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08-19 投稿


overdressed 发音

英:[???v??drest]  美:[?o?v?r?drest]

英:  美:

overdressed 中文意思翻译



overdressed 词性/词形变化,overdressed变形

动词过去式: overdressed |动词第三人称单数: overdresses |动词过去分词: overdressed |动词现在分词: overdressing |

overdressed 同义词

overclothe | fancy up | dress up | get up | rig out | gussy up | deck out | fig up | fig out | deck up | attire | prink |trick out | trick up

overdressed 短语词组

1、overdressed with ─── 穿着过度

2、overdressed person ─── 穿着过度的人

3、overdressed shirt ─── 紧身衬衫

4、overdressed salad ─── 过分讲究的沙拉

5、overdressed book ─── 精装书

6、overdressed gif ─── 过度渲染的gif

7、overdressed store ─── 过度穿着的商店

8、overdressed memes ─── 过度修饰的模因

overdressed 反义词


overdressed 相似词语短语

1、overdress ─── v.穿得过于张扬(或正式);n.罩衣,外套

2、overimpressed ─── 印象深刻

3、overdresses ─── v.穿得过于张扬(或正式);n.罩衣,外套

4、overprocessed ─── 过度加工

5、overpressed ─── v.使负担过重;过分坚持;n.过大的压力;熨烫过度;飞刺(玻璃制品的缺陷)

6、overwrested ─── 过度休息

7、overpresses ─── v.使负担过重;过分坚持;n.过大的压力;熨烫过度;飞刺(玻璃制品的缺陷)

8、overstressed ─── vt.过分强调;过分拉紧(或紧张);n.过分的强调;紧张过度

9、overgrassed ─── 杂草丛生

overdressed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Most expert agree it is better to be overdressed than dressed too casually. ─── 多数专家同意被过度装饰太随便比穿戴最好。

2、Even in hip waders we were overdressed for the ankle deep creek, but we stepped in, waded out to the middle and faced upstream ─── 我们穿着长及臀部的水靴,对于齐踝深的小溪来说似乎有点虚张声势,于是我们走到水里,淌进了小溪中央。

3、So i'm little overdressed,aren't I? ─── |我穿太过头 是不是?

4、Don't overdress (yourself), wear something simple but decent. ─── (衣着别太过隆重,只须简单而得体)。

5、You're overdressed. ─── 你穿得太正式了。

6、She was wearing a purple T-shirt, which immediately made me feel overdressed. ─── 她穿着一件紫色的体恤衫,这件体恤衫让我立刻觉得自己穿得太多了。

7、You do not want an overdressed, overstressed woman navigating in high heels on a sunset beach walk. ─── 你不愿意看到打扮很讲究的,心情压力很大的女士穿着高跟鞋和你在夕阳西下时逛海滩吧。

8、2. You do not want an overdressed, overstressed woman navigating in high heels on a sunset beach walk. ─── 你不愿意看到打扮很讲究的,心情压力很大的女士穿着高跟鞋和你在夕阳西下时逛海滩吧。

9、Passengers from north China to Shenzhen will firstly take off their overdressed clothes. ─── 例38、从北方来到深圳的旅客,下飞机后第一件事情就是脱掉过多的过厚的衣服。

10、"We're a little overdressed, aren't we? ─── “我们穿得有些太讲究了,不是吗?”

11、A sleeveless garment similar to an apron, worn especially by small girls as a dress or an overdress. ─── 围裙,围身裙似围裙的无袖衣袍,尤指小姑娘做裙子或外衣穿

12、“ Am I overdressed today? ─── ” (我今天穿得过于夸张了吗?)

13、I hate to see men overdressed;a man ought to look like he's put together by accident,not add up on purpose. ─── 我讨厌看到一些男人穿的过分讲究;男人的衣着应该是随意和自然的,不需要刻意装扮的。

14、In suits and ties, these visitors are a little overdressed for an environmental station.The Haitian delegates are discovering that to learn about recycling, you have to do more than listen. ─── 结束上午在慈济医院台北分院的参访行程,一行十六人的海地参访团,下午来到环保站与慈济人文志业中心参访;

15、She is always overdressed for a party ─── 她总是为赴宴而过分打扮。

16、You can't wear that it looks ridiculous. It makes me look overdressed, put on something cool for me. ─── 你穿的这身衣服滑稽极了,显得我都穿得有点过火了。换件酷点儿的衣服吧。

17、He was so overdressed that people felt uncomfortable looking at him. ─── 他打扮得油头粉面,一看就让人不舒服。

18、Aren't you a little overdressed? ─── |你好象穿得过于隆重?

19、1. I feel rather overdressed in this suit everyone else is wearing jeans! ─── 我觉得穿这身西服太讲究了--别人全都穿牛仔裤!

20、Pinafore: a sleeveless garment similar to an apron, worn especially by small girls as a dress or an overdress ─── 围裙,小姑娘常穿的围身裙

21、Hey, Ed, is this really too overdressed for tonight? ─── 莱恩:爱迪,今晚穿这件衣服是不是太正规了点?

22、You'll be a little bit overdressed but I'm sure it will be fun. ─── 虽然你看起来穿得有点过,但是你肯定会玩儿得很开心的。

23、It has several benefits: You may be overdressed on some occasions, but you can manage to fit into a huge range of circumstances. ─── 这样有几个好处:在某些场合可能太隆重了,但你能控制融入很大量的场景。

24、Even in hip waders we were overdressed for the ankle deep creek,but we stepped in,waded out to the middle and faced upstream. ─── 我们穿着长及臀部的水靴,对于齐踝深的小溪来说似乎有点虚张声势。于是我们走到水里,淌进了小溪中央。

25、It has several benefits: You may be overdressed on some occasions, but you can manage to fit into a huge range of circumstances. ─── 这样有几个好处:在某些场合可能太隆重了,但你能控制融入很大量的场景。

26、His wife wAS a much less pleASant person than he wAS, overdressed and AS vain AS a peacock. ─── 他妻子远没有他那样对人谦和。她过分打扮,而且十分傲慢。

27、The only way to atone for being occasionally a little overdressed is by being always absolutely over-educated. ─── 只有一个办法可以弥补偶尔衣着有点过火的错失,那就是永远地、绝对地读书过多。

28、In the midst of the hustle, Mulan heard her mother scolding Silverscreen, a maid of sixteen in the other cart, for being overpainted and overdressed. ─── 在一阵混乱中,木兰听到她的妈妈责骂银屏的声音。翠屏坐在另一辆车上,十六岁的样子,穿的过于讲究和漂亮。

29、The play was one of those drawing-room concoctions in which charmingly overdressed ladies and gentlemen suffer the pangs of love and jealousy amid gilded surroundings. ─── 这出戏是那种根据有闲阶层的人在客厅里闲谈的资料编写的作品,戏中那些盛装的漂亮的小姐、太太和绅士们,在金碧辉煌的环境之中,遭受着爱情和嫉妒的折磨。

30、His wife was a much less pleasant person than he was,overdressed and as vain as a peacock. ─── 他妻子远没有他那样对人谦和。她过分打扮,而且十分傲慢。

31、overdressed package ─── 过分讲究的包装

32、top-down conception of the fashion business couldn't be more out of date or at odds with the feverish world described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline's three-year indictment of "fast fashion". ─── 克莱恩在对“快时尚”三年的控诉,《过度着装》一书中描述的狂热世界而言,这种自上而下的时装业概念已经太过时或格格不入。

33、He was overly serious, overdressed, and spotlessly neat about his clothes and room. ─── 他极度严肃,穿着十分讲究,衣服和房间都一尘不染、异常整洁。

34、Do you think I'm overdressed? ─── 你有没有觉得我穿的太讲究了?

35、2. She is always overdressed for a party. ─── 她总是为赴宴而过分妆扮。

36、I hate to see men overdressed; ─── 我讨厌看到一些男人穿的过分讲究;

37、You are hoping to become these people's colleges, and you should dress the way you would expect them to: businesslike but not overdressed. ─── 你希望做这些人的同事,你的衣着就应该和他们的一样:充满职业气息,但不必过分。

38、One can overdress as well as appear sloppy. ─── 过度打扮以及显得邋遢都不好。

39、I don't know, santos, I mean, if justindeserts me now, the tree'll end up lookinglike overdressed firewood. ─── 我不懂 Santos 如果justin丢下我。这棵树最后会变成裹满杂物的木柴。

40、I hate to see men overdressed; a man ought to look like he 's put together by accident, not added up on purpose. ─── 我讨厌看到一些男人穿的过分讲究;男人的衣着应该是随意和自然的,不需要刻意装扮的。

41、Even in hip waders we were overdressed for the ankle deep creek, but we stepped in, waded out to the middle and faced upstream. ─── 我 们 穿 着 长 及 臀 部 的 水 靴 , 对 于 齐 踝 深 的 小 溪 来 说 似 乎 有 点 虚 张 声 势 ,于 是 我 们 走 到 水 里 , 淌 进 了 小 溪 中 央 。

42、We are so overdressed, coming from cold Shanghai. ─── 太阳晒得我不行,我们穿着那么多衣服,显得很格格不入。

43、end of Overdressed, Cline introduced her ideal, a Brooklyn woman named Sarah Kate Beaumont, who since 2008 has made all of her own clothes—and beautifully. ─── 的结尾,克莱介绍了她的偶像,一位名叫莎拉·凯特·博蒙特的布鲁克林女人,从2008年开始,她亲手制作自己所有的衣服,而且做得很漂亮。

44、I feel rather overdressed in this suit as everyone else is wearing jeans! ─── 我觉得穿这身西服太讲究了--别人全都穿牛仔裤!

45、3.Be conservative and err on the side of caution.If the company does not have a dress code, remember that its better to overdress than underdress. ─── 保守方面过于谨慎.如果公司没有着装,记住其更好地外衣比内衣.

46、C. You can't wear that it looks ridiculous. It makes me look overdressed, put on something cool for me. ─── 你穿的这身衣服滑稽极了,显得我都穿得有点过火了。换件酷点儿的衣服吧。

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