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08-19 投稿


ambushed 发音

英:[??mb??t]  美:[??mb??t]

英:  美:

ambushed 中文意思翻译


v.埋伏( ambush的过去式和过去分词 ); 埋伏着



ambushed 常用词组

ambush marketing ─── 隐性营销;埋伏式营销;伏击式营销

ambushed 词性/词形变化,ambushed变形

动词过去分词: ambushed |动词第三人称单数: ambushes |名词: ambusher |动词过去式: ambushed |动词现在分词: ambushing |

ambushed 短语词组

1、ambushed hair salon ─── 埋伏发廊

2、ambushed define ─── 伏击

3、deputies ambushed ─── 副手伏击

4、ambushed defined ─── 伏击定义

5、ambushed again ─── 又埋伏了

6、ambushed definition ─── 伏击定义

7、ambushed 1990 ─── 伏击1990

8、ambushed hair ─── 埋伏的头发

9、ambushed by ─── 伏击

10、ambushed by nord ─── 诺德伏击

ambushed 相似词语短语

1、airbrushed ─── n.喷枪,气笔;v.用喷枪喷,用气笔修(照片);粉饰

2、ambush ─── n.埋伏,伏击;伏兵;vt.埋伏,伏击;vi.埋伏

3、ambushes ─── n.埋伏,伏击;伏兵;vt.埋伏,伏击;vi.埋伏

4、mushed ─── n.感伤的话;浓粥;软块;胆怯;vi.带狗撬在雪上前进;vt.粉碎;int.走!

5、bushed ─── adj.疲倦的;被草丛笼罩的;不知所措的;v.丛生;以灌木装饰(bush的过去分词)

6、smushed ─── 挤压(smushed是smush的过去式和过去分词)

7、abashed ─── adj.不安的;窘迫的;尴尬的

8、ambusher ─── n.埋伏;机动侦查;伏击专家

9、ambuscaded ─── n.埋伏;伏兵;vt.埋伏;伏击

ambushed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A rebel force was beguiled into ambush. ─── 一支叛军受诱骗中了埋伏。

2、A cargo carrying military supplies was ambushed in the Pacific Ocean. ─── 一批军用物资在太平洋遭到伏击.

3、The ambush was a dozen well-armed men. ─── 以少数武装兵做伏兵。

4、In 6-7 minutes, the adversary numbering 20-25 men, skied into our ambush. ─── 六七分钟后,20到25个敌人滑雪进入了我们的伏击圈。

5、To lie in wait for and attack from ambush. ─── 伏击伏下等待,从隐蔽中攻击

6、Meanwhile, Michael and Sara, while emerging from a roadside pizza joint, are ambushed by a Company gunman. ─── 同时,迈可和莎拉在一家公路边的比萨店出现,公司的杀手袭击了他们。

7、Armed scouts make an excellent quick reaction force in the event of an ambush. ─── 在伏击事件中武装士兵已变成一支杰出的反应迅速的部队。

8、Indians often trapped their enemies by ambush, instead of meeting them in open battle. ─── 印度人经常利用伏击来捕获敌人,而不是与他们面对面的战斗。

9、They were like a tiger lying in ambush for its prey . ─── 他们就象老虎候食一样守在那里。

10、They were ambushed and taken prisoner by the enemy. ─── 他们遭敌人伏击被俘。

11、And Israel set men in ambush all around Gibeah. ─── 29以色列人在基比亚的四围设下伏兵。

12、LONDON, March 26 :Each battered high-rise becomes a sniper's aerie, each deserted thoroughfare an ambush zone. ─── 伦敦,3月26日:每座残破的建筑都成为狙击手的藏身之所,每条废弃的街道都是展开伏击的战场。

13、Slaughter from the Shadows: Reduces the energy cost of your Backstab and Ambush abilities by 3/6/9/12/15. ─── 45点:阴影屠杀:你背刺和伏击所耗能量降低3/6/9/12/15点(妈呀,终于到了).

14、If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush. ─── 如果你的攻击进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。

15、They were lying in ambush, waiting for the aid convoy. ─── 他们埋伏起来,等着袭击援助车队。

16、You're suddenly ambushed by a small band of Barbarians,but you quickly show them your true power and run them off. ─── 你突然受到一小股野蛮人的伏击,但是你立刻向他们展示了你强大的力量,并且把他们都吓跑了。

17、En route, they were ambushed by Tusken Raiders. ─── 在途中,他们遭到塔斯肯袭击者的伏击。

18、The detachment of the main force was ambushed by the enemy. ─── 从主力部队派遣的小分队遭到敌人的伏击.

19、Uther is ambushed by an orcish fleet at Caer Darrow. ─── 乌瑟尔在加尔达伦被兽人的舰队伏击.

20、If we go in after them, they can ambush us easily. ─── 只要我们跟进去,他们就能轻易地打我们一个埋伏。

21、He suspected an ambush. ─── 他感到有埋伏。

22、And he took about five thousand men, and set them to lie in ambush between Bethel and Ai, on the west side of the city. ─── 他挑了约有五千人,使他们埋伏在伯特利和艾城的中间,就是在艾城的西边

23、Ambush: the distance between players is 1. ─── 伏击:所有玩家间距离变为1。

24、The troopers were staking out a house while looking for an escaped convict when they were ambushed. ─── 两名骑警是在执行追捕逃犯过程中在一所房屋外执行监视任务时遭受伏击。

25、They had remained quiet, laying their terrible ambush. ─── 人家长期不声不响,却一直在布置可怕的圈套。

26、If your ambush is properly set, the enemy won't walk into it. ─── 假如你已经布下天罗地网,军就不会走进圈套。

27、He was ambushed by a reporter into an unguarded comment. ─── 他一不小心被记者套出话来。

28、If your attack igoing really well, it'an ambush. ─── 如果你的攻势发展的非常顺利,那一定是有埋伏。

29、In one attack gunmen ambush ed a bus carrying pilgrim s killing at least seven. ─── 其中一次袭击是持枪者们埋伏在一辆载着朝圣者的汽车里,并且杀死了至少7人。

30、They suspected an ambush. ─── 他们怀疑有埋伏。

31、The detachment of the main force was ambushed by the enemy. ─── 从主力部队派遣的小分队遭到敌人的伏击。

32、They may blend in with the colour or texture of their background in order to lie in ambush waiting for their own prey. ─── 它们会将体色和纹理与背景恰当地融合在一起,再打埋伏等待自己的猎物上门。

33、Also on Tuesday, insurgents ambushed a NATO patrol in the same province and killed three British soldiers. ─── 也是在星期二,反叛分子在这个省伏击了北约的一个巡逻队,打死了三名英国士兵。

34、The guerrillas ambushed them near the bridge. ─── 游击队员在大桥附近伏击了他们。

35、The general ambushed his troops in the dense woods. ─── 将军把部队埋伏在浓密的树林里.

36、An ambush, if discovered and promptly surrounded, will repay the intended mischief with interest -- Vegetius. ─── 伏兵如果被发现并被迅速的包围,将会遭受到与之期望所达到的伤害更为沉重的损失。

37、"Well, your trip wasn't wasted. If not for you, our ambush wouldn't have been so successful. ─── “你们也没有白来,不是你们,我们的伏击不会这么彻底。

38、General Braddock might not have been defeated if he had been wary of an ambush. ─── 如果布拉多克将军留埋伏,他就不会被打败了。

39、The trap was set for the ambush. ─── 伏击的陷阱已经挖好了。

40、Perhaps she really had evidence, and was prepared to fell him as a man does another from secret ambush. ─── 也许她确实掌握了证据,正暗中设下埋伏,准备对他来个突然袭击,像男人之间所做的那样。

41、It is difficult to fathom the moves of a great state, and I feared an ambush. ─── 夫大国难测也,惧有伏焉。

42、Uther is ambushed by an orcish fleet at Caer Darrow. ─── 乌瑟尔在加尔达伦被兽人的舰队伏击.

43、During one of these numerous excursions throughout Cyrodil, I was ambushed and taken hostage by bandits. ─── 在我多次旅行在赛瑞迪尔其中的一次,我被一伙强盗袭击并扣为人质。

44、The military vehicles were ambushed. ─── 军车遭到伏击。

45、If your attact is gonging really well,it`s an ambush. ─── 如果你的攻击进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。

46、Suspected insurgents ambushed a NATO convoy in southern Afghanistan overnight Monday. ─── 周日晚,疑似起义武装的部队埋伏在阿富汗南部袭击了一支北约护航车队。

47、They laid an ambush for George in the dark. ─── 他们埋伏在暗处等着逮捕乔治。

48、The soldiers were arrayed on the hill to ambush the Japanese army. ─── 兵力就部署在这个小山 上以伏击日军.

49、Then Israel set an ambush around Gibeah. ─── 以色列人在基比亚的四围设下伏兵。

50、To attack suddenly and without warning from a concealed place;ambush. ─── 埋伏未加警告便从隐蔽处突然袭击;伏击

51、BA:Hey,I worked hard on this ambush! ─── 嗨,我可是很努力来准备这场伏击的!

52、He and his aide were ambushed and tommy - gunned to death by four young officers. ─── 他和他的侍从官遭到四个年轻军官的埋伏,被他们用手提式轻机枪射死.

53、They were ambushed by the enemy. ─── 他们遭到敌人伏击。

54、Set an ambush for the city behind it. ─── 你要在城后设下攻城的伏兵。

55、The ambush ruined, the firefight began. ─── 埋伏暴露,交战开始。

56、On June 28th Mr Bahadur's men killed at least 23 soldiers in an ambush. ─── 6月28日,巴阿杜的手下在一次伏击打死至少23名士兵。

57、The wood cutter led us on until we reached the place of ambush. ─── 伐木工人带领我们继续前进,一直走到伏击地点。

58、Ambush: The damage multiplier on this ability has been increased from 250% to 275%. ─── 伏击:此技能的伤害加成倍数从250%增加到275%。(提高了10%)。

59、They ambushed the invaders. ─── 他们伏击入侵者。

60、The soldiers lay in ambush, waiting for the signal to open fire. ─── 士兵布下伏兵,等待开火的信号。

61、He calls Stanton to explain that Michael and Lincoln ambushed him and killed Trishanne. ─── 他打给上司斯坦顿,声称迈可一伙埋伏袭击了他,并且杀害了翠珊。

62、They'd been ambushed by the Apaches. ─── 他们由亚帕基印第安人伏击。

63、The soldiers were wiped out in a jungle ambush. ─── 士兵们中了丛林埋伏,被一举歼灭了。

64、To attack suddenly from a place of concealment; ambush. ─── 伏击突然从隐蔽地带攻出;伏击

65、He lies in wait near the villages; from ambush he murders the innocent, watching in secret for his victims. ─── 他在村庄埋伏等候;他在隐密处杀害无辜的人。他的眼睛窥探无倚无靠的人;

66、The men who had been in ambush made a sudden dash into Gibeah, spread out and put the whole city to the sword. ─── 伏兵急忙闯进基比亚,用刀杀死全城的人。

67、The first idea is what Jack Wintz calls ambush theology. ─── 头一个信息就是杰克韦兹(JackWintz)所谓的伏击理论。

68、Results: 62 ambushed supernumerary teeth were all extracted successfully under intravenous anesthesia. ─── 结果: 62例埋伏多生牙均在静脉麻醉下顺利拔除.

69、On their way back to Wei, the Wei forces were ambushed by the Qi army, and were crushingly defeated. ─── 两年后魏国进攻韩国,齐国的军队在孙膑的指挥下围魏救韩。

70、Suspected insurgents ambushed a NATO convoy in southern Afghanistan overnight Monday. ─── 周日晚,疑似武装份子在阿富汗南部埋伏了北约的一支车队.

71、Sure that they had fallen into an enemy ambush with no hope of escape, they jumped all together into the water. ─── 她们想,陷在敌人的埋伏里了,一准要死了,一齐翻身跳到水里去。

72、Several passers-by were killed in the ambush. ─── 几名过路人在伏击中被杀害。

73、The President's unescorted vehicle was ambushed just outside the capital. ─── 刚出首都,总统无人护卫的汽车就遭到了伏击。

74、You and your party are walking through a forest and are ambushed by bandits. What do you do? ─── 如果你和你的同伴一起走过一个森林时,突然遭到盗贼的伏击,你会怎辨?

75、Cliegg was maimed by the desert nomads, losing his leg in an ambush. ─── 克利格中了埋伏,被那些沙漠游牧民打成重伤,失去了一条腿,落下终生残疾。

76、Gallandro led a merc-team posing as the Corporate Sector Authority Counterterrorist Security Team, and ambushed the Malorms on Matra VI. ─── 加兰德罗率领一队雇佣兵假扮成企业专区管理局反恐安全小组在马特拉六号行星伏击了马洛姆家的人。

77、Three masked men speaking Serbian and brandishing assault weapons ambush the car. ─── 三个讲塞尔维亚语的蒙面男子挥动着进攻性武器伏击了警车。

78、Aayla was ambushed by Aurra, but she persevered. ─── 艾拉遭到奥拉的埋伏, 不过她坚持了下来.

79、The army was ambushed during a patrol. ─── 军队在巡逻时遭伏击。

80、He led his father to the ambush like a lamb to the slaughter. ─── .正是他使大十字军在这场屠杀中显得不堪一击.

81、So Israel set men in ambush around Gibeah. ─── 士20:29以色列人在基比亚的四围、设下伏兵。

82、Ambush: The act of lying in wait to attack by surprise. ─── 埋伏:埋伏着,等待进行出其不意的袭击的行为。

83、The Shoshone were nervous.They didn't want to be ambushed. ─── 休休尼人很紧张,因为他们不想被伏击。

84、If your attack is going well, it's an ambush. ─── 如果你的进攻进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。

85、The soldiers were lying in an ambush. ─── 士兵们埋伏起来。

86、He traced Wilton's connections to a martial arts center where he was ambushed and wounded. ─── 后方得澳洲女记者的协助,终找到威,并从威之保镳身上发现红龙武馆标记,遂独自到武馆侦查。

87、The Guatemalan army says rebels ambushed and killed 10 patrolmen. ─── 危地马拉军方称叛军伏击并杀死了10名巡逻兵。

88、They were ambushed by the enemy. ─── 他们遭到敌人伏击.

89、NIV] They shoot from ambush at the innocent man; they shoot at him suddenly, without fear. ─── [和合]要在暗地射完全人;他们忽然射他,并不惧怕。

90、A cargo carrying military supplies was ambushed in the Pacific Ocean. ─── 一批军用物资在太平洋遭到伏击。

91、But on the way home, she ambushed and killed. ─── 但她却在回家的路上遭到了伏击,并被枪杀了.

92、But the son of Paul's sister heard of the ambush, and he came and entered into the barracks and reported it to Paul. ─── 保罗的外甥听见这埋伏的事,就来,进了营楼,告诉保罗。

93、Had they not foreseen the danger, they would have been ambushed. ─── 若非他们预见到这一危险, 他们就遭到伏击了.

94、If your attack is going really well, it is an ambush. ─── 如果你的攻击进行得太顺利,那一定是中了圈套。

95、He and his aide were ambushed and tommy-gunned to death by four young officers. ─── 他和他的侍从官遭到四个年轻军官的埋伏,被他们用手提式轻机枪射死。

96、The military vehicles were ambushed. ─── 军车遭到伏击.

97、They laid an ambush for the enemy patrol. ─── 他们埋伏起来准备伏击巡逻的敌人。

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