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08-19 投稿


interlocking 发音


英:  美:

interlocking 中文意思翻译




interlocking 短语词组

1、mechanical interlocking machine ─── [电] 机工联锁机

2、interlocking director ─── [经] 兼任董事

3、interlocking cutter ─── [机] 连锁铣刀

4、relay operated interlocking ─── [计] 继电器联锁装置

5、interlocking device ─── [化] 联锁装置

6、core interlocking safety device ─── [机] 砂心固定安全装置

7、interlocking electropneumatic ─── [电] 电空联锁装置

8、interlocking machine ─── [电] 联锁机器

9、arc interlocking relay ─── [机] 连锁电弧继电器

10、interlocking labyrinth seat ─── [化] 联锁迷宫式密封

11、interlocking side cutter ─── [机] 连锁侧铣刀

12、mechanical interlocking ─── [电] 机工联锁

13、interlocking gyri ─── [医] 连接回

14、interlocking signal ─── 连锁信号

15、interlocking linits ─── [电] 联锁范围

16、interlocking twins ─── [医] 双胎交锁

17、interlocking plant ─── [电] 联锁机件

18、interlocking directorate ─── [经] 联锁董事会

19、interlocking station ─── [电] 标志站

interlocking 词性/词形变化,interlocking变形

动词过去式: interlocked |动词过去分词: interlocked |动词第三人称单数: interlocks |动词现在分词: interlocking |

interlocking 相似词语短语

1、interworkings ─── n.交互工作,互相配合;v.交互工作,互通(interwork的现在分词)

2、interloping ─── v.闯入;干涉;侵占他人权益

3、interarching ─── 拱间

4、interlinking ─── v.互连;连系(interlink的现在分词)

5、interacting ─── v.互相影响,互相作用(interact的现在分词)

6、inlocking ─── 插入

7、interlooping ─── 卫衣布

8、interlacing ─── n.交错,隔行;隔行扫描;v.交错,交织(interlace现在分词)

9、interworking ─── n.交互工作,互相配合;v.交互工作,互通(interwork的现在分词)

interlocking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is through this web of interlocking mediating force that a potential “stressor” must pass. ─── 一个潜在的施压因素正是通过这样互相联系又相互制约的力量网而显现出来的。

2、Engagement is the state or act of interlocking. ─── 啮合是互锁的状态或动作。

3、Considerable difference in fabric style will be resulted from variable knitting processes for drawn interlock . ─── 抽条棉毛组织往往由于上机工艺的不同,编织的布面风格会产生明显的差异。

4、Wiss DA,Stetson WB.Unstable fractures of the tibia treated with reamed intramedullary interlocking nail[J]. ─── 周许辉,贾连胜,谭军,等.交锁髓内钉治疗胫骨多段骨折[J].骨与关节损伤杂志,2001,16(2):125-126.

5、The interlock and the shutdown as well as the anti-surge control of the compressor and expander are f. ─── 利用组态和编程软件实现催化主风机防喘振控制,机组自保联锁和机组停机联锁。

6、Based on two existed fallback schemes, a new fallback scheme with axle count and domestic interlocking system is presented. ─── 在现有的两种后备方案的基础上,提出了计轴+国内联锁的后备方案,并对其进行了详细设计。

7、Interlocking directorates between companies is a popular phenomenon whether in Taiwan or abroad. ─── 摘要:公司彼此间发生董事连结的情形,不论在国外或国内,均已可算是一普遍的现象。

8、Like all living systems, this interlocking human-made ecosystem tends to expand, to work around impediments, and to adapt to adversity. ─── 像所有生命系统那样,这个连锁的人造生态系统会扩张,会绕开障碍运转,并会适应逆境。

9、Valves can be supplied with an interlock system. ─── 可以为阀门配置一个联动装置系统。

10、To engageand interlock securely so as to be immobile. ─── 使固定紧紧地连结或咬合使其无法移动。

11、For pyritecontaining unoxidized kaolinite, the selective comminution aims at liberating and separating pyrite and its interlocking minerals. ─── 对未经氧化的含黄铁矿高岭岩,选择性粉碎的目的是解离并分选出黄铁矿及其聚合体。

12、The pieces of the puzzle lock into each other/lock together, ie interlock. ─── 拼图各块拼合时都卡在一起.

13、A three- year "cooling off'" period is also required for former employees or partners of auditors and interlocking directors. ─── 对于前任雇员、审计员和公司间互兼董事,提案规定了三年的“冷却期”。

14、In 1958, the modern interlocking brick design was finally developed and patented. ─── 1958年,现代连结积木的设计中于发展出来并取得专利。

15、Mainly products are: velvet and interlock baby romper、velvet children wears and adult knitted leisure garments. ─── 公司的主要产品是:天鹅绒、棉毛婴儿爬装、天鹅绒儿童服装、成人针织休闲装。

16、The cabinet has a safe and reliable interlocking structure.The handcart is removable for push forward and backward. ─── 开关柜有安全可靠的联锁机构,手车配置灵活,可靠的推进、退出操作及联锁机构。

17、You may already be convinced that this interlocking occurrence of the number 19 is too frequent to be accidental. ─── 刚才这些事实也许让你相信数字19多次出现在古兰经中不是偶然。

18、The maze is actually two interlocking spirals. ─── 这个迷宫实际上是两个连锁的螺旋体。

19、You may already be convinced that this interlocking occurrence of the number 19 is too frequent to be accidental. ─── 刚才这些事实也许让你相信数字19多次出现在古兰经中不是偶然。

20、Hard metamorphic rock consists essentially of interlocking quartz crystals. ─── 坚硬的变质岩,主要由嵌合的石英晶体组成。

21、Hand gripping, by interlocking fingertips and pulling arms in opposite directions. ─── 双手握抱,指尖内扣,从反方向牵拉手臂。

22、This paper introduces the computer-based interlocking system used in Dexing Copper Mine,and discusses the structure of system. ─── 介绍了微机联锁系统在德兴铜矿中的应用,并讨论了它的系统构成。

23、The examples of its applications in annunciation and interlock circuits are listed. ─── 作了简要介绍,并列举了在信号报警和联锁保护电路中的应用实例.

24、Company engineers were inspired by Legos, the interlocking toy bricks, says Janis Vitins, a German-based director of product planning at Bombardier. ─── 庞巴迪驻德国的产品计划总监,JanisVitins说,公司的工程师们曾受到乐高积木玩具(Legos)的启发。

25、They established a set of interlocking tariff concessions that were extended by most-favored-nation treatment throughout the world. ─── 他们制订了一整套连锁的关税互惠条约,这些关税互惠条约后来被应用于全世界的最惠国待遇条约中。

26、May provide an interface to interlocking systems for (partial) control of interlocking and indications from interlocking. ─── 可为(局部)联锁控制提供联锁系统的接口,并显示联锁设备。

27、Making all kind of blocks such as hollow block,curbstone ,interlock block,grass block,slope block. ─── 各种外墙砌块、内墙砌块、花墙砌块、地面砖、护坡块、还可生产联锁路面砌块和路边石等砌块。

28、The paper illustrates the Automatic Testing Simulation System of Computer Interlocking Software, and elaborates all the parts of the system. ─── 本文对联锁软件自动测试系统进行了阐述,并对其各个组成部分进行了详尽的介绍。

29、One of the various buttons are automatic interlocking, the date of the current date. ─── 其中,各个按钮是自动互锁的,日期是当前最新的。

30、The Olympic symbol is the five interlocking rings. ─── 奥林匹克的标志是五个相连的圆环。

31、The reason you don't sink into ordinary sand is because the sand grains rest against each other in an interlocking pattern. ─── 你不会沉入普通是沙子是因为沙子在连锁的模式下其齿轮产生的静电相互对抗。

32、One of the Olympic symbols is the five interlocking rings on the flag. ─── 奥运的象徵其中之一,就是会旗上相互串连的圆环。

33、Interlock the fingers of both hands and place it just below the shin of the right knee. ─── 十指相扣在右膝盖胫骨上。

34、India's futuristic new Bharathi base, built on stilts using 134 interlocking shipping containers, resembles a spaceship. ─── 印度未来主义的新 Bharathi 基地,用134个相互交错的集装箱撑起,看起来像一艘宇宙飞船。

35、Conclusions Unreamed interlocking intramedullary nail can be used to treat comminuted tibiofibular diaphyseal fractures effectively. ─── 2例开放性多段骨折患者,术后患肢红肿热痛经切开引流和应用抗生素,感染得到控制。

36、On this state, it is be able to move reversely yet(electric interlock). ─── 在这种分闸状态下,反向移动也行(机械联锁)。

37、To ease assembly the structure is divided into six parts that can be pre-assembled on the ground and then be put together through interlocking joints. ─── 大会以减轻结构分为六个部分,可预先组装在地面上,然后放在一起,通过连锁关节。

38、To engage and interlock securely so as to be immobile. ─── 使固定紧紧地连结或咬合使其无法移动

39、Only the truck quite in the test or service position, VCB can be closed (machine and electric interlock). ─── 手车已完全处于试验或运行位置时,断路器才能合闸(机械和电气联锁)。

40、Interlock the fingers and clasp the hands on the shin just below the knees. ─── 十指相扣握在膝盖下胫骨处。

41、Supply: sell knitting fabric,single jersey,interlock,terry,fleece,velour,rib,stripe,ect. ─── 发布者:李巧霞所在地:福建泉州市行业:纺织、皮革职位:外销员工作年限:

42、Conclusion Unreamed interlocking intramedullary nail can be used to treat diaphyseal fractures effectively. ─── 1例开放性骨折患者发生轻度术后感染,1例术后腓总神经不全损伤。

43、Interlocking duos of 14K white gold circles are intertwined for a cosmopolitan look. ─── 14K白金圈双重连锁扣的交错打造了此款手链外观的整体效果。

44、The interlocking of party control and societal influences has determined the typical images of “Chinese Women” suited to particular periods of time. ─── 党的领导和社会变革的相互作用最终决定了杂志在不同时期所塑造的典型的中国女性形象。

45、An interlocking directorate occurs when the same person sits on the board of directors of two or more companies. ─── 当一个人同时在两个或者更多的公司中担任董事时就产生了联合董事会。

46、This paper presents the change of interlock and its application,based on the revamp of natural gas interlock design. ─── 以天然气的联锁设计改造为主介绍连锁变更及应用。

47、Beijing's Bird's Nest stadium is an interlocking mesh of steel that looks much like a roost for birds. ─── 北京的鸟巢体育馆是复杂交错的钢架结构,看上很像一个鸟窝。

48、For small carton, horizontal and vertical board dividers may be required to prevent interlocking of the flaps. ─── 处理小型纸盒则必须使用以防。

49、Objective To summarize the experience of using unreamed interlocking intramedullary nails in the treatment of comminuted tibiofibular fractures. ─── 摘要目的总结非扩髓带锁髓内钉治疗粉碎性胫腓骨骨干骨折的临床经验。

50、Outdoor surfaces used include plastic interlocking tiles (suspended athletic courts), asphalt, blacktop, or similar materials are used. ─── 室外使用的表面包括塑料联锁砖(暂停运动法院) ,沥青,柏油路或类似材料的使用。

51、Its interlocking teeth would spring open or jam. ─── 拉链上互相啮合的齿能拉开也能合拢。

52、A programmed time delay of variable duration, not cyclic or sequential, not an interlock. ─── 一种持续时间可由程序设置的时间延迟,它不是周期性的或连续的,也不是交替的。

53、In such competitive environment, interlocking directorates serve as an important strategy mechanism in a company. ─── 在如此竞争激烈的环境中,董事连结实为公司一项重要的策略机制。

54、Decentralized and Autonomous CTC System and Computer interlocking System have been installed and used widely. ─── 分散自律调度集中系统和计算机联锁系统已经被越来越多地安装使用。

55、The five interlocking rings symbolize the uniting of all the five continents participating in the Games. ─── 五环象征着所有参赛的五大洲的团结。

56、Describes the maintaining methods and discuses the causes of COLL interlock in Varian LINAC 2300C/D linear accelerator. ─── 介绍和讨论瓦里安2300C/D直线加速器COLL联锁故障的发生原因和检修。


58、The interlocking compass and set square is the symbol of the Freemasons (Gann himself was a senior Freemason). ─── 前景的圆规和角尺是一个共济会的标志,(江恩是会员)。

59、Thirty three tibial fractures treated with interlocking intramedullary nail(IMN) were reviewed. ─── 作者总结了33例均采用带锁髓内钉内固定的不同类型的胫骨骨折。

60、An important observation here is the interlocking relationship involving the letter "S" (Saad). ─── 一个重要的观察结论是,字母S(Saad)具有内在的相关性。

61、In order to solve this problem, design improvements were made on the original control and interlock. ─── 为实现此功能,对控制与联锁方案进行了改进。

62、At the bottom are curling waves and above there are nine dragons playing in the clouds. Around the edge are interlocking lotus flowers. ─── 在底部是翻卷的波浪,在上面是九条龙在天空中嬉戏,周围边缘用荷花联接。

63、If they are connected together with straight lines, another equilateral triangle is formed, resulting in two perfectly interlocking triangles! ─── 如果他们被连结以及直线,另一个等边三角形形成,导致两个完全连锁的三角形!

64、Further enhanced with user selectable I/O and controller interlocking update times to match application requirements. ─── 可根据用户选择的I/O和控制器内部连锁更新的时间进一步提高网络通讯性能以满足应用要求

65、The pressurized gascifier safety interlock system guaranteed the plant entering safety mode when fault or accid... ─── 应用案例的成功经验,具有一定的借鉴和推广意义。

66、But the system had frequent problems due to the faultiness of the interlocking system. ─── 介绍了安钢渣铁站铁路信号计算机联锁控制系统的硬件结构和软件组成。

67、Car theives know how to bypass the ignition interlock. ─── 偷车贼知道如何避开点火器安全锁。

68、For example, in this piece you will hear the pianos and vibes interlocking in a highly rhythmic way to drive the rest of the ensemble. ─── 例如,在这一节你们将听到钢琴与钢琴、电颤琴与电颤琴之间的连锁产生的强有力节奏,并引领接下来的整个合奏。

69、The Olympic flag is white with five colored interlocking rings featured. ─── 奥运会旗的特征是白底,上面有五个彩色连环。

70、A safety interlock system that limits the optical power level on an open optical fibre cable. ─── 一种安全互锁系统,该系统在光缆未连接处将光源的功率限制在安全范围内(不损伤人眼)。

71、Install interlock cable from the steering column, refer to Group 21 Automatic Transmission Shifter/Ignition Interlock. ─── 从转向柱处安装互锁电缆,请参阅单元21自动变速器排档器/点火互锁。

72、Their title of project is “Civic Interlock”. ─── 他们的主题是“市民性的互锁”。

73、The lithosphere,hydrosphere,biosphere and atmosphere are 4 interlocking pieces of the planet that together make life possible on erath. ─── 岩圈、水圈、生物圈和大气圈一起互相作用, 才使4块形成的行星形成生命。

74、It is the trend to realize OCS isolating switches' centralized interlocking monitoring with the development of electrified railway. ─── 实现接触网隔离开关的集中联锁监控是铁路电气化发展趋势。

75、Objective: To observe the effect of recovery exercise on comminuted femoral fracture after employing interlocking intramedullary nail. ─── 摘要目的:观察使用交锁髓内钉治疗股骨干粉碎性骨折术后康复锻炼的效果。

76、Hydraulic sequential cilcuit or mechanical mutual interlocking gear should be attached on a flexible mast to avoid misoperation. ─── 伸缩式井架应设置液压顺序回路或机械互锁机构,以防止误操作。

77、This kind of wove Mesh is formed by interlocking wire to produce a given aperture. ─── 这是一种织网是由连锁生产线给定的光圈。

78、The company has been required to make disclosure under Regulation S-K of the Securities and Exchange Commission and for interlocking directors. ─── 对于这些人和公司间的互兼董事,根据证券交易委员会的S-K规则,公司必须进行披露。

79、Title: Clinical observatio of interlocking intramedullery nail combined with pedunculated periosteal bone flap for tibial shaft nonunion. ─── 关键词:骨膜骨瓣;带锁髓内钉;骨不连;治疗

80、As he assembles a multi-generational saga, he discovers that his bloodlines amount to a thousand and one interlocking narratives. ─── 由于他组织了一个多代传奇,他发现,他的血统金额一千零一联锁叙述。

81、Electrical shit technology and pneumatic interlock is used on printing section and grooving section. ─── 印刷部、开槽部机组电动移位,气动锁紧。

82、All the units interlock with one another rigidly. ─── 所有的元件严密地连锁在一起。

83、Info:u nighty in sinker or interlock fabric in all colours and sizes XL, 2xl. ─── 主要材质:涤纶次要材质:其它尺码:全码适用季节:四季

84、It is bad enough when goals do not support and interlock with one another. ─── 当目标不是相互支持和联结的时候,是一件十足的坏事。

85、Overlap comes from ATP sub-system, but for the fixed stopping point it can also come from interlocking sub-system. ─── 安全区段由信号系统根据工程数据进行计算和配置,用于运行列车之间的安全分隔,在确保列车安全运行的情况下兼顾行车效率。

86、fact, a number of interlocking reasons for the popularity of English as a lingua franca. ─── 事实上,英语之所以成为通用语,有许多相互关联的原因。

87、A slide rule consists of three interlocking calibrated strips.The central strip can be moved lengthways relative to the other two. ─── 一把计算尺通常由三个互相锁定的有刻度的长条和一个滑动窗口(称为游标)组成。

88、Nitrile material, interlock lining, good resistant to oil, grease, acids and alcohol. ─── 丁腈材质,棉毛布衬里,对油、油脂、酸和醇等有良好的防护性能。

89、Two gold interlocking Cs remain the logo of her still-flourishing fashion house. ─── 两个相互连锁的黄金C字仍是她繁华依旧的时装店的标志。

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