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08-19 投稿


footless 发音

英:[?f?tl?s]  美:[?f?tl?s]

英:  美:

footless 中文意思翻译



footless 网络释义

adj. 无基础的;无足的;笨拙的

footless 同义词

footless 短语词组

1、footless bird ─── 无足鸟

footless 词性/词形变化,footless变形

名词: footlessness |副词: footlessly |

footless 反义词


footless 相似词语短语

1、bootless ─── adj.无用的;无益的;无利可图的;没穿鞋的

2、footlers ─── 步兵

3、footlessly ─── 无脚的

4、rootless ─── adj.无根的;无根据的;无所寄托的

5、frontless ─── adj.无前部的;无耻的

6、footrests ─── n.搁脚物

7、sootless ─── 无烟

8、footles ─── v.做笨事;说呆话;浪费时间;n.呆话;傻事

9、foodless ─── 缺乏食品的

footless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The invention relates to a novel encapsulating method for metal flat plate type novel semiconductor, which is mainly used for four-face footless flat patch-typed encapsulating of semiconductors. ─── 本发明涉及一种金属平板式新型半导体封装方法,主要用于半导体的四面无脚扁平贴片式封装。

2、footless stocking ─── 无足部之长统袜[苏]

3、Within a week, small footless larvae hatch out. ─── 一周后,无脚的蚊子幼虫孵化出来。

4、Adopting footless steel structure module, convenient for disassembly and assembly. ─── 采用无基础钢结构模块式,拆装方便。

5、My hands was too footless to button my shirt this morning. ─── 今天早上我的手怎么这么笨呢,好像连衬衫都扣不上了。

6、On the beach, our favorite resort, like the footless seashells,innocently stubborn or stubbornly innocent. ─── 在我们最爱光顾的那片海滩,留下来如无足的海贝,天真地固执,固执地天真。

7、footless biped robot ─── 无脚双足机器人

8、Within a week, small footless larvae hatch out. ─── 一周后,无脚的蚊子幼虫孵化出来。

9、The invention relates to an encapsulating method for metal flat plate type semiconductor, which is mainly used for four-face footless flat patch-typed encapsulating of semiconductors. ─── 本发明涉及一种金属平板式半导体封装方法,主要用于半导体的四面无脚扁平贴片式封装。

10、The invention relates to a novel encapsulating method for groove metal plate type semiconductors, which is mainly used for four-face footless flat patch-typed encapsulating of semiconductors. ─── 本发明涉及一种凹槽金属板式新型半导体封装方法,主要用于半导体的四面无脚扁平贴片式封装。

11、(of snakes and eels) naturally footless. ─── (指蛇和鳗鱼)天生没有脚。

12、Ignoring the thump of her footless stump, ─── 没有留意她失去脚的困难的沉重打击,

13、and flung my eager craft through footless halls of air. ─── 把我的希望之船抛向那无边的空中。

14、my eager craft through footless halls of air. ─── 我的渴望掷向那无边的空中。

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