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08-19 投稿


putrefactive 发音


英:  美:

putrefactive 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 腐败的


putrefactive 短语词组

1、putrefactive organisms ─── 腐败生物

2、putrefactive bacteria ─── 腐败细菌

3、putrefactive diarrhea ─── [医]腐败性腹泻

4、putrefactive anaerobes ─── 腐败厌氧菌

5、putrefactive def ─── 腐败的定义

6、putrefactive sepsis ─── [医] 腐败脓毒病

7、putrefactive odor ─── 腐臭味

8、putrefactive fermentation ─── [医] 腐败发酵

9、putrefactive organism ─── 腐败性有机物

10、putrefactive meaning ─── 腐败的意义

11、putrefactive substance Putrefactive ─── 物质

12、putrefactive changes ─── 腐败性变化

13、putrefactive scfa ─── 腐败性scfa

putrefactive 相似词语短语

1、attractive ─── adj.吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的

2、petrifactive ─── adj.造成石化的

3、unreactive ─── adj.不起化学反应的;化学上惰性的

4、calefactive ─── adj.温的;升温的;暖的

5、putrefaction ─── n.腐败;腐败物

6、benefactive ─── adj.施益体的

7、photorefractive ─── 光致折变的

8、abreactive ─── 发泄的

9、rarefactive ─── 稀薄的

putrefactive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、cadaveric alkaloid putrefactive blister ─── 腐败水泡

2、blood poisoning caused by putrefactive bacteria; results from eating putrified matter. ─── 由于腐败细菌导致的血液中毒。

3、putrefactive alkaloid ─── 腐败生物碱

4、Bacteriostasis of some materials against putrefactive bacteria in cosmetics ─── 几种抑菌材料对化妆品中腐败菌的抑制作用比较

5、putrefactive diarrhea ─── 腐败性腹泻

6、Comparison and assessment of reliability of different growth kinetics temperature models for putrefactive bacteria of fish ─── 鱼类腐败菌不同生长动力学温度模型的可靠性评价和比较

7、putrefactive organism ─── 腐败性有机物

8、any of various amines (such as putrescine or cadaverine) formed by the action of putrefactive bacteria ─── 腐烂细菌反应形成的各种胺(如腐胺和尸胺)

9、putrefactive substance ─── 腐败性物质

10、putrefactive bacterium ─── 腐烂细菌腐败细菌

11、Comparison and assessment of reliability of different growth kinetics temperature models for putrefactive bacteria of fish ─── 鱼类腐败菌不同生长动力学温度模型的可靠性评价和比较

12、putrefactive odor ─── 腐臭味

13、Objective To study the relationship between the DNA content of chondrocytes in the costal cartilage and postmortem interval in putrefactive rat cadavers. ─── 目的研究大鼠死后肋软骨细胞核d NA含量与晚期死亡时间的相关性。

14、of various amines (such as putrescine or cadaverine) formed by the action of putrefactive bacteria. ─── 腐烂细菌反应形成的各种胺。

15、blood poisoning caused by putrefactive bacteria, results from eating putrified matter. ─── 由于腐败细菌导致的血液中毒.

16、blood poisoning caused by putrefactive bacteria ─── 由于腐败细菌导致的血液中毒

17、Progresses in the Research of Putrefactive Microorganisms in Spoiled Dry-cured Ham ─── 干腌火腿中致腐败微生物的研究进展

18、putrefactive bacteria ─── 腐败细菌

19、easy putrefactive goods ─── 易腐货物

20、putrefactive fermentation ─── 腐败发酵

21、putrefactive process ─── 腐败过程

22、putrefactive microorganisms ─── 腐败微生物, 腐败菌

23、Objective To study the development and changes of pressure of putrefactive gas (PPG) in cadaveric enterocelia in spring, and to explore its application in estimation of postmortem interval (EPI). ─── 摘要目的研究尸体腹腔腐败气压在春季的发展变化规律及其用于推断死后经过时间的方法。

24、Keywords spring;pressure of putrefactive gas (PPG);measure of PPG;estimation of postmortem interval (EPI); ─── 春季;腹腔腐败气压;死后经过时间推断;

25、putrefactive sepsis ─── [医] 腐败脓毒病

26、The development and changes of pressure of putrefactive gas in cadaveric enterocelia in spring and its forensic application ─── 春季尸体腹腔腐败气压在法医学死亡时间推断中的应用研究

27、any of various amines (such as putrescine or cadaverine) formed by the action of putrefactive bacteria. ─── 腐烂细菌反应形成的各种胺(如腐胺和尸胺)。

28、putrefactive phenomenon ─── 腐烂现象

29、Bacteriostasis of some materials against putrefactive bacteria in cosmetics ─── 几种抑菌材料对化妆品中腐败菌的抑制作用比较

30、putrefactive products of algae ─── 蓝藻腐败产物

31、putrefactive spoilage ─── 腐烂

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