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amphibole 发音

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英:  美:

amphibole 中文意思翻译



amphibole 短语词组

1、amphibole def ─── 角闪石

2、amphibole streak color ─── 角闪石条纹色

3、amphibole info ─── 角闪石信息

4、amphibole stone ─── 角闪石

5、amphibole fiber ─── 角闪石纤维

6、amphibole asbestos n. ─── 闪石石棉; [医]丙石石棉:两大类石棉之一,特点为纤维质地极脆,但对化学物质及热的抗御性则比蛇纹石型为强。其应用仍不如后者广泛,因其致癌性估计也强得多。此型包括铁石棉及青石棉角 ─── 闪石石棉

7、amphibole pronounce ─── 角闪音

8、amphibole group ─── [网络] 角闪石群;角闪石类;闪石类

9、amphibole streak ─── 角闪石条纹

10、amphibole jade ─── 角闪石玉

11、hornblende amphibole ─── 角闪石 ─── 角闪石

12、garnetiferous amphibole ─── 含石榴石角闪石

amphibole 词性/词形变化,amphibole变形

形容词: amphibolic |

amphibole 相似词语短语

1、amphibious ─── adj.[生物]两栖的,水陆两用的;具有双重性的

2、amphibolite ─── n.[岩]闪岩,角闪岩

3、amphibolous ─── adj.词义暧昧的;不稳定的

4、amphibology ─── n.暧昧的词句;意义含混的词句

5、amphiboly ─── n.模棱两可;意义含糊

6、amphibolites ─── n.[岩]闪岩,角闪岩

7、amphibolic ─── adj.闪石的;有二义的;语意含混的

8、amphibolies ─── n.模棱两可;意义含糊

9、amphiboles ─── n.闪石

amphibole 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In addition to the principle pyroxene mineral, the secondary minerals of feicui are amphibole and feldspar. ─── 除了辉石质的主要矿物之外,翡翠的次要矿物主要是闪石和长石。

2、The amphibole indicates a plateau age of 124. ─── 角闪石给出的坪年龄为124。

3、Test Method for Sampling Amphibole Asbestos ─── 角闪石石棉取样的试验方法

4、The main rock-forming minerals are olivine, chrome spinel, pyroxene, plagioclase and amphibole. 2. ─── 主要的造岩矿物有橄榄石、辉石、斜长石、铬尖晶石、角闪石。

5、manganese amphibole ─── 锰闪石

6、amphibole fiber ─── 闪石纤维

7、a mineral or mineral variety belonging to the amphibole group. ─── 属于闪石族的矿物或矿物种类。

8、sodic amphibole ─── 钠角闪石

9、reaction rim or retrograde rim, e. g. , omphacite with diopside rim, diopside with amphibole rim, and ilmenite rim of rutile. ─── 反应边或退变边,如绿辉石的透辉石退变边、透辉石的角闪石退变边和金红石的钛铁矿退变边等。

10、a dark brown mineral of the amphibole group; magnesium iron silicate ─── 闪石族中一种深褐色的矿物,含镁、铁的硅酸盐

11、It's main mineral is jadeite with some amphibole and pyroxene. ─── 显微结构以粒状镶嵌变晶结构为主;

12、Jadeite jade consists of minerals of pyroxene, amphibole and feldspar groups. ─── 翡翠由辉石族、角闪石族、长石族矿物组成。

13、The method for building statistic model on amphibole of relationship between intensities in XRD pattern with cation site-occupancy is discussed in this article. ─── 摘要阐述了用X射线粉末图上特征峰强度对已知阳离子占位建立线性统计模型,估算未知样品各阳离子占位方法。

14、In amphibole asbestos the constituent atoms are arranged in chain-like conformation ─── 在闪石类石棉中,组成的原子呈链状排列。

15、The jadeite's quality with the micro-crystalloblastic fiber texture is high, whereas that with the metasomatic texture is poor because there are sodium amphibole, albite or chlorite in it. ─── 具交代结构的翡翠中常因含有钠质闪石、钠长石或绿泥石,且使翡翠的粒度不均匀而使其质量变差;

16、a white or pale green mineral (calcium magnesium silicate) of the amphibole group used as a form of asbestos ─── 闪石族中一种白色或浅绿色的矿物(含钙、镁的硅酸盐),石棉的一种

17、This article has described chemical composition,structure,and application of amphibole talc. ─── 介绍了闪滑石粉的化学组成和结构,及其在环氧涂料中的应用。

18、a green mineral of the amphibole group; calcium magnesium iron silicate. ─── 闪石族中一种绿色的矿物,含钙、镁、铁的硅酸盐。

19、Colorless to green amphibole mineral, darkening with increased iron content from green to black. ─── 一种无色到绿色的角闪石矿物,随著铁含量的增大,颜色由绿加深到黑。

20、For the study which is about the character that different rocks in Heilongjiang melange expressed, felisic schist can easily form bardolite, while basic volcano rock can easily form sodium amphibole. ─── 就黑龙江混杂岩不同岩石所表现出来的特征分析,长英质片岩经高压变质作用更易形成黑硬绿泥石,而基性火山岩更易形成钠质闪石。

21、1. an amphibole mineral consisting of calcium magnesium silicate in monoclinic crystalline form;a source of jade that is less valuable than from jadeite;once believed to cure kidney disorders. ─── 一种含钙、镁硅酸盐的闪石,属单斜晶系,作为玉的来源,不如硬玉贵重,曾被认为可以治疗肾功能紊乱。

22、Igneous or metamorphic rock composed largely or dominantly of amphibole minerals. ─── 大部分或主要由角闪石族矿物组成的一种岩石。

23、Ar Diffusion Experiment for Water-Containning Biotite and Amphibole ─── 含水黑云母和角闪石中的氩扩散实验研究

24、In amphibole asbestos the constituent atoms are arranged in chain-like conformation. ─── 在闪石类石棉中,组成的原子呈链状排列。

25、a metamorphic rock composed chiefly of amphibole and plagioclase ─── 一种主要由闪石和斜长岩组成的变质岩

26、Jadeite jade consists of minerals of pyroxene, amphibole and feldspar groups. ─── 翡翠由辉石族、角闪石族、长石族矿物组成。

27、What part of olivine, pyroxene, and amphibole don't you understand? ─── |橄榄石 辉石 闪石 不懂哪个?

28、Amphibolite-facies overprinting and a hydrothermal activity in southern Dabie terrane: Insight from Ar-Ar dating of Zhujiachong eclogite and metamorphic amphibole vein ─── 南大别角闪岩相退变质与热液活动:朱家冲榴辉岩与闪石脉Ar-Ar年代学研究

29、The main rock types are two-mica quartz schist and plagioclase amphibole schist. ─── 主要岩石类型为二云石英片岩和斜长角闪片岩。

30、a green to black mineral of the amphibole group; consists of silicates of calcium and sodium and magnesium and iron ─── 一种闪石族矿物,通常为绿色至黑色之间,由含钙、钠、镁、铁的硅酸盐组成

31、5. (3) reaction rim or retrograde rim, e. g., omphacite with diopside rim, diopside with amphibole rim, and ilmenite rim of rutile. ─── (3)反应边或退变边,如绿辉石的透辉石退变边、透辉石的角闪石退变边和金红石的钛铁矿退变边等。

32、amphibole lattice ─── 闪石点阵

33、a white or pale green mineral (calcium magnesium silicate) of the amphibole group used as a form of asbestos. ─── 闪石族中一种白色或浅绿色的矿物(含钙、镁的硅酸盐),石棉的一种。

34、a dark brown mineral of the amphibole group; magnesium iron silicate. ─── 闪石族中一种深褐色的矿物,含镁、铁的硅酸盐。

35、Keywords electron microprobe;amphibole;biotite;ferreous and ferric iron;mineral chemical formula; ─── 电子探针;角闪石;黑云母;二价铁和三价铁;矿物化学式;

36、Keywords ruby deposit;marble type;calcic marble;calcic amphibole; ─── 红宝石矿床;大理岩型;钙质大理岩;钙质闪石;

37、Olivine has been completely altered to serpentine, talc, and amphibole in the bore-hole examined in detail ─── 钻芯详细检查的结果,橄榄石全部蚀变为蛇纹石、滑石及角闪石。

38、Keywords magnesio-sadanagaite;silica-poor calcic amphibole;typomorphism;ruby deposit; ─── 关键词镁砂川闪石;贫硅钙质闪石;矿物标型;红宝石矿床;

39、amphibole asbestos ─── 角面石石棉

40、The Archaean rocks widely exposed in the area studied belong to the Qian-xi Group of granulite facies, including granulite, charnockite, pyroxene(and/or amphibole)-plagioclase gneiss, amphibolite and so on. ─── 研究区内广泛出露的太古代岩石属于迁西群麻粒岩,包括麻粒岩、紫苏花岗岩、辉石-斜长片麻岩、角闪岩等。

41、Keywords alkaline amphibole cation site occupancy X-ray diffraction determination; ─── 碱性闪石;阳离子占位;X射线衍射测定;

42、In amphibole asbestos the constituent atoms are arranged in chain-like conformation. ─── 在闪石类石棉中,组成的原子呈链状排列。

43、A chiefly amphibole rock with minor plagioclase and little quartz. ─── 角闪岩主要由角闪石、少量斜长石和石英组成的岩石

44、In agreement with published literature, amphibole and pyroxene appeared to dissolve ahead of feldspar. ─── 与已发表之文献吻合之处为角闪石与辉石会比长石先被溶解。

45、The crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of amphibole, measured using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), is a common A-type. ─── 电子背散射衍射(EBSD)测量结果显示,角闪石具有明显的结晶学优选方位(CPO),为A型组构:[100]轴极点形成垂直线理大圆环,最大极密对应轴垂直面理;

46、Gray-blue to green, highly fibrous (asbestiform) form of the amphibole mineral riebeckite. ─── 一种灰蓝色到葱绿色的纤维状钠闪石。

47、Nephrite jade consists of the calcium- and magnesium-rich amphibole mineral actinolite (aggregates of which also make up one form of asbestos). ─── 软玉是由富含钙和镁的闪石矿物的阳起石组成的,这种阳起石聚集体同样也是石棉的组成成分。

48、The new findings in elude mica-rich S-type granites and garnet amphibole andesine gneiss as faults or blocks in the Darying region; ─── 在达尔应一带新发现一套富含云母的典型S型花岗岩;在冈玛日北西岗玛错断裂以北新发现一处花岗片麻岩;

49、magnesium amphibole ─── 镁闪石

50、aluminium amphibole ─── 铝闪石

51、The amphibole in the Mengku iron deposit is actinolite belonging to ferro-edenite. ─── 角闪石属于单斜角闪石中的阳起石。

52、9. (3) reaction rim or retrograde rim, e. g. , omphacite with diopside rim, diopside with amphibole rim, and ilmenite rim of rutile. ─── 一种轻而韧的金属元素,有光泽、抗腐蚀,用于韧而轻的合金(如飞机部件)中,主要来自金红石和钛铁矿。收藏指正

53、In addition to the principle pyroxene mineral, the secondary minerals of fei cui are amphibole and feldspar. ─── 除了辉石质的主要矿物之外,翡翠的次要矿物主要是闪石和长石。

54、~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb Age of Zircon and ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar of Amphibole from Plagioclase Amphibolite in the Taihua Group, Luoning,Henan,China ─── 河南洛宁太华岩群斜长角闪岩的锆石~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb和角闪石~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年龄

55、4.a fibrous amphibole;used for making fireproof articles;inhaling fibers can cause asbestosis or lung cancer. ─── 一种纤维状的闪石,用作防火材料,吸入纤维会导致石棉沉滞症或肺癌。

56、amphibole asbestos, asbestos production Brucite small. ─── 角闪石石棉、水镁石石棉产量小。

57、Application of Amphibole Talc in Coatings ─── 閃滑石粉在环氧涂料中的应用


59、a green mineral of the amphibole group; calcium magnesium iron silicate ─── 闪石族中一种绿色的矿物,含钙、镁、铁的硅酸盐

60、A greenish variety of amphibole. ─── 阳起石闪石的浅绿色变体

61、A chiefly amphibole rock with minor plagioclase and little quartz. ─── 角闪岩主要由角闪石、少量斜长石和石英组成的岩石

62、a green to black mineral of the amphibole group; consists of silicates of calcium and sodium and magnesium and iron. ─── 一种闪石族矿物,通常为绿色至黑色之间,由含钙、钠、镁、铁的硅酸盐组成。

63、They show layered intrusion features.The major rock -forming minerals include olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and amphibole. ─── 其主要造岩矿物为橄榄石、斜方辉石、单斜辉石、斜长石和角闪石。

64、There is clear feature of zonations in Si, Fe, Mg and Mg/(Mg + Fe) for amphibole in Archaean tonalitic gneisses in Malanyu area, eastern Hebei Province. ─── 冀东马兰峪地区出露较大面积的太古宙含紫苏辉石的英云闪长质片麻岩,其中角闪石矿物的Si、Fe、Mg、Mg/(Mg+Fe)等呈明显的环带特点。

65、a metamorphic rock composed chiefly of amphibole and plagioclase. ─── 一种主要由闪石和斜长岩组成的变质岩。

66、The rock stack is made up of various sized black or dark grey olivine, augite basalt, amphibole and andesite. ─── 此岩系由黑色或暗灰色橄榄石、普通辉石玄武岩、角闪石安山岩等大小石块构成。

67、The black lump and belt most are made up of dark mineral such as amphibole and pyroxene. ─── 黑色团块和条带由闪石、辉石等暗色矿物质组成。

68、A Study of Amphibole from the Ophiolites in Shangnan-Danfeng Area, East Qinling ─── 东秦岭商丹地区蛇绿岩中的角闪石研究

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