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08-19 投稿


alight 发音

英:[?'la?t]  美:[?'la?t]

英:  美:

alight 中文意思翻译



alight 反义词


alight 同义词

aflame |on fire | flaming | in flames | ablaze | dismount | settle | blazing | perch | land | aflare | afire | burning | light | stop | get off | rest | descend | get out | climb down

alight 词性/词形变化,alight变形

动词过去式: alighted/alit |动词第三人称单数: alights |动词现在分词: alighting |动词过去分词: alighted/alit |

alight 短语词组

1、be alight with... ─── 充满...

2、alight on you ─── 落在你身上

3、alight motion pro apk ─── 落下运动pro apk

4、set alight ─── 点燃,着火,使燃烧,开始燃烧

5、alight on literature ─── 文学上的点睛之笔

6、get alight ─── 点燃,着火,使燃烧,开始燃烧

7、stay alight with you ─── 和你一起保持活力

8、alight one ─── 点燃一个

9、alight montion ─── 下车蒙蒂安

10、alight at ─── 在…下来,飞落…

11、alight on the left ─── 在左侧下车

12、alight siemens ─── 下线西门子

13、alight on a branch ─── 落在树枝上

14、alight on sth ─── 突然发现某事

15、alight motion v ─── 下车运动v

16、be alight with ─── 燃烧着,被…照亮

17、alight motion apk mod ─── 下车运动apk mod

18、alight motion ─── 点火运动

19、alight on ─── 碰到, ─── 碰巧遇到

alight 相似词语短语

1、plight ─── n.困境;境况;誓约;vt.保证;约定

2、airlight ─── n.[气象]空气光,空中光

3、aright ─── adv.正确地

4、blight ─── n.枯萎病;荒芜;vt.破坏;使…枯萎;vi.枯萎;n.(Blight)人名;(英)布莱特

5、alights ─── adj.燃烧着的;闪亮的;(兴奋得)神采飞扬的;v.(鸟或虫等)飞落;从(公共汽车、火车等)下来

6、flight ─── n.飞行;班机;逃走;vt.射击;使惊飞;vi.迁徙;n.(Flight)人名;(英)弗莱特

7、slight ─── adj.轻微的,少量的;脆弱的;细长的;不重要的;vt.轻视,忽略;怠慢;n.怠慢;轻蔑

8、alighted ─── adj.燃烧着的;闪亮的;(兴奋得)神采飞扬的;v.(鸟或虫等)飞落;从(公共汽车、火车等)下来

9、anight ─── 光亮

alight 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do not alight from a moving bus. ─── 公共汽车行驶时不要下车。

2、Her face is alight with happiness. ─── 他的脸上喜气洋洋

3、He saw no reason why one lamp was still alight and tried to snuff it out. But whatever he did, the lamp kept burning. ─── 他觉得白天不需要点灯,就想把它吹熄,但无论他怎么吹都吹不熄灭。

4、To alight on the left is to get off on the left. ─── 到达某个目标,是为了以这个地方为起点,继续出发.

5、Happiness is a butterfly, which, when persued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ----N. ─── 幸福如一只蝴蝶,当你想追寻时,总也抓不到;但你安静地坐下来时,它也许会飘落到你的身上。

6、Hapiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ─── 幸福如一只蝴蝶,当你想追寻时,总也抓不到;但当你安静的坐下来时,它也许会飘落在你的身上。

7、Their faces were alight with happiness . ─── 他们的脸闪耀着喜悦的光辉。

8、How did you alight on(upon)these ancient books? ─── 你怎么发现这些古书的?

9、"TangGu Bund park" arrives the station, asks you to alight from theback door, alights time be please careful! ─── "塘沽外滩公园"到站,请您从后门下车,下车请小心!

10、Already setting things alight in the Firestorm 10T chassis, the G3.0 is the powerplant of choice for the new generation of RTR Nitro MT2 trucks! ─── 已经设置的东西,下车,在大火10吨底盘,g3.0是动力装置的选择新一代的rtr硝基mt2卡车!

11、Passengers get alight on the right/left side. ─── 上海的地铁我不记得,深圳地铁是这么说的。

12、The next station is Mei Foo, please alight of the left. Passenger may change there for MTR Tsuen Wan Line. ─── 下一站系美孚,请用左边车门落车。乘客可在该站转乘地铁荃湾线。请小心月台空隙。下一站是美孚,请用左边车门下车。

13、Her face was alight with happiness. ─── 她脸上闪耀着喜悦的光辉。

14、Take any bus or green minibus service running via Caine Road and alight at Ladder Street. ─── 乘搭途经坚道的巴士及专线小巴前往博物馆。

15、Before I am allowed to alight, several young Papuans scout the area, to see that nobody is watching us. ─── 在我被允许下车之前,几个巴布亚年青人在四周进行了侦查,以确保没有人在监视我们。

16、They pour kerosene all over the thatch house, prepare to set it alight. ─── 他们把煤油浇在茅草屋上,准备放火。

17、Passengers please wait inside the yellow boxes, and let passengers alight first. ─── 乘客请在黄格外等候车上乘客落车,然后上车。

18、In this case, unlike that of natural selection, Darwin's thinking did not set the world alight. ─── 这一次,达尔文的观点并没有像自然选择学说一样,轰动世界。

19、As we drove through the rural suburbs of Taichung, we passed by a deserted villa, and Master suddenly told us to alight and check it out. ─── 上车之后,我们也不知道要前往何处,当车子开经台中郊区一处荒芜的山庄时,师父突然要我们下车看看。

20、The next station is Tsuen Wan West, please alight of the left. ─── 下一站系荃湾西,请用左边车门落车。

21、Passengers for Lanzhou alight at Nanjing. ─── 去兰州的乘客在南京下车。

22、The candles alight in the room made all things withoutdoors loom strange. ─── 屋里点着的腊烛,于屋外的一切显得朦胧怪异。

23、The house was alight with candles. ─── 屋子里点着蜡烛,亮堂堂的。

24、They would not be likely to alight on the surface of the sea. ─── 它们大概不会降落于海面上。

25、Confucius wonder ah, he just did not say ah, it alight asked to do, do not hide, Confucius told his son said. ─── 孔子纳闷啊,刚才他没说啊,就下车问农夫,农夫也不隐瞒,告诉孔子是他儿子说的。

26、If, when she reached her destination he did not alight and attend her baggage for her, it was because, in his own estimation, he had signally failed. ─── 如果她到了目的地,他却没有下车帮她照看行李,那是因为照他估计他的追求显然失败了。

27、The birds of the air alight on its broken boughs and the animals are found among its fallen branches. ─── 天上的飞鸟都栖在它倒了的枝干上,田间的各种野兽都停在它的枝条下,

28、Buildings were set alight in the second city of Port Gentil while the protesters attacked the city's prison and freed its inmates. ─── 参考翻译:加蓬另外一个城市让蒂尔港各建筑关闭,因为抗议者袭击了该市监狱,释放了囚犯。

29、Do not alight while the train is still in motion(= moving). ─── 列车未停稳时不要下车。

30、Guests who arrive by train should alight the train at "Scuol / Tarasp" and then take the post bus to "Ftan" ( ask for a ticket to “Ftan Posta” ). ─── 定金/预付政策:酒店将不收取定金。含增值税及城市/旅游税:包括增值税。包括服务费。包括城市/旅游税。网络连接:酒店在公用场所提供有线网络连接,并不收费。

31、He saw that the drummer was near to Carrie, and jealousy leaped alight in his bosom. ─── 他看出这推销员现在和嘉莉非常亲热,这使他心里马上妒火中烧。

32、They would not be likely to alight on the surface of the sea. ─── 它们大概不会降落于海面上。

33、Underwhelming updates to major applications haven’t set the world alight and the rush towards convergence is beginning to grate. ─── 大型应用程序的更新并没有让世界兴奋,却使融合迅速发生。

34、His glassy eyes and his ashy face were alight in an instant. ─── 他那没光的眼睛和苍白的脸,登时就神采奕奕。

35、Unable to make flame for themselves, the earliest peoples probably stored fire by keeping slow burning logs alight or by carrying charcoal in pots. ─── 不能自己制造火焰,最早的人们存储火可能通过保持缓慢燃烧点着的原木火石或是装在罐子里的木炭。

36、He stopped the carriage, but before he could alight and assist her she sprang down. ─── 他停住马车,可是还没来得及下车搀扶,她已自己跳下来。

37、Where can the dust alight? ─── 何处惹尘埃?

38、He saw no reason why one lamp was still alight and tried to snuff it out. But whatever he did, the lamp kept burning. ─── 他觉得白天不需要点灯,就想把它吹熄,但无论他怎么吹都吹不熄灭。

39、Didier Drogba and Hernan Crespo have scored regularly, but wing wizards Damien Duff, Arjen Robben and Shaun Wright-Phillips have not set The Premiership alight so far this term. ─── 和克雷斯波一直都在稳步进球得分,但是左右翼奇才达夫、罗本还有赖特联赛中很长一段时间都没有突出表现。

40、His eye was alight, his color coppery, his air swagger, devil-may-care, bacchanal. ─── 他的眼睛发亮,面发铜色,态度傲慢,不顾一切地发着酒疯。

41、Security officials said Serbs then set two Albanian shops alight. ─── 安全官员说,塞族人随后点燃了两家阿族人的商店。

42、She poured kerosene over the rubbish and then set it alight. ─── 他往垃圾倒了煤油,然后让它点燃。

43、Her dress caught alight in the gas fire. ─── 她的衣服让煤气炉烧著了。

44、Since 9/11, the image has lost its menace and become comforting: a cuddly but indomitable guardian bestrides the citadel and fends off the jets before they can slam into it and set it alight. ─── 从911以来,这景象已失去他的威胁性而变的很安慰:可爱又不屈不挠的守卫者横跨城池并在喷射机冲入引火前打下来。

45、The two gendarmes who were opposite to him descended first, then he was ordered to alight and the gendarmes on each side of him followed his example. ─── 坐在他对面的两个宪兵先下来然后命令他下了车,左右两边的宪兵跟在他的后面。

46、Next station Art Museum, interchange station for Line 3, Line 5, or Line 8 southbound towards Da Hong Men. Please alight on the left. ─── 下一站美术馆东街。乘客可以换乘3号线、5号线,或换乘8号线前往大红门方向沿途各站。请在左边车门下车。

47、Returning to the candle he sets his brew alight and offers it to a nameless God in a gesture of supplication. ─── 他回到蜡烛跟前,点燃了这个东西,并以一个祈愿的姿势把它呈献给一位无名的神。

48、All these clouds were alight with a dark red glow and a few of them seemed to be afire, not by the sun, but within themselves. ─── 这些云都笼罩在一种深红色的亮光中,其中几片就像被点燃了一样,不是被太阳点燃的,而是自己从里面燃烧了起来。

49、They pour kerosene all over the thatch house,prepare to set it alight. ─── 他们把煤油浇在茅草屋上,准备放火。

50、Tessio didn't think that the loss of Paulie Gatto would upset Sollozzo, in fact he thought that the Turk alight have anticipated it, indeed might have welcomed it. ─── 另一方面他倒认为,“土耳其人”也许早就料到了这一着,而实际上喜欢这一着。

51、Passengers should never alight from a moving bus. ─── 公共汽车未停稳时,乘客万勿下车。

52、Their faces were alight with joy. ─── 他们因喜悦而容光焕发.

53、His face is alight with happiness. ─── 他的脸上喜气洋洋。

54、Ann's dress caught alight in the gas fire. ─── 安的外衣在煤气取暖器上烤着了。

55、Bonfires were set alight, slogans chanted, horns tooted and pitched battles with police ran far into the night, when cries of Allahu Akbar (God is Great! ─── 人们点燃篝火,齐颂口号,摁响喇叭,警民对殴一直持续到深夜。

56、The room was very hot, for the stove had been alight all day and the windows were seldom opened. ─── 因为炉子整天烧着,而窗户又很少开的缘故,屋子里非常热。

57、The night sky is alight with stars. ─── 夜空星光灿烂。

58、At the end of his speech, the crowd caught alight and began cheering widly. ─── 他演讲结束时,群众激奋起来,开始热烈欢呼。

59、The car was doused in petrol and set alight. ─── 这辆汽车被浇上汽油点燃了。

60、She will alight from the fiacre. ─── 她将走下马车。

61、He wore a face alight with happiness. ─── 他脸上喜气洋洋。

62、The discarded match was still alight. ─── 丢弃的火柴仍在燃烧

63、His face was alight with inspiration . ─── 他的脸上闪耀着灵感的光彩。

64、The next station is Mei Foo, please alight on the left. Passenger may change there for MTR Tsuen Wan Line. ─── 下一站系美孚,请用左边车门落车。乘客可在该站转乘地铁荃湾线。请小心月台空隙。

65、Her dress caght alight as she was standing by an electric radiator. ─── 她站在取暖电炉旁,衣服着火了。

66、The next station is Mei Foo, please alight of the left. ─── 下一站系美孚,请用左边车门落车。

67、Once she looked up, her even teeth glistening through her smiling lips, her eyes alight. ─── 一次她抬起目光,微笑的嘴唇里,匀称齐整的贝齿在闪闪发光,眼睛也在闪闪发光。

68、Dousing the carcasses with kerosene and trying to set them alight simply filled the farm with vile-smelling smoke. ─── 可天已经连续下了几周,地上到处被水浸泡。

69、If the work catches alight again in the open air then you definitely end up with a pile of ash. ─── 如果作品在外界空气中重新燃着了一丁点的火花,那么你最终只能得到一堆灰烬。

70、When the bus is in motion, it is dangerous to attempt to alight. ─── 在公共汽车开动时,试图下车是危险的。

71、And let no dust alight. ─── 勿使惹尘埃。

72、He saw no reason why one lamp was still alight and tried to snuff it out. But whatever he did,the lamp kept burning. ─── 他觉得白天不需要点灯,就想把它吹熄,但无论他怎么吹都吹不熄灭。

73、The bus stops regularly to pick up passengers or let them alight. ─── 巴士经常停下来,让乘客上下车。

74、Several buildings were set alight. ─── 几栋大楼着了火。

75、Alight on a happy solution. ─── 偶然发现一个皆大欢喜的解决方法

76、He intentionally shone alight through, the curtain to keep me awake. ─── 他故意让先透过帘子照过来不让我睡。

77、The next station is Nam Cheong Terminus, please alight of the left. ─── 下一站系南昌终点站,请用左边车门落车。

78、He intentionally shone alight through the curtain to keep me awake. ─── 他故意让光透过帘子照过来不让我睡。

79、On a rubbish dump in a Soviet military training ground near Magdeburg, the officers poured petrol over the cases and set them alight. ─── 在马格德堡苏军训练基地的一处垃圾存放点,几位克格勃军官将汽油浇到箱子上后放火燃烧。

80、He set the dry leaves alight. ─── 他把干树叶点着。

81、Passengers alight from the bus one by one. ─── 乘客一个一个地由公车下来。

82、A cigarette set the dry grass alight. ─── 一支香烟把干草点燃了。

83、Jealousy leaped alight in his bossom. ─── 妒火在他胸中升腾。

84、The sky is alight with star. ─── 天空星光灿烂。

85、Ooh...you set my soul alight) Glaciers melting in the dead of night, and the superstars sucked into the supermassive. ─── 哦...你让我的心受煎熬...)冰川融化在夜深人静时,连超级明星都卷入其中。

86、On the night of November 5th, throughout Britain, bonfires are set alight, effigies are burned, and fireworks are set off. ─── 在十一月五日的晚上,整个英国都会点起篝火,燃烧肖像,也会发放烟花。

87、If this oil should catch alight, there would be a terrible fire. ─── 如果石油碰到火星,就会出现可怕的火灾。

88、Her dress caught alight in the fire. ─── 她的衣服让火烧着了。

89、Happiness is a butterfly, which, when persued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ─── 幸福如一只蝴蝶,当你想追寻时,总也抓不到;但当你安静地坐下来时,它也许会飘落到你的身上。

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