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08-19 投稿


pyrethrum 发音

英:[pa??ri?θr?m]  美:[pa??ri?θr?m]

英:  美:

pyrethrum 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 除虫菊


pyrethrum 词性/词形变化,pyrethrum变形


pyrethrum 短语词组

1、Pyrethrum flower ─── [医] 除虫菊花

2、pyrethrum Ointment ─── [医] 除虫菊软膏

3、pyrethrum flowers ─── [化] 除虫菊花

4、Pyrethrum roseum M.B. ─── [医] 红花除虫菊

5、Dalmatian pyrethrum ─── [网络] 除虫菊

6、pyrethrum epa ─── 除虫菊

7、genus Pyrethrum ─── [网络] 匹菊属

8、Pyrethrum Dalmatian ─── [医] 达尔马提亚除虫菊, 白花除虫菊

9、Anacyclus pyrethrum ─── [网络] 南欧派利吞草;除虫菊;墙草属植物

10、Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium Bocc. ─── [医] 白花除虫菊, 除虫菊

11、pyrethrum root ─── [医] 南欧派利吞草 ─── [根]

12、German Pyrethrum ─── [医] 派利吞草

13、Pyrethrum L. ─── [医] 除虫菊属

14、pyrethrum fs ─── 除虫菊

15、Pyrethrum Persian ─── [医] 波斯除虫菊, 红花除虫菊

16、Pyrethrum carneum ─── [医] 除虫菊

17、pyrethrum fogger ─── 除虫菊喷雾器

18、Dalmatia pyrethrum ─── [网络] 达尔马提亚除虫菊

19、Anacyclus pyrethrum DC ─── [医] 南欧派利吞草

pyrethrum 相似词语短语

1、pyrophorus ─── n.引火物

2、pyrethrin II ─── 除虫菊酯Ⅱ

3、pyrethrums ─── n.[农药]除虫菊;除虫菊杀虫剂

4、pyrethroid ─── n.[有化]拟除虫菊酯

5、pyrethrin ─── n.[农药]除虫菊酯

6、barathrum ─── 无底洞

7、pyrethroids ─── n.[有化]拟除虫菊酯(pyrethroid的复数形式)

8、barathrums ─── 无底洞

9、pyrethrin I ─── 除虫菊酯I

pyrethrum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Natural pyrethrum, ester is an active pesticide abstracted form pyrethrum This kind of pesticide is unique in quick killing of pests with low rate of poison. ─── 摘要天然除虫菊酯是从除虫菊中提取得到的杀虫活性成分。其作用机理独特,具有能快速灭杀害虫,广谱、低毒等特点。

2、white-flowered pyrethrum of Balkan area whose pinnate leaves are white and silky-hairy below; source of an insecticide; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum ─── 生长于巴尔干半岛的除虫菊,它羽状的叶子下面是白色的且有丝质的绒毛;可制杀虫剂;有时归为菊类

3、Sect. Pyrethrum ─── n. 匹菊组

4、Pyrethrum pyrethroides ─── n. 灰叶匹菊

5、Pyrethrum abrotanifolium ─── n. 丝叶匹菊

6、Pyrethrum flowers contain pyrethrins on insects have a strong contact toxicity, stomach toxicity. ─── 除虫菊花含有除虫菊酯对昆虫有很强的触杀,胃毒。

7、German Pyrethrum ─── [医] 派利吞草

8、Preliminary studies on cultivating techniques of Pyrethrum cinerariifolium overwintering in Northern China ─── 除虫菊北方越冬栽培技术初步研究

9、3. An insecticide derived from a plant, e.g. pyrethrum (from Chrysanthemum flowers). ─── 3来源于植物的杀虫剂,例如除虫菊(来源于菊花)。

10、Pyrethrum carneum ─── 除虫菊

11、Pyrethrum richterioides ─── n. 单头匹菊

12、Keywords Insecticide;Natural pyrethrum;Immune toxicity; ─── 杀虫剂;天然除虫菊酯;免疫毒性;

13、Bamboo vinegar, potash soap and suspending agent of sulfur could increase the effect of Natural Pyrethrum, Baicao I and Kingbo for L. clerkella. ─── 竹醋液、软钾皂和硫悬浮剂作为辅助药剂一定程度上能够增强除虫菊、清源保和百草一号的药效。

14、A small Mediterranean plant(Anacyclus pyrethrum) containing a volatile oil once used for the relief of toothache and facial neuralgia. ─── 欧蓍草一种地中海地区的外形较小的(紫菀科南欧派利吞草)植物,含有一种曾用于减缓牙痛或面部神经痛的易挥发的油

15、Pyrethrum base insecticide Parasite insecticide ─── 除虫菊基杀虫剂寄生虫杀剂

16、Pyrethrum Persian ─── [医] 波斯除虫菊, 红花除虫菊

17、made of dried flower heads of pyrethrum plants. ─── 用除虫菊植物的干花头制成。

18、3, plant, including sinapine, crotonaldehyde, garlic, nettle, such as pyrethrum. ─── 3、植物性,主要包括芥子、巴豆、大蒜、荨麻、除虫菊等。

19、Objective To investigate effects of hemoperfusion on severe pyrethrum type pesticide poisoning. ─── 目的研究血液灌流治疗重度菊酯类杀虫剂中毒的疗效。

20、pyrethrum Ointment ─── [医] 除虫菊软膏

21、Pyrethrum coccineum ─── n. 红花除虫菊

22、a small Mediterranean plant(Anacyclus pyrethrum) containing a volatile oil once used for the relief of toothache and facial neuralgia ─── 欧蓍草,一种地中海地区的外形较小的(紫菀科南欧派利吞草)植物,含有一种曾用于减缓牙痛或面部神经痛的易挥发的油

23、Keywords hemoperfusion;severely pyrethrum pesticide poisoning;effects; ─── 血液灌流;重度菊酯类杀虫剂中毒;疗效;

24、Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium Bocc. ─── [医] 白花除虫菊,除虫菊

25、Immune toxicity of natural pyrethrum ─── 天然除虫菊酯的免疫毒性

26、Pyrethrum flower ─── [医] 除虫菊花

27、Pyrethrum possesses some ideal characteristics of environmental compatible chemical pesticide,however its photo lability and expensive price limit its broad use in the field. ─── 天然除虫菊酯虽然具有理想化学农药的一些特性,但光不稳定性和昂贵的价格限制其大面积使用。

28、Pyrethrum krylovianum ─── n. 黑苞匹菊

29、Methods 68 patients with severe pyrethrum type pesticide poisoning were divided into two groups randomly,the normal therapy group and the hemoperfusion group. ─── 方法68例重度菊酯类杀虫剂中毒患者随机分为两组,常规治疗组35例和血液灌流组33例。

30、plants: pyrethrum, Compositae Section perennial herbs of red grow in all parts of the South. ─── 植物:除虫菊,菊红生长在南方的所有部分科多年生草本植物。

31、Pyrethrum parthenium ─── n. 短舌匹菊

32、Pyrethrum cinerariifolium ─── n. 除虫菊, 除虫菊

33、Keywords Pyrethrum cinerariifolium Trev;Polyploid;Identification of cytology;Growing rate; ─── 除虫菊;多倍体;细胞学鉴定;生长率;

34、Feverfew and pyrethrum are used in insecticides. ─── 小白菊和红花除虫菊可用来制杀虫剂。

35、Several major diseases on Pyrethrum cinerariifolium and their control ─── 除虫菊几种主要病害及其防治

36、Studies on Tissue Culture and Chromosome Identification Technology of Pyrethrum Cinerariae folium Trev. ─── 白花除虫菊组织培养研究。

37、The obtained resuls indicated that the fittest rapid-propagation media of Pyrethrum cinerariifolium is MS+BA 0.3()mg/L+NAA 0.2()mg/L and its rooting media is 1/2MS+IAA 0.2()mg/L+ABT 0.1()mg/L. ─── 通过在培养基中添加不同浓度生长素,得到适合除虫菊的生根培养基:1/2MS+IAA 0.2 mg/L+ABT 0.1 mg/L。

38、Determination of Multiple Pyrethrum Insecticides in Apple ─── 苹果中拟除虫菊酯类农药残留分析方法研究

39、We suggested you use Natural Pyrethrum (the compounding of 1500 times' Natural Pyrethrum and 300 times' bamboo vinegar) or 300 times' potash soap to control Lyonetia clerkella Linnaeus in organic management peach orchard. ─── 在有机桃生产中防治桃潜叶蛾建议应用的药剂是除虫菊(以“除虫菊1500倍+竹醋液300倍”组合最好)或软钾皂300倍。

40、Yotech Export Grade used for intermediate of agrcultural pesticides, pyrethrum pesticide. ─── 永达出口标准农药杀虫剂菊酯中间体。

41、Pyrethrum kaschgharicum ─── n. 托毛匹菊

42、Anacyclus pyrethrum ─── 南欧派利吞草

43、Keywords natural pyrethrum;microemulsion polymerization;nanocapsule; ─── 天然除虫菊酯;微乳液聚合;纳米胶囊;

44、Yotech Export Grade used for intermediate of agricultural pesticides, pyrethrum pesticide . ─── 永达出口标准农药杀虫剂菊酯中间体。

45、Pyrethrum transiliense ─── n. 白花匹菊

46、white-flowered pyrethrum of Balkan area whose pinnate leaves are white and silky-hairy below; source of an insecticide; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum. ─── 生长于巴尔干半岛的除虫菊,它羽状的叶子下面是白色的且有丝质的绒毛;可制杀虫剂;有时归为菊类。

47、Application of chiral pesticide and research progress of optical-active pesticide such as pyrethrum arylcoxyacetic herbicides and triazole fungicides were briefly reviewed in this paper. ─── 本文总结了目前手性农药的应用现状以及近年来关于拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂、芳氧基丙酸类除草剂以及三唑类杀菌剂等农药品种中的光学活性农药的研究进展。

48、Pyrethrum atkinsonii ─── n. 藏匹菊

49、pyrethrum root ─── [医] 南欧派利吞草[根]

50、3.The Shaoxing yellow wine organic phosphorus remains, the pyrethrum remains had not picked out. ─── 绍兴黄酒有机磷残留,菊酯类残留均未检出。

51、The Shaoxing yellow wine organic phosphorus remains, the pyrethrum remains had not picked out. ─── 绍兴黄酒有机磷残留,菊酯类残留均未检出。

52、A method for the determination of six pyrethrins from natural pyrethrum extracts by capillary gas chromatography with FID detector was described. ─── 研究了毛细管气相色谱法定量分析天然除虫菊提取液中6种酯的方法,FID检测,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯作为内标物。

53、pyrethrum ester pesticides ─── 拟除虫菊酯类农药

54、Studies on the Flowering Characteristics and Harvest Time of Pyrethrum cinerariifolium ─── 除虫菊开花特性与适宜采摘期

55、Anacyclus pyrethrum DC ─── [医] 南欧派利吞草

56、Pyrethrum pulchrum ─── n. 美丽匹菊

57、Objective To investigate effects of hemoperfusion on severe pyrethrum type pesticide poisoning. ─── 目的研究血液灌流治疗重度菊酯类杀虫剂中毒的疗效。

58、severely pyrethrum pesticide poisoning ─── 重度菊酯类杀虫剂中毒

59、To evaluate the immune toxicity of natural pyrethrum. ─── 目的检测天然除虫菊酯的免疫毒性。

60、Residue Analysis of Pyrethrum Ester Pesticides in Cabbage by SPE-GC ─── 固相萃取-气相色谱法用于蔬菜中拟除虫菊酯类农药残留的检测研究

61、Role in the nervous system of pests, such as DDT, parathion, carbofuran, esters, such as pyrethrum. ─── 作用于害虫的神经系统,如滴滴涕、对硫磷、呋喃丹、除虫菊酯等。

62、Pyrethrum Dalmatian ─── [医] 达尔马提亚除虫菊, 白花除虫菊

63、This article draws up the pyrethrum ester insecticide. ─── 本品是拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂。

64、Made with natural pyrethrum,it is well tested and passed by the technical experts. Very good smell and effective protection against mosquitoes.kill mosquito last for 8 hours. ─── 本品采用高效拟除虫菊酯及天然优质原料科学精制而成,驱蚊能力强,气味芳香,对人体安全。

65、To evaluate the immune toxicity of natural pyrethrum. ─── 目的检测天然除虫菊酯的免疫毒性。

66、Keywords natural pyrethrum;mosquito coil;Culex pipiens pallen s;efficacy; ─── 天然除虫菊素;盘式蚊香;淡色库蚊;药效;

67、Pyrethrum corymbiforme ─── n. 匹菊

68、natural pyrethrum ─── 天然除虫菊酯

69、Callus Induced and Successive Transfer Culture of Pyrethrum Cinerariifolium ─── 除虫菊愈伤组织的诱导与继代培养

70、Wider application of a pyrethrum, rotenone and tobacco, and so on. ─── 广泛应用的有除虫菊、鱼藤和烟草等。

71、Keywords Pyrethrum cinerariifolium;Tissue culture;Identification of chromosome; ─── 白花除虫菊;组织培养;染色体鉴定;

72、Pyrethrum was given orally to the SD rats by the dosage of 0 mg/kg, 933 mg/kg, 2 800 mg/kg and 8 400 mg/kg for 3 months. ─── SD大鼠经口染毒3个月。分别检测白细胞总数、分类及免疫器官脏/体比和组织病理学检查。

73、Pyrethrum petrareum ─── n. 岩匹菊

74、A small Mediterranean plant(Anacyclus pyrethrum)containing a volatile oil once used for the relief of toothache and facial neuralgia. ─── 欧蓍草一种地中海地区的外形较小的(紫菀科南欧派利吞草)植物,含有一种曾用于减缓牙痛或面部神经痛的易挥发的油

75、Pyrethrum cinerariifolium (Trey.) Vis. ─── 白花除虫菊

76、Therefore, it is an ideal and widely used material in drug design of the heterocyclic and polypeptides drugs and pesticide such as pyrethrum and pyrethroid insecticides. ─── 环丙烷还是药物设计中的“明星”分子,很多杂环药物、多肽类生物药物及农用杀虫剂(如天然除虫菊素和拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂)的分子中都能见到它的身影。

77、Feverfew and pyrethrum are used in insecticides;feverfew and tansy were formerly used in medicines. ─── 小白菊除药用外,和红花除虫菊均可用制杀虫剂。

78、The output of some export crops, notably cashews, cotton, and pyrethrum, fell drastically ─── 有几种出口农作物,特别是腰果、棉花和除虫菊的产量大幅度下降。

79、Keywords sabina vulgaris Ant.;nature pyrethrum;essential oils from plants;aerosol;synergism compound;health pest; ─── 砂地柏;天然除虫菊素;精油;气雾剂;增效复配;卫生害虫;

80、Pyrethrum roseum M.B. ─── [医] 红花除虫菊

81、Made with purify carbon dust、pyrethrum no smoke、taste after light and do not irritate pneogaster、safety、higher effective. ─── 本品采用高效拟除虫菊酯为有效药物精心配制而成,无烟环保,驱蚊力强,气味芳香,不污染环境,对人体无刺激。

82、pyrethrum flowers ─── [化] 除虫菊花

83、Pyrethrum L. ─── [医] 除虫菊属

84、Pyrethrum arrasanicum ─── n. 光滑匹菊

85、In Kenya, co-operatives are responsible for 45% of the GDP and 31% of national savings and deposits. They have 70% of the coffee market, 76% dairy, 90% pyrethrum, and 95% of cotton. ─── 在肯尼亚,合作社对GDP的贡献达到45%,承担了31%的国民存款和储蓄,占有咖啡市场的70%,奶产品市场的76%,除虫菊市场的90%,棉花市场的95%。

86、The polyploids of Pyrethrum Cinerariifolium Trev were induced by colchicine solution.Many variation tube buds with doubled chromosome were obtained,then propagated the buds to gain the strains. ─── 用秋水仙素诱导除虫菊多倍体,获得多个染色体加倍遗传稳定的变异试管苗,进行试管苗快速繁殖并建立株系。

87、The paper introduced the principle ,the test conditions and the operation steps of dry-ing the pyrethrum flower ; ─── 本文主要介绍了除虫菊鲜花的真空冷冻干燥技术的原理、条件和操作步骤。

88、Pyrethrum parthenifolium ─── n. 伞房匹菊

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