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08-19 投稿


affluence 发音

英:['?fl??ns]  美:['?fl??ns]

英:  美:

affluence 中文意思翻译



affluence 同义词

riches | plenty | purse |prosperity | richness | luxury | wealth | glory

affluence 词性/词形变化,affluence变形

动词现在分词: afflicting |动词第三人称单数: afflicts |副词: afflic-tively |动词过去式: afflicted |名词: afflicter |形容词: afflictive |动词过去分词: afflicted |

affluence 反义词


affluence 短语词组

1、Affluence Stop ─── 泽丰站

2、enjoy in affluence ─── 养尊处优,生活富裕

3、affluence def ─── 富裕定义

4、affluence thesaurus ─── 富裕叙词表

5、affluence definition ─── 富裕定义

6、affluence killed new york ─── 富裕扼杀了纽约

7、affluence in anthropology ─── 人类学中的富裕

8、affluence means ─── 富裕意味着

9、affluence meaning ─── 富裕意义

affluence 相似词语短语

1、effluence ─── n.流出;流出物;发射物

2、affluents ─── adj.富裕的;丰富的;流畅的;n.支流;富人

3、effluences ─── n.流出;流出物;发射物

4、affluency ─── n.富裕(等于affluence)

5、affluent ─── adj.富裕的;丰富的;流畅的;n.支流;富人

6、refluence ─── n.逆流;退潮

7、affluenza ─── n.富贵病

8、influence ─── n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;vt.影响;改变

9、fluence ─── n.(神秘的)影响;[物]积分通量

affluence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This is something that Singaporeans who have grown used to affluence and have little experiences with natural calamities should ponder about. ─── 单就这一点,便对丰衣足食、少有机会经历天灾的新加坡人有深重意义。

2、Its development conforms to not only the policy of common affluence, but also to the building of a harmonious society. ─── 中间阶层的发展既符合共同富裕的政策,也符合今天提出的构建和谐社会的要求。

3、Affluence is not measured by how much you have; it is measured by how much you give. ─── 衡量富裕的标准不是看你拥有多少,而是看你给予多少。

4、From today, no matter survival or death, destitution or affluence, soreness or joyance, failure or triumph, we will be together forevermore... ─── 从今天开始,无论生存与死亡,无论贫苦与富足,无论悲伤与快乐,无论失败与成功,我们将永远永远在一起...

5、a autumn with its affluence of rains ─── 多雨的秋季

6、Of China and the Westem with sipmple simplicity,and bread throgh of traditional design to demomstrate the spirit of combination and present sense of stability and affluence. ─── 产品说明:提炼中西艺术精华,不经装饰的朴素,突破传统设计思维,展现优越气息,予人安定富足感.

7、Primary discussion for affluence factor of Weatherability was progressed according to the result of experimentation. ─── 另外,本文还结合实验结果对影响聚丙烯耐候性能的一些因素进行了初步探讨。

8、They are the productsof post-war affluence. ─── 他们是战後富裕生活的产物。

9、In her animal spirits there was an affluence of life. ─── 在她那旺盛的精神中,有着丰富的生命力。

10、Overall in 2005, only a fifth of deaths attributable to "illnesses of affluence" (chronic conditions) actually took place in the most affluent nations. ─── 2005年,在大多数发达国家,只有五分之一的人死于“富贵病”(慢性病)。

11、He quickly rose to affluence. ─── 他很快就富了起来。

12、because there are no difficulties involved in his achieving affluence. ─── 因为他并没有在获取财富的过程中遇到任何困难。

13、Their affluence is more apparent than real, ie They are not as rich as they seem to be. ─── 他们的富有是虚有其表(并非像看上去的那么阔)。

14、Impacts of Population and Affluence on Environment in China ─── 中国人口和富裕对环境的影响

15、Say! Why, I should say I should like to see myself rolling in just such another ocean of affluence ─── 哎呀!怎么样!老实话,真希望我也能过上这样阔气的生活。

16、Frugality and Industry relieving me from my remaining debt, and producing affluence and independence, would make more easy the practice of Sincerity and Justice, &c., &c. ─── 俭朴和勤劳可以使我从余剩的债务中解放出来,产生致富与独立,而在诚恳和公平的实验时则更为容易,等等。

17、richness and affluence ─── 富裕和富足

18、Shanghai is the country's most dynamic and fashionable city which symbolises affluence and modernity. ─── 上海是中国最富动感及时尚的城市,是富裕及现代化的象徵。

19、Keywords lucre destiny,lucre layer, poverty, affluence, fate diagnosis ─── 关键词财富命运;财富层次;贫穷;富裕;命理诊断

20、The family depended on his ability to wangle a few dollars occasionally. With this money, they would eat well and dress well for a while, making a pretence of affluence. ─── 一家人全靠他在外面讹个钱, 诈个财, 吃点好的, 穿点好的, 装门面。

21、The state of being rich; affluence. ─── 富有富有的状态;富裕

22、How to buck for the balance between equity and efficiency, how to settle the gap between poverty and affluence is already turn into important tasks that all levels governments must confront. ─── 如何在发展中谋求公平与效率的平衡,缓解日益突出的贫富差距问题,已经是各级政府正在面对且亟待解决的重要课题。

23、affluence of grain ─── 大量的粮食

24、You are very, very much under the affluence of incohol, as you have so aptly put it. ─── 你说得十分正确,你已经酩酊大醉了。

25、They are the products of post-war affluence. ─── 他们是战後富裕生活的产儿。

26、Many who seem to be struggling with adversity are happy; many , amid great affluence, are utterly miserable. ---P. C. Tacitus. ─── 许多在与逆境奋斗的人似乎是幸福的,而许多在巨大富足中的人则是绝对可怜的。

27、Abstract: In such an“ affluent society” as that of the United States, affluence itself has not eliminated poverty, but rather cemented it. ─── [内容提要]美国这样的“丰裕社会”中,贫困问题不仅仍未得到解决,而且丰裕本身就演化成贫穷的社会和政治条件。

28、All sorts of theories were put forward to account for his apparent affluence. ─── 大家用各种各样的理由来解释他手头宽裕的原因。

29、In the future, the governments should recognize and strength its' new role, and affluence its functions to construct socialistic new countries. ─── 今后,要鼓励和支持农村村组级社区发展,强化其新角色,汇聚政府、市场、社区力量,共建和谐的社会主义新农村。

30、Living in affluence in Taiwan, Wei Qiuqin too was confused by this shocking move from her husband and their partners. ─── 在台湾过惯了富足生活的魏秋琴,对丈夫及合伙人的这一惊人之举也颇为不解。

31、Rich is Beautiful: A Very Personal Defence of Mass Affluence ─── 富即美:我的大众富裕观

32、It represents a stage to continuously eliminate poverty in some areas, to gradually enhance the level of prosperity and the extent of affluence, and to turn step by step from partial development to development in an all-round way. ─── 它是继续消除局部贫困的阶段,是逐步提高小康水平和富裕程度的阶段,是由片面发展逐步转向全面发展的阶段。

33、affluence in philosophy ─── 富有哲理

34、A heritage of affluence and social position. ─── 与生俱来的富有和社会地位

35、Author Yoshizaki attributes the change to Japanese parents' over-indulgence of their children, material affluence, and growing concern for private matters. ─── 作者吉崎康宏将这种变化归咎于父母对对孩子的纵容溺爱、物质的富有和对个人事物关注程度的增强。

36、He could not fail to notice the signs of affluence and luxury on every hand. ─── 他不能不注意到来自各方面的富裕和奢侈的种种迹象。

37、Their affluence is more apparent than real. ─── 他们的富有是虚有其表。

38、"Happiness", "affluence", "longevity", "joy" and "wealth" are five key themes in traditional residences decoration, which implies the profound connotation of Chinese attitude towards auspiciousness. ─── “福”、“禄”、“寿”、“喜”、“财”是我国传统民居建筑装饰中的五大核心题材,其中隐含着深厚的中国吉祥文化内涵,它们是相互关联、互为因果的观念整体。

39、He quickly rose to affluence, ie became wealthy. ─── 他很快就富起来了.

40、The Xues in their affluence, are so rich and grand, gold is like iron to them, and pearls like sand. ─── 丰年好大“雪”,珍珠如土金如铁。紫微舍人薛公之后,现领内库帑银行商,共八房。

41、Also of major public health concern are the rising levels of alcohol consumption directly related to increasing affluence and increasingly affecting younger age groups. ─── 另外一个日益受人关注的公共健康问题是酒精消费的不断增加以及消费人群的日益年轻化。

42、If a person inherits his father's millions and leads an easy life, he is not a successful person even in material terms, because there are no difficulties involved in his achieving affluence. ─── 如果一个人继承了父辈的百万家产而生活得轻松富足,那么,即使在物质上,他也不能算是个成功人士,因为,他的财富并没有经过艰难困苦而获得。

43、We've simply reaffirmed an old truth: the pursuit of affluence does not always end with happiness. ─── 我们只是重申一个古老的真理:对财富的追求并不总是以幸福告终。

44、At the same time,the distribution of callus microangium in group RIN was the most affluence,and there was a significant difference between two groups. ─── 同期相比RIN组骨痂血管最丰富 ,END组次之 ,SPL组最少 ,组间差异显著。

45、Among the transmission of the Olympic Games, live shows, which concentrated on the information and visual display of the games, turn to be the most efficient way due to its synchronization, live feeling and affluence in information. ─── 在奥运会的传播中,直播节目因为其同步性、现场感、信息量大等优势,成为人们关注奥运盛况、获得奥运信息最直接有效的方式。

46、China believes that its affluence is best guaranteed by economic interdependence with the world's most dynamic economy. ─── 中国认为,与世界上最具活力的经济体建立互相依存的关系,是保证中国繁荣昌盛的最佳途径。

47、So, I had to say, "OK, I would use whatever affluence and whatever influence I've got to help those who don't have either of those. " ─── 所以我必须说:“那行,我会尽我的财富和影响力来帮助那些没有这两个东西的人。”

48、Another caveat is that for all its recent progress, Latin America remains a long way from enjoying widespread affluence. ─── 另外一个警告是:尽管拉美最近进步不小,但是拉美离广泛的富裕还很遥远。

49、Their affluence is more apparent than real, ie They are not as rich as they seem to be ─── 他们的富有是虚有其表(并非像看上去的那麽阔)

50、A heritageof affluence and social position. ─── 与生俱来的富有和社会地位。

51、And people here are leading a life of affluence. ─── 人民生活富裕。

52、They are impressed by our palpable affluence and heap accolades upon us for having an incorruptible and highly efficient government,a safe and green environment and a harmonious multiracial society that is worthy of emulation by others. ─── 他们对我们的富裕有着深刻的印象。对我们拥有一个廉洁和高效率的政府、一个安全和翠绿的环境、和一个值得其他国家仿效的多元种族和谐社会,更是赞不绝口。

53、The want of most men was knowledge of a sort which brings wisdom rather than affluence ─── 大多数人所需要的知识,是能给人智慧的那一类,而不是能使人致富的那一类。

54、From Adequate Food Clothing to Affluence--the Origin and Development of the Well-off Society Theory ─── 从温饱到富足--小康社会理论的源流及发展

55、But that factor is less important if the claimant also owns a luxury car, which suggests affluence. ─── 不过,若该投保人同时拥有一辆豪华汽车,上一条因素就不那么重要,因为豪华车表示车主富裕。

56、And I began to think about what I call the stewardship of affluence and the stewardship of influence. ─── 我开始思考我称之为财富引导和影响力引导的概念。

57、"The client was seeking an interior that exuded affluence and success and presented it in a lush and sumptuous way. ─── "客户寻求的是一个流露着富裕与成功的室内空间,并以赏心悦目且华丽的方式将二者呈现出来。

58、to a point, affluence succeeds. ─── 在某种程度上,富裕是成功的。

59、The postwar era was one of new affluence for the working class. ─── 战后时期是工人阶级新富期。

60、Application of Carl sen TSI guide line in study of water quality affluence nutrition in Yanghe reservoir ─── 卡尔森TSI指标在洋河水库水质富营养化研究中的应用

61、From the view point of linguistics, DENG Xiao-ping considered joint affluence is a conception category of multilayers. ─── 从语言学角度看,邓小平认为共同富裕是一个多层次的概念范畴;

62、International Hot Money flees hither and thither.The affluence of Hot Money results in the currency appreciation and an effluence results a depreciation. ─── 国际热钱全球流窜,热钱流入任一国则该国货币升值,反之则贬值;

63、They are the products of post-war affluence ─── 他们是战後富裕生活的产物

64、to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence ─── 两思(致富思源, 富而思进)

65、They are impressed by our palpable affluence and heap accolades upon us for having an incorruptible and highly efficient government, a safe and green environment and a harmonious multiracial society that is worthy of emulation by others. ─── 他们对我们的富裕有着深刻的印象。 对我们拥有一个廉洁和高效率的政府、一个安全和翠绿的环境、和一个值得其他国家仿效的多元种族和谐社会,更是赞不绝口。

66、"Despite a general level of affluence never before realized in the history of the world", Easterlin observes, "Material concerns in the wealthiest nations today are as pressing as ever and the pursuit of material need as intense." ─── 伊斯特林还评述到:“尽管人类历史上从未实现过普遍水平的富裕,但今日最富有的那些国家对物质的关注还是那么迫切,对物质需要的追求还是那样的强烈。”

67、For all the cosmopolitan affluence of Beijing or Shanghai, with their luxury shopping malls and Champagne-soaked gallery openings, it is easy to forget just how poor China still is. ─── 北京和上海一派国际大都会的富足景象,奢华购物中心比比皆是,美术馆开业庆典上洋溢着香槟酒香,让人们很容易忘记中国仍有多么贫穷。

68、Affluence of different saccharifying- fermentation agents on the production of the Barfeng Daqu liquor ─── 不同糖化发酵剂对清香型大曲酒生产的影响

69、In spite of the great changes of the world, the Pearl River remains unexhausted, meanders through this rich land, continues her story of peace, affluence and glory. ─── 千年沧桑,在不竭珠水的流淌和冲刷中,续写着清幽、丰沛与辉煌。

70、First, because government"s economic policies that is called privatize didn"t bring about a fine array of bourgeoisie, but made many people live in poverty and few people rise to affluence; ─── 一则是由于激进的私有化改革没有催生出大批的中产阶级,反而使社会趋于极富和极贫;

71、On the train she meets Charles Drouet, a travelling salesman, whose sophistication and affluence charm her. ─── 在火车上,卡丽结识了旅行推销员查尔斯·德鲁艾,他挺阔气,处世老练,对她很有吸引力。

72、Ethnic background continues to be a factor influencing the affluence of a family. ─── 家庭种族背景仍然是影响家庭经济状况的关键因素。

73、Growing affluence, a penchant for eating and a sedentary lifestyle have swollen the ranks of people who are overweight or obese in Hong Kong and China, doctors say. ─── 医生表示,在中国,人们生活条件的日渐富裕,对吃的日益讲究,经常喜欢吃完了就坐着。这些因素导致了肥胖人群数量越来越高。

74、With greater affluence and leisure has come the urge to travel and see places. ─── 人类财富和休闲的增加,使得旅行和游览成为一种需要。

75、Affluence liberates the individual, promising that everyone can choose a unique way to self-fulfillment. ─── 富裕解放了个人,并承诺每个人都可以选择一种独特的方式来实现自我。

76、It certainly wants to envolve so that its affluence is eventually comparable to that of America, but that is years away. ─── 中国当然希望自身能够发展,以便其富裕程度最终能与美国媲美,不过那将是很多年以后的事了。

77、In contrast, the recession has hurt global sales of cheese, a relatively pricey food that is a marker for rising affluence. ─── 如今,经济衰退让全球的奶酪销售受到重创,而奶酪又是造成奶制品高价出现的相对较昂贵的食品。

78、The comparative affluence of much of American society has contributed to a degree of wastefulness that will astonish you ─── 大部分美国人都相当富有,这带来的浪费会使你感到吃惊。

79、The Analysis of The Development Tendency of Mass Sport in the Period of Developing Affluence Society Antirely ─── 全面建设小康社会时期的大众体育发展趋势分析

80、On the other hand,affluence can lead people to become more concerned about environmental quality. ─── 另一方面,富裕能领导人们变得更多关心环境的品质。

81、Some have even blamed affluence itself, arguing that the dizzying range of lifestyle options that we now confront frustrates the pursuit of happiness. ─── 一些人甚至谴责富裕本身,他们辩称,如今我们在生活方式上面对着令人眼花缭乱的选择,这妨碍了我们对幸福的追求。

82、Extremes of poverty and affluence meet in this mushrooming town. ─── 在这个新兴的城市里,贫穷和富裕(两极)并列。

83、In any event, China's rising affluence, uneven though it is, is one reason for the strong feelings of optimism and nationalism on the eve of the Beijing games. ─── 不论怎样,中国日渐增长的财富(虽然存在不平衡)也正是中国人在奥运前夕充满乐观情绪和强烈的爱国主义情绪的一个原因。

84、But, increasing affluence will bring with it a desire for more freedom. ─── 但随着财富不断增加,他们会渴望更大限度的自由。

85、It is accessible from Chak Fung Street, Tsing Chung Koon Road and Light Rail Transit of Affluence station. ─── 可由澤豐街、青松觀路及輕鐵澤豐站的出口前往。

86、affluence and technology ─── 富裕及技术

87、He lived in affluence. ─── 他生活优裕。

88、population and affluence ─── 人口和富裕

89、under the affluence of incohol ─── adj. 喝醉癫狂的(借酒装疯)

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