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08-19 投稿


bonhomie 发音

英:['b?n?mi?; ,b?n?'mi?]  美:[?bɑ?n??mi?]

英:  美:

bonhomie 中文意思翻译



bonhomie 网络释义

n. 温和,和蔼;敦厚

bonhomie 词性/词形变化,bonhomie变形

动词第三人称单数: bongs |动词现在分词: bonging |动词过去式: bonged |动词过去分词: bonged |

bonhomie 短语词组

1、bonhomie llc ─── 邦霍米有限责任公司

2、bonhomie farm ─── 邦霍米农场

3、bonhomie adc ─── 邦霍米adc

4、bonhomie definition ─── 和蔼可亲的定义

5、bonhomie 1 ─── 健康1

6、bonhomie pronunciation ─── 文雅发音

7、bonhomie press ─── 早安出版社

bonhomie 相似词语短语

1、bon ami ─── 好朋友

2、bonham ─── n.博纳姆;仔猪

3、bonhams ─── n.博纳姆;仔猪

4、bommie ─── n.珊瑚礁头;篝火

5、bonhomous ─── 愉快的

6、nonhome ─── 诺曼

7、anomie ─── n.社会的反常状态;混乱

8、boomie ─── n.青少年

9、bonamia ─── 博纳米亚

bonhomie 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Despite the apparent bonhomie of this week's meetings, frictions are likely to continue to trouble Sino-US military contacts. ─── 尽管中美两国本周会议气氛明显较为友善,但围绕“小鹰号”的摩擦可能会继续困扰中美军事关系。

2、Halifax, of the Public Works Department, bubbled over with false bonhomie ─── 在市政工程厅任职的哈里法克斯装得情绪很高的样子,不断打趣逗笑。

3、For all the recent bonhomie there are lots of potential strains with the current occupant of the White House. ─── 尽管表面上友好,奥巴马和白宫现任主人的关系有很多潜在的问题。

4、He had an irrepressible bonhomie, a networking sense and an uncanny memory for names and faces. ─── 他无比的亲切,拥有敏锐的人脉意识和超常的记忆人名字和面孔的能力。

5、Such bonhomie has endeared him to colleagues, clients and analysts since his days as Total's chief for the Middle East in the 1990s. ─── 90年代以来他在中东当Total的首席,如此温和使他受同事、顾客和分析者钟爱。

6、He's a charismatic preacher and radiates bonhomie. ─── 他是一个传教士,为人宽厚。

7、You can feel that the ShanghaiCity has been decorated with the bonhomie of Christmas when you walk on the street , even if you don't have to join a party. ─── 就算不去狂欢,走在街头,同样能感受,圣诞节的气氛,装点了整个上海城。

8、Cameras in tow, hewould breeze into a company, dispensing blunt criticism, bonhomie and briskadvice in equal portions. ─── 在摄像机的尾随下,他常轻快地步入一家公司,针对恰当的部分提出委婉的批评,给出温和但是一针见血的建议。

9、Amid all the bonhomie, both hosts and guests are emphasising how keen they are to stop Iran getting nuclear weapons. ─── 在友好的气氛中,宾主双方都强调,他们对阻止伊朗获得核武器的关注。

10、Some compensate by disguise, affecting the accent, posture , and bonhomie of the well-bred. ─── 有些人乔装打扮,弥补缺陷,故意模仿门第高贵的人的言行举止和温文尔雅。

11、I've often wondered why some good crime writer . . . hasn't taken up with New Orleans, what with its special raffishness, its peculiar flavor of bonhomie and a slightly suspect charm(Walker Percy) ─── 考虑到它那特殊的大胆不羁,它特有的欢乐气氛的风味以及它略为人所怀疑的魅力,我时常纳闷为什么一些很好的犯罪小说作家还没有对新奥尔产生兴趣(沃克 珀西)

12、smell of liquor made his mouth water; the good humor and bonhomie between the other pullers made him lonely. ─── 酒的香味让他流口水;其他那些车夫之间诙谐和友好使他感觉孤独。

13、Their eyes were full of friendliness and bonhomie. ─── 他们的眼睛里充满了友善与和蔼。

14、If Emerson actually held it, one might trace a line from him down to the sloppy bonhomie of such a work as Saroyan's "The Time of Your Life" ─── 如果爱默生是始作俑者,衣钵相传,一直可以传到萨罗扬的《快乐时光》之类娱人耳目的轻率之作。

15、He was full of bonhomie. ─── 他很友好。

16、Yet beneath the enforced bonhomie, abiding issues remain. ─── 在强制的温和之下,旧有的问题依旧存在。

17、Obama and Bush, determined to put on a show of goodwill, shook hands and gave all the appearance of bonhomie. ─── 奥巴马和布什决定演出一场善意秀,他们互相握手,表面看起来一团和气。

18、He had an irrepressible bonhomie, a networking sense and an uncanny memory for names and faces. ─── 他无比的亲切,拥有敏锐的人脉意识和超常的记忆人名字和面孔的能力。

19、Obama and Bush, determined to put on a show of goodwill, shook hands and gave all the appearance of bonhomie. ─── 奥巴马和布什决定演出一场善意秀,他们互相握手,表面看起来一团和气。

20、Use humour where appropriate. If you can make them chuckle it creates an air of bonhomie which in turn will help you relax. ─── 恰当的时候幽默一下。如果你能令大家笑,那么就创造了一个温馨的气氛,那样也会放松了自己。

21、But there will be many doubts about whether all the Olympic bonhomie has transformed the way China sees the world. ─── 但是奥运会带来的温和气氛能否改变中国看待世界的方式,仍然值得怀疑。

22、If Emerson actually held it, one might trace a line from him down to the sloppy bonhomie of such a work as Saroyan's "The Time of Your Life". ─── 如果爱默生是始作俑者,衣钵相传,一直可以传到萨罗扬的《快乐时光》之类娱人耳目的轻率之作。

23、For all the recent bonhomie there are lots of potential strains with the current occupant of the White House. ─── 尽管表面上友好,奥巴马和白宫现任主人的关系有很多潜在的问题。

24、And I vividly remember that the weekend he was born our mutual friends were in a field near Cambridge, enjoying the bands and bonhomie. ─── 我还清楚地记得他出生的那个周末,当时我们的朋友正在剑桥附近参加一个户外音乐会。

25、the good humor and bonhomie of the other pullers made him lonely. ─── 但是酒的香味让他流口水,其他那些车夫之间诙谐和友好的气氛也使他感觉孤独。

26、"I've often wondered why some good crime writer . . . hasn't taken up with New Orleans, what with its special raffishness, its peculiar flavor of bonhomie and a slightly suspect charm" (Walker Percy) ─── “考虑到它那特殊的大胆不羁,它特有的欢乐气氛的风味以及它略为人所怀疑的魅力,我时常纳闷为什么一些很好的犯罪小说作家还没有对新奥尔产生兴趣”(沃克·珀西)

27、Tough enough when your departure is full of back-slapping and bonhomie; ─── 当你的离去充满了赞许和友好时,你的演讲已经够难了;

28、Halifax, of the Public Works Department, bubbled over with false bonhomie. ─── 在市政工程厅任职的哈里法克斯装得情绪很高的样子,不断打趣逗笑。

29、When tenants entered the entrance lobby, they shall be served with warm smiling and duly attending service.They shall have the impression of bonhomie, safety, clean and tidy. ─── 当你出入大堂时除感受到亲切笑容、关怀服务外,还添亲切、安全、清洁感觉。

30、Still, an enforced bonhomie has set the tone for this visit, with Mr Hu planning a spot of convivial ping-pong. ─── 胡计划中快乐的"乒乓外交"已经为本次出访奠定了温和的基调。

31、Tough enough when your departure is full of back-slapping and bonhomie; it's doubly difficult when there is a cloud over your exit and all this has to be delivered through gritted teeth. ─── 当你的离去充满了赞许和友好时,你的演讲已经够难了;而当你的离去令人不满,并且所有这一切都必须勇敢讲出来时,那就更是难上加难。

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