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08-19 投稿


Barcelona 发音

英:[,ba:si'l?un?]  美:[?bɑ?rs??lo?n?]

英:  美:

Barcelona 中文意思翻译



Barcelona 短语词组

1、liverpool vs barcelona ─── 利物浦vs巴塞罗那

2、gustos barcelona ─── 巴塞罗那

3、Vicky Cristina Barcelona ─── [电影]午夜巴塞罗那;情迷巴塞隆拿

4、Barcelona Airport (BCN) ─── 巴塞罗那机场(BCN)

5、Barcelona Cathedral ─── 巴塞罗那大教堂

6、a night in barcelona ─── 巴塞罗那之夜

7、i meet you in barcelona ─── 我在巴塞罗那见过你

8、art hotel barcelona ─── 巴塞罗那艺术酒店

9、foot barcelona ─── 步行巴塞罗那

10、barcelona blues ─── 巴塞罗那蓝调

11、a new star is born in barcelona ─── 巴塞罗那诞生了一位新星

12、fc barcelona ─── 巴塞罗那足球俱乐部(FutbolClubBarcelona

13、fc barcelona messi ─── 巴萨梅西队

14、Barcelona chair ─── 巴塞罗那椅

15、barcelona restaurants ─── 巴塞罗那餐厅

16、for barcelona ─── 巴塞罗那

17、barcelona news ─── 巴塞罗那新闻

18、barcelona rabbit ─── 巴塞罗那兔

19、Barcelona–El Prat Airport ─── 巴塞罗那-埃拉特机场

Barcelona 相似词语短语

1、parceling ─── n.缠包帆布条;打包;v.把…划成部分后分配;把…作成包裹(parcel的ing形式)

2、Badalona ─── n.巴达洛纳(西班牙港市)

3、parcel out ─── 分配,把…分成几份

4、parcel net ─── 包裹网

5、Arcella ─── n.表壳虫属

6、Marcella ─── n.凹凸纹细布;玛塞拉(女名)

7、Barcelona ─── n.巴塞罗纳(西班牙)

8、parcelling ─── 打包;绳索包布

9、marcelling ─── n.大波浪发型;v.把(头发)烫成大波浪发型

Barcelona 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But Fabregas was not prepared to look that far ahead and certainly not to a possible Final against his home town club, Barcelona. ─── 但法布雷加斯还没准备好去考虑那么远,当然也没考虑可能在决赛中对阵他家乡的球队巴塞罗那。

2、"I never said that I wanted to leave Barcelona in order to play for Milan," noted the former Como and Bari player. ─── "我从来没有说过我会为了到米兰踢球而离开巴塞罗那,"这名前科莫和巴里球员解释.

3、He only got ten minutes against Barcelona so he was fresh. ─── 他在巴萨的比赛中只上了10分钟所以他体能充沛。

4、China was fourth in the number of gold medals won at the Olympic Games in Barcelona (1992) and Atlanta (1996). ─── 在巴塞罗那(1992)和亚特兰大(1996年)奥运会上,中国金牌总数均名列第四位。

5、After that I went by bus to Barcelona. ─── 之后我乘公共汽车到了巴塞罗那。

6、Klose is also a reported target for Chelsea, Bayern Munich and Barcelona. ─── 克洛斯,据报道,同时也是切尔西,拜仁慕尼黑,巴塞罗那的目标.

7、Born at Barcelona Zoo, Kera, a twin, was rejected by her mother. ─── 凯娜出生在巴塞罗纳动物园,作为双胞胎中的一位,她出生后就被母亲抛弃。

8、At Montelo circuit in Barcelona,Formula One teams were trying out next season's Bridgestone tyres. ─── 在巴塞罗那蒙特梅罗赛车场,一级方程式车队正在试用下个赛季的石桥轮胎。

9、A showdown in Istanbul between Arsenal and Barcelona would certainly be a final to salivate. ─── 在伊斯坦布尔阿森纳和巴赛罗那之间的对决,将是大家讨论的最后结局.

10、Marta Andreu, born in 1972, comes from Barcelona, Spain. As a child, s... ─── 1972年出生于西班牙巴塞罗纳,幼年开始习画。第一次见到她的作...

11、He was also a target for Manchester United, Bayern Munich and Barcelona. ─── 他也曾是曼联,拜仁和巴萨的目标。

12、Barcelona were Atletico Madrid's closest challengers in Spain League. ─── 在西班牙联赛中,巴塞罗那队是马德里竞技队最有力的竞争对手。

13、Henry said: "You have to remember that Barcelona is a team. ─── 亨利说:“你应该知道,巴塞罗那是个整体。

14、When he later returned to Barcelona, Picasso started to visit The Four Cats, a cafe which was popular with artists. ─── 后来他回到巴塞罗纳,毕加索开始出入“四只猫”咖啡馆,一个很受艺术家欢迎的咖啡馆。

15、Iniesta, but Barcelona still, Bo Jan Harvey and these outstanding players. ─── 但巴萨还有伊涅斯塔、博扬和哈维这些优秀球员。

16、Simon Wyler : When was the last time you were in Barcelona? ─── 你最后次去巴萨是什么时候?

17、On the reverse the official emblem of the Barcelona Games. ─── 奖牌背面是巴塞罗那奥运会会徽。

18、Meanwhile, AC Milan are ready to battle it out with Chelsea for Ronaldinho if Barcelona put the striker up for sale. ─── 于此同时,ac米兰将加入切尔西争夺巴萨球星罗纳尔迪尼奥的行列。

19、He also exhibited in Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Copenhagen, Zurich and Barcelona. ─── 他还先后在柏林、布拉格、布达佩斯、哥本哈根、苏黎士和巴塞罗那举办过展览。

20、CPAFFC joined IULA at the Barcelona World Congress in March 1999. ─── 中国人民对外友好协会是1999年3月在巴塞罗纳召开的世界大会上加入IULA的。

21、The Chinese team held a meeting for a all day ago setting out for Barcelona for the Olympic Games. ─── 中国Chinachina队在去巴塞罗那参加奥林匹克运动会之前开了一整天的会。

22、On the 14th, Barcelona coaching staff members so that temperature Suai. ─── 14日,巴萨教练组成员温苏埃如是表示。

23、"So it is very probable that a Barcelona player will win it. ─── “因此最终赢得这一殊荣的很有可能是巴塞罗那的球员。

24、Third, learn by analogy experiences of others areas in Barcelona and Beijing. ─── 再通过国外经验以及已建成的北京运动区域的对比研究,进一步总结设计中的参考因素。

25、Barcelona has become one of the most dynamic and prosperous cities in the Mediterranean. ─── 巴塞罗那已经成为地中海地区最具活力、最为繁荣的城市之一。

26、When was the last time you were in Barcelona? ─── 你上次去巴塞罗那是什么时候?

27、Will you one day wake up a fan of Barcelona like your uncle Toni Nadal? ─── 你会不会有一天突然醒悟,并成为你叔叔托尼一样的巴萨铁杆?

28、Thief Comrade TITLE PERK: You have performed a great service for the thieves of Barcelona. ─── 你完成了所有巴塞罗那的盗贼任务。

29、He quit Barcelona for Paris. ─── 他离开巴塞罗那去了巴黎。

30、Do you see many similarities between this Barcelona and Carlos Queiroz's Real Madrid? ─── 你看到了今天的巴萨和奎罗斯的皇马有很多的相同之处吗?

31、FC Barcelona playmaker Ronaldinho, who won the award last year, was fourth with 73 points. ─── 去年的金球奖得主、巴塞罗那俱乐部前锋罗纳尔迪尼奥今年以73分位居第四。

32、Cesc chose the number 4 jersey which Patrick Vieira vacated because his idol, Josep Guardiola wore it for Barcelona. ─── 在帕特里克?维埃拉离开后,塞斯克选择了4号球衣,因为这是他的偶像瓜迪奥拉在巴萨身披的号码。

33、Liverpool have announced the signings of Spanish duo Xabi Alonso from Real Sociedad and Luis Garcia from Barcelona. ─── 他们已经同时签下了阿隆索(14号)和路易斯加西亚(10号)两名球员,而路易斯加西亚将成为利物浦新的领军人物,穿上欧文留下的10号球衣。

34、The Chinese captured 16 gold medals at the Barcelona Olympic Games. ─── 中国运动员在巴塞罗那奥运会上夺得了16 枚金牌。

35、O Lympic Ring for The1992 O lympics Games Barcelona,Spain. ─── 1992年奥运会巴塞隆那比赛场馆,西班牙

36、Cesc's idol is former Barcelona player Josep Guardiola. ─── 塞斯克的偶像是前巴塞罗那球员瓜迪奥拉。

37、"I still must pass a medical on Monday but yes, I have chosen Barcelona," Henry told French sports daily L'Equipe. ─── “我仍然必须在周一通过体检(才能加盟巴萨)。当然,我已经选择巴塞罗那。

38、Gilberto Silva says that tomorrow's Champions League final against Barcelona is Arsenal's mini-World Cup final. ─── 吉尔博托·尔瓦表示,明天与巴塞罗那的冠军杯决赛就像是是阿森纳的小世界杯决赛。

39、The battle is currently being waged on land, in greenhouses at the University of Barcelona. ─── 这场战斗目前正在巴塞罗那大学的温室里进行。

40、Boula was outstanding at home to Barcelona. ─── 博拉在主场恶战巴萨的比赛中十分杰出。

41、Accept Cargo to N.Africa, W. Africa destinations VIA Valencia or Barcelona. ─── 兼收通过瓦伦西亚或巴塞罗那至西、北非洲各港口.

42、The Chinese team held a meeting for a whole day before setting out for Barcelona for the Olympic Games. ─── 中国队在去巴塞罗那参加奥运会之前开了一整天的会。

43、There are charter flights from Iceland to Barcelona, Rome and Milan in summer. ─── 冰岛到巴塞罗那,罗马,米兰等度假胜地有包机直达。

44、Joined Barcelona on a permanent basis in 2004 having first enjoyed a short. ─── 于是在2004年永久转会巴塞罗那来到诺坎普。

45、Ronaldo moved to Barcelona in 1996 before changing to Inter in another huge transfer deal the following summer. ─── 1996年,罗纳尔多转会到巴塞罗那,并在第二年夏天以另一高额转会费改投国际米兰。

46、Major Cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Malaga, Bilbao, Las Palmas, Valladolid. ─── 主要城市:马德里,巴塞罗纳,巴伦西亚,塞维利亚,萨拉戈萨,马拉加,毕尔巴鄂,拉斯帕尔马斯,巴利阿多利德。

47、"Let's see what Barcelona will ask for him and then we will see. ─── 他说,“让我们看巴萨对他的要求,我们将会看到这些。

48、Marc was transferred to Barcelona in 2000 where he currently plies his trade. ─── 2000年他转会到巴塞罗那并效力至今。

49、"They [Barcelona] are one of the most important clubs in the world, but let us not delve into this too much. ─── “巴萨是世界上最重要的俱乐部之一,但我现在不想细谈转会过去的事,美洲杯结束了,一切自见分晓。”

50、Can he really handle the problems at Barcelona? ─── 他是否能真正解决巴萨的问题?

51、Gallas' last-gasp strike helped Chelsea overcome the heartache of their European exit at the hands of Barcelona. ─── 加拉压哨球帮助切尔西战胜了冠军杯被巴萨淘汰悲痛。

52、Barcelona Traction,Light and Power Co.Ltd,1970.2.5,ICJ Reports 1970,P.1 7. ─── 同前注。[16]阎志军。经济全球化中跨国公司的国籍属性[J].国际经济合作。2003,(10):35.

53、It's Chelsea vs Barcelona in the Final on Friday, kick-off 5.30pm. ─── 周五是切儿媳对巴萨的决赛,下午5.30开踢。

54、Gudjohnsen was transferred yesterday to Barcelona. ─── 古德约翰森已于昨曰转会巴塞罗那。

55、Last year, I took two Interactors to the RI Convention in Barcelona, impressing upon them Rotary's internationality. ─── 去年我带2名扶少团团员到巴塞隆纳参加国际扶轮年会,让他们深刻体认扶轮的国际性。

56、He explained: "Barcelona are no longer just a team that plays good football. ─── 他解释说:“巴萨不再是一支仅仅进攻能力强的球队。”

57、Wai Lin Tse is a photographer based in Barcelona, Spain. ─── 万林策是来自西班牙巴塞罗那的摄影师。

58、Likes Barcelona club the fans, welcome to join the Barcelonan club union! ─── 喜爱巴萨的球迷们,欢迎加入巴萨同盟!

59、We might be a bit closer (in Barcelona) but we are not suddenly going to jump from the seventh to the front row. ─── 我们可能是位更接近(巴塞罗那),但我们不会突然要跳转到第七前排。

60、Barcelona, April 20, 1921, done in a single copy of which the Englishand French texts shall be authentic. ─── 1921年4月20日订于巴塞罗那,共一份,其英文和法文本具有同等效力。

61、Has only increased speculation that Barcelona will make a move for his services. ─── 只是增加了人们对巴塞罗那将会收购亨利的猜疑。

62、Table tennis became a full Olympic sport in 1992 at Barcelona. ─── 乒乓球在1992年巴塞罗那奥运会上被列为正式项目。

63、On his future away from the Emirates though the play-maker observed he had not made a decision as he drew the line on Barcelona talk. ─── 关于他是否在未来离开酋长球场,尽管这名创造型中场说他还没有做出最后的决定,但是他与巴塞罗那方面的谈论划清了界限。

64、Arrived in International airport of "El Prat" in Barcelona Adriano Galliani. ─── 加利亚尼抵达了巴塞罗那的埃尔-普拉特国际机场。

65、They won the silver medal at the Barcelona Olympic Games. ─── 她们曾在巴塞罗那奥运会上获得过银牌。

66、Besides, Barcelona is such a lovely city, I enjoy the days in EADA very much. ─── 另外,巴塞罗那是个很可爱的城市,我在这里生活的很开心。

67、He may be a hero but in Barcelona, the capital of the Catalonia region, there is unease about worshipping a Madridista. ─── 他也许是一个英雄,但在加泰罗尼亚地区的首府巴塞罗那,崇拜一个马德里人是件令人担忧的事情。

68、When one is tired of Barcelona, one is tired of life. ─── “当一个人厌倦巴塞罗纳的时候,他就厌倦了生活。”

69、Liverpool are set to table a bid for Barcelona wonderkid Gerard Deulofeu. ─── 利物浦将把巴塞罗那天才少年杰拉德-德罗夫转会提上日程。

70、Probably the only forward of comparable quality is Lionel Messi, and he's unlikely to leave Barcelona. ─── 也许唯一的选择就是梅西,而他不太可能离开巴塞罗那。

71、She is studying design in Barcelona. ─── 她正在巴塞罗那学时装设计。

72、As one of the two-Catalonia region, Barcelona and Espanyol have a large gap. ─── 作为加泰罗尼亚地区两强之一,西班牙人和巴塞罗那有着不小的差距。

73、He won 6 gold medals in Gymnastics at Barcelona. ─── 他在巴塞罗那奥运会上获6枚金牌。

74、Andrade has also been offered to Barcelona. ─── 同时巴塞罗那也在安德拉德的考虑之中。

75、Accept Cargo to N. Africa, W. Africa destinations VIA Valencia or Barcelona. ─── 兼收通过瓦伦西亚至西、北非洲各港口。

76、A stylistic explosion was convulsing Barcelona 100 years ago. ─── 100年前一种新建筑风格的爆发震撼了整个巴塞罗那城。

77、En verano voy a ir a Barcelona. ─── 夏天我去巴塞罗那.

78、His Barcelona museum stands in the same area as Casa de la Caritat. ─── 他的巴塞罗那博物馆和。

79、Thierry Henry dropped a tiny little hint after last night's match against Barcelona. ─── 亨利在昨晚与巴萨的比赛后暗示他会留下。

80、San Siro giants will take on Lazio's challenge at the weekend before travelling to Spain for the encounter with Barcelona at Camp Nou on Tuesday evening. ─── 下周二晚前往西班牙诺坎普挑战巴塞罗那之前,圣西罗本周末将面对拉齐奥的挑战。

81、Barcelona is trying to offload Ronaldinho with two years left on his contract, and Manchester City is one option. ─── 巴塞罗那正在试图摆脱还有两年合同的小罗,曼城队是选项之一。

82、Fu Mingxia has become China's youngest Olympic gold medalist here in Barcelona. ─── 伏明霞在巴塞罗那成了中国有史以来最年轻的奥运冠军。

83、He failed in his third Olympic effort to win the gold medal in men's springboard here in Barcelona. ─── 在巴塞罗那他第三次夺取奥运男子跳板金牌的努力被化为乌有。

84、Who do you think is stronger, Barcelona or Sevilla? ─── 你觉得巴塞罗那和塞维利亚哪个更强些?

85、AMD with " true 4 nucleuses " define Xin Liang photograph " Barcelona " . ─── AMD以“真正的四核” 界说新亮相的“巴塞罗那”。

86、She lives and works at Barcelona. ─── 她目前生活和工作在西班牙的巴塞罗那。

87、He moved to Barcelona in 1996 before changing to Inter Milan in another huge transfer deal the following summer. ─── 1996年罗纳尔多转会到巴塞罗那并在第二年夏天以另一高额转会费改投国际米兰。

88、Weather conditions in Barcelona were sunny and reasonably warm with blustery winds in the afternoon. ─── 今天巴塞罗那的天气是晴朗和温暖的,下午的时候有大风。

89、Here in Barcelona I feel Ive matured and I'm learning. ─── 在巴塞罗那我感觉到自己成熟了,而且也在学习。”

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