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08-19 投稿


seamanship 发音

英:[?si?m?n??p]  美:[?si?m?n??p]

英:  美:

seamanship 中文意思翻译



seamanship 网络释义

n. 船艺;航海技术

seamanship 词性/词形变化,seamanship变形

名词: seam-lessness |副词: seamlessly |

seamanship 短语词组

1、seamanship 3 ─── 航海技术3

2、seamanship 1 ─── 航海技术1

3、seamanship secrets ─── 航海秘密

4、seamanship ie ─── 航海技术

5、seamanship 101 ─── 航海101

6、seamanship os ─── 航海技术操作系统

7、seamanship 313 ─── 航海技术313

seamanship 反义词


seamanship 同义词

unified | smooth | unbroken | whole | faultless | one-piece | perfect | all-in-one | unlined | continuous | uniform | unseamed | harmonious

seamanship 相似词语短语

1、showmanship ─── n.表演技巧;吸引观众的窍门

2、hetmanships ─── 异端

3、penmanship ─── n.书法;笔迹;笔法

4、crewmanship ─── n.机组成员(crewman的变形)

5、chapmanship ─── n.叫卖小贩;商人(chapman的变形)

6、salesmanship ─── n.推销;推销术;游说术

7、boatmanship ─── n.操船技术;操舟术

8、hetmanship ─── 巫术,

9、-manship ─── n.(Manship)人名;(英)曼希普

seamanship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、3.The Endeavor was not a warship but an old merchant ship, just like the one on which Cook had learnt his seamanship. ─── “奋力”号不是一艘战舰,而是一艘旧商船,就像库克过去学航海技术时乘过的那艘船一样。

2、We are only at the beginning of the voyage,and have to learn an entirely new system of seamanship. ─── 我们刚刚踏上航程的第一步,还有一个全新的航海技术要学呢。

3、5. Their extensive fishing trade was an excellent nursery for seamanship. ─── 他们广泛的渔业贸易是航海技术的一个良好的养成所。

4、A person unfamiliar with the sea or seamanship. ─── 旱鸭子不谙航海的人或蹩脚的水手

5、He has, however, also displayed extraordinary stamina, determination and seamanship in keeping IDEC running close to her full potential. ─── 虽然如此,他仍旧表现出惊人的毅力、决心和驾驶技术,让帆船一直接近全速前进。

6、To help understand seamanship techniques, I made model charts, buoys, and boats. ─── 为了学习船舶驾驶技巧,我做了航海图、浮标和船艇的模型。

7、seamanship training ─── 船艺训练

8、Raider must have the Seamanship Special Ability before he or she can select Son of the Sea. ─── 在选择海洋之子能力之前,掠袭者必需已经选择了天生水手能力。

9、observance of good seamanship ─── 遵行良好船艺

10、characteristic of or befitting a seaman; indicating competent seamanship. ─── 具有海员特征或适合海员的;暗示令人满意的航海术的。

11、Seamanship in the Age of Sail ─── 帆船时代的航海技术

12、just like the one on which Cook had learnt his seamanship. ─── 像库克以前学习航海技术的那艘船。

13、indicating competent seamanship. ─── 暗示令人满意的航海术的。

14、All too often, crossings are attempted with too small a boat, insufficient knowledge of the area's hazards, and a lack of good seamanship. ─── 时常尝试使用太小的一艘船来穿越水面,区域危险不够的知识,加上缺乏良好的船舶驾驶技术。

15、The journey round Cape Horn demanded a high degree of seamanship. ─── 绕好望角航行要求有高超的航海技术。

16、On the role of good seamanship in collision avoidance ─── 试论良好船艺在船舶避让中的作用

17、Characteristic of or befitting a seaman; indicating competent seamanship. ─── 海员特征或适合海员的;暗示令人满意的航海术的。

18、The Endeavour was not a warship but an old merchant ship, just like the one on which Cook had learnt his seamanship. ─── “奋力”号并不是一艘战舰,而是一艘旧商船,就像库克过去学航海技术时乘过的那艘船一样。

19、All too often, crossings are attempted with too small a boat, insufficient knowledge of the area's hazards, and a lack of good seamanship. ─── 时常尝试使用太小的一艘船来穿越水面,区域危险不够的知识,加上缺乏良好的船舶驾驶技术。

20、reeling like drunkards, they were adrift, in spite of all their seamanship. ─── 恍惚且晕眩,有如醉汉,一切的经验,全部紊乱。

21、The landing in the 45th Division sector constituted one of the finest exhibitions of seamanship ─── 第四十五师之登陆成绩优良,堪作海军模范。

22、Aiming at localization of Seamanship teaching at present, the paper introduced a method of designing ship's hold structure CAI software. ─── 本文针对目前船艺学课堂教学存在的局限性,介绍了一种船舱结构CAI软件的设计方法。

23、Seamanship skills are a vital part of their job. ─── 航海经验是他们做好本职工作的关键。

24、To help understand seamanship techniques, I made model charts, buoys, and boats. ─── 为了学习船舶驾驶技巧,我做了航海图、浮标和船艇的模型。

25、just like the one on which Cook had learnt his seamanship. ─── 像库克以前学习航海技术的那艘船.

26、This paper approaches and analyzes some of the definitions and their English translations in seamanship terminology, and puts forward proposals that give correct definitions. ─── 就船艺中若干名词术语的定义及英文翻译出现的问题进行了多方位的探讨与分析,并提出了如何正确命名的建议。


28、Seamanship: The Raider gains a +1 circumstance bonus to all Balance, Climb, Profession (Sailor), and Use Rope checks, and to his or her Defence Bonus, so long as the Raider is aboard a ship or boat at sea. ─── 天生水手:只要身于船上,船在海中,掠袭者就能得到+1环境加值于平衡、攀爬、专家(海员)与绳技检定和他/她的防御骰。

29、The journey round cape horn demand a high degree of seamanship ─── 绕好望角航行要求有高超的航海技术

30、Fast Powerboat Seamanship: The Complete Guide to Boat Handling, Navigation, and Safety ─── 快速汽艇操纵术:综合操作,航行与安全指南

31、Having struggled in commercial seamanship for several years, he has accumulated much wealth. ─── 投身商海十几年,他积攒了不少财富。

32、The Endeavour was not a warship but an old merchant ship, just like the one on which Cook had learnt his seamanship. ─── 奋力"号并不是一艘战舰,而是一艘旧商船,就像库克过去学航海技术时乘过的那艘船一样。

33、So the consequence when all this comes to court should be that we are able to demonstrate that in actual fact, his performance was exemplary and the highest manner of good seamanship," he said. ─── 因此,到了法庭上,理应出现的结果是,我们可以证明,在情况实际发生的时候,船长的行为是模范性的,是优秀海员的最佳表现。”

34、On Some Definitions and the Corresponding English in Seamanship Terminology ─── 关于船艺中几个术语的定义及其对应英语之管见

35、characteristic of or befitting a seaman; indicating competent seamanship ─── 具有海员特征或适合海员的;暗示令人满意的航海术的

36、He has, however, also displayed extraordinary stamina, determination and seamanship in keeping IDEC running close to her full potential ─── 尽管如此,他仍旧表现出惊人的毅力、决心和驾驶技术,让帆船始终接近全速前进。

37、All too often, crossings are made with too small a boat, poor knowledge of the area's dangers, and a lack of good seamanship. ─── 通常,横渡时的船都太小了,人们对于区域危险知道的不够多,另外还缺乏良好的船舶驾驶技术。

38、remarkable piece of seamanship, the captain steered the ship out of the ice and turned north. ─── 船长凭着出色的航海技术,把船驶出了冰层然后向北前行。

39、the details of seamanship might confuse the reader, shipboard life was in other respects sharply defined. ─── 虽然航海技术的细节会使读者如堕云雾,但是船上生活的其它方面却写得头头是道。

40、5.The journey round Cape Horn demanded a high degree of seamanship. ─── 绕好望角航行要求有高超的航海技术。

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