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08-19 投稿


gooseberry 发音

英:['g?zb(?)r?; 'gu?s-]  美:['ɡusb?ri]

英:  美:

gooseberry 中文意思翻译



gooseberry 网络释义

n. 醋栗,鹅莓;醋栗酒;醋栗树

gooseberry 同义词

jackass |twat | zany | fathead | goof | bozo | cuckoo | goofball

gooseberry 反义词


gooseberry 短语词组

play gooseberry

1. 不识趣地和一对情侣在一起

Jane and Bill asked me to go with them, but I refused because I didn't want to play gooseberry.

简和比尔邀我和他们一起去, 我谢绝了, 因为我不想不识趣地夹在他们中间。

1、gooseberry wine ─── 醋栗酒

2、gooseberry lodges ─── 醋栗小屋

3、gooseberry patch ─── 醋栗片

4、gooseberry family ─── [网络] 醋栗家族

5、dwarf cape gooseberry ─── 醋栗

6、Barbados-gooseberry vine ─── [网络] 巴巴多斯醋栗醋

7、gooseberry bush ─── 茶藨子灌木(丛),醋栗灌木(丛); (对小孩说的)婴儿产生于藨子灌木丛的哄骗话

8、sea gooseberry ─── [动物]侧腕水母(Pleurobrachia)

9、gooseberry pies ─── 醋栗派

10、gooseberry coffee ─── 醋栗咖啡

11、gooseberry intimates ─── 醋栗密友

12、Cape gooseberry ─── 灯笼果

13、play gooseberry ─── 硬插在两个情侣之间

14、Chinese gooseberry ─── 猕猴桃

15、gooseberry plants ─── 醋栗属植物

16、Barbados gooseberry ─── 虎刺(等于lemon vine); ─── 虎刺果(等于blade apple);巴巴多斯醋栗

17、Ceylon gooseberry ─── [网络] 锡兰鹅莓

18、gooseberry fool ─── 奶油醋栗泥

19、gooseberry pie ─── 鹅莓馅饼

gooseberry 词性/词形变化,gooseberry变形

动词过去分词: goose-stepped |动词现在分词: goose-stepping |动词过去式: goose-stepped |动词第三人称单数: goose-steps |

gooseberry 相似词语短语

1、gooseberries ─── n.醋栗(gooseberry的复数);v.(从晾衣绳上)偷衣服(gooseberry的三单形式)

2、gooseherds ─── n.饲鹅者

3、gooseherd ─── n.饲鹅者

4、chokeberry ─── n.北美沙果;唐棣属灌木

5、goosery ─── n.养鹅场;鹅的特点或行为;愚蠢

6、sea gooseberry ─── n.球栉水母

7、Rosebery ─── n.罗斯伯里(姓氏)

8、goldenberry ─── 戈登贝利

9、boysenberry ─── n.一种杂交草莓

gooseberry 习惯用语

1、like old gooseberry ─── [俚]猛烈地

2、old gooseberry ─── [俚]魔鬼

3、(as) green as a gooseberry ─── 无生活经验的

4、play (up) old gooseberry with ─── 破坏

5、play gooseberry ─── 硬插在两个情侣之间

gooseberry 特殊用法

1、cape gooseberry ─── 灯笼果

2、dwarf cape gooseberry ─── 醋栗

3、Chinese gooseberry ─── 弥猴桃

gooseberry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、gooseberry in brine ─── 咸水醋栗

2、play old gooseberry with ─── 参照 gooseberry

3、Being unable to remove the chain, I jumped over, and, running up the flagged causeway bordered with straggling gooseberry bushes, knocked vainly for admittance, till my knuckles tingled and the dogs howled. ─── 我弄不开门链,就跳进去,顺着两边种着蔓延的醋栗树丛的石路跑去。 我白白地敲了半天门,一直敲到我的手指骨都痛了,狗也狂吠起来。

4、Most people around the world are now familiar with and can enjoy strawberries but few are familiar with other more exotic berries such as the gooseberry blackberry and raspberry. ─── 世界上大多数人现在都熟悉草莓,而且吃得到草莓,但却很少有人知道其它较具异国风味的浆果,例如醋栗、黑莓及覆盆子等。

5、Why should sauvignon blanc be stuck with boring old gooseberry and cabernet sauvignon with cassis? ─── 为什么白葡萄酒就一定是一成不变的醋栗口味,而红葡萄酒则永远是黑加仑的味道?

6、This paper studies on pressing technological process of compound fruit vegetable drink with fortune finethorn, burija gooseberry and carrot, a composition of natural health drink also has been found. ─── 以火棘、刺梨、胡萝卜为原料,研制出营养丰富的天然保健饮料,并总结出该复合果蔬汁饮料的生产工艺及流程。

7、Application of Artificial Neural Network for Classification of Gooseberry Species ─── 人工神经网络在猕猴桃种类识别上的应用

8、Oh, you two go by yourselves! You don't want me coming along playing gooseberry. ─── 喔,你们两个自己去好啦!不会要我夹在中间做电灯胆的。

9、Keywords Myocardium injury;Chinese gooseberry;Kiwi essence;Apoptosis;Adriamycin; ─── 心肌损伤;猕猴桃;果王素;细胞凋亡;阿霉素;

10、I had no intention to play gooseberry, and declined to go with them. ─── 我不想做电灯泡,婉拒和他们同行。

11、My gooseberries have grown well apart from one bush, which had an attack of gooseberry sawfly. ─── 我的鹅莓长势喜人,除了一株由于锯蝇的攻击而出现问题。

12、After losing them, he ran on four legs and went faster, so that I think he might have got away altogether if he had not unfortunately run into a gooseberry net, and got caught by the large buttons on his jacket. ─── 丢了鞋子以后,他用四只脚跑,快了一些,所以我以为他没准儿能够逃脱,然而他不幸进了醋栗网,外套上的一颗大钮扣给绊住了。

13、"But," said Jack dolefully, "if I go I'll have to be gooseberry, and that will be a new experience for Jack Lee. ─── "(“但是,”杰克带点落寞地说道,“如果我去,我不是和一对情侣凑一起了,那太不知趣了!那可得长我李杰克的经验值了。”)

14、small yellow to orange fruit of the Barbados gooseberry cactus used in desserts and preserves and jellies. ─── 小的、黄色到橙色、巴巴多斯仙人掌科醋栗的果实,用于甜点、蜜饯和果冻。

15、Minnesota's most visited state park, Gooseberry Falls is a phenomenal location. ─── 明尼苏达州访问量最大的公园,古兹·伯里瀑布州立公园绝对名副其实。

16、Results: The IC_ 50 of apple,Chinese gooseberry,pear and orange was 0.007 ml,0.007 ml,0.6 ml,0.5 ml, respectively. ─── OH的IC50分别为0.007ml、0.007ml、0.6ml、0.5ml;

17、He was as green as a gooseberry. ─── 他年少无知。

18、Some postharvest physiological changes in Chinese gooseberry [Actinidia deliciosa(A. Chev. ) ─── 以美味猕猴桃[Actinidia deliciosa(A.chev.)

19、Remember, when those questions about where babies come from, try to avoid mentioning gooseberry bushes, and keep calm and carry on! ─── 记住,当这些关于孩子们是从哪儿来的问题来了的时候,尽量避免提及醋栗树丛的事,保持冷静,加油。

20、Ingredient: High quality gooseberry acid, plant whitening factors, vitamins, collagen. ─── 主要成分:优等奇异果果酸,新鲜牛乳精华,植物美白,维他命群,胶原蛋白。

21、Wine 3 wasn't poured and we got the tasting notes from the other group and here it is: Pale lemon in colour, youthful nose of gooseberry, citrus and grass. ─── 到了没有品尝到的3号酒,我们手拿著另一组的笔记去猜这支酒,笔记如下:淡黄色的外观,醋栗、柑橘和青草的年轻香味。

22、13. i'll leave you alone. i'm sure you don't want me to play gooseberry. ─── 我想让你们单独在一起,我肯定你们不想让我当电灯泡吧。

23、I didn' t wish to play gooseberry, ie be the unwanted person. ─── 我可不想当不识趣的人.

24、gooseberry gene ─── gooseberry 基因

25、Keywords bioelectrode;gooseberry;carbon paste electrode;cscorbic acid;differential-pulse voltammetry; ─── 关键词生物传感器;猕猴桃浆;碳糊电极;抗坏血酸;示差脉冲伏安法;

26、Chinese gooseberry and raisin fruit yoghurt is fermented by the optimum conditions of the mixed fermentation with milk and Chinese gooseberry paste by L. bulgaricus and Str.thermophlius. ─── 摘要在酸奶技术的基础上,将猕猴桃与鲜牛乳的混合液接入乳酸菌发酵。

27、I'll leave you alone. I'm sure you don't want me to play gooseberry. ─── 我想让你们单独在一起,我肯定你们不想让我当电灯泡吧。

28、A full, crisp and powerful wine with intense flavours of passion fruit and guava, along with underlying gooseberry and herbal tones. ─── 品质尤其出众,而万宝龙产区又是全新西兰最好的白沙威浓产区。


30、The test of sweetener and CPPU on Chinese gooseberry Guihai4 was carried out, in which the size, quality and dropping rate of the fruit were measured and analyzed statistically. ─── 对中华猕猴桃桂海 4号进行增甜剂和果王液的不同时期和不同浓度的喷果试验 ,对处理果实的大小、品质及落果率进行测定和统计分析。

31、nose with passion fruit, guava and pear aromas. Gooseberry capsicum and tropical on a full, rich palate with a long sweet - fruited finish. ─── 酒体呈现黄绿色。浓郁的水果香气和绿草的清新味道,番石榴,梨子的味道完美融合在一起。余味带有浓郁的醋栗种子和热带水果的香气。

32、When the ascorbic acid in the juice and solution was oxidized by the ascorbic acid oxidase, the Chinese gooseberry juice remained the most eff- ective, the blocking up to 90.24%, 88.47% and 79.84% for 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 hour incubation. ─── 将猕猴桃汁中抗坏血酸经酶氧化后,不同时间阻断率仍分别高达90.24%、88.47%及79.84%;

33、Study of chitosan coating preservation on gooseberry ─── 壳聚糖涂膜保鲜猕猴桃的研究

34、I find you are perfectly qualified for making converting,and so go help your mother to make the gooseberry pie. ─── 我看你完全有资格使人改入我党(派),所以去帮助你妈妈做鹅莓烘饼吧。

35、Being unable to remove the chain,I jumped over,and,running up the flagged causeway bordered with straggling gooseberry bushes,knocked vainly for admittance,till my knuckles tingled and the dogs howled. ─── 我弄不开门链,就跳进去,顺着两边种着蔓延的醋栗树丛的石路跑去。我白白地敲了半天门,一直敲到我的手指骨都痛了,狗也狂吠起来。

36、a wild gooseberry,bearing large,prickly berries ─── 一种野生茶藨子,结硕大多刺浆果

37、abies are found under gooseberry bushes. ─── 婴儿是在醋栗树下被发现的。

38、Dave and Michelle invited me to go out with them but I don't want to play gooseberry all evening. ─── 戴夫和米歇尔邀请我跟他们一起出去,不过我可不想整个晚上都当电灯泡。

39、' Meanwhile Tess was walking thoughtfully among the gooseberry bushes in the garden, and over Prince's grave. ─── 这时候,苔丝正在院子里的覆盆子丛中、在王子的坟墓上满腹心事地走着。

40、I'll leave you alone. I'm sure you don't want me to play gooseberry. ─── 我想让你们单独在一起,我肯定你们不想让我当电灯泡吧。

41、I find you are perfectly qualified for making convert,and so go and help your mother to make the gooseberry pie. ─── 我看你完全有资格使人改入我党(派),所以嘛,去帮你妈做鹅莓烘饼吧。

42、Studies on Introduction and Non-pollution Cultivation of Chinese Gooseberry in Xinyang ─── 信阳市猕猴桃引种及无公害栽培技术研究

43、Judging the respiratory pattern and ethylene evolution behavior, Chinese gooseberry is considered a climacteric fruits. ─── 依猕猴桃之呼吸量及乙烯发生量的变化来看,猕猴桃应属更年性果实。

44、gooseberry flavor ─── 圆醋栗香精

45、Palate: Zesty flavors aromas of tropical fruit such as kiwi, gooseberry, pineapples and mangos with a hint of grassiness are complemented by creamy citrus notes. ─── 口感:丰富的热带水果如猕猴桃、醋栗、菠萝和芒果香味,并透着一丝青草气息配以柑橘类水果的味道。

46、Barry often plays gooseberry. ─── 巴里常不知趣地夹在一对情侣之间/做电灯泡


48、Babies are found under gooseberry bushes. Used to fend off awkward questions like, "mummy where do I come from?" ─── 婴儿是在醋栗树下被发现的。这个谎言来对付孩子们提出的“妈妈,我是从哪儿来的?”这个棘手而不便回答的问题。

49、The big gooseberry season is drawing near. ─── 新闻界的无聊季节即将来临。

50、The bouquet shows the exotic characters of lychees, paw paw and passionfruit, underlain by nuances of gooseberry. ─── 充满异国情调的荔枝,番木瓜香味与热情果香味。

51、Tasting: The Tahuna Sauvignon Blanc has intense passionfruit and gooseberry fruit flavours with a vibrant, fruit finish and lovely balance. ─── 味道:这款酒已激烈的西番莲和猕猴桃果实风味与一个充满活力,水果完成和可爱的平衡。

52、9.The conclusions reached here can be of some use for the breeding practice of Chinese gooseberry. ─── 文中讨论了这种统计学相关性在中华猕猴桃育种中的实践意义,可为目前中华猕猴桃育种工作提供参考。

53、Palate: Clean fresh zesty palate showing flavours of lemon, mandarin and gooseberry. ─── 口感:带柠檬,柑橘及醋栗的新鲜口感滋味。

54、She always dressed in black and white clothing.She used elderberry and gooseberry perfumes.She had purple eyes and raven black hair.She was a quadroon (she had1/4 of elven blood). ─── 她总是穿着黑白色的衣服,她使用用接骨木果与醋栗酒制作的的香水,她拥有紫色的眼睛和乌黑的长发。


56、I'll leave you two young people alone; I'm sure you don't want me to play gooseberry. ─── 你们两个年轻人单独在一起吧,我敢肯定你们不希望我夹在你们中间。

57、3639 beta-Cyclocitral 95% soft fruits(apricot,gooseberry,mango), vanilla,teas ─── 乙位环柠檬醛95%软水果(杏仁,醋,芒果),香素

58、Our company's products are wild hawthorn juice, chinese gooseberry juice, orange juice, tropical juice, mango juice, grape juice, pineapple juice, strawberry juice and so on. ─── 我们公司的产品如下:野生山楂汁、猕猴桃汁、橙汁、混合果汁、芒果汁、葡萄汁、菠萝汁、草莓汁等等。

59、I don't wish to play gooseberry. ─── 我不想当不识趣的人。

60、Comparison of Four Extraction Methods on Chinese Gooseberry Seed Oil Yield ─── 四种不同提取方法对猕猴桃籽油得率的比较研究

61、flavoured gooseberry ─── 五香甘果

62、I'll leave you two young people alone; I'm sure you don'twantme to play gooseberry. ─── 你们两个年轻人单独在一起吧,我敢肯定你。

63、Masses of citrus zest on the nose with gooseberry, peach and passionfruit hints. ─── 大量的柑橘类香味,隐约中又透露著醋栗、桃子和百香果的香气。

64、play gooseberry ─── vi. 陪伴两个想单独在一起的人

65、hedge gooseberry fruit ─── 刺李

66、Wild Chinese Gooseberry Ecologic Climatization in Yi-Ling County and Its Region Division ─── 夷陵区野生猕猴桃生态气候适应性及其区划

67、Chinese gooseberry ─── 弥猴桃

68、High quality gooseberry acid, efficiently remove jaundice and tone the uneven complexion. Cleanse the dirt on face. Diminish the wrinkles, natural whiteness. ─── 优等奇异果果酸,能有效祛除面部黄气和暗哑不均的肤色。净化面部污垢,淡化皱纹。美白自然度。

69、What is chinese gooseberry called in ancient time? ─── 在以前被称为中国醋栗(唐鹅莓)是什麽?

70、Aromas of a wonderful complex combination of gooseberry, green grass, white currants and green bean with hints of passionfruit and other tropical flavors. ─── 散发着醋栗和青草的气息与白葡萄干、绿豆及西番莲等热带果实的芳香完美交织融合。

71、“At a hundred human paces from here there sits a little snail in her house, on a gooseberry bush; ─── “离这儿100步路远的地方,有一个有房子的小蜗牛住在醋栗丛上。

72、Observations on Biological Characteristics of Two Species of Cape Gooseberry ─── 两种灯笼果生物学特性观察

73、The stem segments of Chinese gooseberry cultured in vitro,2ip added in the medium would give good effect on the regeneration of the plantlet same as zeatin. The effect of 6-BA was less and kinetin almost had no effect. ─── 在猕猴桃离体茎段的形态发生过程中,6-(3-甲基-2-丁烯基氨基)嘌呤(2ip)像玉米素一样有促进离体茎段植株再生的良好效果,6-BA 次之,而激动素(K)几乎无作用。

74、Experimental and Research on Gooseberry's Dielectric Properties Effect in Alternating Current Electric Field ─── 交变电场对猕猴桃介电特性影响的试验研究

75、while the ascorbic acid solution gave 97.56%, 89.48% and 65.62% blocking. The Chinese gooseberry juice was the most effective agent. ─── 并优于含同样量的抗坏血酸溶液,其结果分别为97.56%、89.48%及65.62%。

76、They are found in enormous numbers on gooseberry bushes, grass, and low herbage in the summer and autumn. ─── 恙螨:夏秋季可在灌木丛、草丛和低矮的草本植物中发现恙螨。

77、Palate: The bouquet shows the exotic characters of lychees, pawpaw and passionfruit, underlain by nuances of gooseberry. ─── 口感:酒体饱满而成熟,有甜香蕉和浆果的香味。

78、small yellow to orange fruit of the Barbados gooseberry cactus used in desserts and preserves and jellies. ─── 小的、黄色到橙色、巴巴多斯仙人掌科醋栗的果实,用于甜点、蜜饯和果冻。

79、New Zealanders liken it to "gooseberry", but that is not a familiar smell or flavor to most Americans. ─── 新西兰将其比作醋栗,但是对大多数的美国人而言,他们并不熟悉这种味道。

80、I don't want to play Gooseberry. ─── 我可不想做电灯泡。

81、so that I think he might have got away altogether if he had not unfortunately run into a gooseberry net, and got caught by the large buttons on his jacket. ─── 所以我想要不是不幸撞上醋栗田里的一面网子,夹克上的一颗大纽扣被卡住,他可能已经逃掉了。

82、to play gooseberry ─── [BRIT] 当电灯泡

83、Ribes aureum. A distant relative of the common Ribes, Buffalo Currant is probably closer to gooseberry. ─── 藨菌.远亲共同藨,水牛醋栗大概接近鹅.

84、Don't rely on Smith, he's as green as a gooseberry. ─── 不能依靠史密斯,他少不更事。

85、The aroma displays uplifting freshness of apple, white peach, pear and gooseberry with underlying floral notes. ─── 充满新鲜的苹果、白桃、梨、醋栗和鲜花香气。

86、Before going up, enthusiastic ground enquires his dinner wants what to eat: "Nod pulp pasty presumably?Or gooseberry pasty? ─── 便上前热情地询问他晚饭想吃点什么:“想来点果肉馅饼吗?

87、On, you two go by yourselves! You don't want me coming along playing gooseberry. ─── 啊,你们俩还是单独去吧!你们不想我硬夹在你们中间吧。

88、The foliage is glossy, larger than gooseberry, lobed, scentless and resists mildew. ─── 叶面光亮,是大于鹅瓣,方洪和抗白粉病.

89、but few are familiar with other, more exotic berries, such as the gooseberry, blackberry, and raspberry. ─── 但却很少有人知道其他较具异国风味的浆果,例如醋栗、黑莓及覆盆子等。


gooseberry (陪伴年轻女人到交际场所的)女伴 star gooseberry - 交际花

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