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08-19 投稿


colluding 发音

英:[k??lu?d??]  美:[k??lu?d??]

英:  美:

colluding 中文意思翻译



colluding 词性/词形变化,colluding变形

动词过去式: colluded |动词第三人称单数: colludes |动词过去分词: colluded |动词现在分词: colluding |名词: colluder |

colluding 短语词组

1、colluding witnesses ─── 串通证人

2、colluding defined ─── 共谋的定义

3、colluding define ─── 勾结界定

4、colluding m ─── 串通

5、colluding with russia ─── 勾结俄罗斯

6、colluding definition ─── 共谋定义

7、firms colluding ─── 公司串通

8、colluding means ─── 串通手段

9、colluding firms ─── 勾结公司

colluding 相似词语短语

1、concluding ─── v.(使)结束;结束;缔结(协定)(conclude的现在分词);adj.最后的,结尾的

2、collaring ─── v.(非正式)抓住;与(某人)攀谈;擅取;给……装上衣领;抓住某人的领子(或脖子)(collar的现在分词)

3、coleading ─── 合并

4、collaging ─── n.抽象拼贴画(用报纸、布、压平的花等碎片拼合而成的);vt.把…创作成拼贴画,拼贴

5、colling ─── n.(Colling)人名;(德、瑞典)科林

6、alluding ─── vi.暗指,转弯抹角地说到;略为提及,顺便提到

7、collating ─── v.校对;整理;授予(牧师)有俸圣职(collate的现在分词)

8、colliding ─── v.碰撞,相撞;冲突,抵触(collide的现在分词)

9、colleting ─── n.夹头;宝石座;筒夹;vt.镶进底座;装筒夹或夹头;n.(Collet)人名;(法)科莱;(西)科列特;(英)科利特;(丹)科莱特;(德)科勒特

colluding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Colluding with the tenderee or the tenderer to damage the national interests, public interests or the lawful rights and interests of other people; ─── (二)与招标人、投标人相互串通损害国家、社会公共利益或他人合法权益;

2、Chou is the boss of a triad society in Taiwan, running gambling dens and colluding in government construction projects. ─── 不料被周朝先收买之法官宣判无罪,方国辉为之气结。

3、Hamas confirmed that its members had been arrested and accused the Palestinian authority of colluding with Israel to wipe it out. ─── 哈马斯确认了其成员被捕的消息,指责巴勒斯坦官方与以色列串谋,企图将哈马斯消灭。

4、What hasn't happened in the past is a former FBI agent that is charged with colluding with the wise guys in a murder.That doesn't happen and that's shocking. ─── 一位前FBI探员被指控与一伙狡猾的家伙共同参与了一起谋杀,这样的事情并没有发生。指控中所述的事件没有发生,这样的指控太令人震惊了。

5、The Portuguese coach was also handed a touchline ban by UEFA after accusing referee Anders Frisk of colluding with Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard during their Champions League tie. ─── 这位葡萄牙教练上赛季就曾因为指责弗里斯克和巴塞罗那主帅里杰卡尔德有串通的行为而受到欧足联的禁赛。

6、The root is not clear land property rights system, making it local officials colluding with unscrupulous traders and profiteering. ─── 根源就在于不明晰的土地产权制度,使其成为地方官员和不法商人勾结谋取暴利的工具。

7、The action accused Shell of colluding with the country's former military government to silence activists in the country - something strongly denied by the oil giant. ─── 诉状指控壳牌公司与该国的前军政府勾结,迫使该国的活动分子们保持缄默,该石油巨头矢口否认这一点。

8、During the KMT agents were colluding with local fish Shuibu puppet, rural group surrounded by two hundred people. ─── 其间被国民党特务鱼仔水部勾结当地伪军、乡团二百余人包围。

9、The head of the bureau decided to make a personal inspection visit so as to prevent them from colluding in counterfeiting. ─── 为了防止他们之间串供作假,局长决定亲自去视察。

10、But these believers are colluding in their own marginalization. ─── 但这些信徒只是在他们自己边缘化了的圈子里密谋。

11、6) Conducting such unfair competition acts as selling commodities at unjustifiably low prices, colluding in the bidding, running false advertisements, or offering commercial bribes, etc.; ─── (六)实施以不正当的低价销售商品、串通投标、发布虚假广告、进行商业贿赂等不正当竞争行为。

12、The danger is that they may find it easier to lessen competition by colluding. ─── 此类市场的威胁在于这些少数的几家公司可能发现通过串谋来限制竞争是很容易的。

13、This kind of crime is the most serious official corruption, which is that government officials colluding with the organization with underworld society nature. ─── 国家工作人员涉黑犯罪是与黑社会性质组织相互勾结的官员腐败,它严重地破坏了社会的安定局面和经济的健康发展,同时还损害了党和政府的廉洁形象。

14、In an environment of tightening credit, some banks are colluding with developers to keep the cash tap turned on. ─── 在信贷紧缩的环境下,一些银行与开发商密谋使得现金阀门开启。

15、The head of the bureau decided to make a personal inspection visit so as to prevent them from colluding in counterfeiting. ─── 为了防止他们之间串供作假,局长决定亲自去视察。

16、By colluding with the jealous Big Lan, the voracious Old Cat killed Little Lan and wanted to appropriate all the magic Ma Lan Flower by himself. ─── 贪心的老猫利用姐姐大兰的嫉妒,害死了小兰,企图把神奇的马兰花窃为已有。

17、colluding in bidding ─── 串标

18、Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, faces demands for an end to any talks with Israel.Hamas, calling for a "third intifada," accused Egypt and Jordan of colluding with the Gaza plan. ─── 巴勒斯坦总统莫罕默德阿巴斯被要求与以方停止一切谈话,哈马斯号召发动“第三次起义”,并且谴责埃及和约旦在加沙计划上与以色列串通一气。

19、According to a survey, which exist for developers hoarding a virtual supply contracts, intermediaries colluding drive up prices and sales personnel, and other irregularities. ─── 据调查,其中存在发展商为囤积房源订立虚拟合同、中介机构与售楼人员相勾结哄抬房价等违规现象。

20、Our serving purpose is: "colluding with the information, expanding the market, helping market policy, serving for the radio and TV." Our serving aim is: "Belive is essential, service is professional. ─── “沟通信息,拓展市场,辅助决策,服务广电”为公司的服务宗旨,“诚信为本,专业服务”是公司的服务理念。

21、Some localities have occurred housing intermediary companies colluding with the borrowers, forged "He Xiang C" for the case of bank loans. ─── 一些地方曾经发生过房屋中介公司与借款人互相勾结,伪造《他项权证》,骗取银行贷款的案例。

22、colluding, in bad faith, with a supplier or a procuring agency; ─── 一)与供应商或者采购代理机构恶意串通的;

23、c.Viciously colluding with the purchaser or other provider or procurement agency; ─── (三)与采购人、其他供应商或者采购代理机构恶意串通的;

24、colluding bids ─── 串通投标现象

25、Ms.Chen is accusing a real estate company and the Liuzhou government of colluding with a criminal gang to drive her and eight family members illegally from their home last year. ─── 陈女士控告某房地产公司和柳州市政府和犯罪团伙合谋,在去年将她和她的8位家人赶出家门。

26、a.Viciously colluding with providers or procurement agencies; ─── (一)与供应商或者采购代理机构恶意串通的;

27、colluding clique ─── 共谋团体

28、The Colluding of Chinese and Foreign Reactive Force during the Period of Tiandihui's Uprising in Guandong ─── 重说广东天地会起义期间中外反动势力之勾结

29、S. telecom giants for colluding with the government in the surveillance of Americans to feed the hungry maw of databases like Main Core. ─── 这项发表于2007年5月的指令规定行政部门有权决定国家何时进入、何时结束紧急状态。

30、Illegal activities such as colluding or hoarding to drive up prices will be punished in accordance with the law. ─── 依法打击串通涨价、囤积居奇、哄抬物价等违法违规行为。

31、On Section 3 "those colluding with people on above two sessions in corruption will be treated as accomplice. " ─── 第三款:“与前两款所列人员勾结,伙同贪污的,以共犯论。”

32、Research on Colluding Premium Price and Collusion Behaviours Regulation in Electricity Market ─── 电力市场中的串谋溢价和串谋行为规制

33、commit improper competition through dumping goods, colluding bidding, releasing false advertisements and providing business briberies; ─── 实施以不正当的低价销售商品、串通投标、发布虚假广告、进行商业贿赂等不正当竞争行为;

34、I like that they do not just like them but prefer the aroma of their quality: like the lotus nose clean, not colluding with the noble virtues; ─── 我喜欢她们不只是喜欢她们的香气而是喜欢她们的品质:喜欢莲花的洁身自好、不同流合污的高尚品德;

35、Both will colluding with each other in the black-box operation? ─── 二者会不会互相勾结,暗箱操作?

36、There have been instances of field commanders colluding with with others to avoid confrontations on the front lines. ─── 有许多例子表明,各战区指挥官相互合谋以避免在前线发生对抗。

37、Colluding with each other to control market prices, which has caused great detriment to the lawful rights and interests of other business operators or consumers; ─── (一)相互串通,操纵市场价格,损害其他经营者或者消费者合法权益的行为;

38、Therefore, this is not a simple two-dimensional colluding with private developers. ─── 故这不是一个平面的简单的官商勾结。

39、But Michael Anti, a Chinese free-speech advocate, fears that state and commercial interests are colluding to produce Web 2.0 products that are apolitical but attractive. ─── 但是,中国的自由言论拥护者安替却担心国家和商业利益正在共谋生产那些非政治性的却更具吸引力的Web2.0产品。

40、Survey, which is the developer for a virtual inventory accumulation contracts with intermediaries colluding drive up prices, and other sales personnel irregularities. ─── 调查显示,其中存在发展商为囤积房源订立虚拟合同,中介机构与售楼人员相勾结哄抬房价等违规现象。

41、American officials deem Mr Zardari corrupt and impotent, and accuse military intelligence of colluding with the Taliban. ─── 美国官员认为扎里达尔腐败无能,并指责他与塔利班组织互通军事情报。

42、colluding behavior in bidding ─── 串标行为

43、According to a survey, which exist for developers hoarding a virtual supply contracts, there are intermediaries colluding drive up prices and sales personnel, and other irregularities. ─── 据调查,其中存在发展商为囤积房源订立虚拟合同,也有中介机构与售楼人员相勾结哄抬房价等违规现象。

44、Had the government stopped the legal proceedings, I'm pretty sure we would now have the NDP accusing the government of colluding with corruption. ─── 如果政府停止法律诉求过程,我敢断定新民主党就会控诉政府共谋腐败。

45、Of these, 91 said that public officials had been directly responsible; 99 saw police colluding with the gangsters. ─── 这些人中91个说政府官员负有直接责任;99个看见警察和匪徒勾结。

46、Sheriff B: The woman beside him is certainly Miss Jin, the madam of Wu-yin fort...It's surprising that the Wu-yin fort is colluding with the wicked, too! ─── 捕头乙:在他旁边的那女子,确是无银堡金大小姐...没想到无银堡也跟奸人勾结!

47、The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, an advocacy group, said the Mint's move proved financial institutions are colluding to set prices. ─── “目前状况是不正常, 不能拿正常的市场供需求模式来解释” 公司在给顾客的通告上说。

48、Were the plaintiffs colluding with Beristain? ─── 原告是否与贝斯坦勾结?

49、New laws would allow the regulator to intercept corporate telephone calls and parties guilty of colluding would risk prison sentences of up to 10 years. ─── 转载澳纽之窗网站的新闻必须得到许可并请注明来自澳纽之窗的字样,否则后果自负。如果您有自己的网站请点击这里!

50、Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister Barham Saleh said some improvements were being made, but criminal gangs and corrupt officials were colluding together, slowing their efforts. ─── 伊拉克副总理萨勒赫说,某些工作已经开始着手进行,但是犯罪团伙和腐败官员相互勾结,阻碍了他们的努力。

51、What is colluding bid crime? Which features? ─── 什么是串通投标罪?特征有哪些?

52、Mr Byrne has started a lawsuit accusing hedge funds of colluding to drive down the company's share price. ─── 拜恩先生已经对一些对冲基金提起了诉讼,指控它们合谋操纵其公司的股价下跌。

53、and colluding trans-campus. America ─── 美国

54、colluding bidding ─── 串通投标

55、Several local officials are in jail on charges of colluding with the Mafia. ─── 几位地方官员因涉嫌串通黑手党而锒铛入狱。

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