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08-19 投稿


censured 发音

英:[?sen??rd]  美:[?sen??d]

英:  美:

censured 中文意思翻译



censured 同义词

reprimand | criminate | fault | accusation | complaint | knock | rail | criticism | condemnation | excommunication | deprecation | condemn | exclusion | scorn |criticize | denounce | contempt | animadversion | blame | hell | denunciation | reproach | damn | slate | disapproval | impute

censured 词性/词形变化,censured变形

动词过去分词: censured |动词现在分词: censuring |名词: censurer |动词第三人称单数: censures |动词过去式: censured |

censured 反义词


censured 短语词组

1、censured synonym ─── 受谴责的同义词

2、censured senator ─── 受到谴责的参议员

3、censured meaning ─── 贬义

censured 相似词语短语

1、censures ─── v.严厉斥责,正式谴责;n.斥责,谴责

2、ensured ─── 确保;使安全

3、coinsured ─── v.共同保险;共同担保

4、reinsured ─── v.再给……保险(reinsure的过去式和过去分词)

5、uncensured ─── 未保险

6、censored ─── adj.被设限的;被检查过的;v.审查;删掉(censor的过去式和过去分词)

7、censure ─── v.严厉斥责,正式谴责;n.斥责,谴责

8、coendured ─── 共育

9、censurer ─── 指责别人的人(censure的变体);谴责别人的人(censure的变体)

censured 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、these things are censured by the wise;undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill,' abandon them. ─── 当你们自己确切知道:‘某些事物是不好的、是错的、是被明智者所谴责的或者你一旦采信会带来损害和苦恼’,那麽你就应当舍弃它们。

2、The metal-bonded wheels featrue sharp cutting while resin-bonded wheels are more flexible with good toughnes.As a result fine finish may be censured. ─── 金刚石切削锋利,树脂轮柔软、韧性好,使玻璃表面获得最佳光洁效果。

3、Joseph R.McCarthy of Wisconsin became the third United States Senator ever to be censured by his colleagues. ─── 威斯康星州参议员麦卡锡成了第三个被他的同事投不信任票的美国参议员。

4、4. Two MPs were censured by the Speaker. ─── 有两个议员遭到议长的责备.

5、By talking to his men, rather than using force against them, Captain Kennedy had averted a mutiny but was nonetheless censured and denied a new command. ─── 肯尼迪上校通过以理劝说而非武力镇压避免了一场兵变,即便如此,他最后仍然受到了指责并被剥夺了指挥权。

6、That profligacy in a married man was a bad thing did not once enter his head, and he would have been greatly surprised had anyone censured him for it. ─── 放荡,在已婚男子一旦进入坏事没有头部他将大为惊奇曾有人指责他。

7、be as much censured as praised; get both praise and censure ─── 毁誉参半

8、"How little he knows this bosom," she said, "to imagine that cowardice or meanness of soul must needs be its guests, because I have censured the fantastic chivalry of the Nazarenes! ─── “没有!”丽贝卡大声回答,“他们表现得很英勇。黑甲骑士提着大战斧逼近了小门;他把门打得震天价响,在一片喊杀声中还可听到。

9、(7) When he or she is censured for misbehaviour or breach of oath by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council present. ─── (七)行为不检或违反誓言而经立法会出席会议的议员三分之二通过谴责。

10、His employer censured him for neglecting his work. ─── 他的老板因其不重视他的工作而责备他。

11、He still admits, do a test to avoid what be censured to use others to die, the do one's best when he is fabricating this paragraph of word is not ill-natured the figure of elegant Er. ─── 他还承认,为了避免被指责利用别人的离世做试验,他在杜撰这段话时力求不歪曲雅尔的形象。

12、De Liang is censured by his school when a female student uploads a picture of the both of them, and expresses her love for him on her blog. ─── 德良因为女学生在博客中表示爱慕之意,还将两人的照片放上网,引起家长不满和校长责怪。

13、The principal of the school censured the students for their rude behavior. ─── 校长严厉批评了学生们粗鲁的举止。

14、The week daybreak said that he most is afraid the movie which bumped into mediocre just passed an examination, praised is not, censured is not, genuine like fishbone in throat. ─── 周黎明说自己最害怕碰到不好不坏刚刚及格的电影,夸也不是,贬也不是,真正的如鲠在喉。

15、"Bella," censured her mother. ─── “蓓拉”,母亲责备她。

16、The principal severely censured the students for breaking rules. ─── 校长严厉批评学生违反规章制度。

17、Lay oneself open to public censure The judge censured the driver but didn't fine him. ─── 法官责备了司机但没罚他款。

18、The House censured two MPs for their rude remarks to the Minister. ─── 下院遣责两位议员对部长出言不逊。

19、Meanwhile, Red Devils centre-half Ferdinand has been censured by the FA following an incident in the tunnel after the final whistle. ─── 同时,曼联中卫费迪南德由于赛后在球员通道中的行为而受到了英足总的指责。费迪南德无意中踢到了一名工作人员,有消息称他将受到处罚,更可能失去英格兰队长的资格。

20、Qing Dynasty imperator year thick soup Yao oversteps one's authority absurdly on, is censured the private who makes the guard city gate to Qian Tangmen. ─── 湖滨路和庆春路交叉口,湖畔居茶楼前一片绿树丛中,有一块区域用灰色隔板隔了起来。

21、He was censured by the council for leaking information to the press. ─── 他因泄漏消息给新闻界而受到理事会的谴责。

22、As Realmadrid's main force shooter, Fannie so displayed can only say that was merits balance the demerits, or censured has arrived. ─── 作为皇马的主力射手,范尼如此表现只能说是功过相抵,或者攻难抵过。

23、1st. You really love two or more than two, they love you also. Censured by your heart, you cannot help concerning. ─── 第一.你真正爱的有两个或两个以上的人,他们/她们也爱你。但出于对自己内心的自责,你终日惶惶不得而终。

24、HE HAS been coaxed, cajoled, censured and sanctioned.Yet whenever it suits North Korea's boss, Kim Jong Il, he spews out new threats. ─── 尽管对其软硬兼施,但只要北韩的大老板金正日觉着合适,他便会发出连串的新威胁。

25、His employer censured him for neglecting his work . ─── 他的雇主因他工作疏忽而批评他。

26、The accused was severely censured by the judge for his cold-blooded and wicked offence, attacking a stranger for merely cash reward. ─── 法官指斥被告冷血、行为恶毒,纯粹为钱而袭击无仇无怨的事主。

27、The members censured him since he had done a very contemptible thing. ─── 因为他做了一件很可鄙的事情,会员们都责难他。

28、The government was censured for its negligence. ─── 政府因疏忽而受到非难。

29、How can we celebrate without the main award? Yes. I know the Bishop has been censured officially, but this event is not about him. ─── 没有主要奖品,我们怎么庆祝?是的,我知道主教受到了官方指责,但这个活动不是为他举办的。

30、Only we look on it clamly, we can find that this opinion have no place should be censured. ─── 其实我们冷静点看待,便会觉得其实这句话只是成龙的一番见解,并没有过激或该被指责的地方.

31、Some of the players were censured for swearing.Nothing causes more chagrin than being officially reprimanded. ─── 球场区现在包括一家新开的酒店,酒店里还有个小教堂。

32、The judge censured the driver but did not fine him . ─── 法官责备了司机,但没有对他实施罚款。

33、The senate was censured for income tax evasion . ─── 这名参议员因逃避缴纳所得税而受到指责。

34、" furious Mr He censured each other on the net with the other side at once rise, "Respecting is final, he is minatory the family that I say to be able to let I and me is uneasy. ─── 气愤的何先生当即和对方在网上互相指责了起来,“说到最后,他威胁我说会让我和我的家人不好过。”

35、Cats are amoral; they can't be censured for killing birds. ─── 猫不受道德约束,它们杀死鸟儿也不会受责难。

36、Their heart was upright before the LORD, though men gave them no credit for it, but even censured them: they were righteous, though those about them denounced them as censorious. ─── 也许世人看他们是人间的渣滓,地上的粪土,但他们心存正直,上帝必算他们为义。

37、Almost two-thirds of the 240 participants in an online survey said the local workplace tyrant was either never censured or was promoted for domineering ways. ─── 在一项有240人参与的网路调查中,近3分之2表示,他们职场上的暴君之跋扈行径,不是从未受到谴责,就是因此而获得升迁。

38、You will be censured, slighted, and despised, by every one connected with him. ─── 他所有的亲朋好友都要指责你,轻视你,鄙视你。

39、traffic policeman censured the driver but didn't fine him. ─── 交通警察严厉地批评了这位汽车司机,但对他没有进行罚款。

40、No intersex voices censured here, even those which might be hard to understand or objectionable to some people. ─── 这里没有任何阴阳人的意见会受到责难,即使是难以瞭解或者是有人可能会反对的意见。

41、HE HAS been coaxed, cajoled, censured and sanctioned. ─── 他曾经被哄骗、引诱、谴责以及制裁。

42、described in unprofessional language so that high school students could understand it; was censured for unprofessional conduct; unprofessional repairs ─── 用高中生可以理解的非职业术语来描述;因其外行行为被责难;非专业的补救

43、39. His employer censured him for neglecting his work. ─── 他因为疏忽了他的工作受到老板的责难。

44、They were censured as traitors ─── 他们被指责为叛徒。

45、The judge censured the driver but did not fine him. ─── 法官责备了司机,但没有对他实施罚款。

46、The traffic policeman censured the driver but didn't fine him. ─── 交通警察严厉地批评了这位汽车司机,但对他没有进行罚款。

47、In the process of runningforpresidency, younger Kennedy became the target that DemocraticPartymrs censured ─── 肯尼迪唯一能做的事情

48、Even she does have many shortcomings many ugly aspects, I dont wanna others to censure her jest her.It will be felt like yourself has been censured or jested. ─── 即使她有很多缺点有很多丑陋的地方,我就是不愿意别人指责她、笑话她,就好像是在指责我、笑话我。

49、be censured by everybody ─── 众口交谪

50、You will be censured, slighted, and despised, by every one connected with him. ─── 凡是和他有关的人,都会斥责你,轻视你,厌恶你。

51、3.The members censured him since he had done a very contemptible thing. ─── 因为他做了一件可鄙的事情,会员们都责难他。

52、was censured for leaking information to the press. ─── 泄漏消息给新闻界而受到谴责。

53、The dean censured the students for breaking rules ─── 系主任因学生不守规则而责备了他们。

54、The dean severely censured the students for breaking rules. ─── 教务长严厉批评学生违反规章制度。

55、Anyone who departs from Marxism on so serious a question will be censured by the Party and the masses. ─── 如果谁在对待这样严肃的问题上离开了马克思主义,那末,他就会受到党和群众的责难。

56、the censured senator did not run for another term. ─── 被批评的参议员没有加入下一任期的竞选。

57、98. (7) When he or she is censured for misbehaviour or breach of oath by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council present. ─── (七)行为不检或违反誓言而经立法会出席会议的议员三分之二通过谴责。

58、He was censured for playing badly all season, for falling far from his previous level of play. ─── 这个赛季至今的差劲表现让他饱受谴责,现在的状态与以前的竞技水平简直是冰火两重天。

59、But this function is censured to violate privacy. ─── 但这项功能被指责侵犯隐私。

60、A few years ago, the SEC censured the NYSE and fined its trading firms for actions the agency said harmed investors who traded on the exchange. ─── 几年前,SEC对纽约证交所提出批评,还以存在损害交易所内投资者利益的行为为由,对在该交易所挂牌的几家上市公司处以罚款。

61、The Board of Education has censured a high-school principal because he censored the student's letters. ─── 教育委员会谴责了一位高中校长因为他检查了学生的信件。

62、He was taken up, censured, and imprisoned for a month, by the speaker's warrant, I suppose, because he would not discover the author. ─── 他被捉去受责罚,议长判决他徒刑一个月,我猜想,是因为他不肯宣布作者的名字。

63、No intersex voices censured here, even those which might be hard to understand or objectionable to some people. ─── 这里没有任何阴阳人的意见会受到责难,即使是难以瞭解或者是有人可能会反对的意见。

64、By April 1954 McCarthy was being investigated in Senate hearings and by December he had been censured by the full Senate. ─── 到了1954年4月,麦卡锡受到了参议院听证会的调查,并在12月受到整个参议院的谴责。

65、described in unprofessional language so that high school students could understand it; was censured for unprofessional conduct; unprofessional repairs. ─── 用高中生可以理解的非职业术语来描述;因其外行行为被责难;非专业的补救。

66、Mr. Wang has been censured for his tardiness at work. ─── (王先生上班迟到被批评。)

67、The industry acknowledged that Daniels' work was so fine that other cameramen were never censured for shamelessly stealing it". ─── 电影界的业内人士普遍默认了,其他的摄影师采纳丹尼尔斯的作品,根本不用感到难为情,因为他的作品就是用来顶礼膜拜,争相效仿的!

68、Our school authorities censured Mr. A for his miscon-duct. ─── (我们学校当局责备A先生的不当行为。)

69、Maggie is typical of the victims, who were censured and punished for their aspiring for intellectual achievement. ─── 玛吉就是典型的受害者;她因渴望寻求知识反而受到谴责与处罚。

70、the censured conflict of interest; her condemned behavior. ─── 受责难的违背公众利益的行为;她那受责难的行为。

71、Pride is generally censured and decried ,but mainly by those who have nothing to be proud of. ─── 骄傲是通常受到非难和责备的,但主要是受到那些没有什么值得骄傲的人的非难和责备。

72、"Bella, " censured her mother. ─── “蓓拉”,母亲责备她。

73、Two MPs were censured by the Speaker. ─── 有两个议员遭到议长的责备。

74、Intercommunicative method as one of popular teaching method has ever been praised or censured, but with developing higher vocational education its practicability has become more and more outstanding. ─── “交际法”作为其中的一种颇有影响力的教学方法曾受过人们的追捧和非议,随着高职教育的发展,它的实用性越来越突显出来。

75、1024. Cats are amoral; they can't be censured for killing birds. ─── 猫没有是非道德观念,所以它们杀害鸟类不受指责。

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