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08-19 投稿


circumbendibus 发音

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circumbendibus 中文意思翻译



circumbendibus 短语词组

1、circumbendibus definition ─── 周边定义

2、circumbendibus meaning ─── 迂回意义

circumbendibus 相似词语短语

1、circumvention ─── n.规避;陷害;绕行

2、circumcentres ─── n.外心

3、circumvents ─── v.包围;智取;绕行,规避

4、circumventing ─── n.失灵;v.绕行;使陷入圈套(circumvent的ing形式)

5、circumventive ─── 规避

6、circumcenters ─── n.[数]外心;[数]外接圆心

7、circumbendibuses ─── n.委婉;说话绕圈子

8、circumradius ─── n.[数]外接圆半径

9、circumscribes ─── vt.约束,限定;在……上画圈;包围;(几何学)外接

circumbendibus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When used in daily communication, they can make the communication humorous and circumbendibus. ─── 在交流中使用歇后语能使交流幽默生动、委婉明了。

2、InSpring and autumn period, Jin"s language appropriate to occasion has some changes along with theconfirm of overlord status.It is from circumbendibus, courtesy to pride and dominated. ─── 春秋各国的外交辞令不尽相同,晋国外交辞令的主要特色随着霸主地位的确定发生了一定的改变,由委婉谦恭到霸气凌然。

3、When you say, "I'm rather doubtful about that", it means you don't trust something but have no idea about the truth. It's one of the circumbendibus for, "I don't trust it". ─── 当你说“我对此很怀疑”这句话时,意味着你不相信某件事,也不知道事情的真相,语气比“我不相信”委婉。

4、When you say, "I'm rather doubtful about that", it means you don't trust something but have no idea about the truth.It's one of the circumbendibus for,"I don't trust it". ─── 当你说“我对此很怀疑”这句话时,意味着你不相信某件事,也不知道事情的真相,语气比“我不相信”委婉。

5、The numeral phrases have the rhetoric meaning of comparison, exaggeration, circumbendibus and antitheses besides original ideas and the source of them mainly coming from Holy Bible, literature work and social life. ─── 数词习语除了具有其本意外,还具有比喻、张、婉、照等修辞意义,其来源主要是圣经、学作品及社会生活等。

6、Fengyu (the written means which appeal writings should redound to nation advantages by circumbendibus) ─── 讽谕

7、While the graphic design is transmitting information, it lets the watchers feel the different artistic conception beauty, connotation beauty, relaxed and circumbendibus beauty. ─── 平面设计在传达信息的同时,引发观者体察到各种不同美妙的艺术空间意境美、含蓄美和疏密有致的美感。

8、The numeral phrases have the rhetoric meaning of comparison,exaggeration,circumbendibus and antitheses besides original ideas and the source of them mainly coming from Holy Bible,literature work and social life. ─── 数词习语除了具有其本意外,还具有比喻、夸张、委婉、对照等修辞意义,其来源主要是圣经、文学作品及社会生活等。

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