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08-19 投稿


ic 发音

英:[?k]  美:[?a? ?si?]

英:  美:

ic 中文意思翻译



ic 常用词组

ic card ─── 智能卡

ic chip ─── 集成电路芯片

driver ic ─── 驱动晶片;驱动器集成电路;显示面板用驱动

ic 短语词组

1、carboxyl(ic) group ─── [化] 羧基

2、application-specific IC ─── [计] 特定用途集成电路

3、capryl(ic) aldehyde ─── [化] 辛醛

4、full custom IC ─── [计] 全定制集成电路

5、heneicosan ic acid ─── [化] 二十一烷酸; 二十一碳烷酸

6、bipolar slice IC processor ─── [计] 双极型位片集成电路处理机

7、enanth(yl) ic acid ─── [化] 庚酸

8、-ic ─── [医]〔后缀〕意为属于…的, 有…特性的。例如acidic(酸性的)

9、ion (ic) exchange ─── [化] 离子交换

10、flexible metall(ic) hose ─── [化] 挠性金属管; 软管; 软金属管

11、acid(ic) oxide ─── [化] 酸性氧化物

12、compatible ic ─── [电] 和谐积分电路

13、electron(ic) emission ─── [化] 电子发射

14、capryl(ic) alcohol ─── [化] 辛醇

15、aceton(ic) acid ─── [化] α-羟基异丁酸; (俗称)醋酮酸

16、asphalt(ic) cement ─── [化] 沥青膏

17、ion (ic) exchange membrane ─── [化] 离子交换膜

18、discrete IC ─── [计] 分立集成电路

19、acid(ic) gases ─── [化] 酸性气体

ic 词性/词形变化,ic变形


ic 相似词语短语

1、-ic ─── abbr.集成电路(integratedcircuit)

2、i/c ─── 仪表盘

3、pic ─── n.照片,图片;影片,电影;n.(Pic)(法、美、波兰)皮克(人名)

4、icy ─── adj.冰冷的;结满冰的;冷淡的;(语气、态度)非常不友好的,带有敌意的

5、hic ─── abbr.混合集成电路(HybridIntegratedCircuit)

6、ice ─── n.冰;冰淇淋;矜持;(俚)钻石;vt.冰镇;结冰;vi.结冰;adj.冰的;n.(Ice)人名;(英)艾斯;(法)伊斯

7、ci ─── abbr.铸铁(CastIron)

8、tic ─── n.抽搐;痉挛;n.(Tic)(波、罗马尼亚、美)蒂克(人名)

9、sic ─── adv.原文如此(通常放在括号内);v.攻击

ic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、F ig.1 L igh t m icroscop ic photographs of new shoot in cross-section. ─── 图1新梢茎横切面的光学显微镜照片.

2、All questions about IC card Advance Charge Intelligent Gas Meter are studied and analyzed. ─── 就IC卡预付费燃气表产品开发的所有相关问题进行了阐述

3、It analyses the intrinsic evolvement mechanisms of IC synergy in the course of M& A. ─── 但是,知识资本的无形性与复杂性使得协同的实现并非易事。

4、Solani AG-1 IA, AG-1 IC, AG-6GW and AG-Bb, AG-I II, respectively. ─── solani的AG-1 IA ,AG-1 IC,AG-6GW 以及双核丝核菌的AG-Bb, AG-I II。

5、Dalian IC design industrial center management co., Ltd. ─── 大连集成电路设计产业基地管理有限公司。

6、The heavily-doped-polysilicon-oxidation process condition used in LDD IC was optimized. ─── 对重掺多晶氧化法(HDPO)应用于LDD IC中的工艺条件进行了优化,并实现了HDPO-LDD电路.

7、It seems that the thieves are less choosy these days, with their targets ranging widely from bikes, cell phones, pueses, pre-paid IC cards to sunglasses, bags, and even underwear. ─── 如今的小偷似乎没那么挑剔了,他们的目标范围很广,从自行车、手机、帐篷、预付费 IC 卡到太阳镜、包,甚至内衣。

8、Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) combines PWM IC with Sense FET into one package, it is a new type power switch regulator. ─── Fairchild Power Switch将PWM IC与Sense FET组合在同一封装内,是一种新型功率开关调节器。

9、All fares please! Or swipe your IC card. Move to the middle of the bus please. ─── 上车乘客请刷卡,无卡请购票,上车后请往车厢里走。

10、Introduction to TTL series IC and basic electronic devices. ─── 基本TTL系列IC和电子材料的介绍。

11、DTIC management system is installed on computer for issuing IC card of different function. ─── DTIC管理系统安装在电脑上以发行不同功能的IC卡。

12、SHANGHAI OMNIVISION IC DESIGN CO., LTD. ─── 上海豪威集成电路设计有限公司。

13、IC telephone cards are sold in the Park. ─── 园内售有IC电话卡。

14、Bosch Rexroth will also provide the hardware, courseware and teachware to the IC. ─── 博世力士乐并会向工业中心提供有关的教学培训系统和设备。

15、You may either use an IC card or coins when you use a public telephone. ─── 使用公共电话时你既可用IC卡也可用硬币。

16、If the test comes up negative, you may need to see a urologist for an IC evaluation. ─── 如果检测结果为阴性的,你可能需要泌尿科医生做间质性膀胱炎的诊断。

17、Machine out of order. Please go to the nearest station to buy or recharge IC cards. ─── 售卡充值机故障,请您去临站办理。

18、Up: PolyU students with traditional uniform showing toy spider designed and made by IC trainees. ─── 图上:由理大学生穿上传统制服展示由工业中心培训学员设计和制造的玩具蜘蛛。

19、Amount of coexisting somat ic diseases was increased in company with increasing of the age. ─── 共患躯体疾病组精神障碍的近期疗效明显低于非共患疾病组。

20、MCU emulational system and IC product verify during product development stages. ─── 完成MCU开发验证。

21、Temperature compensation of IC LCD transistor, crystal oscillator of mobile communications equipments. ─── 半导体集成电路、液晶显示、晶体管及移动通讯设备用石英振荡器的温度补偿。

22、The design of the entrance guard &check on work attendance system based the on contactless IC card is introduced. ─── 介绍了非接触式IC卡门禁考勤系统的设计与实现,并对其各个环节的安全性进行了讨论。

23、The public transportation IC card schematic diagram and its the source program code, such are actually simple. ─── 公交IC卡的原理图及其源程序代码,其实就这么简单。

24、Secondly, the introduction of IC analysis by Bloomfield is largely based on W. ─── 2 )布龙菲尔德提出IC分析 ,主要是基于W .

25、He prefers cla ic music to popular music. ─── 他喜欢古典音乐,不喜欢流行音乐。

26、It can be used to test the SDR/DDR/DDR2 DIMM, and it can also tell which IC is damaged in the DIMM. ─── 可以测试SDR/DDR/DDR2内存条的好坏,并能精确指出内存条上坏IC所在的位置。

27、Hotel rooms are equipped with individual HVAC units , IC door lock, free internet system and cable TV. ─── 客房配有独立温控系统、安全的IC卡门锁、免费互联网系统和有线电视等。

28、MSEE Degree with 2+ years power IC design experence. ─── 具有电源IC设计经验且拥有独立设计完成的量产产品.

29、The CPU contains thousands of transistors and logic circuits packaged in a very small design known as an integrated circuit (IC). ─── CPU包含成千上万个晶体管和逻辑电路,它们被封装在一个很小的设计空间模式,称为集成电路(IC)。

30、The inferior colliculus (IC), as an important nucleus of auditory midbrain, is crucial for sound localization. ─── 下丘作为听觉中脑的重要组成部分,在声源定位的过程中起到非常重要的作用。

31、There is one at the end of the street.It'san IC Card telephone booth.You have to use IC card to make a call. ─── 在这条街头上有一家,它是IC卡电话亭。你要用IC卡才能打。

32、DS12C887 is a real?time clock IC made by Dallas,designed for replacing the same kind IC. It has several advantages. ─── DS12C887是Dallas公司生产的一款日历时钟芯片,专为直接取代原有几款芯片而设计,具有多种优点;

33、"For number and imitate controller IC founds a comprehensive database, it is the first pace of this kind of labor only. ─── “为数字和模拟节制器IC建立一个周全的数据库,只是这种具体分析的第一步。”

34、This course will give the attendee some help in design IC chips. ─── 为今后在集成电路系统设计(IC芯片设计)方面的进一步发展打下基础。

35、Musicic carried to great perfection in Italy. ─── 义大利的音乐已发展到极完美。

36、In 1965 IC's with up to 1 00 gates, medium scale integration (MSI), were being produced. ─── 1965年,具有100多个元件的中型集成电路(MSI)被制造出来。

37、The self-rechargeable system of subway IC cardis, making the card more open. ─── 实现了公交地铁IC卡的自助充值,使会交卡具有更充分的开放性。

38、Daniel: Excuse me, How about IC card? ─── 丹尼尔:请问,用IC卡是多少钱呢?

39、And we find out, in Taiwan, how to avoid risk of an allergic reaction to medication with a simple swipe of your health insurance IC card. ─── 接下来,在台湾,要如何透过健保卡,避免服用过敏药物的风险。

40、Wait a minute. I need an IC card. ─── 等一下,我要买一张IC卡。

41、C om p uter Gra ph ic E d w ard Angel . ─── 地理資訊系統理論與實務周天穎、葉美伶、衷嵐焜.

42、The proportion of each subgroup was 27.7%(Ic),33.6%(Is),2.5%(IIc),24.4%(IIs),and 11.8%(IVc),respectively. ─── 各亚群的比例分别是 :Ic 2 7 7%、Is 33 6%、IIc 2 5%、IIs 2 4 4%、IVc 11 8%。

43、"The mass production of these works of art as parasites on the body of a commercial IC goes unnoticed by most observers, " writes Chipworks. ─── “大量的藏身于商业集成电路上的艺术品被大多数的观察员所忽视,”Chipworks写道。

44、The effective expression and integration with mdr1 gene were tested by PCR,IC and DNR exclusion method in vivo. ─── PCR、免疫组化、柔红霉素排出试验证实mdr1基因在体内有有效整合及表达。

45、Do not touch IC chip on the ink cartridge to avoid printing malfunction. ─── 为避免打印出现故障,请不要触摸墨盒的IC晶片;

46、During that short period, the tester must also capture the output value of the IC. ─── 在这个过程中,对输入端施加一个短时的比逻辑值高的电流,同时测试仪器要捕捉到集成电路的输出值。

47、It is also used as the etchant for etching Aluminum and Silicon Nitride film in semi-silicon IC. ─── 在硅平面晶圆集成电路生产中,用于铝及氮化硅的蚀刻;

48、An in-circuit tester tests a digital IC using the IC's truth table. ─── 在线测试设备采用真值表来测试数字集成电路。

49、Based on the purification, we studied the effect of PDI on the refolding of rhGM-CSF ic vitro. ─── 在此基础上研究了PDI对重组人粒/单系集落刺激因子(rhGM-CSF)体外复性作用。

50、Neferine(Nef) decreased the IC 50 of ADM to MCF-7/Adr cells but increased the intracellular concentration of ADM. ─── Nef能降低阿霉素对MCF 7/Adr细胞IC50 值 ,能提高MCF 7/Adr细胞内ADM的浓度。

51、Within the broad spectrum of digital IC's there is a separation of function between the various chip categories. ─── 在电路板上各个集成芯片分别执行各自的功能。

52、Product's electronic circuit minisize or IC solution. ─── 产品电子电路IC化,微小化解决方案.

53、PT2322 6 Channel Volume Control IC DATASHEET complete source code, has been tested. ─── (译):PT2322 6频道音量控制IC数据表完整的源代码,已经过测试。

54、Must have strong IC process and industry knowledge. ─── 具备较强的集成电路工艺及工业知识。

55、The Flipchip bonded wafer market is predicted to grow 37% annually while the overall IC units will only grow 8%. ─── 倒装焊晶片市场预计年增长37%,而整体IC增长仅8%。

56、In 1965 IC's with up to 1 00 gates,medium scale integration (MSI),were being produced. ─── 1965年,具有100多个元件的中型集成电路(MSI)被制造出来。

57、Named as "IC- DBM , Supply Chain for Electronic Components" , our primary product is to be used for both purchasing and sales management. ─── 我们首推的产品“易商电子零件供应链:IC-DBM”,专用于电子零件的采购和销售业务管理。

58、Interconnection delay has become a dominant factor in IC design. ─── 互连线时延是集成电路设计中非常重要的影响因素。

59、Since that time the number of components on IC's,integrated circuits,has approximately doubled every year. ─── 从那以后,集成电路上组件的数量就以每年翻一番的速度递增。

60、A rlin 2, Rodegh iero T redtment of D IC associated w ith APL Blood, 1990, 76: 2418. ─── 姚尔固.全反式维甲酸治疗相关综合征.中华血液学杂志,1994,15:103.

61、Three of which are the main types of acne scarring: ic. ─── 其中三种主要类型的痤疮疤痕:集成电路。

62、Bada Printing produces non-woven bags, paper bags, shopping bags, IC card, PVC boxes, fridge... ─── 关键字:小纸袋|纸袋|有印刷物的小袋子|纹身|根据个性化图案进行纹身...

63、The in-game replication here is perfect, probably the best belt recreation outside of the IC title. ─── 在这项游戏烧录这里是完美的,大概是最好的休闲带以外的IC冠军.

64、A datasheet from LA6541D IC source code integrity, and can be used directly. ─── (译):数据表由LA6541D芯片源代码完整,并可以直接使用。

65、High resistive SOI wafer will provide better performance for planar spiral inductors, and it is also IC compatible. ─── 因此以SOI晶片来说,高阻值的SOI会提供电感较好的效能,而且它也与积体电路制程相容。

66、As an IEEE test standard,JTAG is accepted and used by many IC design companies and manufacturers. ─── JTAG作为测试标准已为芯片设计与制造厂商接受和应用。

67、Conductor: Pay by IC card is cheaper than cash. ─── 售票员:用IC卡比现金便宜些。

68、The paper introduces resolver to digital converter(RDC) IC AD2S83, and describes its application in radar servo system. ─── 对旋转变压器 -数字变换器 ( RDC)集成电路 AD2 S83进行了介绍 ,并简述了它在雷达伺服系统中的应用

69、Gucci: I'll say yes. Wait a minute. I need an IC card. ─── 古奇:我同意啊。等一下,我要买一张IC卡。

70、Daniel: Can I apply for an IC card? ─── 丹尼尔:那么我能办一张IC卡吗?

71、The ACC will play the role of an oversight institution and provide training to IC Members. ─── ACC会扮演监督机构的角色,并负责培训诚委会委员。

72、A low-voltage ferrite driver IC with power MOS transistors is presented. ─── 介绍了一种集成低压铁氧体驱动器和功率MOS管的单片集成电路。

73、In the 1960s the IC market was broadly on bipolar transistors. ─── 六十年代集成电路市场主要为双极型晶体管。

74、IC had a scribe working on details, recording actions, etc. ─── 事故指挥有一书记处理细节,并记录所有措施等等。

75、Hence the study of the SRAM,which is as the important part IC field,is significant. ─── 因此静态随机存储器作为IC领域中极为重要的一部分,对其进行长期不懈的研究开发具有深远的意义。

76、The performance and fabrication methods of foam ceramics and its appl ic ation in several fields were introduced. ─── 介绍了泡沫陶瓷的特性、制造工艺,并列举了泡沫陶瓷在几个方面的主要应用。

77、The improvements of the design and the compatibility with silicon IC of RF MEMS switch are presented. ─── 在微机械开关与硅IC工艺设计和兼容方面进行了改进 ,获得了一种可与IC工艺兼容的RFMEMS微机械开关 .

78、The main electric circuit uses integration microprocessor and IC, few buffer circuit for stable operation. ─── 主要功能电路采用集成度很高的单片机,外围电路很少,工作更加稳定。

79、Agreement between WHV and direct portography was obtained in 87%(20/23) with CO2 and 10%(2/20) with IC. ─── CO2楔入法同直接法相比,结果基本一致以上者为87%(20/23),而IC为10%(2/20)。

80、Main Products : FLASH、SDRAM、SRAM、EEPROM、MCU、POWER IC、LOGICIC.Source of worldwide components in shortage. ─── 主营:FLASH、SDRAM、SRAM、EEPROM、MCU、POWER IC、LOGICIC、光耦、及全球紧缺料搜寻等。

81、MSEE Degree with 2 years power IC design experence. ─── 具电源IC设计经验且拥有独立设计完成的量产产品.

82、PV or IC industry background will be a strong advantage. ─── 具光伏行业、微电子行业等相关背景优先。

83、NOW we have much stock in house ,today can ship ,we mainly offer Ricoh brand ic components,below are... ─── 发布者:杨艳菊所在地:广东深圳市行业:电子元器件职位:业务助理工作年限:一年以上

84、IC Red Wine comes from one of the famous wine areas in France-Bodu. ─── 因为葡萄酒的一大特点是“干”,所谓干就是酸的意思,因此在吃饭时喝适量葡萄酒能起到既帮助消化又开胃的作用,于健康有益。

85、Same outline configuration as IC premits auto insertionusing an insertion machine. ─── 外形齐整满足自动的生产之要求。

86、IC for the most part stayed at their initial location during most of the drill and communication between Officers seemed to be very good. ─── 在整个演习当中,事故指挥大多数时间待在它原来的位置上,各个官员通信看来非常通畅。

87、IC swipe card timing records IC. ─── 卡刷卡考勤记录。

88、It is easy to set on for only 8 IC are used in the A/D and D/A pass. ─── A/D和D/A通道仅用8片集成电路组成,造价低,安装调试方便.

89、Organic chemistry guides us to see life in molecular level and had been became an essential bas- ic course in agricultural universities. ─── 有机化学引领我们在分子水平上洞察生命,它已成为了高等农业院校开设的一门重要基础课程。







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