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08-19 投稿


circumambient 发音

英:[?s??rk?m??mb??nt]  美:[?s??k?m??mb??nt]

英:  美:

circumambient 中文意思翻译



circumambient 网络释义

adj. 周围的;围绕的

circumambient 词性/词形变化,circumambient变形

副词: circumambiently |名词: circumambience |

circumambient 短语词组

1、circumambient bias ─── 环境偏差

2、circumambient lyrics ─── 周遭歌词

3、circumambient grimes lyrics ─── 周围的格里姆斯歌词

4、circumambient means ─── 周边手段

5、circumambient grimes ─── 周围污垢

circumambient 相似词语短语

1、circumambience ─── n.围绕;环绕;周围

2、circumvent ─── v.包围;智取;绕行,规避

3、circumambiently ─── 周遭地

4、circumambagious ─── 迂回的

5、circumambiency ─── 周围环境

6、circumfluent ─── adj.环流的;周流的

7、circumambulate ─── vt.巡行;绕行;婉转打探

8、circumjacent ─── adj.周围的;邻接的;围绕着的

9、circumambages ─── 绕道

circumambient 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Results The total variance rate of cystic duct was 78.6% of which length was 41.7%,postition was 35.7%,direction was 52.4%,collateral or circumambient with common hepatic duct was 47.6%. ─── 6%。其中胆囊管长度变异占41。7%,汇入位置变异占35。7%,汇入方向变异占52。4%,与肝总管并、绕行占47。

2、You don't influence the people around of you , but you can remodel whom circumambient of you. ─── 你无法改变你周围的人,但可以改变你所围绕的人。

3、You don't influence the people around of you, but you can remodel whom circumambient of you. ─── 您不会影响周围的人,但是您可以重塑周围的人。

4、Radical surgery appears to offer the best chance and different approaches can be selected according to tumor stage and invasive condition of the circumambient organ. ─── 手术是本病的基本治疗措施,可根据肿瘤的范围、周围器官受累情况选择手术范围。

5、They together clarify Lawrence's harmony principle, "the perfected relation between man and his circumambient universe is life itself, for mankind." ─── 三种关系相互平衡又彼此补充,共同完整地阐明了劳伦斯的和谐原则:“对人类来说,人与周围世界的完美的关系就是生活本身。”

6、Initial study on influence of ash fields on circumambient groundwater ─── 电厂粉煤灰场对地下水环境影响的初步研究

7、circumambient pressure attenuation ─── 围压衰减

8、you can't change your ambient people but you can change circumambient people.those boy hasn't hostility they just fiddle-faddle. ─── 变你周围的人,但可以改变你所围绕的人。

9、Central position fixing, circumambient supporting,vertical bearing,and frame structure are applied to design of 2 # noumenon of casting wheel. ─── 2#浇铸机的圆盘本体设计采用中心定位,周边支承,垂直受力,框架结构。

10、You don't influence the people around of you ,but you can remodel whom circumambient of you. ─── 你无法改变你周围的人,但可以改变你所围绕的人。

11、Initial study on influence of ash fields on circumambient groundwater ─── 电厂粉煤灰场对地下水环境影响的初步研究

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