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08-19 投稿


scalds 发音

英:[sk??ldz]  美:[sk??ldz]

英:  美:

scalds 中文意思翻译




scalds 词性/词形变化,scalds变形

动词现在分词: scalding |动词过去分词: scalded |动词过去式: scalded |动词第三人称单数: scalds |

scalds 短语词组

1、scalds synonym ─── 烫伤同义词

2、scalds burn ─── 烫伤烧伤

3、scalds symptoms ─── 烫伤症状

4、scalds skin ─── 烫伤皮肤

5、scalds mean ─── 烫伤意味着

6、scalds def ─── 烫伤def

scalds 相似词语短语

1、scauds ─── 斯考兹

2、scald ─── vt.烫伤;烫洗;加热;晒焦;vi.烫伤;烫洗;煮沸;n.烫伤;烫洗

3、scalados ─── 按比例

4、scalades ─── 斯卡莱兹

5、scads ─── n.很多;巨额

6、scales ─── n.天平;磅秤;鳞屑;缩放;n.(Scales)(英)斯凯尔斯(人名)

7、skalds ─── n.古代斯堪的那维亚的吟唱诗人

8、scalls ─── n.痂病,鳞癣;头皮屑

9、scalps ─── n.头皮;战利品;vt.剥头皮;vi.剥头皮

scalds 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Clean the pork and scald in hot water to remove the fats and raw meat taste. ─── 制法:1.将猪?获~净后用热水烫过以除去肥脂和腥味。

2、Can agent of mist of Yunnan Baiyao gas treat skin scald? ─── 云南白药气雾剂能治疗皮肤烫伤吗?

3、Study on the Small Scall Thermal Blooming Instability[J]. ─── 引用该论文 吴毅,王英俭,龚知本,汪超,候再红.

4、Recently, the area what virtuous hospital dermatology department had accepted the little girl who scalds . ─── 近日,区何贤医院皮肤科接诊了一位烫伤的小女孩。

5、Of course, had better avoid to use cushion, matting in the kitchen, somebody is taking tray, when having the kettle that rolls water slip easily, return meeting scald others. ─── 当然,厨房里最好避免用垫子、席子,有人拿着盘子、有滚水的茶壶时轻易滑倒,还会烫伤别人。

6、Increasing the thermostat setting above the preset temperature may cause severe burns and consume excessive energy. Hotter water increases the risk of scald injury. ─── 如果把温度控制器的温度调节到高于工厂预置的温度,将可能导致严重的烧伤和消耗更多的能源。水温越高,烫伤的危险就越高。

7、If hand scald what folk prescription can be treated? ─── 如果手烫伤了有什么偏方可以治疗?

8、First, scald the spinach. ─── 先把菠菜焯一下。

9、Dr. Liu reminds the resident, after occurring scalds , do not be startled. ─── 刘医生提醒市民,发生烫伤后不要惊慌。

10、Don't scald your hands when you open the steamer. ─── 掀笼屉时小心热气嘘着手。

11、The SCALL syntax passes values only for affected columns. ─── SCALL语法只传递受影响的列的值。

12、The scar that how leaves after ability purify scald? ─── 怎样才能去除烫伤后留下的疤?

13、So it has outstanding curative effects on scald, piles, chilblain, indolent wound after operation, scurf damage, ulcerate and etc., especially on bedsore that has a long resistance to treatment. ─── 尿囊素不仅对动物,并且对植物同样有促进生长的作用,尤其对植物发芽,秧苗返青、植株生长等更为明显,最终导致农业增产。

14、Hot food, hot coals, hot drinks and a large number of people moving around mean injuries such as burns and scalds can happen all too easily. ─── 很烫的食物,炽热煤炭和热饮料以及大量人群的拥挤都很容易使孩子烧伤或烫伤。

15、Suitable for truck scall,track scale,and other special scales for weighing or force meassuring. ─── 可用于制造各种电子汽车衡、轨道衡、料门秤及各种专用衡器,适用于重量,力值测量的各个领域。

16、Abstract: Objective:To observe the changes of substan ce P-like immunoreactive(SP-LI)nerve fibers in the anterior pituitary of rats after scald. ─── 摘 要: 目的:观察烫伤早期大鼠垂体前叶P物质神经的变化规律,为探讨烧伤后垂体水平调节全身反应的作用机制提供实验资料。

17、This is an ointment for burns and scalds. ─── 这是治疗烧伤和烫伤的药膏。

18、It should not be operated for too many times, and the time should not be too long in case the therapeutic region becomes so hot that scald blisters will be caused. ─── 为防止擦破皮肤并有助于产热与增强疗效,施用本法时,一般要使用介质。

19、For burns or scalds, drop Tea Tree oil directly on the effected area. ─── 在烧伤或烫伤后,直接滴茶树精油在创口部位。

20、Plasma HMGB1 levels were increased obviously on days 1-5 aft er scald (P

21、Causing injuries to body tissues or skin resulting from heat is generally called burns scalds. ─── 因热力对人体组织造成的损伤,称为烧伤或烫伤。

22、This ointment for external use, which can remove the necrosis and promote the granulation, is especially suitable for Burns and scalds. ─── 这种外用药能去腐生精,特别适用于烧伤、烫伤的病人。

23、Don't scald your hands. ─── 小心热气嘘着手。

24、It is improper to scald the temperature , pressure. ─── 上光机胶辊与压印滚筒间的压力不均匀.

25、Tofu hits the spot but you have to wait until it gets colder, otherwise it will scald your tongue. Miss Sun is your tofu, do you understand? ─── 对。豆腐很鲜美,但你不要急于动口,否则会烫坏你的舌头。孙小姐就是你的豆腐,明白吗?

26、Spend scald gently to little scope, what is there faster more convenient treatment method? ─── 对于小范围轻度烫伤,有什么更快更方便的治疗方法?

27、Do not eat the food of putrefaction, do not drink unboiled water, eat melon and fruit raw to want scald, want nurturance anteprandial hind the good convention that wash one's hands. ─── 不吃腐败变质的食物,不喝生水,生吃瓜果要烫洗,要养成饭前便后洗手的良好习惯。

28、A twenty-three year old women had a history of scald followed by infiltrative plaque on her right eyelid for 2 months. ─── 患者为青年女性,因右眼上眼睑及周围出现浸润性斑块2个月就诊。2个月前发疹部位有烫伤史。

29、Also do not use boiled water scald, because chemical fibber hear resistance is poor, exceed its heat-resisting temperature, clothings is out of shape with respect to meeting systole, corrugate even. ─── 也不要用开水烫洗,因为化纤耐热性差,超过它的耐热温度,衣物就会收缩变形,甚至起皱。

30、Indoor do not want a decoration to arouse the scald, thing that get injured by fall easily. ─── 室内不要摆设轻易引起烫伤、跌伤的东西。

31、Be urgent! Be urgent! Be urgent! Use after skin scald how is medicine best? ─── 急!急!急!皮肤烫伤后用怎么药最好?

32、Used as a folk remedy for scalds and burns in Guangxi. ─── 为烫伤作为人们治疗法使用并且在广西燃烧。

33、That has been borne out over the years in various studies of simple treatments for minor scalds and sunburns . ─── 多年来各项关于烫伤,晒伤的治疗方法的研究结果已经证实了这一点。

34、But if the scall be in his sight at a stay, and that there is black hair grown up therein the scall is healed, he is clean: and the priest shall pronounce him clean. ─── 37祭司若看头疥已经止住,其间也长了黑毛,头疥已然痊愈,那人是洁净了,就要定他为洁净。

35、Plasma HMGB1 protein levels were increased obviously on the 1 st,3 rd and 7 th day after scald compared to those in sham scald group(P

36、A large part of burns were scalds (47.1%); ─── 中小面积烧伤占绝大部分(81.9%);

37、If is the hand, the foot and so on exposed spot scalds, should inspect immediately scalds the spot. ─── 如果是手、脚等裸露部位烫伤,应马上检查烫伤部位。

38、The scar that after what ointment treats scald after what ointment treats scald, leaves is more effective? How many money to need? ─── 什么药膏治疗烫伤后留下的疤痕比较有效?需要多少钱?

39、Don't scald your lips in another man's porridge. ─── 不要在别人的热粥上烫伤你的嘴唇。

40、One of the most common causes of scalds in the home is a baby that pulls a hot drink onto himself. ─── 孩子将滚烫的饮品拖到自己面前造成烫伤的重常见因之一。

41、Powerful magnetized scald-proof device (Patent No.: 2005200002949.1)--- can proof the instant scald caused by outflow water. ─── 数码温度显示---精确显示水温设定,防止水温过高造成烫伤。

42、When the family the stir-fried dish prepares food, do not let the child enter the kitchen, the oil boiling point is high, once scalds can be very serious. ─── 家里炒菜做饭时,别让孩子进入厨房,油的沸点高,一旦烫伤会很严重。

43、Scald octopus in hot water until half done.Cut into 1cm thick slices. ─── 做法:1.鱆鱼用热水烚至半熟,切成1厘米厚块状。

44、For example, SCALL passes in values only for the columns that are actually affected by an update. ─── 例如,SCALL仅涉及更新实际影响的列的值。

45、Today my face by oily scald, removed a diameter a centimeter of big bleb, still give water a bit. How to do? Can you leave scar? ─── 今天我的脸被油烫伤,起了一个直径一厘米大的水泡,还有点出水。怎么办?会不会留疤?

46、Opitmizing the teaching course in full scall is the effective measure to improve teaching quatity and implement quality education. ─── 全面优化教学过程是提高教学质量和实施素质教育的有效措施。

47、Remove the algae on the surface of the abalone. Scald and remove the innards. ─── 1将鲍鱼上的青苔污物洗刷乾净,汆水并除去内脏。

48、In children under 3 years of age, most burns are due to scalds. ─── 3岁以下儿童的烧伤,大多数是由于烫伤。

49、Scald the dishes before drying them. ─── 擦干碟子前先用热水烫一烫。

50、If how is the hand done to you can leave scar later by oily scald? ─── 如果手被油烫伤怎么办以后会不会留疤?

51、Cut pork spareribs into long stripes. Scald. ─── 一字排骨切成长条,飞水。

52、It has good compatibility and can be conveniently installed.Suitable for truck scall,track scale,and other special scales for weighing or force meassuring. ─── 安装方便、互换性好。可用于制造各种电子汽车衡、轨道衡、料门秤及各种专用衡器,适用于重量,力值测量的各个领域。

53、Scalds tend to be caused by liquid or steam. ─── 烫伤往往是由液体或者蒸汽所引起的。

54、Be careful, don't scald you. ─── 小心别烫着了。

55、Waste derived from human activitirs, such as rapeseed placentiform from the extraction of rape oil;fruit faeces from the extraction of fruit juice;chicken excrement from the scall farming of chickens. ─── 摘要废弃物是人类为满足自身需要的产物,如菜籽饼来自于油菜籽取油,果渣来自于水果取汁,鸡粪来自于规模化养鸡。

56、Scalds, burns and poisoning can all be life-threatening. ─── 烫伤、烧伤和中毒都有可能危及生命。

57、That has been borne out over the years in various studies of simple treatments for minor scalds and sunburns. ─── 多年来各项关于烫伤,晒伤的治疗方法的研究结果已经证实了这一点。

58、Method :1.Cut the cabbages into sections of a finger wide.Then scald them in boiling water and ladle out. ─── 制作方法:1、白菜心切成一指宽的条,用开水烫后、过凉。

59、An instantaneous cure for light and serious scalds or burns caused by boiling water strong fire boiling oilsteam molten steel and chemical substance reacting on human body. ─── 凡因蒸汽、沸水、烈火、滚油、钢水或化学物质怍用于身体或放射铫及电灼等所致的深浅各型的烧伤、烫伤,敷用本品,均有显著疗效。

60、To scald (almonds, for example) in order to loosen the skin. ─── 去皮:用沸水烫(如,杏)使之去皮

61、SD rats were divided into 3 groups: control, scald and electret group. ─── 将大鼠分成对照组、烫伤组和驻极体实验组。

62、Of course, had better avoid to use pad in the kitchen, matting, in case somebody is taking tray, when having the kettle that rolls water slip easily, return meeting scald others. ─── 当然,厨房里最好避免用垫子,席子,以防有人拿着盘子,有滚水的茶壶时轻易滑倒,还会烫伤别人。

63、The rate of recurrence in treated group of infant diaper dermatitis and scald was much less than that in control group, and the treated group also has acesodyne ,no badness besides lower infection rate. ─── 三黄紫草油在治疗婴儿尿布皮炎及烫伤方面愈合快,感染率低,同时还有止痛、无不良反应的优点。

64、Is the hand had by hot water scald what method restores quickly? ─── 手被热水烫伤有什么办法快速恢复?

65、An anti-scald device is recommended in the hot water supply line to reduce the risk of scald injury. ─── 建议在热水供应管道上安装防烫装置,减少被烫伤的危险。

66、Child scald passes defensive position art, the 2nd when the operation is better. ─── 孩子烫伤过后手术一次了,第2次什么时候手术比较好。

67、De-shell and remove entrails of conch, clean and scald in hot water. ─── 将响螺去壳、去肠,洗净后用热水烫过。

68、Objective: To sum up the clinical experience with MEBT/MEBO in treating burns and scalds. ─── 摘要目的:总结应用MEBT/MEBO治疗烧烫伤的临床经验。

69、Dr.Liu reminds the resident, after occurring scalds, do not be startled. ─── 刘医生提醒市民,发生烫伤后不要惊慌。

70、When the boiled water scald on your skin, the one who outcry first is your devoted. ─── 总在裁人,简称“总裁”;老板着脸,简称“老板”。(好象真是这样。)

71、One of the most common causes of scalds in the home is a baby that pulls a hot drink onto himself. ─── 孩子将滚烫的饮品泼洒自己身上是造成烫伤的重常见因之一。

72、Method:Scald the cleaned turtle and chicken,put salt,scallins,ginger and cooking wine in a bowl to steam. ─── 制作方法:将甲鱼和鸡一烫,洗净。放入碗内,加盐、葱、姜、料酒,上笼蒸熟即成。

73、Solid state fermentation can treat large scall wast every time, manipulate easily, and has a low cost. ─── 一方面可以解决环境污染的问题,另一方面,提升工农业副产物的价值。

74、I have 2 years old to control the scar that forms because of scald, how can take out? ─── 我有一块2岁左右因烫伤而形成的疤,怎么能去掉?

75、1.a balm for treating headaches, scalds and other ailments ─── 万金油

76、The scald on her hand came from lifting a pot cover carelessly. ─── 她手上的烫伤是从粗心大意地掀锅盖所来的。

77、She has a tongue that scalds and that bites like a bull whip. ─── 她的舌头太伤人,象条牛鞭子。

78、Be careful not to scald yourself with the steam. ─── 小心别让蒸汽把你烫着。

79、Is similar to scalds bubbles is the same, the laser hyperpyrexia forms the blister. ─── 如同烫伤起泡一样,激光温度过高形成水泡。

80、Likewise, significant differences emerged in the age groups as a function of the types of burn, with 0-3 years age group suffered more from scalds than flame burns in comparison to children aged 3-12. ─── 同样的,小于3岁患童于家中发生烧伤的比例显著高于3-12岁,但3-12岁患童最容易受伤的场所是户外。

81、How does ability let the scar of scald disappear, tell me? ─── 怎样才能让烫伤的疤消失,告诉我啊?

82、Scald the milk. ─── 把牛奶煮熟。

83、Bark is used for the treatment of scalds. ─── 干品研粉调油外敷。叶外用于烧、烫伤,外伤。

84、Then the priest shall look on him: and, behold, if the scall be spread in the skin, the priest shall not seek for yellow hair; he is unclean. ─── 36祭司就要察看他。头疥若在皮上发散,就不必找那黄毛,他是不洁净了。

85、Clean the pigeon, halve, remove skin and chop into pieces. Clean pork, scald the pigeon and pork in boiling water, remove and set aside. ─── 先将乳鸽洗净、开边、去皮、斩成块,然后将猪胯肉洗净,分别与乳鸽用滚水烫过,备用。

86、What medicine can infantile scald foot brush? ─── 婴儿烫伤脚可以擦什么药?

87、He had his hand scalded when frying meatballs and now the scalds come up in blisters all over his hand. ─── 炸丸子时他把手给烫伤了,现在手上全是泡。

88、In brief, after the child scalds, should deliver immediately the Specialized hospital diagnosis, in order to avoid misses an opportunity, creates the adverse consequences. ─── 总之,儿童烫伤后应立即送专科医院诊治,以免延误时机,造成不良后果。

89、Scald the cuttlefish's breast meat with the rice wine and drain off the water. ─── 制法:墨鱼脯加绍酒焯水,沥干。

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