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08-19 投稿


adonai 发音

英:[,?d?'nai]  美:[,?d?'nai]

英:  美:

adonai 中文意思翻译



adonai 短语词组

1、adonai el roi ─── 阿多奈

2、adonai meaning ─── 阿多尼的意思

3、adonai means ─── 阿多那的意思是

4、adonai music ─── 阿多奈音乐

5、adonai labradoodles ─── 拉布 ─── 拉多群岛

6、adonai hymn ─── 阿多奈赞美诗

adonai 词性/词形变化,adonai变形

原型:adonai 名词复数形式:adonai

adonai 相似词语短语

1、adonize ─── vt.装饰,打扮(常指男人);vi.变美(常指男人)

2、adorned ─── 被修饰的

3、Madonnaish ─── 麦当娜语

4、adorner ─── n.装饰器(电脑工具软件名称)

5、adonise ─── 阿多尼斯

6、Madonna ─── n.圣母玛利亚;圣母像

7、Adonai ─── n.(希伯来)上帝

8、donair ─── 捐赠

9、donah ─── n.情妇,女人

adonai 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you never overlooked our sins, Yahweh , Adonai, could anyone survive? From the depths I call you. ─── 主耶和华啊,你若究察罪孽,谁能站得住呢?

2、(Adonai bless! ─── 皇马归来了!

3、3That appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, by the name of God Almighty; and my name ADONAI I did not shew them. ─── 我曾显现给亚巴郎、依撒格和雅各伯为「全能的天主」,但没有以「雅威」的名字将我启示给他们。

4、I am Ra. I will now leave this group rejoicing in the power and peace of the One Creator. Adonai. ─── 我是拉,我在太一造化者的大能与和平中欢欣地离去。天主与你同在。

5、Visualize a pillar of light connecting the heart of Gaia to the heart of Adonai, moving through your heart. ─── 看见并且把盖娅的心连结到上帝的心的光柱,移动经过你的心。

6、23 The Learned Old Men Asked Them This Question: It Is Claimed That Ye Deny The Laws Of Moshe And Teach The People To Desert The Temple Of Adonai. ─── 这位博学的长者问他们这样的问题:据说你否认了穆萨的律法,教导人们放弃上帝的庙宇,是吗?

7、3 The Rulers Of The Villages Have Sent Thee False Reports, For He Is A Just Man Who Teaches The People The Word Of Adonai. ─── 这条村庄的管理者向你呈递了错误的谣言,他只不过是一个教导人们上帝之道的人。

8、(CJB) I saw no Temple in the city, for ADONAI, God of heaven's armies, is its Temple, as is the Lamb. ─── 按照一老李的解释,岂不就得出主神全能者和羔羊都只是身体,头没有了,这样一个荒谬的结论?

9、Mandaeanism regards Jesus as a deceiving prophet of the false Jewish god, who they call Adunay (possibly a corruption of Adonai,) or Yurba. ─── 曼达派认为耶稣是由错误的犹太神产生出来的一位欺骗的先知,他们称之为阿多尼(很可能是与希伯莱的上主阿多奈相对应),或者是耶巴。

10、El shaddai, el shaddai,El-elyon na adonai,Age to age youre still the same,By the power of the name.El shaddai, el shaddai,Erkamka na adonai,I will praise you till I die.El shaddai. ─── 全能之上帝,全能之上帝上帝座落在最高顶,您历代走来始终如一,由于那圣名的力量.全能之上帝,全能之上帝我们会爱您的,喔上主,我会赞美您直到生命的尽头,全能之上帝.

11、16 O Adonai, Lord, great art thou, and glorious in thy power, and no one can overcome thee. ─── 祭祀原属小道,不过香烟一缕;种种燔祭油脂,于你实微不足道;但敬畏上主的人,伟大永存。

12、If you never overlooked our sins, Yahweh, Adonai, could anyone survive? From the depths I call you. ─── 主耶和华啊,你若究察罪孽,谁能站得住呢?

13、Blessed are you Adonai, king of the universewho has sanctified us with your commandments and commanded usto dwell in the sukkah. ─── 今晚刚好有人要来我家唱诗歌,我真是觉得幸福,在住棚节的七天,大家也要快乐喔!

14、O Adonai, Lord, great art thou, and glorious in thy power, and no one can overcome thee. ─── 但敬畏上主的人,伟大永存。

15、El shaddai, el shaddai,El-elyon na adonia,Age to age you're still the same,By the power of the name.El shaddai, el shaddai,Erkamka na adonai,I will praise and lift you high,El shaddai. ─── 全能之上帝,全能之上帝上帝座落在最高顶,您历代走来始终如一,由于那圣名的力量.全能之上帝,全能之上帝我们会爱您的,喔上主,我会赞美并将您高举,全能之上帝.

16、Coronam vitae dona nobis, Adonai, ─── 荣耀我以生命的冠冕,主*,

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