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08-19 投稿


audible 发音

英:[???d?bl]  美:[???d?bl]

英:  美:

audible 中文意思翻译



audible 词性/词形变化,audible变形

名词: audibility |副词: audibly |

audible 常用词组

audible alarm ─── 声音报警,音响报警

audible sound ─── n. 可听见的声音

audible 短语词组

1、audible frequency ─── 声频

2、audible alarm ─── [计] 音响报警; 声音报警

3、audible tones ─── [电] 可闻音色

4、ultra-audible ─── 超声

5、audible signal ─── [电] 可闻信号

6、audible reminder ─── 可听到的提醒

7、audible knock ─── 可听到的敲门声

8、audible device ─── 可听设备

9、audible area ─── 听觉区

10、auto-audible ─── [医] 可自听的(心音)

11、audible alert ─── 可听到的警报

12、audible sound ─── 可听声

13、audible indication ─── 音响表示

14、audible range ─── 可听区域; ─── 可听范围

15、Audible Signal Devices ─── 可听信号装置

16、Audible Alarm Panel ─── 可听报警面板

17、in-audible ─── [电] 合规频带

18、ultra-audible frequency ─── [电] 超听频

19、audible code ─── [电] 可闻码

audible 同义词

loud | perceptible | aloud |distinct | clear | plain | hearable | noticeable

audible 反义词


audible 相似词语短语

1、audile ─── n.听觉型的人;听象型;听力;adj.听觉的

2、audibly ─── adv.可听见地

3、alible ─── adj.有营养的

4、auditable ─── adj.可审计的

5、inaudible ─── adj.听不见的;不可闻的

6、addible ─── adj.可增加的,可添加的

7、audibles ─── adj.听得见的

8、eludible ─── adj.可躲避的

9、mandible ─── n.下颌骨;上颚,嘴的上部

audible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her voice was barely audible above the noise. ─── 一片嘈杂,她的声音只能勉强听得见。

2、The earth was damp, but not muddy, and the troops advanced noiselessly, except for a hardly audible jingling now and then from the artillery. ─── 地面潮湿,但是并不泥泞,军队无声无息地行进着,只是偶而可以听到炮兵的微弱的叮当声。

3、Music within is an audible melody and song in each circumstance if one is gifted at listening within. ─── 在每一个情况下,如果你擅长于聆听内在的话,内在的音乐都是一首可以听见的旋律和歌曲。

4、The audible sound pressure range is from 0 dB to 120 dB. ─── 听觉范围为0分贝到120分贝。

5、Our applications would be much friendlier and easier to use if they issued barely audible but easily identifiable sounds when user actions are correct. ─── 如果程序在用户行为正确时发出微弱而又容易辨别的声音,程序会更友好和更容易使用。

6、LU Lan-quality voice congenital general, but use of audible Lushi, to take the lead in the vocal world Haizhen happy. ─── 卢兰青先天嗓音素质一般,但运用卢氏发声法,使其率先在声乐方面问鼎世界吉尼斯之最。

7、A few moist rales have been audible over Both lung Bases. The abdomen has been soft without tenderness. ─── "双肺底部仍可闻少许湿罗音.腹部软,无压疼"

8、For, there was something coming in the echoes, something light, afar off, and scarcely audible yet, that stirred her heart too much. ─── 因为,在回音之中有某种东西正在向她走来,某种辽远的、几乎还听不见的轻柔的东西太沉重地扣击着她的心。

9、His words were barely audible. ─── 他的话勉强听得见。

10、On dictation equipment, a device that gives an audible or visual signal at the end of the recording medium. ─── 口述记录设备上的一种装置,当到达记录媒体末端时发出一个声响信号或可视信号。

11、"An alarm device is a type of device that emits audible or visible indications related to a problem situation. ─── "警告设备是一种就出现的问题发出声响或可见标志的设备。

12、The noise was audible even above the roar of the engines. ─── 尽管有发动机的轰鸣声,这个噪音还是能够听到。

13、Spoken programs purchased from the iTunes Store can be played on up to five computers at a time. ─── 从iTunesStore购买的Audible语音程序同时最多只能在五台电脑上播放。

14、The A1442 employs a soft-switching algorithm to reduce audible switching noise and EMI interference. ─── A1442运用软开关算法减少可闻开关噪声及EMI干扰。

15、You were barely/scarcely audible at the back of the classroom. ─── 在教室后面几乎听不见你的声音。

16、Audible Indication Control Three fancy words for the ability to turn up or down the bell or beeper on your PBX attendant console. ─── 声音指示控制三个富有想象力的单词代表了一种功能,即在PBX话务台上调节铃或寻呼机振铃声。

17、But when these words are extended into longer ones,the silent letters become audible:hymnal,condemnation and bombard. ─── 但是当这些单词扩展为一个长的单词后。不发音的部分变为发音:hymnal,condemnation,bombard。这是一般规则。

18、Little audible links, they are, chaining together great inaudible feelings and purposes. ─── 它们只是一些可以为人听见的小小链子,把大量听不见的情感和意图串联起来。

19、They quarreled with such a loud noise that their voices were audible to the neighbor. ─── 他们大声吵架,以致邻居们都听见了声音。

20、A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond. ─── 可以听得见那边屋子里有一阵低低的、激动的交谈声。

21、Therefore, in the Kodak film world, from a wheeze to the roar of aircraft, all of which is audible. ─── 因此在柯达电影世界,从一声喘息到飞机的轰鸣,全都可以历历在耳。

22、They can control computer systems with voice commands and get audible feedback. ─── 他们可运用话音指令控制电脑,并可得到话音方式的回应。

23、Hence, tight-order guard duty. This includes the audible warning. ─── 因此,它们会实行严密的警卫。其中包括声音警告。

24、Due to the abundance of trees and the low altitude of dwellings in Peiping, cicadas are audible in every nook and cranny of the city. ─── 因为北平处处全长着树,屋子又低,所以无论在什么地方,都听得见它们的啼唱。

25、An incorrect or unreadable code causes the case packer to stop and activate an audible alarm. ─── 不正确或无法读取代码的原因的情况下封隔器停止和启动声音警报。

26、A semivowel, one having an audible sound by the addition of another Letter;e.g.S and R. ─── 半元音是由另一个字母辅助才能够发出声音的字母,比如S或R;

27、The hard drive in our pre-production unit was virtually silent and made no audible squeals or scratching noises. ─── 在测试期间,吸引人的铝制拉丝的手掌支撑表面的温度上升,不过保持的温度还在可接受的舒适的水平。

28、She let out an audible“ ooh” and Lane smiled with pride. ─── 她情不自禁地叫了一声“嚯”,莱恩得意地笑了。

29、Hereone sound was audible, a sound as heart-rending as the death rattle, as menacing as a malediction, the tocsin of Saint-Merry. ─── 在那里,人们只听到一种仅有的声音枣一种和临终时的喘息一样使人听了为之心碎,和凶恶的诟骂一样使人听了为之心悸的声音枣圣美里的警钟声。

30、If you can't play a file you downloaded from the Audible website, you might have exceeded the number of computers authorized to play the Audible file. ─── 如果不能播放从Audible网站下载的文件,您可能已经超出了授权播放该Audilbe文件的电脑数量。

31、Fortunately the din of the various cooking utensils and the noise created by the frying in the wok made those words not very audible. ─── 好在厨房里夹杂着锅铲煎炒的声音,听的也不大清楚。

32、Heads turned when they came in, and a murmur, barely audible, of astonishment and pleasure swept over the church. ─── 她们进来时,人们都一个个转过头来,一阵勉强听得见的惊讶和快乐的叽叽喳喳声掠过教堂。

33、A cricket an inch long has a chirp that is audible for nearly a mile. ─── 一英寸长的蟋蟀发出的唧唧声在将近一英里远的地方都能听见。

34、By May, the nightingale will sing an unbroken song, and the discreet, barely audible Tuscan cuchoo will be a little more audible. ─── 到了五月,夜莺就会歌声不断。平日很难听到歌声的胆小杜鹃也放开了歌喉。

35、He felt that the sound of his words, apart from any meaning they conveyed, was less audible than the sound of his excited adversary's voice. ─── 他觉得,问题不在他的话包含什么思想,而是他的声音总不如生气勃勃的贵族说得响亮。

36、An audible tone signals that the temperature has been computed. ─── 声音信号表示体温已计算完毕。

37、In late 2004, Transport Department completed the territorial-wide installation of the new electronic audible traffic signals eATS. ─── 在2004年底,运输署已经完成了全港性的新的电子行人过路发声装置的安装工程。

38、Only one negative comment was audible during 15 minutes of play. ─── 在15分钟的训练过程中,只听到一句消极的话。

39、Even though MF used the 4 ohm tap with his WATT/Puppies, this equalization will undoubtedly be audible. ─── 即使MF使用4欧姆轻打有他的瓦特/小狗, 这均等将无庸置疑地是听得见的.

40、Her heels had made a commanding noise clearly audible in this buzzing room. ─── 她的高跟皮鞋,在这间闹哄哄的房间里,发出了一种清晰可闻的压倒一切的声音。

41、Her voice was barely audible above the noise. ─── 一片嘈杂,她的声音只能勉强听得见。

42、When I had lain awake a little while, those extraordinary voices with which silence teems, began to make themselves audible. ─── 我睁着双眼无眠地躺了一会儿,在寂静之中又出现了奇怪的响声,一切东西都在低语。

43、in a warning voice. A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond, and Miss Baker leaned forward unashamed, trying to hear. ─── 可以听得见那边屋子里有一阵低低的、激动的交谈声,贝克小姐就毫无顾忌地探身竖起耳朵去听。

44、Auralization in small enclosures is a process of rendering audible, by modeling the sound field which size is close to sound wavelength. ─── 小尺度封闭空间可听化是指在几何尺寸与声波波长相当的封闭空间内,通过对声场空间建模再造听音效果的过程。

45、Chuck Norris does not have to answer the phone. His beard picks up the incoming electrical impulses and translates them into audible sound. ─── 不用接电话。他的胡子捕捉到传来的电脉冲,再转换成声音。

46、An instrument for measuring hearing activity for pure tones of normally audible frequencies. ─── 听度计,听力计对正常可听单音频的听觉能力测定仪

47、He sang with no visible or audible strain. ─── 听上去和看起来,他唱得不费劲。

48、"So, Doc, " he said, letting the back of one hand fall into the palm of the other with an audible slap, "how much time I got? " ─── “那么医生,”他一只手的手背啪地落在另一只手的掌心内,“那我的日子还剩多少?”

49、Audible distortion is vanishingly low, and dynamic range is excellent. ─── 失真相当低,而且动态表现卓越。

50、As it was, the hiss of the scratchy needle was barely audible. ─── 像现在这样,那只鸟发出象针刮过一样尖尖的嘶嘶声,她几乎听得见的。

51、The TTS engine reads and converts written text into audible output that can be heard by a caller. ─── TTS引擎可读取书写的文本,并将其转换成呼叫者听得到的语音输出。

52、Audible, visual and vibrator alarms activate in the event of a low, high, TWA or STEL alarm condition. ─── 在低、高、TWA、STEL四个级别报警状况出现时发出声光振动警报。

53、An audible effort to clear the throat by expelling phlegm. ─── 一种使痰排出以清嗓且出声的努力。

54、Little audible links, they are, chaining together great.inaudible feelings and purposes. ─── 它们只是一些可以为人听见的小小链子,把大量听不见的情感和意图串联起来。眼前这两个人就是如此。

55、We talk, I believe, all day long: to talk to each other is but a more animated and an audible thinking. ─── 我相信,我们是整天谈着话。互相交谈只不过是一种比较活跃的、一种可以听见的思考罢了。

56、Audible confirmations of commands help reduce the need for the driver to take his eyes off the road. ─── 如果命令确认可以听得到,驾驶员的视线便无须离开前方的道路。

57、In the neighboring room, the sound of iron articles being moved was audible. ─── 她踮起脚尖,对着镜子顾影自盼。隔壁屋子里传来一阵翻动废铁的声音。

58、Of or relating to humanly audible sound. ─── 声音的属于或关于人类可听到的声音的

59、An optional stacked light system provides visual and audible alarms cautioning the operator about a potentially unsealed product. ─── 一个可选的堆叠轻系统提供了视觉和声音报警提醒有关经营者的潜在启封的产品。

60、It is too low to be audible. ─── 声音太轻,听不太清楚。

61、Aortic clicks are best heard at the apex, while pulmonic clicks are most audible at the left. upoer sternal border. ─── 主动脉瓣喀喇音在心尖区听得最清楚,肺动脉瓣喀喇音则在胸骨左上缘最能听到。

62、On detecting an intruder, the alarm triggers an audible warning. ─── 一侦测到入侵者(闯入者),警报就会(触)发出可听见的警告。

63、He had hardly finished when a loud noise became audible on the staircase. ─── 他的话刚说完,楼梯下已闹得一片响,他听见许多人的脚步,走上楼来,

64、PWM testing procedures after running through control of the Super Terminal can change frequency audible and change. ─── PWM测试程序,运行后通过控制超级终端可以改变频率值及改变发声。

65、A big vapor bubble was found to be vibrating repeatedly on the heater surface accompanied with loud audible noise. ─── 在沸腾过程中,分别使用压力传感器和超导温度传感器测量了氦浴中的压力振荡和温度振荡以详细研究沸腾的机制。

66、The shot was clearly audible in the silence. ─── 寂靜中枪声听得很清楚。

67、She was listening to the never-ceasing moan of the adjutant, audible three huts away. ─── 她在倾听副官一刻也没停止的呻吟,呻吟是从三间房舍以外传来的。

68、Perhaps the most damning aspect of negative audible feedback is the implication that success must be greeted with silence. ─── 也许负面听觉反馈最受谴责的方面在于其暗含成功只需沉默,人类喜欢听到一切正常的声音。

69、Some of the larger insect-eating bats produce echolocation sounds audible to humans, but for the most part bats seem to fly silently through the night. ─── 一些体形较大的、以昆虫为食的蝙蝠发出的定位声音可以为人们所听到,但从很大程度来说,蝙蝠似乎是静静地在夜空中飞行的。

70、There was an audible pop, and Kugelmass was back in Brooklyn. ─── 只听砰的一声,库马思就回到了布鲁克林。

71、Little audible links,they are,chaining together great inaudible feelings and purposes. ─── 它们只是一些可以让人听见的小小链子,把大量听不见的情感和意图串联起来。

72、In all cases the number of the offending rider shall be indicated by a panel or any other audible or visible means. ─── 不管任何情况,都要出示被警告的运动员的号码牌,或透过视觉,听觉方法通知运动员.

73、Their voices were audible to the neighbors. ─── 他们的声音邻居都听得到。

74、It made little audible gurgles which distracted me. ─── 它发出低微可听的汩汩之声,这就吓煞了我。

75、The thundering voice of Javert was audible:-- "Search the blind alley! ─── 又听见沙威的嗓子,雷霆似的吼道:“搜这死胡同!

76、The tears came through in tiny little whimpers, so quiet they were barely audible. ─── 下次我们再见面的时候,哈比比,一定是在巴格达!

77、He fixed his eye on me longer than I cared to return the stare, for fear I might be tempted either to box his ears or render my hilarity audible. ─── 他死盯着我,盯得我都不愿意再回瞪他了,唯恐我会耐不住给他个耳光或是笑出声来。

78、With fun ctional products, such as back strength, movement, lighting, IC real audible, as a collection of quality, and as a toy aupples. ─── 产品带有功能性,如回力、动作、灯光、直实IC发声等,可作为收藏品、精品.亦可作为玩具用品。

79、At the same time it is noticed that the sound becomes gradually weaker, until it is scarcely audible although the bell is still ringing. ─── 同时会注意到,尽管电铃仍在响,但声音逐渐变弱,直到几乎听不见。

80、The only sound that was audible was the regular dip of the sweeps. ─── 唯一能听到的声音是船桨有节奏的拍水声。

81、Even before he finished, Mrs. Lin's hiccups rose in a powerful barrage that was probably audible to all the neighbours. ─── 他还没说完,林大娘的嗝就大发作,光景邻居都听得清。

82、The music was barely audible. ─── 音乐声勉强能听见。

83、A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas. ─── 屁从肠内排出的(通常有声音的)气体

84、To move with quick, light, softly audible steps. ─── 嗒嗒地跑用轻快微微听得见的步伐行走

85、Her voice was weak but audible. ─── 她的声音虽然很微弱,但是却听得到。

86、On most systems, error message boxes are normally accompanied by a shrill beep, and audible feedback has thus become strongly associated them. ─── 在大部分系统中,错误消息框通常伴随高而刺耳的“嘟嘟”声,听觉反馈因此与它们强烈相关。

87、At this point, the voice, no longer audible but what I'd call telepathic , instructed me to concentrate on a fuzzy red line in a black void. ─── 这当儿,那个声音,不再听得见了,但那个我称之为心灵感应的东西,指示我集中注意力到黑暗虚空中的模糊红线上。

88、Her voice was scarcely audible above the noise of the wind. ─── 在风中她的声音几乎听不见。

89、They quarreled with such a loud noise that their voices were audible to the neighbour. ─── 他们吵得很大声,邻居都听得到。




hearable adj. heard or perceptible by the ear; audible 可听见的, 听得见的he spoke in an audible whisper

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