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08-19 投稿


misapply 发音

英:[?m?s??pla?]  美:[?m?s??pla?]

英:  美:

misapply 中文意思翻译



misapply 短语词组

1、misapply bill and hold ─── 误开账单

misapply 词性/词形变化,misapply变形


misapply 相似词语短语

1、misapplier ─── 误用者

2、to misapply ─── 误用

3、misally ─── vt.作不相称的结合;使不匹配的联姻

4、misapplied ─── adj.误用的;滥用的;v.误用(misapply的过去式及过去分词)

5、disapplying ─── 失踪

6、misapplies ─── v.误用,滥用

7、disapply ─── vt.使不适用;使失效

8、misapplying ─── v.误用,滥用

9、mishappen ─── 米沙彭

misapply 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、to misapply the public money ─── 盗用公款

2、However, many administrative authorities were wrongly guided or persons misapply after this law was implemented. ─── 但是在该法实施后,各行政机关对于该项制度应如何运用并无定见,甚有误引误用者。

3、Analyse case concrete use and easy to appear situation that misapply in using. ─── 分析案例的具体应用以及应用中容易出现误用的情况。

4、Is it misapply very dangerous traditional Chinese medicine to take by mistake , add not being fragrant skin regard, the foreign digitalis kind will happen and is poisonned; ─── 误服误用中药十分危险,如把香加皮当作五加皮使用,就会发生洋地黄样中毒;

5、misapply benevolent funds ─── 滥用慈善款项

6、This helps you ensure that nobody else takes your annotation type and misapplies it (or, better yet, that you don't misapply it in a fit of fatigue). ─── 这样有助于避免他人误用您的注释类型(或者最好的地方是,您自己也不会因为疲惫而误用它)。

7、To divert to an improper use; misapply. ─── 误用,滥用挪用于不适当的用途;滥用

8、to abuse; to misuse; to misapply; to misappropriate; to pervert ─── 滥用

9、to misapply one's energies ─── 浪费自己的精力

10、There are, however, uncountable ways to misapply heat. ─── 但又有无数种错误的热能使用方法。

11、Complication was prevented, disuse syntrome and misapply syntrome were avoided, life ability and quality was improved. ─── 防止并发症的出现,避免了废用综合征和误用综合征,提高生活自理能力和生活质量。

12、However, many administrative authorities were wrongly guided or persons misapply after this law was implemented. ─── 但是在该法实施后,各行政机关对于该项制度应如何运用并无定见,甚有误引误用者。

13、We’ve made it simpler for the pet owner, and lessened the opportunity to misapply the product. ─── 我们已经做出了简单的宠物主人,并减少了机会,误用的产品。

14、Analyse case concrete use and easy to appear situation that misapply in using. ─── 分析案例的具体应用以及应用中容易出现误用的情况。

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