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08-19 投稿


deponent 发音

英:[d??po?n?nt]  美:[d??p??n?nt]

英:  美:

deponent 中文意思翻译




deponent 词性/词形变化,deponent变形

动词第三人称单数: depones |动词现在分词: deponing |动词过去分词: deponed |动词过去式: deponed |

deponent 短语词组

1、deponent means ─── 宣誓作证方式

2、deponent definition ─── 宣誓人定义

3、deponent dex ─── 宣誓人dex

4、deponent is ─── 宣誓人是

5、deponent verb ─── 异相动词(形式被动但意义主动的动词)

6、deponent latin ─── 宣誓拉丁语

7、deponent define ─── 宣誓人定义

deponent 相似词语短语

1、depones ─── vt.发誓作证;宣誓证实;vi.宣誓作证

2、dependent ─── adj.依靠的;从属的;取决于…的;n.依赖他人者;受赡养者

3、exponent ─── n.[数]指数;典型;说明者,说明物;n.倡导者,鼓吹者,代表者,拥护者;adj.说明的

4、deponents ─── n.宣誓证人;adj.异态的

5、deponing ─── vt.发誓作证;宣誓证实;vi.宣誓作证

6、deponed ─── vt.发誓作证;宣誓证实;vi.宣誓作证

7、imponent ─── n.强加(义务等)者

8、desinent ─── 终点的

9、depone ─── vt.发誓作证;宣誓证实;vi.宣誓作证

deponent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Deponent: National Bank of Republic of Macedonia ─── 誓证者:马其顿共和国国家银行

2、Oddly enough, sometimes seeing it "on TV" is more real than if the deponent were actually in the courtroom. ─── 奇怪的是,有时看见它“上电视”如果不是更真实实的审判参阅。

3、The interpreter rendered the question into Spanish, and the non-English speaking deponent answered, "Estaba manejando mi mueble. " ─── 译员将问题翻译成了西班牙语,不会讲英语的证人回答说:“Estabamanejandomimueble”。

4、Consideration on the Validity of the System of Deponent in West Countries ─── 西方国家证人宣誓制度的效力思考

5、CERTIFY that I have explain to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. ─── 兹证明我已经向提供书面证词者说明了提供所有相关文据的必要性。

6、Microsoft seems to be repeating this same blunder as its own network of sites becomes more and more deponent on Silverlight. ─── 微软似乎要重蹈这样的错误,网站越来越多的依赖Silverlight。

7、CERTIFY that I have explain to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. ─── 兹证明我已经向提供书面证词者说明了提供所有相关文据的必要性。

8、Consideration on the Validity of the System of Deponent in West Countries ─── 西方国家证人宣誓制度的效力思考

9、If for some reason you needed a passive form of a deponent verb, you would have to select a different verb in Latin to express the same idea. ─── 如果要表达被动形主动义动词的被动意义,必须选用别的动词。

10、The deponent made an affidavit. ─── 宣誓证人立了宣誓书。

11、Deponent of Education and Skills, ─── 现称教育与技术部

12、The judge and jury are not only able to listen to the witness, but also see the deponent at the same time. ─── 法官和陪审团不但能倾听证人而且在同一时间看到参阅。

13、CERTIFY that l have explained to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. ─── 我证明我向宣誓人解释了将所有相关文件完全披露的必要性。

14、CERTIFY that I have explained to the deponent the nece ity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. ─── 兹证明我已经向提供书面证词者说明提供所有相关文据的必要性。

15、As an aside, there are a few deponent verbs which use an ablative to express an idea.It is strictly a Latin idiom. ─── 此外有一点补充:有些被动形主动义的动词和从格连用,这纯粹是拉丁文的习用语。

16、Deponent verbs are verbs which, in Latin, only have a passive form. However, in English, we translate them as if they were active. ─── 被动形主动义的动词只有被动形式,但翻译时要译成主动义。

17、A deponent verb. ─── 异相动词

18、CERTIFY that I have explained to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. ─── 兹证实我已经向提供书面证词者说明提供所有相关文据的必要性。

19、Here is a list of the commonly used deponent verbs in Latin. ─── 这种动词有些很常用、有些很少用。

20、Deponent: National Bank of Republic of Macedonia ─── 誓证者:马其顿共和国国家银行

21、There is also a group of verbs known as the semi deponent verb. ─── 另外有种动词称为半被动形主动义的动词。

22、The deponent made an affidavit. ─── 宣誓证人立了宣誓书。

23、” The interpreter rendered the question into Spanish, and the non-English speaking deponent answered, “Estaba manejando mi mueble. ─── 译员将问题翻译成了西班牙语,不会讲英语的证人回答说:“Estabamanejandomimueble”。

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