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08-19 投稿


subterfuge 发音

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subterfuge 中文意思翻译



subterfuge 词性/词形变化,subterfuge变形


subterfuge 短语词组

1、subterfuge fortnite ─── 力量

2、subterfuge defined ─── 定义的诡计

3、subterfuge apk ─── 诡计

4、subterfuge #1 n. ─── 托词;借口;诡计n.(用说谎或欺骗以逃脱责备、困难等的)花招,遁词

5、subterfuge definition ─── 诡计定义

6、subterfuge define ─── 诡计定义

7、subterfuge means ─── 诡计意味着

8、subterfuge meaning ─── 潜义

subterfuge 相似词语短语

1、subtenure ─── 副腱

2、superfuse ─── v.浇盖

3、subterrenes ─── 亚铁烯

4、subterranes ─── n.下层;地下室,洞穴;表层下基岩

5、subterrane ─── n.下层;地下室,洞穴;表层下基岩

6、subterrene ─── 亚铁烯

7、subtrude ─── 粗鲁无礼。

8、subterfuges ─── n.托词;借口;诡计

9、subliterature ─── n.通俗文学;复印资料

subterfuge 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stempel, who was long gone when the plug was pulled, says there was no subterfuge involved. ─── 当时已离职很久的施佩尔表示,停止该项目没有任何托词。

2、And suddenly, in the space of two minutes she achieved her victory and justified herself to herself without lie or subterfuge, cut the cord forever. ─── 在短短两分钟的时间里,她立马取得了胜利,不是用撒谎,无需要花招,她就自我证明了自己行为的正当合理,鸡眼一劳永逸地被挖掉了。

3、the paltry subterfuge of an anonymous signature. ─── 签署假名的卑鄙逃避手段

4、Avoid any temptation to employ secrecy or subterfuge in your actions. ─── 得避免任何行动中运用诡计的行为,或是对你的行动过度保密。

5、Among the Shadow Lords, tyrannical alphas hold on to power and privilege through tenacity, deception and continual subterfuge. ─── 在阴影议员部族中,残暴的首领通过顽强、圈套和连续不断的欺骗牢牢的把握住权力和特别待遇。

6、A crafty stratagem; a subterfuge. ─── 诡计,计策巧妙的计策;花招

7、It was no subterfuge on her part. ─── 她所说的不是什么遁词。

8、2. It was no subterfuge on her part. She just lied in her throat and we all realized toe grossness of her false utterance. ─── 她所说的不是什么遁词。她简直是在撒弥天大谎。对她说假话之无耻程度,我们都是了解的。

9、charity is always concrete and specific,the abstract general charity is subterfuge of scoundrel,hypocrite and... ─── 2行善总是具体的、特定的;抽象的、笼统的行善是恶棍、伪君子和献媚者的托辞。

10、The Independents tried hard to swallow the wretched subterfuge ─── 独立党的党员们硬着头皮想把这一拙劣的托词信以为真。

11、Integration, he said, was "an insidious subterfuge, for the maintenance of white supremacy. " ─── 卡迈克尔说,融合是“阴险的诡计,用以维持白人至上的地位。”

12、The price of such subterfuge has been high. ─── 这种狡猾的手段让瑞银集团付出了巨大的代价。

13、In his experience, a little subterfuge always worked better than direct confrontation. ─── 以他的经验来看,耍些花招总比直接遭遇收效快。

14、Stempel , who was long gone when the plug was pulled, says there was no subterfuge involved. ─── 当时已离职很久的施佩尔表示,停止该项目没有任何托词。

15、Her claim to is a journalist is simply a subterfuge to get into the theatre without pay. ─── 她自称是记者, 这只是个看戏不买票的花招而已。

16、a political subterfuge ─── 政治手腕

17、he wasn't sick--it was just a subterfuge; the holding company was just a blind. ─── 他没病,这只是遁词;控股公司只是一个挡箭牌。

18、Dwarves shun theft and subterfuge, believing them to be dishonorable and demeaning. ─── 矮人避讳偷窃与诡计,认为这是不光彩和失体面的事。

19、Bane adopted cunning, subterfuge, and stealth as the fundamental tenets of the Sith order. ─── 班恩将狡诈、谎言和隐密作为西斯教派的基础宗旨。

20、Being a Dark Elf he was skilled in stealth and subterfuge, and being a mortal of Ashan the Demon Sovereign did not have to worry about complex rituals to keep him alive. ─── 作为一个黑暗精灵他精于隐秘和托词,而作为亚山世界的一员,恶魔大君不必操心让他继续(在地表)的复杂仪式。

21、Journalists often use subterfuge to obtain material for stories. ─── 记者常靠耍花招来获得报道材料。

22、Something intended to conceal the true nature, especially of an activity; a subterfuge. ─── 挡箭牌企图掩盖本质,尤指某活动的真实性质的事物;狡猾的逃避手段

23、This subterfuge makes for a far more pleasant view than that provided by vacant lots. ─── 虽然这花招使得空荡荡的土地看起来让人赏心悦目多了。

24、Her claim to be a journalist be simply a subterfuge to get Into the theatre without pay ─── 她自称是记者, 这只是个看戏不买票的花招而已

25、He was a free-will agent and he chose to do careful work, and if he failed, he took the responsibility without subterfuge. ─── 他是个自有主意的人,干活就要认真干好,没干好,他就承担责任,决不借故推诿。

26、Her claim to be a journalist was simply a subterfuge to get into the theatre without paying ─── 她自称是记者,这只是个看戏不买票的

27、When running for election, she uses the subterfuge of repudiating her opponents with pejorative comments about their abilities to comprehend the parameters of public policy. ─── 在竞选时,她使用贬损性的语言驳斥对手在对公共政策准则理解方面的无能。

28、the paltry subterfuge of an anonymous signature(bRobert Smith Surtees) ─── 签署假名的卑鄙逃避手段(b罗伯特 史密斯 瑟蒂斯)

29、and rage over this devious form of manipulation cannot surface in the child. because he does not see through the subterfuge. ─── 这个孩子对这种阴险手段不会表现出怨恨和愤怒的感情…因为他没有看穿他们的花招。

30、"Something intended to conceal the true nature, especially of an activity; a subterfuge." ─── 企图掩盖本质,尤指某活动的真实性质的事物;狡猾的逃避手段。

31、character Lucius Julius, named character, heir, command 0, influence 0, management 0, subterfuge 0, age 31, ,x 91, y 80 ─── (你可以在这里添加你现在可以使用的兵种,例如上边3种。注意:添加其他国家的或者目前不能使用的兵种可能导致错误)

32、We had to resort to a little harmless subterfuge to organize her birthday treat without her finding out about it. ─── 我们安排她的生日庆祝会得耍点小花招,才能不让她发现。

33、"the paltry subterfuge of an anonymous signature" (Robert Smith Surtees) ─── “签署假名的卑鄙逃避手段”(罗伯特·史密斯·瑟蒂斯)

34、European carping over the phraseology represented a mixture of hypocrisy and subterfuge ─── 欧洲在措词上找岔子的做法既虚伪又狡诈。

35、And the Independents tried hard to swallow the wretched subterfuge and pretend that they did not know what was the real reason of the absence of the abandoned creature whom they denominate their standard-bearer. ─── 独立党的党员们只好竭力听信这一拙劣的托词,假装不知道他们提名为候选人的这个放荡不羁的家伙未曾出席大会的真正原因。

36、, sun.Her talent for subterfuge lay hidden behind her sweet, serene smile.She beat them all. ─── 她脸上挂着甜甜的、圣洁的微笑,却出手老练、隐而不露,将他们统统打败。

37、Could the rumor about a Las Vegas show just be subterfuge to cover up the real purpose of their meetings? ─── 难道拉斯维加斯演出的消息是为了掩盖秘密会谈的真实目的?

38、A means of evading; a subterfuge. ─── 遁辞,借口逃避的方式;一种逃避手段

39、By Rees-Jones's account, after dinner Dodi announced his plan of subterfuge to avoid the paparazzi: Henri Paul would drive the couple to his apartment ─── 按照里斯-琼斯的叙述,饭后多迪宣布了他的伪装计划以便避开摄影记者,计划是:亨利·保尔将开车送他俩去他的公寓。

40、Her claim to be a journalist is simply a subterfuge to get into the theatre without pay. ─── 她自称是记者,这只是个看戏不买票的花招而已。

41、Distance is just a subterfuge. ─── 距离只是一个借口。

42、The Lurker focuses on spies, cloaks and subterfuge to devastate opponents. ─── 潜行者专注于使用间谍,掩饰,和诡计去摧毁敌人。

43、One who uses subterfuge, private influence, or underhand means to reach a goal. ─── 背后操纵者用诡计、私下影响或卑鄙手段达到目的的人

44、Something intended to conceal the true nature,especially of an activity;a subterfuge. ─── 挡箭牌企图掩盖本质,尤指某活动的真实性质的事物;狡猾的逃避手段

45、The consummate shapechanger, a doppelganger can bring entire kingdoms to ruin through duplicity and subterfuge without ever drawing a sword. ─── 作为伪装大师的变形怪无需舞刀弄剑,仅仅用谎言与诡计便可以摧毁国家。

46、no subterfuge on her part. ─── 她所说的不是什么遁词。

47、By Rees-Jones's account, after dinner Dodi announced his plan of subterfuge to avoid the paparazzi: Henri Paul would drive the couple to his apartment. ─── 按照里斯-琼斯的叙述,饭后多迪宣布了他的伪装计划以便避开摄影记者, 计划是:亨利·保尔将开车送他俩去他的公寓。

48、This subterfuge went on for weeks. ─── 这个借口持续了几个星期。

49、Her claim to be a journalist was simply a subterfuge to get into the theatre without paying. ─── 她自称是记者,这只是个看戏不买票的花招而已.更详细。

50、10.Those who engage in criminal activities under the subterfuge of religion shall be dealt with according to law, whether they are religious people or not. ─── 对于利用宗教搞违法犯罪活动的,中国政府都依法予以处理,不论他是宗教徒,或者不信宗教者。

51、Among the Shadow Lords, tyrannical alphas hold on to power and privilege through tenacity, deception and continual subterfuge. ─── 在阴影议员部族中,残暴的首领通过顽强、圈套和连续不断的欺骗牢牢的把握住权力和特别待遇。

52、No subterfuge, no camouflage, no alibis. ─── 没有借口,没有伪装,没有任何借口。

53、She was not sick; it was just a subterfuge. ─── 她没有生病;这只是她的推托之词。

54、Distance is just a subterfuge, ─── 距离只是一个借口,

55、But this attempt of his will certainly prove futile, if it is only a subterfuge and means no real change in policy. ─── 但是如果只是形式上的欺骗而无政策上的改变,他的这一企图必然徒劳无功。

56、All that trading and subterfuge is exhausting. ─── 所有这些交易和诡计都令人精疲力尽。

57、This text is an imaginative look into the world of oppression, resistance, and subterfuge within which the slaves lived, as well as historical analysis and abolitionist argument. ─── 正如李史学家和废奴主义者认为这个文本是对奴隶世界中压迫、反抗和妥协的想象之作。

58、Encryption, digital signature and digital watermark are three popular methods to prevent a wide variety of multimedia products from illegal copy or subterfuge attacks. ─── 中文摘要数位影音多媒体产品,可以透过加密,使用数位签章,或加入浮水印等方法来防止不法盗取行为。

59、It was no subterfuge on heR part. She just lied in heR throat and we all realized toe grossness of heR false utterance. ─── 她所说的不是什么遁词。她简直是在撒弥天大谎。对她说假话之无耻程度,我们都是了解的。

60、A trick; a subterfuge. ─── 诡计;花招

61、gain sth by subterfuge ─── 施诡计获得某事物.

62、Most people can see right through that type of subterfuge. ─── 大多数人一眼就能看穿这种遁词。

63、the paltry subterfuge of an anonymous signature(Robert Smith Surtees) ─── 签署假名的卑鄙逃避手段(罗伯特 史密斯 瑟蒂斯)

64、a subterfuge to get into the theatre without paying. ─── 她自称是记者, 这只是个看戏不买票的花招而已.

65、Of course, it’s a silly question, since if an admin were secretly responding to my mail, a question like this certainly doesn’t end the subterfuge. ─── 这个问法当然不算高明。要是我真的悄悄安排助理我回信,问这种问题也不会戳穿我的花招的。

66、Her claim to be a journalist is simply a subterfuge to get into the theatre without pay ─── 她自称是记者,这只是个看戏不买票的花招而已

67、Does it follow that one should keep silent about one's intention of education character, and act by ruse and subterfuge? ─── 那么,是否可由此断定人们应该闭口不谈培养品格的意图,而采取诡秘而圆滑些的行动呢?

68、The US has repeatedly denied it wants permanent bases in Iraq but one Iraqi source said: "This is just a tactical subterfuge. ─── 分析人士同时指出,这一计划同样会在美国国内产生政治危机。

69、She sat with five men at a table under an elm tree that shaded them from the hot sun. Her talent for subterfuge lay hidden behind her sweet, serene smile. ─── 当时她正和5个男人坐在一棵遮阳的榆树下桌子旁,她的脸上带着甜甜的、不露声色的微笑,把她会施诡计的本事藏了起来。

70、Every move has been a subterfuge。 ─── 所有的却步都是借口。

71、beguile, bluff, cajole, cozen, delude, devious, fleece, fraudulent, hoodwink, inveigle, outwit, subterfuge, swindler, wheedle. ─── 表“ 欺骗” 之意:

72、They forgave or overlooked U.S. foreign policy sins such as a coddled23 dictator in the Philippines, illegal invasions in Cambodia or deadly subterfuge in Laos. ─── 他们原谅了或放任了美国在外交政策上犯下的罪行,如在菲律宾纵容独裁者,在柬埔寨的非法入侵,或在老挝玩弄的致命花招。

73、If you are not explicit about form, aesthetics will operate by subterfuge. ─── 如果你对形式含含糊糊,美学将会是敷衍了事。

74、The spy used a clever subterfuge to get by the guard. ─── 那个间谍用非常巧妙的托词躲过了警卫的检查。

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