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08-19 投稿


conditioned 发音

英:[k?n'd???nd]  美:[k?n'd???nd]

英:  美:

conditioned 中文意思翻译



conditioned 网络释义

adj. 有条件的,受制约的;习惯于…的v. 使适应(condition的过去分词);以…为条件

conditioned 同义词

halfway |dependent | learned | broken in | trained | in condition | accustomed | habituated | hardened | relative | inured

conditioned 短语词组

1、conditioned defensive motor reaction ─── [医] 条件防御运动反应

2、artificial conditioned reflex ─── [医] 人工条件反射

3、acid conditioned reflex ─── [医] 条件酸反射

4、artificial conditioned connection ─── [医] 人工条件联系

5、air-conditioned a. ─── 备有空调设 ─── 备的

6、concurrent conditioned reflex ─── [医] 同时条件反射

7、air conditioned ─── 有空调的;空调开放

8、conditioned and unconditioned reflex ─── [医] 条件及非条件反射

9、conditioned avoidance response ─── 条件性回避反应

10、acid conditioned reaction ─── [医] 酸条件反应

11、conditioned emotional response ─── 条件性情绪反应

12、conditioned avoidance ─── [网络] 条件回避

13、artificial and natural conditioned reflex ─── [医] 人工及自然条件反射

14、conditioned connection ─── [医] 条件联系

15、conditioned emotion ─── 条件性情绪

16、conditioned avitaminosis ─── [医] 条件性维生素缺乏病

17、conditioned excitation ─── [医] 条件刺激

18、conditioned food reflex ─── [医] 条件 ─── [性]食物反射

19、be conditioned to ─── 习惯于

conditioned 反义词


conditioned 词性/词形变化,conditioned变形

原型:condition 过去分词:conditioned

conditioned 相似词语短语

1、conditional ─── adj.有条件的;假定的;n.条件句;条件语

2、unconditioned ─── adj.[数]无条件的;绝对的

3、condition ─── n.条件;情况;环境;身份;vt.决定;使适应;使健康;以…为条件

4、conditions ─── n.(生活或工作等的)条件;(影响某事发生的)物质环境;(天气、地面等的)情况;n.疾病;条款;先决条件(condition的复数);v.制约;(使)接受;(使)达到所要求的状态;(使)酿熟;(啤酒等)继续发酵;保养(皮肤、头发);(使)健康;提出条件;给学生打需补考的分数(condition的第三人称单数形式)

5、deconditioned ─── 去条件化

6、reconditioned ─── adj.再修复的;已检修了的;v.修整;使复原(recondition的过去分词)

7、conditioners ─── [自]调节器;调料槽;调节剂(conditioner的复数)

8、conditionated ─── 有条件的

9、conditioner ─── n.调节器;调节剂;调料槽

conditioned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A child born in the far north is soon conditioned to the long cold dark winters. ─── 出生在北部边远地区的孩子很快就习惯于那漫长、寒冷、阴暗的冬季。

2、Given conditioned temperature and proper planting, tulip can grow anywhere. ─── 在控制得当的温度中,配以适当的种植方法,郁金香可以在各地生长。

3、In biology, we can speak of the life history of an organism since an organism is partially conditioned by past event. ─── 在生物学中,我们能够谈论某种有机体的生活史,因为有机体部分地受过去事件的制约。

4、The results are similar, though: business people are conditioned to behave in ways that jeopardize their software projects. ─── 但结果是类似的:业务人员习惯于用危及其软件项目的方式工作。

5、Remark: bended tubes are pedian-hardened; the radius is conditioned by the stretch factor and the possible give. ─── 备注:弯管成型为弧度,弯曲半径大小根据材质的延伸率与可弯曲性能许可为条件。

6、GNP is a reflection of the risen overall social commodity value when it has a proportional increase conditioned with a fixed price in that year. ─── 以不变价格计算的当年国民生产总值按一定的比例增长 ,是对增加了的社会价值总量的反映

7、Godhead, Lord Krsna and to plant the seed of devotion in the heart of the conditioned soul. ─── 传教士热心荣耀至尊人格首神主奎师那,并将奉爱的种子植入受制约灵魂的心中。

8、They may have been so conditioned to being on top that anything less disappoints. ─── 他们已经习惯高高在上,因此稍不如意就怨天尤人。

9、In most cultures, children are conditioned by their upbringing to develop social behaviour. ─── 在大多数文化里面,孩子的教养是他们发展社会行为的重要条件。

10、His boyhood conditioned him to hardship. ─── 他的少年时代使他习惯于逆境。

11、He was conditioned from day one to handle pressure. To carry a whole franchise. ─── 他从第一天开始就被置于压力的环境下。去挑起整支球队。

12、Most people have been conditioned to accept what they see on television. ─── 大多数人已被训练得会接受电视里看到的东西。

13、Animals can be conditioned to expect food at certain time. ─── 可以训练动物定时等待食物。

14、Truly it takes courage to develop self-knowledge and to recognize the soul &spirit beyond our normal conditioned thought and state of being. ─── 实现自我的觉知,以及认识超越我们通常情况下的思维和存在状态的心魂和精神是需要勇气的。

15、Use after showering and bathing and if you are working or living in an air conditioned or heated workplace or home. ─── 如果你工作或居住在一个有空调或热的环境,请在淋浴和沐浴后使用。

16、He viewed sense experience as conditioned by the constitution of the human mind. ─── 他认为感觉经验受到人脑构造的限制。

17、Behavioral psychologists believe that this automatic or conditioned response accounts for human mental activity as well. ─── 但他们认为人的心理活动可以通过这种自动的或条件化的反应得以解释。

18、ES cells should be cultivated on MEF feeder layer or in BRL conditioned medium plus MEF feeder layer at the early stage after recovering. ─── 在复苏后早期阶段ES细胞培养中 ,不宜单独应用BRL条件培养基 ,须用MEF饲养层或合并应用BRL条件培养基和MEF饲养层

19、Tian Tian took a nap in his air conditioned grotto and was to have his frozen treat after he awoke,Spelman said. ─── 可是天天却躲在装有空调的房间里美美地睡午觉去了,睡醒之后自然也会有一顿冰镇地美味佳肴等着他。

20、The Meaning of the Gene:Public Debates about Human Heredity.By Celeste Michelle Condit,xii+325 pp Madison,Wis.:University of Wisconsin Press,1999. ─── 中国传统文化里的科学方法(名家讲演录)席泽宗著,68页,上海:上海科技教育出版社,1999年,3.80元。

21、Supply is conditioned by production. ─── 供应受生产制约。

22、It didn't take them long to become conditioned to the new environment. ─── 他们不久就适应了新环境。

23、The building provides about 25,500 sq. ft. of air-conditioned offices. ─── 这座建筑提供大约2.55万平方英尺的空调办公室。

24、She has been conditioned not to stand up for herself. ─── 她习惯了不为自己辩解。

25、To bring about the extinction of(a conditioned response). ─── 反应消失产生(对条件反应的)消失

26、A man who has become conditioned to the life in the country may feel quite at a loss in the city. ─── 一个已经过惯了农村生活的人在城市里可能会感到手足无措。

27、Determination of a determinable fee upon the happening of the event upon which its existence is conditioned. ─── 可中止采邑权因约定事项的发生而中止。

28、She conditioned her leaving upon the weather. ─── 她动身与否,视天气而定。

29、He argues that thought and action are conditioned by ideology. ─── 他提出,思想和行为是以意识形态为转移的。

30、It became conditioned to tropical heat. ─── 他变得习惯于热带的炎热气候了。

31、Conditioned media from LX-2 cells treated by Cpd 861 for 24, 48, 72 h werecollected. ─── 1 复方 861 对 LX-2 细胞增殖的影响结果表明,复方 861 对 LX-2 细胞增殖的影响与药物剂量相关。 在

32、He soon conditioned the boys to the cold weather. ─── 他很快就使男孩们适应了寒冷的气候。

33、And so when I go down on a woman for the first time, often she is reluctant, having been culturally conditioned to think this is ‘dirty. ─── 因此,每当我趴到一个女人的身下时,她通常会很难为情,在传统文化思想这是”肮脏”的。

34、She expressly conditioned for paying no visits to others. ─── 她明确地提出了条件:不得上别的人家作客。

35、After two weeks their extracted and conditioned stem cells were infused into their bloodstream, ia the jugular ein. ─── 两周后,提取出的处理过的干细胞通过颈静脉输回到患者体内。

36、The human pursuit of security conditioned men to love their homes. ─── 人类对安全的追求决定了人们对家的热爱。

37、Since the Age of Stone, human progress has been conditioned by the genius of my professional forbears. ─── 从石器时代开始, 人类的发展就受到我的专业的限制。

38、And the action of the novel depends on there being alpha individuals incompletely conditioned who looked back fondly to the world of Huxley's time. ─── 另外,这本小说的影响还在于使那些没有完全被驯化的最高阶层对赫胥黎时代的那个世界一往情深。

39、Because the conditioned body is adapted to exercise,the exercise must be more vigorous to influence resting metabolism. ─── 因为锻炼者的身体对锻炼已经适应,因此就需要比较大的锻炼量来影响休息时的新陈代谢作用。

40、They were conditioned in chemistry. ─── 他们得补考化学。

41、The assassins were conditioned through "audio-visual desensitization". ─── 刺客通过“视听脱敏训练”来达到条件。

42、The most important fact to understand about sankharas, as conditioned formations, is that they are all impermanent: "Impermanent, alas, are formations. ─── 以有为的造作来理解诸行,其中最重要的事实是,它们无一持久:所谓“诸行无常”。

43、The introduction of any variation of the work arrangement will not increase or reduce individual staff members conditioned weekly working hours. ─── 任何工作时间的调配不会增加或减少教职员每周的规定工作时数。

44、Test quote: "The Rize's BackBone will be more noticeable to conditioned riders who have developed a good amount of useable wattage in their legs. ─── "试验一句: “在里泽骨干将更加明显,以调节乘客谁也建立了良好的可用功率的腿。

45、Gary Condit, a California Democrat. ─── 利维与加州民主党众议员加里-康迪特有不正当关系。

46、He conditioned himself for the race. ─── 他为赛跑而调整体能状态。

47、Race walkers are conditioned athletes. ─── 竞走运动员是有条件的运动员。

48、Animal can be conditioned to expect food at certain times. ─── 可以训练动物定时等待喂食。

49、We also suceeded in culturing 615 ES cell colonies by BRL conditioned medium. ─── 615小鼠的ES细胞集落。 采用BRL条件培养基对分离的615小鼠ES细胞

50、Have you been conditioned to be cautious of charity? ─── 你是否已形成对施舍(慈善)心存谨慎的习惯?

51、Once they have conditioned themselves to jump just so high, that's all they can do! ─── 一旦他们制约了自己只能跳这么高,那就是他们所能做到的。

52、The patients were conditioned with decreased dosage of immunosuppressive agents of CTX (60?mg/kg) and ALG (120?mg/kg). ─── CTX总用量为 6 0mg/kg ; ALG为 12 0mg/kg。

53、BDNF in the hippocampus maybe involves in operant conditioned reflex of rats. ─── 2. 海马部位的BDNF可能与操作性条件反射的训练有关。

54、Your mind is extremely powerful and has vast untapped resources. It can do ANYTHING, no limits, if it is trained, conditioned and properly motivated. ─── 你的意识极其强大,具有广阔的未开发的资源。它可以做任何事情,如果加以训练、调整和适当的激发,没有限制。

55、It meant so much to people here in the city to get a ride, for instance, in one of the new air conditioned cars. ─── 它是人民这里在城市非常重要的乘驾工具,例如,是在冷气车厢当中一个。

56、Chemically conditioned sludge is treated under pressure for 1 to 3 hours. ─── 化学药物处理过的污泥需经过1至3小时的压力作用。

57、This is not the kind of explicit decision-making we use to solve intellectual problems but the conditioned avoidance of psychological pain. ─── 不是我们在解决思考问题时的那一种清楚的决定过程,而是指一种通过调制下,对心理痛苦的回避。

58、Living at the North Pole soon conditioned the explorers to cold weather. ─── 在北极的生活使探险家很快就适应寒冷的天气。

59、Supply is conditioned by demand . ─── 供应受需求制约。

60、The question is: is it enough of a plus to endure the retraining period a decade of conditioned reflexes will need? ─── 但有个问题:这样的优点值得放弃已经使用了十年的剪刀扳机吗?

61、After living in a big city for a whlie , he found that it was hard for him to be conditioned to a rural life again. ─── 在大城市里生活一段时间以后,他发现自己已经很难再适应乡村生活了。

62、They seem to be conditioned by their own work loads. ─── 他们似乎受到自己的工作负荷的限制。

63、People have become conditioned to expect higher quality from a man who wears a uniform. ─── 人们已习惯于期望穿制服的人会有更高的素质。

64、If the quills are not to be used immediately after winding, they are usually taken to a room to be conditioned with hot, humid air. ─── 如果卷纬完成之后,纬管纱并不马上使用,通常被送到纬纱室,纬纱室内的温湿度较高

65、They conditioned her not to flare up over trifles. ─── 他们使她养成不为小事发脾气的习惯。

66、Brave New World is presented as a nightmare. But we need to be careful. The inhabitants are conditioned to enjoy their existence. ─── 《勇敢的新世界》展示在人们眼前的无异于一个噩梦,但我们也得当心,居民们已习惯于享受自身的生存状况。

67、Philip Condit, Chairman &CEO of The Boeing Company;and Jack Nasser, former President &CEO of Ford Motor Company. ─── 今晚在密歇根州大学商学院,杰克韦尔奇与你分享他执掌的经验。

68、Studies on the Conditioned Media in the Direct Culture of Microspores in Barley. ─── 大麦小孢子直接培养中条件因子的应用研究。

69、She conditioned her acceptance of the gift on his coming to dinner next evening. ─── 她以他第二天来吃晚饭作为接受礼物的条件。

70、Origin Ira Condit, Riverside 1956. ─── 原籍爱尔兰共和军康迪,1956河沿.

71、If you're conditioned to despise work every time the alarm rings, you could end up stuck at a job that's just wrong for you. ─── 如果每次闹钟响起就开始鄙视工作已经成为了你的习惯,那么可能你是陷在了无非一个不适合你的工作中。

72、An alternative condit is that the total motion of any atom is reproduced after every N atoms. ─── 另一个条件是,所有n个原子的运动状态复现出任意一个原子的全运动。

73、She soon conditioned the children to the cold weather. ─── 她很快就使孩子们适应了寒冷的天气。

74、It was conditioned between them that they should marry next May. ─── 他们两人约定明年五月结婚。

75、Unwrapping a stick of gum can even turn out to be a substitute ritual for lighting up a cigarette as a conditioned response to stress. ─── 点燃香烟是你在压力下的条件反射,打开一块口香糖甚至就可以替代你的习惯性动作了。

76、since this very mind is the friend of the conditioned being as well as the enemy of the conditioned being. ─── 受束缚的灵一定不要堕落,因为就是这个心既是受束缚灵的朋友也是他的敌人。

77、He's one of the best conditioned athletes in the world. ─── 他是这个世界上身体素质最好的运动员之一。”

78、In biololgy, we can speak of the lifehistory of an organism since an organism is partially conditioned by past event. ─── 在生物学中,我们能够谈论某种有机体的生活史,因为有机体部分地受过去事件的制约。

79、Cool, air-conditioned apartments became furnaces. ─── 凉爽、有空调的公寓变成了火炉。

80、You would simply continue to act out the same conditioned patterns in more luxurious surroundings. ─── 在更奢华的环境中,你也只会按照原来的受到调校的规律行动。

81、He conditioned himself to the extreme cold. ─── 他让自己适应了极度严寒的环境。

82、Even if you read too much about the deconditioning of the mind, you may get only further conditioned. ─── 即使他们阅读了关于如何解除思想制约的书,亦只会变得更受制约。

83、Cimpor WORK PERFORMED: Multiple works of implementations of conditioned vibration analysis monitoring, several platforms in PORTUGAL, MAROC and EGYPT. ─── Cimpor所做工作业绩:对其在葡萄牙、摩洛哥和埃及的几个平台,进行了多项条件震动分析监控工作。

84、He soon conditioned the boys to the cold weather . ─── 他很快就使男孩子们适应了寒冷的天气。

85、And so when I go down on a woman for the first time, often she is reluctant, having been culturally conditioned to think this is 'dirty. ─── 因此,每当我趴到一个女人的身下时,她通常会很难为情,在传统文化思想这是"肮脏"的。

86、He conditioned his going on weather. ─── 他能去与否, 视天气而定。

87、At this point in the history of mankind, we have been conditioned to abhor symptoms of any kind. ─── 在人类历史上,我们已经习惯于厌恶任何形式的症状。

88、Today a 1967 Cougar in good condit is a collector's item. ─── 到今天,一辆没有破损的1967年生产的美洲豹车是汽车搜集家的一项瑰集品。

89、The decline of a conditioned response following repeated exposure to the conditioned stimulus. ─── 反应减弱因不断接受条件刺激而伴随产生的条件反射减弱

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