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08-19 投稿


admissible 发音

英:[?d'm?s?b(?)l]  美:[?d'm?s?bl]

英:  美:

admissible 中文意思翻译



admissible 网络释义

adj. 可容许的;可采纳的;可接受的

admissible 反义词


admissible 短语词组

1、admissible state semantics ─── [计] 容许状态语义

2、admissible mark ─── [计] 容许符号

3、admissible document ─── [法] 可作证据的文件

4、admissible asset ─── 可课税资产

5、admissible plea ─── [经] 可以受理的抗辩

6、admissible assets ─── [经] 认可资产, 有价值资产

7、admissible symbol ─── [计] 容许符号

8、admissible witness ─── [经] 可接纳的证人

9、admissible lattice ─── 容许格

10、admissible variation ─── [计] 容许变分

11、non-admissible ─── [网络] 不可接受

12、admissible parameter ─── [计] 容许参数, 许可参数

13、admissible evidence ─── [经] 可接受的依据

14、admissible error ─── [计] 容许误差 ─── [化] 容许误差

15、admissible estimate ─── [经] 容许估计量(数)

16、admissible statistical phpothesis ─── [经] 容许统计假设

17、admissible statistical hypothesis ─── [计] 容许统计假设

18、admissible sequence ─── [计] 容许序列

19、admissible character ─── [计] 容许字符

admissible 词性/词形变化,admissible变形

名词: admissibility |副词: admissibly |

admissible 同义词

reasonable | concessible | justifiable | grantable | just | legal | allowed | okay | lawful | tolerable | legitimate | yieldable | permissible | confessable |allowable | acknowledgeable | bearable | equitable | fair | passable | achievable | suitable | proper | acceptable | admittable

admissible 相似词语短语

1、dismissible ─── adj.可解雇的

2、remissible ─── adj.可宽恕的,可赦免的

3、inadmissibly ─── 不可接受的

4、admissive ─── adj.认可的;容许的

5、inadmissible ─── adj.不许可的;难承认的

6、amissible ─── 友好的

7、admittible ─── adj.有进入资格的

8、omissible ─── adj.可删节的;可省略的

9、admissibly ─── 可进入地;可容许地;值得采纳地

admissible 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、Admissible Estimation for Finite Population When the Parameter Space is Restricted ─── 参数空间被限制时有限总体的可容许估计

3、On Admissible Solutions of Two Types of Systems of Differential Equations in the Complex Plane ─── 关于两类复微分方程组的允许解

4、Convictions will rise steeply now that photographic evidence is admissible. ─── 法庭现在已接纳照片证据,定罪率就会急剧上升。

5、Casting repairs can be carried out after IVECO authorization No. repairs are admissible by means of impregnation unless otherwise specified on drawing or by explicit derogation. ─── 在取得IVECO授权编号后,进行修理铸件。除非图纸特别说明或外在损坏,用注入的方法修理是允许的。

6、The key element in whether scientific evidence is admissible is whether it is trustworthy. ─── 在是否采纳科学证据的问题上的关键因素是科学证据是否是值得信赖的。

7、The rules for what is and isn't admissible in a fair trial and the process of making an honest and reasoned argument on the facts available were fascinating to me and left a lasting impression. ─── 在公正的审理过程中,哪些证据能够被接受而哪些不能,对此做出的规则让我很是着迷,还有如何根据现有的证据提出正直而合理的论点,这些内容给我留下了长时间的印象。

8、On January 29th the European court declared that the Yukos case was admissible. ─── 1月29日,欧洲法院宣布,受理尤科斯案。

9、Output Feedback Based Admissible Control of Switched Linear Singular Systems ─── 切换线性奇异系统输出反馈容许控制

10、allude to any matter that the lawyer does not reasonably believe is relevant or that will not be supported by admissible evidence. ─── 提及律师并不合理地认为具有相关性或者不会为具有可采性的证据支持的任何事项。

11、He is admissible to the Bar . ─── 他有资格当律师。

12、Admissible kneading sequence ─── 允许揉搓序列

13、Pakistani officials have said the evidence would not be admissible in court, the paper says. ─── 这家报纸还表示,巴方官员认为该证据无法在法庭上出示。

14、Keywords laminated hook;admissible stress;elastic bend beam theory; ─── 叠片式吊钢;许用应力;弹性曲梁理论;

15、A big, motherly looking woman invariably stood guard at the door during the entire operation and counted the admissible number. ─── 在整个布施期间,一个身材高大、慈眉善目的女人总是守在门口,清点可以进去的人数。

16、family of majorized mappings involing a better admissible set-valued mapping ─── G-优化映象族

17、Many scholars introduce the notion of admissible solution on their study of the systems of some algebra differential equations,some references has deeply investigate these problems. ─── 不少学者在研究各类代数微分方程组亚纯解的问题中也引入了允许解的概念,关于此类问题,一些文献已作了较为深入的研究。

18、To be admissible or maintainable. ─── 可容许的或可保留的

19、But such stress tests are beatable and not admissible in court. ─── 但是这样的压力测试并不可靠,而且在法庭上不允许使用。

20、admissible statistical phpothesis ─── [经] 容许统计假设

21、time-weighted average admissible concentration (PC-TWA) ─── 呼吸性粉尘浓度

22、Sufficient conditions for optimality of reinsurance contract are given for arbitrary risk measure within the restricted class of admissible contracts. ─── 在一个限制条件函数类中,给出了在较为一般的风险测量函数下,最优再保险函数的充分条件。

23、The necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear estimate of random regression coefficients to be admissible in the class of homogeneous linear estimators and the class of nonhomogeneous linear estimators are established, respectively. ─── 分别在齐次线性估计类和非齐次线性估计类中得到了随机回归系数的一个线性估计是可容许的充要条件。

24、Any units with the administrative examination and approval can enjoy service in its own window in the county administrative services centre.The two admissible and two-way approvals are prohibited. ─── 凡具有行政审批项目的单位必须按照应进必进的原则,一律在县行政服务中心设立窗口,禁止两头受理、双向审批。

25、The main reason of the main beam down deflection was that the most complex stress exceeded the admissible value and achieved the yield limit value. ─── 主梁下挠变形的主要原因是受热引起的最大复合应力超过许用值,达到了屈服极限值,强度不满足要求。

26、Mr Clarke admitted that at the time of Mr Barot's arrest police did not have any evidence admissible in court. ─── 克拉克先生承认,巴罗特先生被拘捕的时候,警察没有任何可被法庭采纳的证据。

27、a rule that provides that otherwise admissible evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial if it was the result of illegal police conduct. ─── 如果证据是警方非法行为的结果,那么该证据不能被用于刑事审讯的规则。

28、admissible educational expenses ─── 可受理的教育费用

29、Today, General Hartmann said the court will decide what evidence will be admissible. ─── 哈特曼将军星期一说,法庭将裁决这些证据能否被采用。

30、And the minimax controller is got to make the close-loop system admissible and the judgment is expressed by LMI.Furthermore, this kind of result is extended to the descriptor systems with uncertainty. ─── 利用线性矩阵不等式(LMI)给出了广义时滞系统极小极大控制器存在的充分条件,讨论了闭环系统的容许性,并将所得结果推广到含有不确定性的广义时滞系统。

31、Any decision of the DAB shall be admissible in evidence in the arbitration. ─── 在仲裁过程中,可将争端裁决委员会的决定作为一项证据。

32、Suppose that N is admissible and U is a weakly closed Alg(N)-module. It is shown that there exist unitary operators in U if and only if I- = I and for any N > 0, N- > 0. ─── 假设套N是可接受的,则得到弱闭Alg(N)-模u中存在酉算子的充要条件是I-=I且对任意 M>0,有N->0.

33、Admissible Necessary Condition of Quadratic Estimate of Error Variance on Growth Curve Model ─── 增长曲线模型误差方差的二次型估计可容许的必要条件

34、"However, proof to the contrary shall not be admissible when the Billof Lading has been transf erred to a third party acting in good faith". ─── “但是,当该提单已被转让至善意行事的第三者时,与此相反的证据便不予接受。”

35、GB/T 15543-1995, Quality of electric energy supply Admissible three-phase voltage unbalance factor[S]. ─── [4]GB/T15543-1995,电能质量三相电压允许不平衡度[S].

36、Yet they aren't generally admissible in court, except in New Mexico. ─── 但目前除了新墨西哥州,生理多导测谎仍然没有被法庭普遍接受。

37、Secondly, under the square loss, we construct the asymptotically optimal and admissible empirical Bayes estimator of the mean for normal distribution, theconvergence rate O(n~(-1)) is also obtained. ─── 其次,在平方损失下构造了正态分布均值的渐近最优和可容许的经验Bayes估计,并得到了其收敛速度为O(n~(-1))。

38、The necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of admissible nonnegative definite quadratic estimates,biased and unbiased,are given. ─── 在可容许估计的完全类中,还讨论了非负参数函数的非负估计问题,给出了可容许的非负定估计存在的充要条件.

39、admissible exhaust temperature ─── 容许排气温度

40、A doctrine contending that sense perceptions are the only admissible basis of human knowledge and precise thought. ─── 实证主义认为感官的感知是人类知识及精确思维唯一可允许的基础的主义

41、For the stability problem of vertical slope with soil unable to take tension, a new statically admissible stress field is constructed. ─── 上限解总是大于或等于问题的真实解,下限解总是小于或等于问题的真实解。

42、Robustness with Respect to Small Delays for Exponential Stability of Pritchard-Salamon Systems with Admissible State Feedback. ─── 具容许状态反馈Pritchard-Salamon系统的指数稳定性对小时滞的鲁棒性(简称小时滞鲁棒稳定性)。

43、Determination of Admissible Number Deviation of Eggs Per Gram of Silkworm, Bombyx mori ─── 家蚕种克卵粒数容许差距的测算方法

44、The safety concept shall take into account the relevant operating values such as admissible over speed, decelerating moments, short-circuit moments, permissible vibrations etc. (see Section 2.2.3). ─── 安全观念必须考虑相关的运行参数,比如允许的过速,减速力矩,短路力矩,允许的振动等。(见2.2.3)。

45、Admissible Meromorphic Solutions of a Type of Higher-Order Algebraic Differential Equation ─── 一类高阶代数微分方程的亚纯允许解

46、It ensures that solutions are kinematically admissible and that difficulties about numerical computation do not appear. ─── 既能保证所求解是运动许可的,又能保证不出现数值计算上的困难;

47、admissible interpolation constraint ─── 容许内插约束

48、A new algorithm involving convex optimization is proposed to design the controller guaranteeing a suboptimal maximal delay such that the systems can be stabilized for all admissible uncertainties. ─── 一种新的凸优化算法被用于控制器设计,能保证在给定的不确定性范围内求得一个使系统镇定的次优解。

49、Comparative analysis of admissible number of transitive preference profile ─── 关于传递性偏好断面规模的比较分析

50、Co. and [CYD] Co. and it is not admissible as evidence. ─── 公司与[CYD]公司的草拟合同不具有真实性、排他性,不可作为证据使用。

51、admissible partial subalgebra ─── 可容部分子代数

52、Quality of electric energy supply--Admissible three-phase voltage unbalance factor ─── GB/T15543-1995电能质量三相电压允许不平衡度

53、He is admitted to the Chinese Bar, the New York/American Bar, and the Ontario/Canadian Bar, and is admissible to the English/EU Bar. ─── 他具有中国/中国、纽约/美国及安大略/加拿大律师资格,也可以取得英格兰/欧盟律师资格。

54、Are statements made before a judge or prosecutors admissible?Is the defendant required to be cross-examined? ─── 在法官或检察官面前所制成之陈述笔录,有无证据能力?

55、All Admissible Linear Estimators of Regression Coefficient in a Linear Model with Respect to an Inequality Constraint ─── 不等式约束下线性模型中回归系数的所有可容许估计

56、Qi-Guang Wu,Kazuo Noda, All admissible linear estimators in coordinatized multivariate linear models. ─── 吴启光,杨国庆,一类正态线性模型中参数的一致最小风险同变估计的存在性,中国科学(A辑),第31卷,第10期,2001年,878-890。(2001

57、Another difficulty is that the class of admissible kernels is very narrow to guarantee the optimal solution. ─── 另一个会导致的困难是能保证理想分类功能的可用的核函数很少。

58、But it is often impossible to obtain enough admissible evidence to obtain a conviction, the government argues. ─── 但是政府抱怨说要得到足够的证据进行指控通常是不可能的。


60、The feasibility of the CWR forming of involute gear-shaft is analyzed and the hypothesis of the kinematically admissible velocity field in the wedging zone is verified. ─── 同时对渐开线齿轮轴楔横轧成形的可行性进行了分析,对成形区的动可容速度场假设进行了验证。

61、Meanwhile Congress has passed a bill reforming military commissions, with stricter rules on admissible evidence (no harsh interrogation techniques, for example) and greater rights for defendants. ─── 同时,国会通过了一项军事法庭改革议案,对可采纳的证据(例如不可采用严厉的审讯手段)实行更严厉的规定,并赋予被告更大的权力。

62、Several Admissible solutions. complex variables ─── 多复变量

63、"A big, motherly looking woman invariably stood guard at the door during the entire operation and counted the admissible number. ─── 在整个布施期间,一个身材高大、慈眉善目的女人总是守在门口,清点可以进去的人数。

64、The arbitrator will provide a detailed written statement of decision, which will be part of the arbitration award and admissible in any judicial proceeding to confirm, correct or vacate the award. ─── 仲裁人将提供一份该决议的详细的裁决书面声明,该声明是仲裁判赢之裁决的一部分并且,可以诉讼程序证实之、改正之和撤销之。

65、But I say,as has been said in the answer returned to the French note,that we ought to wait for“experience and the evidence of facts” before we are convinced that such a treaty is admissible. ─── 但是我认为,正如对法国照会的答复所说的,在相信这种条约是可以考虑的之前,我们应该等着看到“经验和事实证据”。

66、The congruence admissible triples and congruence knots on completely simple seimgroup ─── 完全单半群上的相容组与同余结

67、Today, General Hartmann said the court will decide what evidence will be admissible. ─── 哈特曼将军星期一说,法庭将裁决这些证据能否被采用。

68、syntax: What syntax is studies of the rules for forming admissible sentences. ─── 句法就是对形成的固定句子的学习法则。

69、Minimax Estimation and Admissible Estimation Under Normal MANOVA Model ─── MANOVA模型中均值参数的极大极小估计和可容许估计

70、Nothing in subsection (1) shall prejudice the admissibility of any evidence which would be admissible apart from that subsection. ─── 任何证据如无第(2)款的规定已属可接受的,则第(2)款并不影响该证据的可接受性。

71、kinematically admissible velocity field ─── 动可容速度场

72、There are discrepancies on the scope of admissible evidence, the means of evidential investigation, and the standard of proof between strictproof and freeproof. ─── 严格证明与自由证明在可以运用的证据范围、证据调查方法和证明标准等方面存在差异。

73、admissible meromorphic function ─── 允许亚纯函数

74、To carry out this unification two ways or two forms are admissible. ─── 要达到这种统一,可能有两个途径或形式。

75、almost admissible decision rule ─── 几乎容许决策规则

76、Evidence based on the reports of others rather than the personal knowledge of a witness and therefore generally not admissible as testimony. ─── 传闻证据证人根据别人讲述的内容而不是本人所了解的情况作出的证词,因此一向不作为可接受的证据


78、But it is often impossible to obtain enough admissible evidence to obtain a conviction, the government argues. ─── 但是政府抱怨说要得到足够的证据进行指控通常是不可能的。

79、Dimension and Measure of Unimodal Maps'Admissible Kneading Sequences ─── 单峰映射允许揉搓序列的维数和测度

80、Law Evidence based on the reports of others rather than the personal knowledge of a witness and therefore generally not admissible as testimony. ─── 传闻证据:证人根据别人讲述的内容而不是本人所了解的情况作出的证词,因此一向不作为可......

81、region of admissible deviations ─── 容许偏差区域

82、admissible linear unbiased estimate class ─── 可容许线性无偏估计类

83、The Sufficient and Necessary Condition of the Quadratic Admissible Estimate for Covariance Matrix ─── 协方差阵二次型估计可容许的充要条件

84、Probability criterion with admissible portfolio ─── 允许投资组合条件下概率准则

85、admissible decision function ─── 容许判决函数

86、Bayes, admissible, and minimax decision rules.Invariant tests and estimates, best unbiased tests, locally best tests. ─── 不变检验和估计,最优无偏检验,局部最优检验。


88、admissible class of multimaps ─── admissible-映射类

89、admissible to pological group ─── 容许拓扑群

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