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08-19 投稿


blindage 发音

英:[[b'la?nde?d?]]  美:[[b'la?nde?d?]]

英:  美:

blindage 中文意思翻译



blindage 短语词组

1、blindage rf ─── 致盲射频

2、blindage definition ─── 盲板定义

3、blindage sauna kyiv ─── 基辅盲人桑拿

4、blindage def ─── 致盲def

blindage 相似词语短语

1、windage ─── n.偏差(子弹因风而生的);[电]游隙(炮筒内径和炮弹间的空隙);[军]风力影响,风力修正量

2、blind date ─── 事先一无所知的相亲

3、blindings ─── n.石砂,碎石子;混泥土垫层;adj.使人眩目的;挡住视线的,障眼的;(疼痛、感情)强烈的;(行动)干净利索,漂亮的,绝妙的;精彩的使人失去判断力的

4、blind flange ─── 盲板;堵塞法兰

5、lindane ─── n.林丹(一种农用杀虫剂)

6、brigandage ─── n.抢劫,土匪行为

7、bandage ─── n.绷带;vt.用绷带包扎

8、bondage ─── n.奴役,束缚;奴役身份

9、blind gut ─── 盲肠

blindage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Numerical Simulation for RC Blindage Under the Explosive Loading ─── 掩体结构受爆炸作用动力响应的数值模拟

2、At first, the target overload characteristics of underground blindage and command center, garage and weapon storeroom, aerodrome runway, surface naval ships were analyzed. ─── 首先对地下掩体及指挥中心、机库及武器库、机场跑道、水面舰艇目标过载特性进行了分析。

3、It is the professional Chinese Music Troupe for the blindage only. ─── 该团是国内唯一的视障专业国乐团,演出曲目主要为创作作品的发表。

4、hard blindage ─── 掩体

5、concrete blindage ─── 混凝土掩体

6、Heavy weapons are useless in the houses, and the intensity of buildings is no blindage for battles. ─── 且房屋强度严重不足,无法作为战斗用掩体。

7、Heavy weapons are useless in the houses, and the intensity of buildings is no blindage for battles. ─── 且房屋强度严重不足,无法作为战斗用掩体。

8、The Effect Analysis of Cannonball Destroying Hard Blindage Based on Monte Carlo Method ─── 基于蒙特卡洛法的炮兵武器毁伤坚固掩体分析

9、The Effect Analysis of Cannonball Destroying Hard Blindage Based on Monte Carlo Method ─── 基于蒙特卡洛法的炮兵武器毁伤坚固掩体分析

10、Heavy weapons are useless in the houses, and the intensity of buildings is no blindage for battles. ─── 房屋强度严重不足,无法作为战斗用掩体。

11、“Switzerland is a neutral, but it still owns modernized military force, strict selective service, and perfect underground blindage. ─── ”(瑞士是中立国,却也拥有现代化的军队、严格的义务兵役制和完善的地下掩体。)

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