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08-19 投稿


tattling 发音

英:[?t?tl??]  美:[?t?tl??]

英:  美:

tattling 中文意思翻译




tattling 词性/词形变化,tattling变形

动词过去式: tattled |动词第三人称单数: tattles |副词: tattlingly |动词过去分词: tattled |动词现在分词: tattling |

tattling 短语词组

1、tattling on ─── 说闲话打小报告

2、tittle-tattling v. ─── 闲聊, 杂谈( tittle-tattle的现在分词 )

3、tattling dogs ─── 唠叨的狗

4、tattling sound ─── 喋 ─── 喋不休的声音

5、tattling meaning ─── 唠叨的意思

6、tattling versus telling ─── 流言蜚语与倾诉

7、tattling books ─── 流氓书

8、tattling on each other ─── 互相吹毛求疵

9、tattling tell ─── 唠叨

tattling 相似词语短语

1、battling ─── v.作战;斗争(battle的现在分词)

2、brattling ─── n.隆隆声;格格声;v.发出格格声(或隆隆声);n.(Brattle)(英、澳、加、美、新)布拉特尔(人名)

3、tattlingly ─── 尖刻地

4、tattering ─── n.碎布;碎纸;vt.扯碎;撕碎;使破烂;vi.变得破烂

5、wattling ─── v.(用枝条)编制,编筑(wattle的现在分词)

6、startling ─── adj.令人吃惊的

7、tatting ─── n.梭织;梭结花边;v.用梭织法编织(tat的ing形式)

8、rattling ─── v.发格格声;(使)发格格声;咔擦咔擦行进;(使)恼火;喋喋不休地讲话;(使)觉醒;骚扰;装上绳梯(rattle的现在分词);adv.很,非常;响当当地;adj.格格作响的;轻快的;(非正式)绝妙的;n.咔嗒声

9、prattling ─── v.闲聊,胡说;小孩般说话,天真地说(prattle的现在分词)

tattling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Let's take a closer look at tattling. ─── 让我们进一步观察滥告状的行为。

2、Carping and tattling won't get you anywhere - but there are a few things you can do to alleviate the issue. ─── 吹毛求疵和打小报告不会给你带来任何结果——不过你可以做几件事来解决这个问题。

3、Mom: All right, you two! No screaming, grabbing, whining, hitting, teasing, tattling, breaking toys, scratching or fighting! ─── 妈妈:好了,你们两个!不许喊叫,不许乱抢,不许哭闹,不许乱敲,不许取笑,不许闲谈,不许弄坏玩具,不许乱抓,不许打架!

4、Tattling ur quirkiness-story with us. ─── 你曾经历过离奇诡异的事情么?

5、Tattling your quirkiness-story with us. ─── 说说你经历过的最诡异离奇的事情。

6、"All right, you two," I said sternly."No screaming , grabbing, whining, hitting, teasing, tattling, breaking toys, scratching or fighting. ─── “好啦,你们两个,”我严厉地说,“不许叫喊,不许乱拿,不许哭闹,不许乱敲,不许取笑,不许扯淡,不许弄坏玩具,不许乱抓,不许打架.

7、” It’s not very calming when your children are miserable, fighting and tattling, and your husband calls to say he’s working late, but it makes perfect sense later. ─── 孩子们表现欠佳,打架或去打小报告,同时丈夫打来电话说会工作到很晚,这种情形很难让人平静,但不久后你便会舒心。

8、At this point, what WikiLeaks is doing seems like tattling: telling Sally what Billy said to Jane. ─── 从这点来看,维基解密的所谓好像是在说闲话:把比利跟简说的话告诉萨利。

9、3.Phyllis was a real goody two-shoes, tattling on her friends to the teacher. ─── 她真是自命清高。所认识的那些男人都怕请她出去,怕跟她交朋友。

10、Who's been tattling? ─── 谁在说闲话呢?

11、grabbing, whining, hitting, teasing, tattling, breaking toys, scratching or fighting." ─── 许乱敲,不许取笑,不许扯淡,不许弄坏玩具,不许乱抓,不许打架。”

12、Mom:All right,you two!No screaming,grabbing,whining,hitting,teasing,tattling,breaking toys,scratching or fighting! ─── 妈妈:好了,你们两个!不许喊叫,不许乱抢,不许哭闹,不许乱敲,不许取笑,不许闲谈,不许弄坏玩具,不许乱抓,不许打架!

13、No screaming , grabbing, whining, hitting, teasing, tattling , breaking toys, scratching or fighting. ─── 不准尖叫,抢夺,发牢骚,嘲笑,嚼舌根,损坏玩具,乱涂乱写或者打架。

14、But as the first grieving fades, and all those people Jackson's lawyers paid to keep quiet get other people to pay for their stories, the tabloid tattling will return. ─── 但是,在最先到来的悲伤褪去之后,所有接受过杰克逊律师支付费用的人正安静等待其他人来买他们的故事,小报八褂将卷土重来。

15、It is pleasant to hear such sober voices when most Amecians are tittle-tattling about RMB. ─── 在美国拿人民币说事声四起的情况下,听到这些清醒的声音令人高兴。

16、You need to understand that tattling is pro-social aggression. ─── 你要知道,“滥告状”是一种具有社会倾向的侵犯。

17、one Saturday, I put my foot down. "All right, you two," I said sternly. "No screaming , grabbing, whining, hitting, teasing, tattling, breaking toys, scratching or fighting." ─── 星期六的一天,我放下脚,"好,你们俩个,"我严肃地说,"不准大叫,不准乱抓,不准抱怨,不准敲打,不准嬉戏,不准说话,不准破坏,不准擦伤,不准打架

18、bad drivers don't want it tattling on their transgressions. ─── 但不良驾驶可就不希望黑盒子洩露他们违规的罪状了。

19、Not to be influenced by, or give ear to knavish tattling servants, or others. ─── 不听不老实的仆人之流搬弄是非的话,更不受他们的影响。

20、Not to be influenced by, or give ear to knavish tattling servants, or others. ─── 不听不老实的仆人之流搬弄是非的话,更不受他们的影响。

21、She is disliked by her classmates for tattling on mischief makers. ─── 因为她经常打恶作剧的小报告,所以同学都不喜欢她。

22、Mom: All right, you two! No screaming, grabbing, whining, hitting, teasing, tattling, breaking toys, scratching or fighting! ─── 妈妈:好了,你们两个!不许喊叫,不许乱抢,不许哭闹,不许乱敲,不许取笑,不许闲谈,不许弄坏玩具,不许乱抓,不许打架!

23、It takes about a month or two, but tattling ends quickly in my classroom. I just don't tolerate it. ─── 大约花一或两个月的时间,我班上滥告状的情形很快地不见了,我就是无法容忍此事。

24、is disliked by her classmates for tattling on mischief makers. ─── 因为她经常打恶作剧的楔告,所以同学都不喜欢她。

25、no tattling;no giving each other bad names to Mr.Freeland;and no elevating one at the expense of the other. ─── 唯一的问题是,如何将之广泛地运用它,并且让人们接受呢?

26、"No screaming , grabbing, whining, hitting, teasing, tattling, breaking toys, scratching or fighting. ─── “不准叫,不准抢,不准哭,不准打闹,不准戏弄,不准破坏玩具,不准打架。”

27、Although the ideas expressed above might be well intentioned, the results don't serve to create self-responsible, thinking, caring, children. Let's take a closer look at tattling. ─── 虽然上面的这些点子,或许动机是好的。但其结果却无法使学生能成为自我负责、能思考的、能关心别人的孩子。让我们进一步观察滥告状的行为。

28、Our new Private Kitchen has a balcony suitable for prattling and tattling with your intimate friends or beloved. ─── 私房新天地还有一个露台,方便与三五知己谈心,又或是与心爱谈情!

at which 和in which的区别?

at which可以翻译成在……里面或在……

 The dumpling House which he often has dumplings at is very popular.= The dumpling House is very popular, at which he often has dumplings.

in which可以翻译成在……里面

The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous.= The school in which he once studied is very famous.


在网络用语中,TAT形式上与orz类似,TAT也是形象符号因为TAT 很像哭的样子。也是心理治疗师的简称:在心理治疗当中,TAT是教师作为治疗师的简称,其理念提倡把教师当作一个提供支持的资源,帮助有特殊需要的学生。

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