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clotted 发音

英:[?kl?t?d]  美:[?klɑ?t?d]

英:  美:

clotted 中文意思翻译



clotted 词性/词形变化,clotted变形

动词第三人称单数: clots |动词过去式: clotted |动词过去分词: clotted |动词现在分词: clotting |

clotted 短语词组

1、clotted leopard ─── 凝块豹

2、clotted cream fudge ─── 凝乳软糖

3、clotted blood ─── [医]?衃

4、clotted cream recipe ─── 凝块奶油配方

5、clotted cream sous vide ─── 真空奶油

6、clotted cream n. ─── 凝结的奶油

7、clotted texture ─── 凝块结构

8、clotted cream instant pot ─── 凝乳速溶锅

9、clotted egg ─── 凝块蛋

10、clotted cream fudge recipe ─── 凝乳软糖配方

clotted 相似词语短语

1、clothed ─── adj.穿…衣服的;覆盖著…的;v.穿…;授以(clothe的过去式)

2、plotted ─── adj.标绘的;v.策划(plot的过去分词);划分;绘制…的地图

3、-lotted ─── v.(拍卖前)将(商品)分成批组(lot的过去式及过去分词)

4、blotted ─── adj.沾上污渍的;v.弄脏;玷污;模糊不清(blot的过去分词形式)

5、slotted ─── adj.有沟槽的;有裂痕的;v.开缝;跟踪(slot的过去分词)

6、clouted ─── adj.凝固的;缀补的;v.打击;用布擦(clout的过去分词)

7、cotted ─── n.科特(加拿大自有品牌饮料制造商)

8、clotter ─── 凝块

9、lotted ─── v.(拍卖前)将(商品)分成批组(lot的过去式及过去分词)

clotted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, Mrs Lee did get a CT scan earlier and the location of the blood clot was identified. ─── 不过,李夫人终能提前接受脑部扫描,确定血块所在。

2、Rev Samuel Cheung is doing really well today, Doctor reduces his medication and his blood clot in his arm has finally cleared. Deeply appreciated your continues prayer support. ─── 张牧师的情况有进一步的进步,医生减轻了他药的剂量,他手手臂的血块也清除了。非常感激您的祷告支持。

3、Hematoma: a collection of blood, usually clotted, in an organ or tissue. ─── 血肿:收集的血液,通常是凝结在一个器官或组织。

4、That has to be the traditional cream tea- a giant home-made scone , caked with clotted cream and jam, and all washed down with a good cuppa. ─── 那得是传统的奶油茶点了—一种很大的自做的烤饼,上面有厚厚一层浓缩奶油和果酱,和一杯好茶一并入肚。

5、In 5 cases of transurethral resection of prostate (TURP),there existed 3 with residual gland,each 1 with blood clot and anterior urethral stricture. ─── 5例经尿道前列腺电切术病例中,腺体残留3例,血块堵塞和前尿道狭窄各1例。

6、A clot of automobiles blocking the tunnel's entrance. ─── 密集的车辆堵塞了隧道的入口

7、That "collateral" vascular network was a lifesaver when a clot blocked her artery. ─── 当她的主动脉被阻塞时,这些辅助的循环系统挽救了她的生命。

8、The students clotted around the teacher. ─── 学生们群集在教师周围

9、"You," she said to the clotted dust that crept down the electric cord and coated the top of her glitter ball, and got to work. ─── "你", 她说被凝结的灰尘爬下来电动的绳索而且外面覆盖了她的灿烂球的顶端, 而且开始工作。

10、The case of a blood clot, or amenorrhea, pills mill liquor service is available. ─── 如是血块或闭经可用丸药磨酒服。

11、Serve with extra syrup, clotted cream or custard. ─── 上桌时可加配糖浆、浓缩奶油或牛奶蛋糊。

12、Lysis of the hematoma with various enzymes, such as urokinase or tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), and drainage of liquefied clot has become an alternative. ─── 因而,应用不同的酶如尿激酶或组织纤维蛋白溶酶原激活剂来溶解血肿和引流液化的血凝块,成为可供选择的治疗方法。

13、"The cells also showed remarkable reparative capacity in animals with heart attacks and ischemic (blocked by a blood clot) limbs. ─── Lanza说:“这些细胞也表现了在心脏病发作、局部缺血的四肢(用血管夹夹闭血管)的动物试验上非凡的修复能力。

14、If the stroke is due to a clot, drugs can then be given to limit the extent of the damage to the brain tissue and promote recovery. ─── 如果中风是脑血全堵塞造成的,还可以用药物限制对脑组织的创伤晏廷,促进恢复。

15、Equally alarming: there was a blood clot in her brain. ─── 同样惊人的是:她的大脑里有一个血块。

16、"You've broken that dish, you clot!" ─── "你这个笨蛋,把盘子都打碎了!"

17、Drop scones served with strawberry jam and clotted cream, served with a pot of tea and extra hot water to top it up. ─── 降烤饼送达草莓酱和凝块忌廉,送达一壶茶和额外的热水顶端了。

18、You silly clot! ─── 你这个大笨蛋!

19、Alough anticoagulation is the standard treatment for PE,thrombolytic therapy,with the ability to produce rapid clot lysis,has been considered as a more ideal choice. ─── 尽管抗凝治疗已经被公认为肺栓塞的标准治疗,但由于溶栓治疗能够快速溶解血栓,故被认为是一种更理想的治疗选择。

20、If it is necessary, marrow clot section, marrow biopsy, bone roentgenogram and bone scan should be carried out in order to further ascertain the diagnosis. ─── 如必要时,作骨髓凝块切片、骨髓活检、X线骨照片和骨扫描检查以明确诊断。

21、Also during this stage, the Blood in the embryo does not circulate until the end of the third week. Thus, the embryo at this stage is like a clot of Blood. ─── 同时此阶段胚胎中的血直到第三周末期才会循环流动。因此,此阶段的胚胎很像是一块凝血。

22、TEG can determine the clot strength, the rate of clot formation/strengthening and fibrinolysis. ─── TEG可以判断凝血强度、凝血块形成、加强及纤溶速度。

23、Clotted cream in all its yellow gorgeousness would be very good here, too. ─── 在那绚丽金黄色中填满冻奶油也是非常不错的。

24、A heart attack occurs when a clot blocks an artery that supplies oxygen-rich blood to the heart (coronary artery). ─── 当血块阻断向心脏输送有氧血的动脉(冠状动脉),心脏病就发作了。

25、Chocoballs:Wizarding sweets full of strawberry mousse and clotted cream. ─── 巧克力球。蜂蜜公爵糖果。

26、Explosive watery diarrhea with clotted blood ─── 大量水样腹泻,伴有血块

27、Introduce An Shun's Power plant a Term clotted water depurate equipment's drainage technic change.Change before or anon contrast, sopite design technic existed problem. ─── 介绍安顺发电厂一期凝结水精处理再生排水系统技术改造前、后运行情况,解决原设计上存在的技术问题。

28、A year ago he had a blood clot removed from his brain. ─── 他脑内的血块一年前被取出了。

29、During labor, the CBC, urinalysis and RPR are repeated. The HBSAG is repeated for high-risk patients. A clot of blood is placed on hold. ─── 分娩时,全血细胞计数、尿常规和梅毒抗体应重复检测。高危患者应重复检测乙肝表面抗原。静置血观察血凝。

30、His powerful form, clotted with filth and blood, fuelled the citizenship's fears of this feral menace. ─── 他那覆盖着污秽和鲜血的强大外形,更加深了民众对于这野蛮未知物的恐惧。

31、I'd clotted like a trooper. ─── 我有凝结了同类一个骑兵。

32、It is possible to block the toxic effects of the clotting cascade pharmacologically, halting edema formation around the clot mass11. ─── 以药物阻断凝血过程中的毒性效应,终止血凝块周围的水肿形成是可能的[11]。

33、A coagulated mass, as of blood; a clot. ─── 凝结物凝结的物质,例如血;凝块

34、A stroke, for instance, occurs when a clot restricts blood flow to part of the brain, cutting off the oxygen supply and killing neurons. ─── 例如,中风发生于血栓阻断血液流到某些脑部位之处,以致氧气供应不足而造成神经细胞的死亡。

35、It may just be a little toad! She'd better not try to bluff me, throwing her weight around before the thug is born. It's still nothing but a clot of blood! It's really a bit too early for her to make such a fuss! ─── 也等到真的‘鸟儿’从洞里钻出来看见了,才可在我底面前显威风,摆架子,此刻,不过是一块血的猫头鹰,就这么的装腔,也显得太早一点

36、Coagulation: Process of forming a blood clot to prevent blood loss from a ruptured vessel. ─── 凝血:指血液形成凝块的过程,以防止血管破裂后大量的血液流失。

37、" You've broken that dish, you clot!" ─── "你这个笨蛋,把盘子都打碎了!"

38、If there is intraventricular bleeding, and if the patient has been maintained in the supine position since the ictus, the clot can form a cast of the lateral ventricles. ─── 如果有脑室内出血并且发病后患者始终保持仰卧位,凝结的血块会形成一个侧脑室的模型。

39、But most of the book is given over to clotted analysis of its characters' equally clotted states of mind. ─── 但是书中的大部分却没被作者用那种近于僵化的思维去分析角色。

40、To thicken or stick together; clot. ─── 凝结稠结或粘在一起;粘块

41、"The biggest problem is a blood clot which is blocking the return of blood from the legs to the heart and exerting pressure on the kidneys," the physician explained. ─── “最大问题是有一块血液的凝结块堵塞了从他的腿流回心脏的血液,并且使得他肾的血压增加,”外科医生解释说。

42、Coagulation: Process of forming a Blood clot to prevent Blood loss from a ruptured vessel. ─── 凝血:指血液形成凝块的过程,以防止血管破裂后大量的血液流失。

43、We know that one of the kids has inheritd a gene responsible for blood coagulation from her mother, Chen said. Humans whose blood does not clot quickly can develop hemophilia. ─── 农委会畜产试验所组长陈立人:这两头小羊当中,我们已经知道其中有一头遗传了宝钰的凝血基因。人类的血液中如果欠缺凝血因子的话,就会产生血友病。

44、To form into a clot or clots; coagulate. ─── 凝结形成一或几团;凝结

45、The Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation in Jixian, Tianjin represents a succession of 300-m thick carbonate strata, in which stromatolite biostromes and clotted bioherms are best developed. ─── 天津蓟县中元古界雾迷山组为一套厚3000余米的碳酸盐岩地层,叠层石生物层和凝块石生物丘特别发育。

46、Sometimes blood clot and chorionic villi, as seen here, are recovered outside of the tube following rupture of an ectopic pregnancy. ─── 如图中所示,输卵管妊娠处破裂后,血凝块和胎盘绒毛覆盖其上。

47、Her mother placed a white silk mourning cloth under her clotted black hair. ─── 她的母亲在她沾着血迹的黑发下放了一块白色丝制哀衣。

48、The immune system's response to these toxins could harm essel walls or make blood clot more easily. ─── 免疫系统对这些毒素的反应能够损害血管壁或使血凝块更轻易地形成。

49、My uncle had a surgery to remove a blood clot from his blood vessel. ─── 我叔叔做了手术,移除了血管中的血块。

50、The term "Stroke" describes a condition in which the blood supply to part of the brain is suddenly and seriously impaired by a blood clot or a ruptured blood vessel. ─── “中风”一词是描述一种疾病,即人脑供血因脑血全堵塞或脑血管爆裂,而突然受到严重障碍;

51、Near midnight in Chengdu, thousands of people trying to evacuate the city by car became mired in gridlock, stuck bumper to bumper in clotted streets. ─── 在成都已近午夜,数千市民试图乘车撤离城区以致陷入困境,车辆卡在已经凝结的街道上不能移动。

52、To cause to form into a clot or clots. ─── 使凝结使形成一团或几团

53、In Devon, excellent clotted cream is made, which goes well with English strawberries and raspberries. ─── 在德文,人们制作一种极佳的酸凝脂奶油,这种东西同英国草莓或木莓一起吃时味道极好。

54、scones and jam with clotted cream ─── 夹有凝脂奶油和果酱的烤饼

55、Aggressive mechanical clot disruption: A safe adjunct to thrombolytic therapy in acute stroke? ─── 强力机械性血块破碎是否是急性卒中溶栓治疗的安全辅助措施?

56、Chronic radiocystitis occurred in 6 of 7 patients and cured by expectant treatment, cleaning blood clot and electroc autery hemostasis under cystoscope. ─── 发生慢性放射性膀胱炎6例,分别经对症处理、膀胱镜下冲洗清除血块、电灼止血痊愈。

57、Aided by the suspended platelets this forms a leak-plugging clot whenever it comes into contact with the air. ─── 在血小板的支持下,它们能够在任何血液接触空气的地方起到凝固和修补的作用。

58、Refer to the fibrin plate assay and the clot lysis assay for determining the activities of streptokinase and urokinase, we established an assay for the activity determination of plasminogen. ─── 参照测定纤溶酶原活力的纤维平板法和测定链激酶及尿激酶活力的纤蛋白溶解气泡上升法,建立了一种快速测定人纤溶酶原活力的方法。

59、And here, rising above the clotted turf of a German football field steals a scent that one had previously thought all but extinguished from the modern professional game - the Corinthian Spirit. ─── 在这里,在德国足球场凝固的草皮上已没有了科林蒂安精神,那种球员应该具有的、而在现代足球中已经消亡了的精神。

60、The treatment is moving blood clot. ─── 其治疗应予活血化瘀,清肝降气。

61、Estrin had a tiny skull fracture8 , with a blood clot forming underneath it. ─── 原来埃斯特林头骨轻微骨折,并在下面形成了一个血块。

62、Mrs Parsons brought the spanner.Winston let out the water and disgustedly removed the clot of human hair that had blocked up the pipe. ─── 帕森斯太太拿来扳手,温斯顿放掉脏水,忍着恶心把堵住水管的一团头发掏出来。

63、clotted blood; seeds clogged together. ─── 凝固的血;种子凝结成块状。

64、The release of fat and cholesterol may cause your blood to clot. ─── 一旦破裂,斑块内部的胆固醇和脂肪就会进入血流中。

65、If the plaque breaks open, a clot forms, choking off the supply of blood. ─── 如果这种斑块破裂,栓塞便形成了,于是阻抑血液供应。

66、You've broken that cup, you clot! ─── 你这个笨蛋,把杯子都打碎了!

67、A blood clot blocked an artery in the left of Cypress's brain, starving nearby tissue of oxygen. ─── 一团血块堵塞了塞浦瑞斯大脑左侧的一根动脉,动脉附近的组织缺氧。

68、Ruby, convicted murdered of Oswald, died on January 3, 1967 from a blood clot that lodged in his lungs. ─── Ruby,曾经被指控谋杀Oswald,由于血液凝块进入肺部,死于1967年1月3日。

69、They removed a clot from his brain. ─── 他们从他的大脑里取出了血块。

70、Her mother placed a white silk mourning cloth under her clotted black hair. ─── 她的母亲在她沾着血迹的黑发下放了一块白色丝制哀衣。

71、Clinical trials showed the drug to be as effective as the standard clot buster t-PA and easier to use, since it can be administered in one quick injection instead of an-hour-and-a-half infusion. ─── 临床实践显示,此药与标准血栓通t-PA一样有效,但使用起来更为方便,因为它叫以用一次性快速注射代替一个半小时的输注。

72、Blood does not normally clot within vessels, and the development of such clots may lead to problems. ─── 在正常情况下,血液不会在血管里凝结,但这种凝块的持续发展会导致疾病的产生。

73、Since then, I have learned that, indeed, leeches are often used in medical techniques, particularly where surgeons and physicians need a patent's blood to not clot. ─── 从那以后,我就了解到,蚂蟥的确常常用在医疗技术上,尤其是当内外科医生有必要不让病人的血液凝固的时候。

74、As long as the blood is not clotted, the body must stay in that position to maintain the death erection. ─── 只要血液不凝结,处于那个姿势的身体必定会保持死亡勃起。

75、Kami picked up a clot of the stuff, too, made a ball of it, and heaved it disgustedly at the wall. ─── 卡米也捡起一团沙土,捏成团,厌烦地朝能量墙抛去。

76、Experts say the chance of a clot also increases if a person does not drink enough water. ─── 专家们说,如果人没有喝足够的水也可以引起血液凝块增加。

77、Occasionally a blood clot in a vein or in the right side of the heart can pass through the ASD and enter the blood stream, where it can block an artery supplying the brain and cause a stroke. ─── 偶然情况下,静脉或者右侧心脏的血液凝块会穿过心房间隔缺损处混入血流,这样就可能阻塞脑部供血的动脉并引起中风。

78、Note the dark red blood clot forming the hemopericardium.The hemopericardium can lead to tamponade. ─── 心包腔内有暗红色的凝血块形成,称心包积血,心包积血可致心包压塞。

79、However, the presence of the blood clot in the dental implant site is crucial in order for the bone formation to initiate, which leads to the ultimate goal, “ osseointegration ”. ─── 对于一个牙科植体手术的区域来说,血块的存在与骨头生长的是植体手术成功与否的关键,骨头能够生长才能更进一步促进植体与骨头的骨结合,即所谓之骨整合。

80、Dr.Mackman tell you the clot was clear? ─── |Mackman医生告诉你血块清干净了?

81、Chitosan's properties allow it to rapidly clot blood, and has recently gained approval in the USA for use in bandages and other hemostatic agents. ─── 恩,还有止血作用,强烈建议出去哈酒带一瓶,等胃出血就不用去医院了。。。

82、Chitosan induce hemostasis by coalesce erythrocytes to one another to form a blood clot. ─── 壳聚糖止血机制中的重要一环是通过对红细胞作用,使红细胞发生粘附聚集从而使血液凝固。

83、His powerful form, clotted with filth and blood, fuelled the citizenship's fears of this feral menace. ─── 他那覆盖着污秽和鲜血的强大外形,更加深了民众对于这野蛮未知物的恐惧。

84、Most heart attacks and many strokes stem instead from less obtrusive plaques that rupture suddenly, triggering the emergence of a blood clot, or thrombus, that blocks blood flow. ─── 反之,多数心脏病及中风是因一些并未造成明显阻塞的动脉斑突然破裂,引发凝血块的生成,才使得血管产生阻塞的。

85、Autophagy is, in part, a cleanup process: the trash hauling that enables a cell whose cytoplasm is clotted with old bits of protein and other unwanted sludge to be cleaned out. ─── 在某种程度上,细胞自噬是个扫除过程:搬走垃圾,并清理细胞质中纠结的老旧蛋白质和其他无用废物。

86、The causes and prevent measurement of clotted slag in fuming furnace is analyzed in detail on the following way: operating process, raw materials and fuel. ─── 从烟化操作、入炉原料和燃料等方面分析了引起结炉故障的原因以及预防结炉的措施。

87、Literally, the Arabic word alaqah has three meanings: (1) leech, (2) suspended thing, and (3) Blood clot. ─── 从字面上来看,阿拉伯文的血块有三种意思:(1)水蛭,(2)悬浮物以及(3)凝血。

88、The blood around the wound clotted quickly. ─── 伤口周围的血很快凝结起来。

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