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08-19 投稿


wresting 发音

英:[?rest??]  美:[?rest??]

英:  美:

wresting 中文意思翻译



wresting 短语词组

1、wresting jack ─── 摔跤杰克

2、wresting alley ─── 摔跤道

3、wresting pitch ─── 摔跤场

wresting 词性/词形变化,wresting变形

动词第三人称单数: wrests |动词过去式: wrested |动词现在分词: wresting |动词过去分词: wrested |名词: wrester |

wresting 相似词语短语

1、wrestling ─── n.摔跤;扭斗;v.摔跤;格斗(wrestle的ing形式);与…摔跤;使劲移动

2、arresting ─── adj.醒目的;引人注意的;v.逮捕;扣留(船只);抑制;心脏病发作;吸引(某人的)注意(arrest的现在分词)

3、westing ─── n.西行;西距;n.(Westing)人名;(英)威斯汀

4、foresting ─── v.被森林覆盖;植林于(forest的现在分词)

5、breasting ─── n.中部冲水法;罩皮

6、crestings ─── n.(屋脊或墙顶上的)脊饰;(家具)顶饰;v.在…上加顶饰;位于……的顶上;到达(山或波浪等)的顶点(或顶峰);(河流、洪水等)涨到最高点(crest的现在分词)

7、cresting ─── n.(屋脊或墙顶上的)脊饰;(家具)顶饰;v.在…上加顶饰;位于……的顶上;到达(山或波浪等)的顶点(或顶峰);(河流、洪水等)涨到最高点(crest的现在分词)

8、resting ─── v.休息;(使)休息;(被)支撑;被搁置;安息(rest的现在分词);adj.静止的;休眠的

9、priesting ─── n.牧师;神父;教士;vt.使成为神职人员;任命…为祭司;n.(Priest)人名;(英、德)普里斯特

wresting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、in which are certain things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, to their own destruction. ─── 也正如他在谈论这些事时,在一切书信内所写过的。在这些书信内,有些难懂的地方,不学无术和站立不稳的人,便加以曲解,一如曲解其他经典一样,而自趋丧亡。

2、All teams need to overcome difficulties, but you need the minimum amount to wrest a title away from a team used to already doing so. ─── 全部的球队都需要战胜眼前的困难,但是一支夺冠的队伍必须把这种事限制在一个很小的范围内。

3、"Brothers, this thing was arranged,"Wrest rum said ─── “兄弟们,这件事是有预谋的。”雷斯特拉姆说。

4、Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor in his cause. ─── 不可在穷人争讼的事上屈枉正直。

5、wrest the power ─── 夺权

6、Wrest all weakly defended cities from the enemy. Wait until conditions mature and then capture powerfully defended cities. ─── 夺取一切敌人守备薄弱的城市,待条件成熟后再夺取守备强固的城市。

7、Mr Koizumi's feat is to have let a Communist dictatorship wrest the high ground from a pacifist democracy. ─── 倒是小泉的言行让中国占了日本的上风。

8、Foreign Investor be trying to wrest control of the firm from the family ─── 外国投资者尽力从这个家族手中夺取对公司的控制权

9、He had to use all his strength to wrest the lid off. ─── 他用尽全身力气把盖子打开。

10、wrest the sense of a passage ─── [法] 曲解一段文章的意义

11、What matters is talk, family, cheap wine in the open air, the wresting of minimal sweetness out of the long-known bitterness of living . ─── 重要的是聊天,家庭,露天喝廉价酒,从久已熟知的痛苦生活中榨取最低限度的甜蜜。

12、Meanwhile, growing numbers of countries in which international oil companies operate are wresting back control over the projects. ─── 同时,越来越多有国际石油公司作业的国家,正夺回对项目的控制权。

13、But her approach shows how far a strategically minded star can still wrest power from the ravening media. ─── 但她的行动也证明,一位有战略头脑的明星还是可以从贪得无厌的媒体手中夺回主导权的。

14、Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor in his cause. Janganlah engkau memperkosa hak orang miskin di antaramu dalam perkaranya. ─── 不可在穷人争讼的事上屈枉公理。

15、Lawyers have been known to wrest from reluctant juries triumphant verdicts of acquittal for their clients, even when those clients, as often happens, were clearly and unmistakably innocent. ─── 从所周知,律师善于让陪审员极不情愿地作出他的当事人无罪的判决,即使他的当事人的确是无罪的。

16、But as a few hundred others looked on with evident curiosity, the police managed to wrest the sign away and lead several young men into police vans.Then they told the crowd to disperse. ─── 但是在数百名好奇的旁观者关注下,警察费力的取下了标语,并把那几个年轻人带进了警车里.接着警察要求人们散去.

17、4.In most professional rodeo shows, riders compete in seven events: saddle bronc riding, bareback riding, bull riding, calf roping, steer roping, team roping, and steer wresting. ─── 在大多数专业牛仔竞技表演中,骑手们将竞逐七个项目:有鞍野马骑术,无鞍骑术,公牛骑术,套小牛,套公牛,分组套牛,和博牛。

18、providing sales,maintainence, training of JET ICT and technique support, and selling of jag materials such as testing pin, wresting angle, cable and tester and machine fittings. ─── 公司拥有先进的生产设备;各种软件的分析能力;为客户提供先进的技术,优质的品质,可靠的售后服务;

19、All That Is loves all that It has created down to the least, for It realizes the dearness and uniqueness of each consciousness which has been wrest from such a state of agony. ─── 一切全有热爱在它之下它所创造的一切,因为它认识到曾受这种痛苦状态扭曲的每一个意识的可亲和独特。

20、Under the current conditions, South-South cooperation, ultimately about wresting more control over the world from the grip of rich industrialized countries, is imperative. ─── 在这种情况下,南南合作是非常必要的,其最终目标就是要尽力摆脱工业富国的掌控。

21、She seemed a thorough master of her mood-- thoroughly confident and determined to wrest all control from him. ─── 她似乎镇定自若--充满着自信和决心要从他手中夺去一切控制权。

22、In order to develop it domestically and realize industrialization, it's very significant to research the key subsystems which include wrest unit, feeding unit, formation unit and so on. ─── 为了实现打捆机的国产化和产业化,对其关键子系统-拧丝 单元、送抽丝单元和捆型控制单元等进行研究具有重要的意义。

23、Muck is wresting his ankle, Malarkey and some guys trying to support him. ─── 穆克扭了脚踝,马拉其和几个人试图扶他。

24、wrest a living from barren ground ─── 勉强在不毛之地生存下去

25、Giggs is realistic enough to know United are unlikely to wrest the title from Chelsea's grasp this season, but he does not accept the glory days are necessarily over. ─── 吉格斯很现实的知道曼联本赛季已经不能把锦标从切尔西手里抢过来了,但是他不认为辉煌已成往事。

26、Their teachings will be insulted and followers of Kama will wrest control of the mind from all human beings. ─── 他们的教导,将被侮辱和追随者的卡马将夺取控制铭记从所有的人。

27、They plotted to wrest power from the king. ─── 他们图谋篡夺国王的权力。

28、to wrest power from a dictator ─── 从独裁者手里夺权

29、Wedge and the Rogues were the New Republic's lance in retaking the heart of the Core Worlds, leading the mission that would wrest control of Coruscant from the Empire. ─── 在夺回核心世界的心脏时,韦奇和侠盗中队是新共和国之矛,他们打头阵,为新共和国从帝国手中夺取科洛桑控制权铺平道路。

30、After the repulse of this two-pronged attack, the battle centered on Japanese attempts to wrest Hill 733 from the Soviets. ─── 在这个钳形攻势被击退后,日军的战役意图(改为)从苏军手中夺取733高地。

31、Yet efforts by top athletes to wrest control away from the sports system have generally failed. ─── 不过,顶尖运动员试图摆脱体育系统控制的努力通常都以失败告终。

32、The Swede was not a regular starter but was pivotal in United's wresting back of the title after four barren years. ─── “我不会让他每周都能上场,我只能告诉他约10天上场一次,”弗爵说,“我这样做是因为轮换在队中是经常进行的。”

33、In the decade since the Napster file-sharing site launched, compact disc sales have collapsed, wresting power from labels. ─── Napster文件共享网站推出后的10年间,CD销量急剧下滑,唱片公司失去控制权。

34、One can only guide it along its course of development and so wrest victory. ─── 只能因势利导,夺取胜利。”

35、Additionally, the UDF has a solid core, but it isn't strong enough to wrest power for itself, necessitating cooperation with other political forces for power sharing. ─── 另外,民主联盟内部山头林立,但本身政治实力却又不足,必须要与其它势力合作才能分享政权,然而在合作对象的选择上往往却又会造成党内本身的分裂。

36、"All That Is loves all that It has created down to the least, for It realizes the dearness and uniqueness of each consciousness which has been wrest from such a state of agony. ─── “一切全有爱它所创造的即便是最卑微的一切,因为它意识到从这种痛苦状态中费力取得的每一个意识的珍贵性和独特性。

37、For from the least of them to the greatest of them, Everyone is wresting unjust gain; And from the prophet to the priest, Everyone is dealing falsely. ─── 13因为他们从最小的到至大的,人人都贪图不义之财;从申言者到祭司,个个都行事虚谎。

38、wrest the law to suit oneself ─── [法] 曲解法律以营私

39、Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment ─── 不可随众行恶,不可在争讼的事上随众偏行,作见证屈枉正直

40、Icahn had been trying to wrest control of the Yahoo board to force a sale of all or part of it to Microsoft. ─── 伊坎曾试图夺取控制权,雅虎董事会迫使出售的全部或部分,它给微软。

41、Foreign investors are trying to wrest control of the firm from the family. ─── 外国投资者尽力从这个家族手中夺取对公司的控制权.

42、He puts his grief away; it is time to wrest from the sea the triumph the boy must have. ─── 他排除了悲痛之心;这时候该和海作殊死斗争,来替那孩子赢得胜利了。

43、A wresting bout consists of two rounds. ─── 一场摔跤赛有两局。

44、Yes, with the aid of time, man becomes capable of wresting the immortal from the mortal. ─── 是的,在时间的帮助下,人可以从有限的生命中获得永恒。

45、OPEC countries wrest pricing fully from Western multinationals in the first "Oil Shock" and prices soar from around $2.50 a barrel in January 1973 to $11.50 by 1974. ─── 在第一次石油恐慌中,欧佩克国家从西方跨国公司手中完全夺取了定价。油价从1973年1月的每桶约2.50美元暴涨到1974年前的11.50美元。

46、You wrest my words out of their real meaning. ─── 你曲解了我话里的真正含义。

47、Every day they wrest my words: all their thoughts are against me for evil. ─── 他们终日歪曲我的话,常常设计谋陷害我。

48、For from the small unto the great, Everyone is wresting unjust gain; ─── 因为他们从最小的到至大的,人人都贪图不义之财;

49、They tried to wrest control of the company from him. ─── 他们试图从他手中夺取对该公司的控制权。

50、19,But everywhere men feel a compulsion to pit their strength against the sea, to explore it and wander about on it, to use it for own ends and wrest its wealth from it. ─── 但是各地的人们都感受到一种与大海抗争,去探索大海,漫游大海,利用大海达到自己的目的并从大海中夺到财富的不由自主的欲望。

51、If you see the oppression of the poor and the wresting of justice and righteousness in a province, do not be astonished at the matter; ─── 8你若在一省之中见穷人受欺压,公义和公理被夺去,不要因此诧异;

52、to wrest the truth out of sb. ─── 好不容易才从某人嘴里得知真情

53、He is bullish about bringing in the two big-name stars he believes will enable Liverpool to wrest the Premier League title from Manchester United. ─── 他想引进两名超级球星,并且相信他们会使利物浦从曼联手中夺回英超冠军。

54、After years of trying to wrest a living from the infertile acres he had inherited, he finally gave up the fight and turned to catering for tourists. ─── 在他继承的几亩荒地上曾卖力多年想藉此谋生却失败后,他转而从事旅游业的膳宿生意。

55、"Heavy athletics" is the general name for wresting, boxing and weight-lifting. ─── "重竞技项目"是摔跤、拳击和举重的总称。

56、You were very brave to wrest the knife from the murderer. ─── 你们非常勇敢地从凶手手里夺下了那把刀。

57、"She has been in this room" he cried, and he sprang to wrest from it a token. ─── “她在这间屋里住过,”他嚷道,蹶然而起,想搜出一件证物来。

58、On Fantoma, the first dropships began disgorging the mining equipment that the Zentraedi would use to wrest monopole ore from the heavy-g world. ─── 在凡托玛,第一批运输舰开始投下天顶星人将在这个高重力星球开采磁单极矿时,所要用到的那些采矿设备。

59、wrest a knife from a person [a person's hand] ─── 从某人 [某人手中] 夺取刀子

60、a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another. ─── 一个集团想从另一个集团夺取控制的冲突。

61、That is why we must continue to wage struggles against it, fight it with all our might and wrest one position after another from it. ─── 因此还要跟它作斗争,要用力斗,一个阵地一个阵地地争夺。

62、In the days of wild enthusiasm in the late fifties, an army of laborers arrived carrying a banner inscribed: "Wrest grain from the desert!" ─── 五十年代末的红火岁月,忽喇喇开进了一批劳动大军,大旗上写着:向沙漠要粮!

63、But military assaults to wrest back a ship are highly risky and, up to now, uncommon. ─── 但是,发动夺回船只的军事进攻具有高度的危险性,(到目前为止)也很难实现。

64、In reality, the Great Reclamation would be a modest operation compared with wresting 3, 200 square miles of the Netherlands from the sea. ─── 实际上,相对于荷兰人从海中抢出3200平方英里土地而言,“伟大改造”只是小巫见大巫。

65、athletics is the general name for wresting boxing and weight-lifting. ─── 重竞技项目是摔跤、拳击和举重的总称。

66、The street light suddenly began to shine again and I awoke from my dream, wresting myself from the embrace of that mysterious power of attraction. ─── 一盏路灯突然熄灭,某种沉重如重击的但又超脱的感觉降临,她的一只手抚到了我的胸,隔着胸衣轻捻那突起如花蕾的乳头,另一只手滑到了我的大腿。

67、He explained that government lawyers are "looking through contracts to see what can be done to wrest these bonuses from their recipients. ─── 他解释到:政府律师正在彻底审查合同看看能否从奖金收益人那里收回奖金。

68、wrest high yields from the barren land ─── 在贫瘠的土地上夺高产

69、in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. ─── 信中有些难明白的,那无学问不坚固的人强解,如强解别的经书一样,就自取沉沦。

70、KJV] Every day they wrest my words: all their thoughts are against me for evil. ─── [新译]他们终日歪曲我的话,常常设计谋陷害我。

71、Foreign investor is trying to wrest control of the firm from the family. ─── 外国投资者尽力从这个家族手中夺取对公司的控制权。

72、Never expect to wrest the truth out of him. ─── 别指望他会告诉你真情。

73、You wrest my words from their real meaning . ─── 你曲解了我的话的真实含义。

74、O-nami was immensly strong and knew the art of wresting. ─── 他力大无穷技艺出众,私下切磋时甚至打败了师傅。

75、I happened to find several wild pineapples on my back way, so regardless stings of some weeds, I tried hard to take off the wild pineapples, no knife, I had to wrest, and then drew them. ─── 回来的路上也很巧,我看见几个野菠萝,于是不顾野草和刺的划挂去摘野菠萝,因为没有带刀,所以只能左右拧,在用力的扯拉。

76、The people had to fight to wrest power from their rulers. ─── 人民必须斗争才能从统治者手里夺取政权。

77、Meanwhile, growing numbers of countries in which international oil companies operate are wresting back control over the projects. ─── 同时,越来越多有国际石油公司作业的国家,正夺回对项目的控制权。

78、Wisdom does not consist of trying to wrest the good from the evil but in learning to “ride” them as a cork adapts itself to the crests and troughs of the waves. ─── 善恶的对抗不能带来智慧,智慧来自超越它们,如同软木随波峰波谷而自在。

79、An Unnatural Metropolis: Wresting New Orleans from Nature ─── 奇怪的大都市:从自然中逼出的新奥尔良

80、wrest a living from the barren ground ─── 在不毛的土地上勉强生活

81、Lord, may my deeds spring from Your love.May my words and deeds find rest in Your truth, and please wrest from me all false loves in word or in deed. ─── 上帝,愿我的行为因你的爱而勃发,愿我的言行因你真理的指引而得到安慰,并真情地请求您摒弃我言行中所有的错误的爱吧!

82、Meanwhile, growing Numbers of countries in which international oil companies operate are wresting back control over the projects. ─── 同时,越来越多有国际石油公司作业的国家,正夺回对项目的控制权。

83、They attempted to wrest control of the town from government forces. ─── 他们企图从政府军手中夺取对这个城镇的控制权。

84、But everywhere men feel a compulsion to pit their strength against the sea, to explore it and wander about on it, to use it for their own ends and wrest its wealth from it. ─── 但是各地的人们都感受到一种与大海抗争,去探索大海,漫游大海,利用大海达到自己的目的并从大海中夺取财富的不由自主的欲望.

85、The rebels tried to wrest control of the town from government forces. ─── 反叛者企图从政府军手中夺取这个城镇的控制权。

86、The Crusade(1095-1291), in which Christians attempted to wrest control of the Holy Land from the Muslims, were the most ambitious and religious journeys of all. ─── 十字军(远征)(1095-1291)是所有旅程里最为雄心勃勃和虔诚的一次,远征的目的是基督徒试图从穆斯林手中夺取圣地。

87、As a sedentary 55-year-old, I am training to run a block or two without stumbling if someone tries to knock me down and to hang onto a torch-like object if people try to wrest it away from me. ─── 作为一个55岁的不经常运动的人,我正在练习在一两个街区跑步时能够不被突如其来的人撞倒,而且如果有人试图从我手中夺走火炬的时候不让他们得逞。

88、forced to reveal his own secret, he had succeeded, almost by chance, in wresting a secret from his friend! ─── 真有趣,他非但没有给硬逼着吐露自己的隐私,反倒几乎是意外地套出了朋友的秘密。

89、Wrest the meaning from an obscure poem. ─── 从一首晦涩的诗里汲取含义

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