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tumbler 发音

英:['t?mbl?]  美:['t?mbl?]

英:  美:

tumbler 中文意思翻译



tumbler 网络释义

n. 不倒翁(玩具);杂技演员;翻筋斗者;一杯的容量;滚筒;平底玻璃杯

tumbler 词性/词形变化,tumbler变形


tumbler 短语词组

1、tumbler gear ─── [机] 换向齿轮

2、tumbler mechanism ─── 制栓机构

3、tumbler glass ─── 平底杯

4、flet tumbler ─── 说话含糊不清

5、tumbler file ─── [机] 圆锉

6、tumbler test ─── [机] 滚筒试验

7、tumbler echo box ─── [电] 合调回音箱

8、tumbler magnetron ─── [电] 合调磁控管

9、pin tumbler ─── [网络] 栓式

10、tumbler pigeon ─── [网络] 滚球鸽

11、tumbler bearing ─── 铰式支座;摆动支座; ─── 铰接支座

12、lever tumbler ─── [网络] 杠杆滚筒

13、drive tumbler ─── 开车不倒翁

14、day off tumbler ─── 休息酒杯

15、solenoid tumbler ─── 电磁转换开关

16、tumbler switch ─── [计] 翻转开关

17、compost tumbler ─── 堆肥滚筒

18、tumbler mixer ─── [化] 转鼓混合机

19、tumbler girl ─── 不倒翁女孩

tumbler 相似词语短语

1、mumbler ─── 咕咕哝哝的人;说话含糊的人

2、jumbler ─── n.混乱;杂乱的一堆东西(jumble的变形)

3、tumblers ─── n.翻筋斗的杂技演员;换向齿轮(tumbler的复数)

4、rumbler ─── n.清理滚筒

5、tumble ─── vi.摔倒;倒塌;滚动;打滚;仓惶地行动;vt.使摔倒;使滚翻;弄乱;n.跌倒;翻筋斗;跌跤;[过去式tumbled过去分词tumbled现在分词tumbling]

6、fumbler ─── n.愚笨的人;摸索者

7、bumbler ─── n.做错事的人

8、stumbler ─── n.绊跌者;有过失者;结结巴巴说话者;令人迷惑之事

9、humbler ─── adj.较低级的;更加谦卑的(humble的比较级);n.谦虚的人

tumbler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bumblebee if dropped into an open tumbler will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. ─── 一只大黄蜂如果掉进了一个敞口的平底玻璃杯里,除非有人把它拿出来,否则它就会一直呆在里边直到死去。

2、center height of top tumbler ─── 上导轮中心高

3、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a tumbler glass filled with ice. Garnish with lime wedge and celery stick. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的大酒杯,再用柠檬角和芹菜杆装饰。

4、At the other end of the table was a partly unfolded tablecloth, a plate, a tumbler, a knife and fork, salt cellar, mustard and a chair. ─── 在桌子的另一端有一张摊开了一部分的桌布、一个盘子、一个平底无脚酒杯、一把刀和一根叉子、盐瓶、芥末和一把椅子。

5、a telesopic drinking tumbler ─── 套筒式平底无脚酒杯

6、He put the sugar, mint and a little soda into a tall tumbler. ─── 他在一只高脚杯子中加了糖、薄荷和一点苏打水。

7、In this case, the first tumbler has 40 lbs of 1/4" plastic triangle media impregnated with silicon carbide to sand the parts. ─── 在这里,第一个装了40磅1/4寸填充满金刚砂的塑料三角形磨料。

8、1.a tumbler (an easily tipped toy that quickly rights itself); 2.a person who frequently recoups (the loss of position, wealth, etc.) ─── 不倒翁

9、He put down his tumbler, and deliberately struck a match; then with even greater deliberation he lit a gold-tipped cigarette ─── 他放下了大玻璃杯,不慌不忙地划了一根火柴;然后他更加从容不迫地点起了一枝金纸嘴的香烟。

10、Multi-purpose: the dummy has functions of tumbler sandbag and speed ball as well as wooden dummy at the same time. ─── 一物多用桩身同时拥有不倒翁沙袋及速度球和木人桩的使用功能。

11、blown tumbler ─── 吹制杯

12、seaward tumbler ─── 向海转筒

13、Combine ingredients in a tumbler glass filled with ice. Stir gently with celery stick. Garnish with lime wedge. ─── 在塔博杯中加满冰块,把所有成分依次倒入其中,用芹菜杆轻轻搅动后,用青柠角装饰。

14、Design of a tumbler eccentric and deviation-controlled drilling tool ─── 不倒翁式偏心防斜钻具的设计

15、A tumbler switch is attached to the bottom of the table fan to ensure that the machine is plugged in only when it is in position ─── 台扇底部装有一个跌倒开关,以确保机器只有在平置状态下才能通电

16、The rash does not disappear when pressed against a clear glass tumbler but it is often harder to see in dark-skinned people. ─── 我写使用大玻璃杯挤压疹子,疹子并不会消失,但对于肤色深的人,疹子较难以看清。

17、pressed tumbler ─── 压机杯

18、Shake ingredients with ice and strain into a tumbler glass. Stir with a celery sitck. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的大酒杯,再用芹菜杆装饰。

19、indeed,she seemed to have spent vast stretches of her 71 years with a tortoiseshell cigarette holder in one hand and a tumbler of whisky in the other. ─── 在世的71年里,玛格丽特一直热衷于参加各种晚会;实际上,她似乎大部分时间都是一手夹着香烟,一手举着威士忌酒杯度过的。

20、And her thoughtfulness ! If the night was anyway cold or wet or windy there was sure to be a little tumbler of punch ready for him . ─── 她多体贴啊!要是哪天夜里较阴冷,潮湿,或刮风,她一定会斟好一大杯混合甜饮料,等着他来畅饮。

21、He pulled out this dusty old rock tumbler. ─── 他拖出了这个布满灰尘的旧磨石机。

22、hand-cut pressed tumbler ─── 刻花机压杯

23、To criticize the corruption and tyranny of the Kuomintang government, he drew a tumbler and a crab inscribed with the sentence "See how long can you run wild." ─── 他为了讽刺旧官们的腐败,画了《不倒翁》和题有"看你横行到几时"的螃蟹。

24、"She pauses to sip a frothy iced coffee from a plastic tumbler. ─── 她停下来呷了一口塑料杯里浮满泡沫的冰镇咖啡。

25、blown tumbler with intaglio decoration ─── 吹制车花杯

26、"It is, Peter, " he said, pouring me a massive Scotch in a cut-glass tumbler. ─── “这是的,彼得”,他说着,在一个刻花玻璃杯中给我斟了满满一杯苏格兰威士忌酒。

27、tumbler cart ─── 两轮马车

28、tumbler magnetron ─── [电] 合调磁控管

29、Therefore the tumbler centrifugal is most important manner for treating oily sludge but restriction and safety issue in operation should well be solved first. ─── 只要在运行中解决好制约有效性和安全性的问题,这种方法将成为处理含油污泥的重要手段。

30、hand-cut blown tumbler ─── 刻花吹制杯

31、A bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. ─── 如果把一只大黄蜂丢进一只敞口平底玻璃杯里,不把它拿出来,它会在那儿一直呆到死。

32、Keywords furnace;conveying system;discharger;ingot tumbler;pulling machine; ─── 加热炉;运输系统;推料机;翻锭机;拉料机;

33、Make only enough to fill one large tumbler—or else you'll be packing away too many calories in one sitting. ─── 做只够装一大平底玻璃杯的份量——否则你一次就餐会摄入太多的卡路里。

34、A bumblebee if dropped into an open tumbler will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. ─── 如果一只大黄蜂掉进一个开口的玻璃杯里,除非有人把它拿出来,否则它就是到死也出不来。

35、printed blown tumbler ─── 印花吹制杯

36、Casting Technique of the High Manganese Steel Bottom Tumbler ─── 大型高锰钢下滚筒的铸造

37、Combine ingredients in a tumbler glass filled with ice. ─── 在塔博杯中加入冰块,把所有成分依次倒入其中即可。

38、He put down his tumbler, and deliberately struck a match; then with even greater deliberation he lit a gold-tipped cigarette. ─── 他放下了大玻璃杯,不慌不忙地划了一根火柴;然后他更加从容不迫地点起了一枝金纸嘴的香烟。

39、blown glass tumbler ─── 吹制玻璃杯

40、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a tumbler glass filled with ice. Top with cola. Garnish with a lime wedge. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的塔博杯,倒入可乐,再用青柠角装饰。

41、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a tumbler glass filled with ice. Stir with celery stick gently. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的塔博杯,再用芹菜杆搅动和装饰。

42、A bumblebee, if drops into an open tumbler, will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. ─── 一只大黄蜂如果掉进一个敞口的平底大玻璃杯里,除非它被救出来,否则只能等死。

43、to toss or whirl in a drum,tumbler,or tumbling box ─── 在筒中、干燥机中或研磨滚筒中摇动或转动

44、beer tumbler ─── 啤酒杯

45、Healthy: the Tumbler can remove the remnant dirt, harmful microorganisms and surplus fat without destroying the nutrition of the food. ─── 味道鲜美:该机的工作过程的压力和张力的交替作用,能够延迟食物中蛋白质的酶催作用,使食品长时间保持新鲜的味道。


47、"It is, Peter," he said, pouring me a massive Scotch in a cut-glass tumbler. ─── “这是的,彼得”,他说着,在一个刻花玻璃杯中给我斟了满满一杯苏格兰威士忌酒。

48、sub-zero tumbler ─── 冷冻鼓

49、lower tumbler ─── 下导轮

50、The nurse looked horrified, but she poured a finger of whiskey into a large tumbler. She stopped, looking at him. ─── 护士一脸恐慌,但她还是向一个大酒杯里倒了一指深的威士忌。她停下来,看着他。

51、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a tumbler glass. Garnish with celery and lime. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的塔博杯,再用芹菜杆和青柠角装饰。

52、He cherishes the tumbler, Diezuo to the ground, heartache, such as crack. ─── 他抱着不倒翁,跌坐在地,心痛如裂。

53、From then on, every time I fell Pabuqilai, I will think of my grandfather left me a tumbler, each thought that I would get up strong. ─── 从此以后,每当我摔倒爬不起来时,我都会想起爷爷留给我的不倒翁,每次想到这我都会坚强的爬起来。

54、a tumbler who is a member of a turnverein. ─── 做体育协会成员的体操运动员。

55、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a tumbler glass filled with ice. Stir gently with celery sitck. Garnish with lemon wedge. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的塔博杯,用芹菜杆轻轻搅动,用柠檬角装饰。

56、The mid-morning May sun had warmed him as he worked to rid the plants of weeds and now he was feeling the effects of having stooped too long and felt the thirst that only a large tumbler of ice tea would quench. ─── 他给草莓锄草,五朋上午的太阳照得人暖融融的。现在他感到腰弯得太久了,而且觉得很渴,必须喝一大杯冰茶才行。

57、Triad: The dummy is made by integrating tumbler sandbag and speed ball as well as wooden dummy. ─── 三位同体桩身集不倒翁沙包及速度球和木人桩一体制造。

58、a tumbler of milk ─── 一杯牛奶

59、indeed, she seemed to have spent vast stretches of her 71 years with a tortoiseshell cigarette holder in one hand and a tumbler of whisky in the other. ─── 在世的71年里,玛格丽特一直热衷于参加各种晚会; 实际上,她似乎大部分时间都是一手夹着香烟,一手举着威士忌酒杯度过的。

60、He bragged about his son-in-law's claret and burgandee, until his own utterance began to fail him, over his sixth tumbler of whisky-punch. ─── 他一边喝威士忌混合酒,一边吹嘘女婿家的红葡萄酒和勃艮第酒,直喝到第六大杯,舌头大了,他才不再开口。

61、A bumblebee,if drops into an open tumbler,will be there until it dies,unless it is taken out. ─── 一只大黄蜂如果掉进一个敞口的平底大玻璃杯里,除非它被救出来,否则只能等死.。

62、shore-side tumbler for loading trains and lorries ─── 向列车和卡车装载的向岸转筒

63、Tumbler preasure head:Have convercience and high measuring precision.Enjoy good dynamic response. ─── 不倒翁压头:使用便捷,称量精度高,动态响应好。

64、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a tumbler glass filled with ice. Garnish with a orang wheel. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的塔博杯,再用橙子片装饰。

65、printed pressed tumbler ─── 印花机压杯

66、He felt so bad afterwards that he had to self-medicate with a tumbler of whisky and sleeping pills. ─── 事后他觉得特别不好受,只好用一大杯威士忌和安眠药来给自己疗伤。

67、Each kind lightly touches the switch, the tumbler switch, themicroswitch. ─── 各种轻触开关、拨动开关、微动开关。

68、And her thoughtfulness! If the night was anyway cold or wet or windy there was sure to be a little tumbler of punch ready for him. ─── 她多体贴啊!要是哪天夜里较阴冷,潮湿,或刮风,她一定会斟好一大杯混合甜饮料,等着他来畅饮.

69、Why could the tumbler not fall down? ─── 不倒翁为什么不倒?

70、tumbler echo box ─── [电] 合调回音箱

71、Can be used to open Jiade Quin-Lamina Tumbler Lock technically. ─── 可技术性开启嘉德五段叶片锁具。

72、He was a tumbler when he was young. ─── 他年轻时是杂技演员。

73、stainless steal drying tumbler ─── 不锈钢烘筒烘燥机

74、He was content to see his friend's cadaverous face opposite him through the steam rising from a tumbler of toddy. ─── 他能透过从一大杯柠檬威士忌甜酒升起的水雾望见地朋友那瘦削凹陷的脸,已经心满意足了。

75、tumbler mixer ─── [化] 转鼓混合机

76、He drank from a tumbler. ─── 他用平底玻璃杯喝。

77、1. He drank up a tumbler of milk. ─── 他喝光了一玻璃杯牛奶。

78、product pieces are placed in a tumbler that bombards the surface with high velocity metal shot particles. ─── 把工件放进滚筒里,用高速金属磨料喷击表面。这道工序也起到回火或退火处理的作用。

79、tumbler filler ─── 嗽口杯加水装置

80、two-way tumbler switch ─── 双连开关

81、packer rs tumbler ─── 包装用玻璃杯

82、a tumbler who is a member of a turnverein ─── 体育协会成员的体操运动员

83、glass tumbler ─── 大玻璃杯

84、She ordered a tumbler of orange juice. ─── 她点了一大杯橘子汁。

85、Safety of household and similar electrical appliances--Particular requirements for tumbler dryers ─── GB4706.20-1988家用和类似用途电器的安全滚筒式干衣机的特殊要求

86、He drank a tumbler of brandy. ─── 他喝了一杯白兰地。

87、The reasons of tumbler index decreasing of Shui-Steel sinter since 2007 were analyzed.And the correspond countermeasures were adopted to ensure the sinter strength. ─── 从原料结构、操作制度和设备工艺等方面分析水钢2007年以来4号、5号烧结机烧结矿转鼓强度下降的的原因,并介绍了确保烧结矿强度所采取的对策和措施。

88、amount held by a tumbler ─── 一玻璃杯的容量

89、They compare the "Chinese tumbler" to the man who maintains a firm attitude and independent position. ─── 他们把“不倒翁”比作态度坚定并且立场独立的人。

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