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08-19 投稿


ode 发音

英:[??d]  美:[od]

英:  美:

ode 中文意思翻译



ode 网络释义

n. 赋;颂歌;颂诗

ode 词性/词形变化,ode变形

形容词: odic |

ode 短语词组

1、Horatian ode ─── [网络] 霍拉特奥德

2、-ode suf. ─── 表示电极:cathode, triode; [用以构成名词] ─── 表示...性质的东西, 像...的东西:nematode, phyllode

3、fellow ode ─── 同胞颂歌

4、ode to joy ─── 欢乐颂

5、constant weight ode ─── [计] 定权码

6、ode definition ode ─── 定义

7、choral ode example ─── 合唱颂歌范例

8、fellow ode grinder ─── 同胞颂歌磨坊

9、Sapphic ode ─── [网络] 蓝宝石

10、choral ode ─── [网络] 歌舞队颂词

11、dejection ode ─── 哀歌

12、ode to joy lyrics ─── 欢乐颂歌词

13、ode to joy film ─── 欢乐颂电影

14、an ode n.( ─── 在电解池中)阳极;( ─── 在原电池中)负极

15、ode to joy beethoven ─── 贝多芬欢乐颂

16、Pindaric ode ─── [网络] 品旦颂歌;品达罗斯体颂歌

17、ode to joy piano ─── 欢乐颂钢琴

18、ode meaning ─── 赋意

19、ode to joy movie ─── 欢乐颂电影

ode 相似词语短语

1、olde ─── adj.使人觉得某事物古老而有趣的;老的(old的古老拼法);n.(Olde)(美)奥尔德(人名)

2、lode ─── n.矿脉;丰富的蕴藏;n.(Lode)人名;(芬)洛德

3、node ─── n.节点;瘤;[数]叉点;n.(Node)人名;(法)诺德

4、-ode ─── n.赋;颂歌;颂诗

5、odes ─── n.常微分方程;颂歌集

6、odea ─── 音乐厅;剧场(odeum的复数);n.(Odea)人名;(罗)奥代亚

7、mode ─── n.模式;方式;风格;时尚;n.(Mode)人名;(德、英、法、乍、瑞典)莫德

8、code ─── n.代码,密码;编码;法典;vt.编码;制成法典;vi.指定遗传密码;n.(Code)人名;(英、法、西)科德

9、bode ─── vt.预示;为…的兆头;vi.预示;v.停留;继续;遭到(bide的过去式);n.(Bode)人名;(英、法、德、意、俄、尼日利、瑞典)博德

ode 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The objectification of that child, her voice commodified for the purposes of the state, was the real ode to the motherland. ─── 这个孩子的声音是客体,为了整个国家的利益,化为一种对祖国最美丽的赞诗。

2、Ode to Dejection, also known as Joy in Bitterness, is a direct exposition of Liu's thoughts and feelings at a time when he was ambitious to make contributions to Chinese music, but was struggling in adverse circumstances. ─── 《苦闷之讴》(又名《苦中乐》)是他立志改进国乐,而又处于逆境之中的思想情感的真实表达,

3、In his case contemplation of the natural world does the job; his final chapter is an ode to the perspective-altering discoveries of modern physics. ─── 在他看来,对自然世界的沉思可以实现此两项功能;其著作的最后一章是对现代物理学中各种发现进行换位思考的颂歌。

4、The ode was original a ceremonial poem written to celebrate public occasions or exalted subjects. ─── 参考译文:大熊猫虽然和熊十分类似,但是因为一些解剖学上的特征,它被归为浣熊类。

5、Ode was a highly respected former superintendent in his little town of Oden. ─── 奥德在他所在的奥登镇是一位非常受人尊敬的前任校长。

6、The Electrode method and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering(SERS) Spectroscopy we re used to study the SERS spectroscopy of CAMP and AMP on silver and gold Electr ode. ─── 利用电化学 -表面增强激光拉曼光谱方法对环腺苷酸 ( CAMP)和腺苷酸 ( AMP)在银电极和金电极上的增强拉曼光谱进行了研究 .

7、A choir sang Beethoven's "Ode to Joy. ─── 一个合唱团还演唱了贝多芬的名曲“欢乐颂”。

8、It mainly introduces a series of work about step-type and spike-type solutions in ODE, including critical and uncritical cases. ─── 具体介绍了常微分方程中具有阶梯状和脉冲状空间对照结构的一系列工作,其中包括临界情况和非临界情况;

9、The performers of a choral ode, especially a Pindaric ode. ─── 唱诗班合唱颂歌,尤其是平德尔体颂歌的演员们

10、The theory of surfaces defined by ODE in paper[1] and in book[2]( in Chinese) has been pushed further. In this abstract I wish to presentsome fundamental results obtained since then. ─── 在文[]书[],已指出了常微分方程所定义的积分曲面理论的进一步发展。本文在此基础上介绍所获得的一些基本结果。

11、He favorite song was called" Ode to Beijing" . ─── 她最喜欢的歌是“北京颂歌”。

12、On Critical Initial Value Problems for Some Quasilinear ODE Systems ─── 临界情况下一类拟线性方程组的初值问题

13、Does it inter-operate or compete with ODE? ─── 它与ODE互操作还是竞争?

14、(Ode To The Seven Swords)-O.S.T. ─── (原声带)七剑下山。

15、"Ode to a Nightingale" is written by John Keats. ─── 《夜莺颂》是约翰济慈写的。

16、The chorus was singing "The Ode to Joy." ─── 合唱团那时正在唱着《欢乐颂》。

17、The performers of a choral ode,especially a Pindaric ode. ─── 唱诗班合唱颂歌,尤其是平德尔体颂歌的演员们。

18、The First Exploration of Ode to Chanting Peaches ─── 咏桃赋初探

19、Al rumore della presa di Babilonia trema la terra, e se n’ode il grido fra le nazioni. ─── 巴比伦王听了有关他们的消息,手就发软;痛苦紧紧抓住他,他疼痛好像正在生产的妇人。

20、Includes 3D real-time rendering (via OSG) and a physics engine (via ODE). ─── 包括3D实时翻译(通过OSG)和物理引擎(通过抒情诗)。

21、works of ode to flowers and trees ─── 咏花木作品

22、Say from the contents, he emphasized the gorgeous characteristic of ode in the initial stages and paid attention to the function of ode in the last stages. ─── 在内容上,他对辞赋从认识到创作整体上采取了始肯定后否定的态度,即由初期肯定强调辞赋的丽靡特质转向后期于文用兼顾中更加注重文学的功用。

23、With the powerful and magnificent music Ode to the red Flag, our performance is coming to an end. ─── 在气壮山河的《红旗颂》中,我们的演出即将结束。

24、What It's like to Love You Ode to a Nightingale ─── 不知不觉爱上你

25、the recitation of a ballad, an ode, etc ─── 叙事歌谣、 颂诗等的背诵.

26、Because this is something good, only to leave half-court, however, as Ravel's "Waltz" () "Ode to Joy" continue to show great dance scenes that he did not take the point. ─── 但姚明的日程安排得非常满,因此,他说:“我知道芭蕾很美,过几天回到上海,我一定来看演出。”

27、Two months later, James released the single Ventolin, a harsh, appropriately wheezing ode to the asthma drug on which he relied. ─── 两个月后James放出了单曲Ventolin,一首献给自己哮喘病依赖的药物的刺耳的赞美诗。

28、The merry larks, habitual early risers, dance from twigs to twigs, warbling out ode to the sun. ─── 她容光焕发,笑容可掬,向人们问候晨安。

29、the same result of prose and ode ─── 乾时期

30、The round emblem on Indiana state monument appears like a beautiful ode: running buffaloes, lumbering farmers, lavish crop plants, a brilliant morning sun rising over the mountains. ─── 印第安纳纪念碑的园徽如一首美丽的歌:奔跑的野牛、伐木的农夫、茂盛的庄稼,群山之上正升起一轮灿烂朝阳。

31、an ode with several stanzas. ─── 一首颂诗中有几小节。

32、one section of a lyric poem or choral ode in classical Greek drama. ─── 古希腊戏剧中抒情诗和合唱诗的一部分。

33、one section of a lyric poem or choral ode in classical Greek drama ─── 古希腊戏剧中抒情诗和合唱诗的一部分

34、La_(1-x)Sr_xCo_(1-y)Fe_yO_3 perovskite-type composite oxides are won- derful electronic-ionic conductor,which makes them be potential cath- ode materials for ITSOFC. ─── La_(1-x)Sr_xCo_(1-y)Fe_yO_3钙钛矿型氧化物具有良好的电子和离子混合导电性能,可作为中温固体氧化物燃料电池(ITSOFC)的阴极材料。

35、Main Productions: Sanguinolent Spirit, Loessial Highland,Ode of Hot Blood, Moon on Xilou, More Deeper My Love of you, More Serious of My heart Hurt, Never Give Up, Sisters and Brothers, Illimitable Love, Tens Years of Marriage etc. ─── 主要作品:《血染的风采》、《黄土高坡》、《热血颂》、《月满西楼》、《对你的爱越深就越来越心痛》、《永不放弃》、《姐妹兄弟》、《爱无极限》、《结婚十年》等。

36、She recognized this as a verse from the ancient poem Ode to the Roc and the voice as Tu Hsin-to's. ─── 四小姐记得这是《鹏鸟赋》上的词句,而且辨出那声音就是杜新箨。

37、a triumphal arch; a triumphal ode. ─── 凯旋门;胜利赞歌

38、These may only be used if you either have your own ODE license or if you are distributing them with the TSI Synchronizer as part of your application. ─── 如果你有自己的ODE授权或如果你用TSI同步装置分布它们,作为你的应用程序的部分,那么,就可以使用它们。

39、The recitation of a ballad,an ode,etc ─── 叙事歌谣、颂诗等的背诵.

40、A section of a Pindaric ode consisting of the strophe, antistrophe, and epode. ─── 品达体颂歌的一个部分包括诗节、反诗节和抒情诗的第三部分

41、an ode for one voice or actor,as in Greek drama ─── 为一个音调或一个演员所唱的颂歌,如希腊戏剧中的独唱颂歌

42、Nine-year-old Lin Miaoke was lauded around the world for her performance of Ode to the Motherland at the event. ─── 9岁的林妙可因她在盛会上《歌唱祖国》的表演赢得了全世界的赞誉。

43、Russell Smith's Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) is an open source physics engine with which you can simulate articulated rigid body dynamics. ─── RussellSmith的OpenDynamicsEngine(ODE)是一个开源的物理引擎,使用它可以仿真铰接式固形体运动。

44、beautiful words in poetry and ode ─── “诗赋欲丽”

45、The hymn, what Milton calls the "humble ode", that follows this introduction is the poem that Milton wants to present to the Lord. ─── 这首赞美诗,弥尔顿称之为“卑微的颂歌”,在其引言之后,是弥尔顿想要呈现给上帝的诗歌。

46、Collins, William. "Ode on the Poetical Character" (1746). In The Norton Anthology of Poetry. 4th ed. Edited by Margaret Ferguson, Mary Jo Salter, and Jon Stallworthy. New York: Norton, 1996. ─── 威廉·柯林斯,《诗性颂》(1746)。选自《诺顿诗选》(第四版)。玛格利特·福厄格森,玛丽·吉尔·索尔特,琼·斯特尔乌俄斯编辑。纽约:诺顿出版社,1996版。

47、In Baroque time, musicians more often praised music as God's ode, manifesting the strength of belief, Vivaldi and Bach created many Motets, actually, to compose basing on the poetries in the Bible. ─── 作品描述:在巴洛克时代,音乐家更多地把音乐作为赞美上帝的颂歌,体现出信仰的力量,维瓦尔第和巴赫创作了许多经文歌,其实就是按照圣经诗篇的诗词去谱曲。

48、Discussion on Global Existence Theorem of ODE ─── 关于ODE非局部存在性定理的讨论

49、The ODEs systems can be reduced into low-order ODE systems using the Arnoldi-based model-order reduction technique. ─── 利用适当的降阶方法,将此二阶常微分方程式系统降为一阶常微分方程式系统以求得其暂态行为。

50、One such composition, the oddly-named "Ode to a Scream", was actually performed by the National Symphony Orchestra at a summer concert in 1994 and received favorable reviews from critics. ─── 他有一件被古怪的命名为“尖叫之诗歌”的作品,然而就是这样一件作品,事实上由国家交响乐团在1994年夏季音乐会上公演,并且获得了那些尖刻的评论家们的一致好评。

51、The previous ODE model can be viewed as especial example and its relevant results can be regarded as corollaries of this article. ─── 已有的两类模型可视为本模型的特例,其相关结论可作为本文的推论。

52、"Ode on an Grecian Urn" shows the contrast between the permanence of art and the transience of human passion. ─── “希腊古瓮颂”展示了永恒的艺术与短暂的人类热情之间的对比。

53、He was courageous in reflecting folk life and his masterpieces in poetry like the sound of selling flowers, wheat threshing, and Ode to the Great Wall were favored by literary selectors in later generations. ─── 他勇于反映民间生活,其《卖花声》、打麦》及《长城赋》等诗文名篇,受到了历代文学选家的青睐。

54、A Class of One Step Method for Solving Initial Value Probrem of ODE ─── 一种求解常微分方程初值问题的单步方法

55、Comments on Ode to the Cicada by the Poets in Tang Dynasty ─── 唐人咏蝉诗述评

56、I Ching created ode, comparison, promotion and so on of classic poems and becomes the basic principle to compose poems and breeds the embryo of poem's" image". ─── 周易》开创了古典诗歌创作的赋、、等表现手法,奠定了后代诗律的基本原理,孕育了诗歌“意象”的胚胎。

57、From 1963 to 1966, apart from Ode to the Red Flag, which had a certain artistic value, there were almost no new musical works of note. ─── 1963年至1966年,在交响乐领域除了吕其明的《红旗颂》有一定艺术质量之外,几乎没有第二部经得起历史考验的作品。

58、This thesis appreciates Ode to the West Wind in various ways by analyzing the subjectivism, the political lyricism, idealism. ─── 及对该诗歌特征的赏析,充分地展现了积极浪漫主义主观性、政治抒情性、理想性。

59、Ode on a Grecian Urn. ─── 希腊古瓮之歌。

60、We chasing the world peace, advocating hunmanism, recalling historical creations, and expressing an ode to civilization. ─── 在这里我们追求世界和平,提倡人文精神,瞻仰历史的遗迹,赞美文明的火种。

61、Application of Maple Computer System in ODE ─── Maple软件在常微分方程中的应用

62、Improved COLSYS algorithm for ODE BVP with unknown parameters ─── 含参数常微分方程边值问题的改进COLSYS算法

63、Love Of My Life - An Ode To Hip Hop ─── 一生至爱

64、Might his entire oeuvre be a thinly disguised ode to unfettered man love? ─── 也许他所有的作品都在暗中歌颂无拘无束的同志之爱?

65、Water Ode in Three Repeat'for the first Ruan orchestra of China Op. ─── 为我国第一个阮族乐队而作。

66、"Ode to Joy" filled the auditorium with its sweet sound as if it rose all the way to the angels in heaven. ─── “欢乐颂”充满了甜美的声音,犹如玫瑰礼堂一直到天上的天使。

67、Of or characteristic of a Pindaric ode. ─── 品达颂歌的属于或有品达体颂歌特征的

68、It's called "Ode to the Drum, " and I'll try and read it the way Yusef would be proud to hear it read. ─── 名叫“鼓颂”,我试着用一种尤瑟夫会觉得自豪的方式来读它。

69、There are various viewpoints about the date of completion of the five poems in“Ode to Shang”in The Book of Poetry. ─── 传世《诗·商颂》五篇,其成诗时代颇多争议。

70、The part of a choral ode sung while this movement is executed. ─── 回舞颂歌回舞时所唱的那部分颂歌

71、Ode to West Wind (Percy Bysshe Shelley): If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? ─── 如果冬天已到,难道春天还用久等?

72、It is said the “Ode to Joy”expresses Beethoven's gratitude to life and to God, for not havingcommitted suicide. ─── “欢乐颂”意味着贝多芬对生命的热爱,他感谢上帝,他没有自杀。

73、O Wind! If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? --- Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Ode to the West Wind". ─── 哦,风啊!冬天既已来临,春天还会远么?曾经给人以多少安慰的话,让我们在身处难关的时候,咬着牙坚持坚持。

74、Chemostat is a simplified model of lakes and it has about chemostat including many types of equations such as ODE,PDE,RFDE cte. ─── 培养器模型是一个简化了的湖泊模型,具有深远的生态意义。

75、The other L V systolic param eters,such as E F, F S, S V, C O and C Iw ere also m easured by M m ode echocardiography. ─── 同时测定 E F, F S, S V, C O 及 C I等 M 型超声心动图左室收缩功能参数。

76、In the main part,he used ode's expatiation,and even deepened it step by step immanently. ─── 主要部分用铺陈之赋法行文,甚至内部形成递进关系;

77、La ricchezza d’un uomo serve come riscatto della sua vita, ma il povero non ode mai minacce. ─── 人的财富是他性命的赎价,穷人却听不见威吓的话。

78、Sonnets, Jintishi, Villanelle, Ruba’i, Sijo and Sestina Ode, Ghazal, Pantoum, Rondeau, Haiku, Ghazal and Tanka Lots of poetic forms Which one is your top choice? ─── 十四行诗、Jintishi、Villanelle、Ruba'i、 Sijo和Sestina 抒情诗、Ghazal、Pantoum、诗、俳句、Ghazal和短歌许多诗形式您的顶面选择是哪个?

79、Relating to or constituting a poem in this category, such as a sonnet or an ode. ─── 写抒情诗的关于或构成这种抒情诗的,如十四行诗或赋的

80、As I have said, I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up. ─── 如前所述,我无意为沮丧作赋,而要作清晨精力充沛的雄鸡,立于窝巢之上,只为唤醒沉睡的四邻。。

81、A sweet, chiming vibrato and an ode to southern gospel. ─── [甜美和谐的颤音混合效果。]

82、As a young child, she often recite line from the ancient ode. ─── 小时候她经常背诵古赋里的辞句。

83、Wind! If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? --- Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Ode to the West Wind". ─── 哦,风啊!冬天既已来临,春天还会远么?曾经给人以多少安慰的话,让我们在身处难关的时候,咬着牙坚持坚持。

84、His much-praised "Harvard Commemoration Ode" is too graceful, too felicitous through too many lines. ─── 他那首大受赞扬的《哈佛纪念堂会上朗诵的颂歌》,过分典雅,措词过于巧妙,也写得太长了些。

85、Don't think literature is Greek to that famous mathematician. He can recite Shelly's Ode to the West Wind. He even once had his own collection of poems published. ─── 你可不要以为那位知名的数学家在文学方面是门外汉。他能背诵雪莱的“西风颂”。他甚至曾经出版过自己的诗集呢。

86、An ode to one who has fallen. Time and events have left it unclear whether the song refers to the former prince of Lordaeron or his beloved steed. ─── 对于一个亡者的颂歌.目前还不清楚是否和前洛丹伦王子或者他深爱的坐骑有关...

87、Now that he has written his Nativity Ode, Milton has fully expunged from his literary system that youthful attachment to the pagan classics. ─── 既然弥尔顿现在已经写完他的《圣诞清晨歌》,那他就已经从自己的文学体系中除去了年轻时对异教徒经典作品的依恋。

88、A Pindaric ode. ─── 品达体颂歌

89、One such composition,the oddly-named "Ode to a Scream",was actually performed by the National Symphony Orchestra at a summer concert in 1994 and received favorable reviews from critics. ─── 他有一件被古怪的命名为“尖叫之诗歌”的作品,然而就是这样一件作品,事实上由国家交响乐团在1994年夏季音乐会上公演,并且获得了那些尖刻的评论家们的一致好评。

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