon hearing the good news. ─── 听到这个好消息,孩子们更高兴了。

49、Because you are taller than me, the lightening will hit you first! ─── 因为你比我高啊!这闪电再怎么样也是先劈到你。

50、To pervade with a lightening, enlivening, or modifying influence. ─── 充斥影响力用轻松、活泼或变更的影响力来充斥

51、Dodge: Used for adding highlights, lightening areas and for stippling. ─── 减淡工具:用于增加高光点,给局部加光和点画。

52、Occasionally a drizzle came down, and the intermittent flashes of lightening made us turn anxious glances towards Zero. ─── 偶尔下一点毛毛雨,断断续续的闪电使得我们时不时忧虑地朝着零区方向望去。

53、Powder base : Apply a powder base to the face (a "lead powder" or "rice powder" is often used), lightening the complexion. ─── 敷妆粉:用妆粉(多以「铅粉」或「米粉」制成)涂抺面部,使肤色白洁。

54、Pretty soon it darkened up and begun to thunder and lighten. ─── 一会儿天阴得很黑;紧跟着就是打雷打闪。

55、Congress endeavored to lighten the taxpayers' burden. ─── 国会努力减轻纳税人的负担。

56、Lightening, lightning The sky may be lightening, but the storm isn't over, so look out for more thunder and lightning. ─── 天空可能会放亮,但是暴风雨并未结束,所以要当心更多的响雷和闪电。

57、U r just lyk my sun, lighten up my heart! ─── ??是我的太阳,照亮了我的心!

58、Lighten--- selective lightening of regions of an image. ─── 在图像中扩大光照的区域。

59、Tell her lightening doesn't strike in the same place twice. She's had hers. ─── 告诉她坏事不会老发生在一个人身上,她已经有过一次了。

60、The crew threw everything movable overboard to lighten the plane. ─── 为了减轻飞机重量,机上的人员把一切可以移动的东西都扔出机舱。

61、Indeed, anyone who has hiked for an extended period of time knows the value of lightening the weight one carries. ─── 事实上,所有人都用了很长的时间才认识到在出行中减轻背负重量的价值。

62、He disappeared round the corner like a streak of lightening. ─── 他一拐弯转眼就不见了。

63、Mike: What's the fuss? It's just for laughs babe. Lighten up! ─── 你在哎什麽啦?这只是搞笑而已,小姐。放轻松点嘛!

64、Come on, lighten up! It was only a joke. ─── 喂,别紧张!这只不过是开玩笑。

65、Their departure looked ominous because lightening hit the tree. ─── 因为闪电打倒树木,所以他们的离去看起来不太吉利。

66、Lighten the ship stem to stern! ─── 减轻负重,从船头到船尾!

67、Shangyu Lishi Lightening Electronic Appliances Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ─── 上虞市李氏照明电器制造公司。

68、The king's palace stood on the riverbank.There was lightening and thunder in the sky. ─── 国王的宫殿就坐落在河岸上,天空中雷电交加。

69、To lighten the atmosphere, Byron asked Slote about the workings of the embassy. ─── 为了缓和一下空气,拜伦问起斯鲁特大使馆里的工作情况。

70、Heavy rain came on the heels of the lightening. ─── 大雨紧跟着闪电而来。

71、He says the balloons will lighten his weight, so he will be able to run faster. ─── 他说,这些气球会减轻他的体重,从而使他跑得更快。

72、The sky seemed to lighten earlier than usual, thanks to the gleaming snow. ─── 因有雪光,天仿佛亮得早了些。

73、The sky began to lighten in the east. ─── 东方开始透亮了。


75、And it was a close call in northern Texas where a pair of children nearly walked into a lightening bolt. ─── 在北德克萨斯州上演了千钧一发一幕,两个小孩几乎被闪电击中。

76、As a physical phenomenon lightening is created by the collision of positive and negative electrical charges. ─── 在物理现象中,当正电荷与负电荷相接触,便会产生闪电。

77、It is used to lighten the parks and bridges etc. ─── 主要用途:公园、庭院等装饰亮化用。

78、Attention should be paid to arrest lightening when outdoor antenna is used. ─── 使用户外天线要注意避雷。

79、Buffett began to lighten up just a. ─── 不仅仅是巴菲特开始减仓了。

80、Occasionally a drizzle came down,the intermittent flashes of lightening made us turn apprehensive glances toward Zero. ─── 偶尔下一点毛毛雨,断断续续的闪电使得不时忧虑地朝着零区方向望去。

81、The sky was beginning to lighten. ─── 天空开始在改变颜色。

82、Kiss are things of darkness. But they lighten the night like stars. ─── 吻在黑暗中进行,却像星星一样照亮夜空。

83、Lighten up.Isn't it about time you had a shite? ─── |开心点 是时候,你该大便了?

84、Since light travels faster than sound, we see lightening before we hear the thunder. ─── 因为光比声传播的快,所以我们先看见闪电,后听到雷鸣。

85、Then a last-minute reprieve came in the jagged shape of a lightening flash across the sky. ─── 出发前的最后一分钟来了特赦令——天空中闪过一道锯齿状的闪电。

86、Berk said the finding strengthens the advice that everyone lighten up a little to live longer. ─── 伯克还说这一研究结果证实了生活积极的人寿命更长这一说法。

87、Lighten up your serious attitude. ─── 保持严肃的态度。

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