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08-19 投稿


forfeiter 发音

英:[['f?:f?t?]]  美:[['f?:f?t?]]

英:  美:

forfeiter 中文意思翻译



forfeiter 相似词语短语

1、forfeiture ─── n.(财产等的)没收;(权利、名誉等的)丧失

2、forfeit ─── v.(因犯罪、失职、违约等)丧失(权利、名誉、生命等);n.罚金;没收物;丧失的东西;adj.因受罚而丧失的;被没收的;被剥夺的

3、forester ─── n.林务官,护林人;森林动物,森林居民;林务官蛾,斑蛾;n.(Forester)兄弟会成员(古林务员);n.(Forester)(美、英、爱尔兰)福雷斯捷(人名)

4、surfeiter ─── n.过度;饮食过度;恶心(由于饮食过度所引起)(surfeit的变形)

5、forfaiters ─── 福费特斯

6、forgetter ─── n.健忘者;容易忘记的人

7、forfaiter ─── 负债业务者

8、forfeited ─── v.丧失;被迫放弃;被剥夺(forfeit的过去分词)

9、forfeits ─── n.[金融]罚金;罚物游戏(forfeit的复数)

forfeiter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He stretched his limbs in expectation of a luscious forfeit. ─── 他伸展腰肢,希望豪赌一

2、His life is forfeit to the people. ─── 他的生命已交由人民处理。

3、What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? ─── 人就是赚得全世界,赔上自己的生命,有甚麽益处呢?人还能拿什麽换生命呢?

4、"Any commander who holds back his forces," Hitler shouted to General Koller; who had remained behind to represent the Air Force, "will forfeit his life in five hours. ─── “凡是按兵不动的指挥官,”希特勒向留下来代表空军的科勒将军喊道,“都要在五小时内处决。

5、If you don't return the article to the shop within a week, you forfeit your right to get your money back. ─── 你如果不在一星期内把物品退回商店,你将丧失索回货款的权利。

6、In the sequel to the Princess Diaries, Princess Mia is forced to find herself a husband in 30 days or she must 18)forfeit the crown of Genovia. ─── 在《公主日记》的续集中,米娅公主必须在30天内找到一个丈夫,否则她就要被剥夺基诺维亚国王位的继承权。

7、Next, must prevent local cultural forfeit. ─── 其次,要防止乡土文化的丧失。

8、If you provide valid instructions or cease distribution within thirty days after you become aware that the instructions are invalid, then you do not forfeit any of your rights under this license. ─── 假如您是在知悉指南无效事实之后的三十天内,提供有效的指南或停止散布的话,您并不会丧失依据这份授权条款所拥有的任何权利。

9、Can yet the clease of my true love control,supposed as forfeit to a confined dom. ─── 不能为我的真爱定任何期限,尽管它假定要牺牲于命定的灭亡。

10、Even with deposit insurance, bank customers could forfeit some of their savings in the event of a bank collapse. ─── 即使有存款保险,银行客户可以丧失他们的一些储蓄在发生崩岸。

11、I have seen enough! Your soul is forfeit, and I can overlook this no more! ─── 凯东:我已受够了!你的灵魂已经彻底腐化,我不能再坐视不管!

12、Otherwise, the team would have to forfeit the match. ─── 否则,球队将不得不放弃比赛。

13、For the man who has will always be given more, till he has enough and to spare; and the man who has not will forfeit even what he has. ─── 凡有的,还要多给他,使他有余;凡没有的,连他原有的,也要失去。

14、For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul-life? ─── 36人就是赚得全世界,赔上自己的魂生命,有什么益处?

15、If man put his country in danger by helping the enemy, his life and possessions were forfeit to the crown. ─── 任何人如帮助敌人危害本国,他的生命财产便被国家没收。

16、to forfeit; to lose; to be deprived of; to be stripped of; to lapse ─── 丧失

17、To forfeit (bail) by failing to appear in court. ─── 丧失,被没收:由于没出庭而失去(保释)

18、For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? ─── 可8:36人就是赚得全世界、上了自己的生命、甚麽益处呢。

19、If man put his country in danger by helping the enemy, his life and possessions were forfeit to the. ─── 任何人如帮助敌人危害本国,他的生命财产便被国家没收。

20、Their blood is forfeit and it is lawful to make their children slaves. ─── 他们的血液丧失了,并且它是合法的做他们的孩子奴隶。

21、Her health was the forfeit she paid for working too hard. ─── 她的健康的丧失是辛劳过度所致。

22、The act of surrendering something as a forfeit. ─── 丧失作为惩罚丧失某物的行为

23、If you continue to tell lies, you will forfeit the good opinion of everyone. ─── 你如果继续撒谎, 就会失掉大家对你的好感。

24、For her own comfort and happiness she had to go, but if she did she would forfeit her self-respect. ─── 为自己的舒服快乐,非回去不可; 为自己的体面,以不去为是。

25、Is It Proper that Forfeit Penalty Applies to Scope of Probation ─── 关于罚金刑应否适用缓刑问题的思考

26、Exempting from inspection title's forfeit, means the extra honorary privilege and marketing channel's forfeit. ─── 免检头衔的丧失,就意味着额外名誉特权和营销渠道的丧失。

27、If you don't return the article to the shop within a week, you forfeit your chance of getting your. ─── 如果你不把物品归还商店,你就丧失了取回钱的机会。

28、He said he was quite willing to forfeit his four months' interest. We suggested that he might discount it, but he wouldn't hear of it. ─── 他说四个多月的利息,他可以牺牲,要他照‘贴现’的办法却不行。

29、depart from principle; forfeit [lose] principle ─── 丧失原则

30、On the other hand, if he has blown so much coat that he looks like something the cat dragged in and didn't want, then it would be wise to pull him and forfeit the entry money. ─── 另一方面,如果他掉了太多的毛,看起来象是被猫抓掉的并不是想要的那样,那么带他参赛就是不明智地并且浪费报名费的。

31、If you do any damage to the computer even by any chance,you'll forfeit your right to get the fund. ─── 你如果把计算机损坏了,你就会丧失索回货款的权利。

32、His lands were forfeit (to the state). ─── 他的土地被国家没收了。

33、Furthermore, I would forfeit my comfortable Johnson Johnson salary. ─── 另外,我还放弃了在强生公司的丰厚待遇。

34、Forfeit (v.): lose, give up, or be deprived of as a forfeit for some crime, fault, etc. ─── (因犯罪、过失、失职等而)丧失;被迫放弃,被剥夺。

35、But most also insist that selling their small stakes would forfeit big strategic advantages. ─── 但多数银行也坚称,卖出其持有的少数股权,可能导致它们丧失重大的战略优势。

36、Anyone who failed to appear within three days would forfeit all his property, in accordance with the decision of the officials and elders, and would himself be expelled from the assembly of the exiles. ─── 凡不遵首领和长老所议定,三日之内不来的,就必抄他的家,使他离开被掳归回之人的会。

37、His health was the forfeit he paid for working too hard. ─── 他健康的丧失是他工作过度所付出的代价。

38、The beneficiaries lose the right to the insurance benefit according to law or forfeit the right to benefit and there are no other beneficiaries. ─── 受益人依法丧失受益权或者放弃受益权,没有其他受益人的。

39、A team with less than the required number of competitors will forfeit the match (Kiken). ─── 团体队少于规定的选手出场,将丧失比赛(弃权)。

40、Mk. 8:35 For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul-life? ─── 可八35因为凡要救自己魂生命的,必丧失魂生命;凡为我和福音丧失自己魂生命的,必救了魂生命。

41、Give me your watch as a forfeit. ─── 你输了, 罚你把手表交给我.

42、Those who move will forfeit 50 rupees. ─── 动者将罚款50卢比。

43、His health was the forfeit he paid for overworking. ─── 他因工作过度而丧失了健康。

44、They place their lives in forfeit for what they say." ─── 他们用生命担保他们所说的一切是真实的。”

45、They would forfeit good opportunities for self-improvement and alienate their audiences. ─── 他们会失去改进自己的机会,也会使他们和观众越来越疏远。

46、If you don't return the article to the shop within a week, you forfeit your chance of getting your money back. ─── 如果你不把物品归还商店,你就丧失了取回钱的机会。

47、The sprite was imprisoned in an iron cage placed in a tower on the grounds near the palace. The king then entrusted the key to this prison to his wife, with the threat that her life was forfeit if she gave up the key. ─── 国王把妖怪囚禁在王宫附近一个塔楼的铁牢里,把牢房的钥匙交给他的妻子,并且威胁说,如果丢了钥匙她就会丧命。

48、Mance Rayder's life is forfeit by every law of the Seven Kingdoms. ─── 七大王国的每一条法律都要求剥夺曼斯雷德的生命。”

49、If the beneficiary has intentionally caused the death or disability of the insured, or attempted to cause the death of the insured, the beneficiary shall forfeit his right to claim insurance benefits. ─── 受益人故意造成被保险人死亡或者伤残的,或者故意杀害被保险人未遂的,丧失受益权。

50、The logbook that he sees the captain is written raises outcry, if do not add an explanation,say this record, can forfeit his future, because this makes,the person feels he often drunk wine. ─── 他看到船长写的航海日志提出强烈抗议,说这个记录假如不加解释,会断送他的前程,因为这使人觉得他常常醉酒。

51、 双语使用场景

52、If you always tease others like that, you' ll forfeit the good opinion of your friends. ─── 你如果老是那样捉弄别人,你就会丧失朋友们的好感。

53、What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self? ─── 人若赚得全世界、丧了自己、上自己、甚麽益处呢。

54、Simultaneously drifts away the humic acid may promote the plant leaf surface pore contraction, reduces the moisture content forfeit. ─── 同时游离的腐植酸可促进植物叶面毛孔的收缩,减少水分的丧失。

55、They must move with dispatch to turn around the decline or forfeit the edge they have had for more than two decades in Presidential elections. ─── 他们必须迅速采取行动扭转颓势,否则他们势将放弃他们将近二十年在总统选举中的优势。

56、He has forfeit the right to is the leader of this nation ─── 他丧失了作为这个国家领导的权利

57、When practitioners live in a small group without the restraint of monastic rules, they may easily indulge themselves hence forfeit the opportunities to discipline and train their minds. ─── 否则一、两个人住在一起,没有丛林规矩的约束,很容易变成我行我素,随心所欲,而失去了磨练的机会。

58、To forfeit(bail) by failing to appear in court. ─── 丧失,被没收由于没出庭而失去(保释)

59、Mostly the analyst believed that the bulk lots continue to weaken are completely the reason in investor confidence forfeit, the confidence are more important than the money. ─── 大多分析师相信,大盘持续走弱完全是缘于投资者信心的丧失,信心比金钱更重要。

60、They won the game by forfeit. ─── 他们因怕受罚而赢得了那场比赛。


62、To advocate killing more or killing without discrimination is entirely wrong; this would only cause our Party to forfeit sympathy, become alienated from the masses and fall into isolation. ─── 主张多杀乱杀的意见是完全错误的,它只会使我党丧失同情,脱离群众,陷于孤立。

63、What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? ─── 人就是赚得全世界,赔上自己的生命,有什么益处呢?

64、humiliate the nation and forfeit its sovereignty ─── 丧权辱国

65、Please note: violation of this or other eBay policies may result in forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings, limits on account privileges and account suspension. ─── 大意:注意:违反上面的规则或者易趣其它的规则的话,可能会导致对已取消清单的费用的没收,对帐号权限的限制甚至是帐号的冻结。

66、Refusing to buy up this year's wine will mean they forfeit access to next year's vintage. ─── 因为拒绝收购今年的酒就意味着他们在往后的年份中也将无法进行收购。

67、If you cancel your flight, you will forfeit your deposit. ─── 乘客取消航班订位,订金概不退还。

68、A Research Method of Custom Forfeit Crisis Based on Decision Tree ─── 一种基于决策树的客户流失危机分析方法

69、Statutory grounds for a landlord to forfeit a tenancy ─── 业主没收租赁的法定理由

70、forfeit one's life on the battlefield ─── 在战场丧失生命,战死,阵亡

71、Failure to comply with this requirement will forfeit Customer's right to receive a Service Credit. ─── 如不遵守这一要求,则视为客户放弃获得服务信用的权利。

72、That you forfeit what you need ─── 以至于失去心爱的东西

74、His lands were forfeit. ─── 他的土地都已被没收。

75、His life was the forfeit of his crime. ─── 他以生命抵他所犯的罪.

76、Wei Moon for the organization to the core of the Chinese women's volleyball firm control of the game, to forfeit to the breakdown of Malaysia's defensive positions. ─── 以魏秋月为组织核心的中国女排牢牢地掌控了比赛,兵不血刃地摧垮了马来西亚的防守阵地。

77、Yells: Cry for mercy! Your meaningless lives will soon be forfeit. ─── 哀求我高抬贵手吧!你那无意义的生命很快就会被没收!

78、"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? ─── 人就是赚得全世界、赔上了自己的生命、有甚麽益处呢。

79、If a team plays the match with five players: They forfeit one single game and one double game. ─── 如果一个队在比赛时只有五人出场,这个队的一个单人赛和一个双人赛不比就算输掉了。

80、Corporate restructuring often arises from the financial distress and the forfeit of debt-paying ability. ─── 企业重整的发生起因于公司发生财务困难,公司丧失了偿还债务能力,使公司濒临宣告破产的窘境。

81、Ecclesiastes Overview Part 5- What Good Is It For A Man To Gain The Whole World, Yet Forfeit His Soul? ─── 传道书总览五-人就是赚得全世界,赔上自己的生命,有什么益处呢?

82、If he is perceived otherwise he will forfeit the domestic support. ─── 如果人们发现他不是这样,他就会失去国内的支持。

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