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08-19 投稿


angor 发音

英:[['??g?:]]  美:[['??g?:]]

英:  美:

angor 中文意思翻译



angor 短语词组

1、angor animi ─── [医] 死亡恐怖

2、angor ocularis ─── [医] 眼盲恐怖

3、angor abdominis ─── [医] 腹绞痛

4、angor nocturnus ─── [医] 夜惊

5、angor pectoris ─── [医] 心绞痛

angor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、angor nocturnus ─── [医] 夜惊

2、But Repuclic and Governor Angor the Republican governor angered some Democrats when he vetored vetoed several addtitional additional spending items he before he signed the budget. ─── 但是在预算上签字之前,共和党州长否决了许多额外的支出项目,并对一些民主党人表示了愤怒。

3、angor abdominis ─── [医] 腹绞痛

4、On September 3, American commandoes deployed in neighboring Afghanistan crossed into Pakistan for the first time and raided Angor Adda. ─── 9月3日,美国突击队第一次由阿富汗边境进入巴基斯坦并突袭安哥安达村。

5、angor pectoris ─── [医] 心绞痛

6、This is better than Lonely Planet, it focuses at history and sightseeing of Angor Wat, can get a better picture of the ruins as well as the maps. ─── 非常棒的导读手册,特别适合自助旅行使用,文化,旅游,历史层面都有兼顾到,各观光景点的地图也非常详细。

7、A local resident, Sher Ali, said the tribesmen in the Angor Adda area had been on alert since September 3 when US special forces dropped by US helicopters killed more than 20 civilians. ─── 一名当地居民,谢尔阿里说,部落,在angor adda面积已提高警觉,自9月3日,当美国特种部队下降了美军直升机死亡, 20多平民。

8、The Mekong, with its great length and long history, has nurtured the cultures of Tibet, Dongba, Nanzhao, Buddhism, and Angor Wat (Khmer), these being the wonders of oriental civilization. ─── 澜沧江-湄公河,源远流长、文化宝藏。孕育和繁衍了藏文化、东巴文化、南诏文化、佛教文化、吴哥文化等灿烂的东方文明奇观。

9、Two US military helicopters crossed into Pakistan and tried to land near Angor Adda area of South Waziristan tribal district along the Afghan border before dawn, a local security official said. ─── 2美军直升机越境进入巴基斯坦,并试图附近的土地angor adda领域的南瓦济里斯坦部落区,沿阿富汗边境地区的破晓前,当地安全官员说。

10、But the official denials were contradicted by Pakistani civilian officials and villagers in Angor Adda. ─── 但此官员的否认与巴基斯坦当地官员和村民的话相矛盾。

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